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Author Topic: WHY?
Member # 5

Icon 3 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
why? why are we at war? why did aircraft get
flown into buildings/ground? why has there been no one asking why? why do we assume that osoma bin shitbag is guilty? why would it not be anyone else? why, why, why!!!
how come there have been no accountability
or blame assesment handed out? how come the INS is not being " gutted " and " sweeping "
changes to our immigration laws not occuring?? why do they inact a group of laws
to " officalize " powers that have been abused to no end with prior administrations
without offering " proof " of how it would
have made a difference on september 11th?

how about some theories or other ideas on these questions. anyone?

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Member # 67

Icon 10 posted      Profile for BoondockSaint     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Because God hates you Steve.



Posts: 1845 | From: Chaska | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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very, very deep eric. thanks.
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Certain shitbags are afraid if we control people coming into the country too much that we will have another Hitler/ concentration camp thing going.

600 million people crossed our borders in the last year. 130 million were american...

That is a whole hell of a lot of aliens.
Some congressman/ governer (i forget) wants all non americans that enter the US to carry a charge card little id tag deal (ie: star of david) but way more advanced with id, finger prints, and personal info. Of course if this ever happens they will be faked just like any other document on earth.

For some reason a nice dark BRAND with a cattle poker on their ass would be more difficult to fake. Not that EVERYONE needs one of those.

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Posting God
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Shit-puddle countries and their squatters aren't afraid of us anymore.

I think we’re viewed as “softies” in the eyes of other countries because of all the “humanitarian” missions we’ve conducted, and of all the times that we’ve turned the other cheek. A couple of Tomahawks here and there is not “retaliation.”

Anyone that fucks with us to the extent on September 11, 2001 needs to be made a global example of – an EXTREME example. Death and destruction need to be redefined to levels even more shocking than NYC; even more shocking than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We can be compassionate, but DO NOT FUCK WITH US – EVER – EVER!!!!



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Seems like it was all downhill after WWII as far as allowing any random person from anywhere on Earth into our country and providing aid to any sad, down-on-its-luck country goes. Before that, we were pretty isolated and wanted to stay the hell out of both world wars at the beginning. Aparently after that, we felt we owed some great debt to the world for our "sins" during those world wars. Maybe the behavior has a lot to do with guilt, especially from dropping the A-bombs on Japan. I don't personally feel that it was a bad move at all. Japan would have fought us to their last troop and the war could have dragged on for years more. We did what we had to do to protect ourselves and stop that war before it destroyed everyone. Apparently we feel we need to save everyone and everything to make up for all that. In just over 55 years, where has it gotten us? It's time we said to hell with the rest of the world and started looking out for Number 1 again. Close the borders for a good while and let the melting pot simmer. There's a whole lotta people that have a whole lotta melting to do and it's time we stopped giving their "cause" momentum by bringing in more outsiders to alienate and attempt to change OUR culture and OUR way of life.
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Originally posted by BoondockSaint:
Because God hates you Steve.

God hates us all.....(Slayer)
I know probibly none of you are slayer fans, but this is ironic: Their new CD entitled "God Hates Us All" was released on September 11.....strange coincidence

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Slayer is still around?
Posts: 1845 | From: Chaska | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Posting God
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The 'War On Terrorism' And The World's Biggest Oil Discovery
By Ted Rall
San Francisco Chronicle

New York - Nursultan Nazarbayev has a terrible problem. He's the president and former Communist Party boss of Kazakstan, the second-largest republic of the former Soviet Union. A few years ago, the giant country struck oil in the eastern portion of the Caspian Sea. Geologists estimate that sitting beneath the wind-blown steppes of Kazakstan are 50 billion barrels of oil -- by far the biggest untapped reserves in the world. (Saudi Arabia, currently the world's largest oil producer, is believed to have about 30 billion barrels remaining.) Kazakstan's Soviet-subsidized economy collapsed immediately after independence in 1991. When I visited the then-capital, Almaty, in 1997, I was struck by the utter absence of elderly people. One after another, people confided that their parents had died of malnutrition during the brutal winters of 1993 and 1994.

Middle-class residents of a superpower had been reduced to abject poverty virtually overnight; thirtysomething women who appeared sixtysomething hocked their wedding silver in underpasses, next to reps for the Kazak state art museum trying to move enough socialist-realist paintings for a dollar each to keep the lights on. The average Kazak earned $20 a month; those unwilling or unable to steal died of gangrene while sitting on the sidewalk next to long- winded tales of woe written on cardboard.

Autocrats tend to die badly during periods of downward mobility. Nazarbayev, therefore, has spent most of the past decade trying to get his landlocked oil out to sea. Once the oil starts flowing, it won't take long before Kazakstan replaces Kuwait as the land of Mercedes-Benzs and ugly gold jewelry. But the longer the pipeline, the more expensive and vulnerable it is to sabotage. The shortest route runs through Iran, but Kazakstan is too closely aligned with the United States to offend it by cutting a deal with Tehran. Russia has helpfully offered to build a line connecting Kazak oil rigs with the Black Sea, but neighboring Turkmenistan has experienced trouble with the Russians -- they tend to divert the oil for their own use without paying for it. There's even a plan to run crude through China, but the proposed 5,300-mile-long pipeline would be far too long to prove profitable.

The logical alternative, then, is Unocal's plan, which is to extend Turkmenistan's existing system west to the Kazak field on the Caspian Sea and southeast to the Pakistani port of Karachi on the Arabian Sea. That project runs through Afghanistan.

As Central Asian expert Ahmed Rashid describes in his book "Taliban," published last year, the United States and Pakistan decided to install a stable regime in place in Afghanistan around 1994 -- a regime that would end the country's civil war and thus ensure the safety of the Unocal pipeline project. Impressed by the ruthlessness and willingness of the then-emerging Taliban to cut a pipeline deal, the State Department and Pakistan's Inter- Services Intelligence agency agreed to funnel arms and funding to the Taliban in their war against the ethnically Tajik Northern Alliance. As recently as 1999, U.S. taxpayers paid the entire annual salary of every single Taliban government official, all in the hopes of returning to the days of dollar-a- gallon gas. Pakistan, naturally, would pick up revenues from a Karachi oil port facility. Harkening back to 19th century power politics between Russia and British India, Rashid dubbed the struggle for control of post-Soviet Central Asia "the new Great Game."

Predictably, the Taliban Frankenstein got out of control. The regime's unholy alliance with Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network, their penchant for invading their neighbors and their production of 50 percent of the world's opium made them unlikely partners for the desired oil deal.

Then-President Bill Clinton's August 1998 cruise missile attack on Afghanistan briefly brought the Taliban back into line -- they even eradicated opium poppy cultivation in less than a year -- but they nonetheless continued supporting countless militant Islamic groups. When an Egyptian group whose members had trained in Afghanistan hijacked four airplanes and used them to kill thousands of Americans on September 11, Washington's patience with its former client finally expired.

Finally the Bushies have the perfect excuse to do what the United States has wanted to do all along -- invade and/or install an old-school puppet regime in Kabul. Realpolitik no more cares about the thousands of dead than it concerns itself with oppressed women in Afghanistan; this ersatz war by a phony president is solely about getting the Unocal deal done without interference from annoying local middlemen.

Central Asian politics, however, is a house of cards: every time you remove one element, the whole thing comes crashing down. Muslim extremists in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, for instance, will support additional terrorist attacks on the United States to avenge the elimination of the Taliban. A U.S.- installed Northern Alliance can't hold Kabul without an army of occupation because Afghan legitimacy hinges on capturing the capital on your own. Even if we do this the right way by funding and training the Northern Alliance so that they can seize power themselves, Pakistan's ethnic Pashtun government will never stand the replacement of their Pashtun brothers in the Taliban by Northern Alliance Tajiks. Without Pakistani cooperation, there's no getting the oil out and there's no chance for stability in Afghanistan.

As Bush would say, "make no mistake": this is about oil. It's always about oil. And to twist a late '90s cliche, it's only boring because it's true.

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Immigration Is The Problem - Punishing Americans Is Not the Solution...
By Paul Craig Roberts

Liberal-stifled patriotism, pent-up for decades, has burst forth in response to the events of September 11. It is in fashion again to be a proud American

Patriotism rallies people to the support of their country, granting government new and expanded powers to respond to terrorists. This is understandable, but a headlong rush is no way to make good decisions.

Anxious to strike back, the U.S. is focused on bombing Afghanistan, which has some abandoned terrorist training camps and a rag-tag militia. But the terrorists who threaten us are not hiding in Afghanistan. They are in the United States and Europe.

Ali Mohamed pleaded guilty to assisting in the terrorist conspiracy that blew up the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 7, 1998. Mohamed was a sergeant in the U.S. Army in a sensitive position at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Mohamed told the FBI that there were hundreds of “sleepers” in place in the U.S. who do not fit the terrorist profile and are not dependent on orders or financing from abroad. Trained and in place, the separate cells act at their own choosing.

Terrorism expert Simon Reeve recently told C-SPAN’s audience the same thing.

According to the FBI and to a report compiled by the Michigan police for the state legislature, most of the Muslim terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Al Gamat, are present in Michigan, which, thanks to former Republican Senator Spencer Abraham, is home to the largest Arab population outside the Middle East.

The police report says, “Southeast Michigan is known as a lucrative recruiting area and potential support base for terrorist groups.”

Chasing after the Taliban halfway around the world will have no effect on the “sleepers” who represent the real threat to Americans.

Neither will the new money laundering laws. The members of terrorist cells are not dependent on Bin Laden for money. They support themselves with jobs, crime, and with funds raised by religious and charitable organizations. According to the police report, the terrorists raise enough money in the U.S. to support terrorist operations abroad.

Capturing Bin Laden and destroying the Taliban will have no significant effect on the terrorist network that has been made possible by none other than U.S. immigration policy.

The result of U.S. immigration policy, supported by Democrats and Republicans alike, is the destruction of the national identity of the United States and the creation in its place of a multicultural tower of Babel that has no common values or interests.

The attack on American national identity has been remarkably successful. Through immigration, the U.S. imports a million or more hyphenated-Americans every year. Thanks to U.S. civil rights policy, the various hyphenated-Americans have group rights as “preferred minorities” at the expense of native-born white citizens. These group rights foster exclusiveness and prevent assimilation.

It is no longer possible to speak the truth in the U.S. if a “preferred minority” finds the truth to be “offensive.” Arab-American spokespersons in Michigan found the police report about the terrorists in their midst to be offensive, prompting Michigan Democratic Representative David E. Bonior to damn the report as “character assassination, the kind of thing that went on during the McCarthy era.”

Washington politicians, dependent on hyphenated-American interest groups, will block any effort to deal with the terrorists in our midst and continue to distract the public by bombing distant Afghanistan.

The new airport security measures illustrate political correctness at its worst. The measures fail to focus on the small group of potential terrorists. Instead the measures treat everyone as a potential terrorist.

Nothing better illustrates the total lack of protection in airport “security” than the spectacle of non-U.S. citizens and persons of Middle Eastern origin searching the personal effects of native-born blue-eyed blond mothers traveling with small children.

Such indiscriminate screening is a clear indication that the new FBI spy powers will be applied far more widely than to obvious suspects.

The new terrorism powers have yet to have any impact on terrorists, but they are already taking a heavy toll on high school students and pranksters.

Everyone knows that teenagers and even adults handle fear and stress by making jokes. But two Mosley High School students in Panama City, Florida, who put Sweet’N Low in the coin-return of a cafeteria snack machine, face ten years in prison for “creating fear.” Two other students have been arrested for giving classmates envelopes containing baking soda as a Halloween prank.

President Bush has declared pranks by Americans to be “a serious criminal offense,” and Attorney General John Ashcroft has responded by throwing the book at a Maryland man who, as a practical joke, sprinkled white talcum powder on the desk of a co-worker.

The U.S. government, unable to tell real enemies from pranksters, is demanding life in prison for the offender--the same punishment given by a race conscious minority jury to the Muslim terrorists who blew up the two U.S. embassies, murdering 214 people and injuring thousands.

Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge assures us, “We are going to go after these people.” He means pranksters, not terrorists.

The war against terrorism has become a war against our own people.

The FBI is delighted with this turn of events. It is a lot easier and safer to arrest teenagers for pranks than to root out dangerous terrorists.

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Dammit, that's all I need. No pranks. And I had some good ideas, too! Like, tune a car to backfire loudly and drive near crowds. All kinds of silly stuff. Dang!

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what do you think????

Who Benefits?
The question no one dares to ask!
by William Cooper

Veritas News Service - Exclusive, September 15, 2001 -- Who benefits from the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks? I can tell you that no Arab nation benefits. I can tell you that no Muslim benefits. So why would any of them mount an attack that even the most stupid idiot fanatic in the world would understand to be the instrument of the absolute condemnation and alienation of his cause by all humanity?

Like most Americans I looked to the Arab world for the source of the attack, Not because it was the most obvious solution, but because I have been programed by the media to look only in that direction. I did not look elswhere until stories appeared that set alarm bells ringing. Are we being deceived and manipulated? Who benefits from these attacks?

Questions that remain unanswered from the first World Trade Center Attack.

1. Who is Josie Hadas?

2. Where is Josie Hadas?

3. What was the cargo that Josie Hadas hired Mohammad Salameh to move?

4. Why have the police and the media not explicitly reported that bomb related wiring, instruction sheets and traces of explosives were found in the apartment of Josie Hadas and not in the apartment of Mohammad Salameh?

5. Why did Mohammad Salameh go to the police station twice to make a report of the theft of the van if he was a terrorist?

6. Why did Mohammad Salameh go to the Ryder van rental agency twice to collect a paltry $400.00 if he was a terrorist? Why did he rent the van in his own name if the use was to be a bombing?

7. Why did Mohammad Salameh not run away or try to hide if he was guilty?

8. Why was Mohammad Salameh's link to a given mosque so important while other criminals, such as Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Oliver North, Mike Milken, and most others were never linked to their religious affiliation or the church they attended.

8. What was the real role of the FBI in the bombing?

9. What was the role of the CIA in the lives of those accused?

Points to ponder about the second World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.

1. Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said, "There is such a taboo on suicide in Islam, it is completely prohibited in Islam, that we find it inconceivable that somebody would invoke the name of God and then commit some act that is totally opposed to the faith."

2. The video of Palistinians in the streets celebrating news of the attacks was made at around noon according to visible shadows. At the time the video was shot it had to have been near or after sunset in that part of the world. Therefore the video could not have been shot on the day or at the time claimed.

3. Devout Muslims who would be willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause do not frequent bars and do not ever drink alchoholic beverages.

4. A devout Muslim would not take a copy of his holy book the Quran to a bar and leave it behind when he left after spending an evening drinking, participating in lapdances, and bragging about pending bloodshed to take place the following day. Who is so stupid that they would believe this?

5. Men who have been so careful during 5 years of planning, training, and careful preparations that never allowed even one leak do not brag the night before their mission that they are going to cause violence and bloodshed the following day, using credit cards with their correct names, allowing drivers licenses with photos to be xeroxed, nor do they spread incriminating evidence around like popcorn.

6. A devout Muslim on the way to his death would not leave his holy Quran in a parked car. He would take it with him.

7. According to news accounts the perpetrators planned the attack as long ago as 5 years, trained to carry out the attack, pulled it off without a hitch, and no information regarding the attack was ever leaked to anyone.

8. Reference #7. Now someone wants us to believe that these were a bunch of drunken fools who shot pistols in their homes, braggarts, who spoke of impending violence and bloodshed to everyone they met and left incriminating evidence everywhere. We are supposed to believe that by some incredible miracle they escaped the notice of every law enforcement and intelligence agency in the entire world. Now read #7 again.

9. Why did the hi-jackers force passengers to call relatives?

10. They were able to hi-jack 4 large commercial jets full of passengers without any problem.

11. They were able to deviate from the flight plan and crash into their targets without any effort from law enforcement or the military to stop them.

12. The simultaneous hi-jackings of 4 large commercial jet aircraft did not alert anyone to the possibility of the impending attacks.

13. Despite the evidence of wreckage strewn over several miles in Pennsylvania and the testimony of eye witnesses the government still denies that Flt-93 was shot down by an F-16 fighter aircraft that was identified as having flown for many miles alongside and behind the hi-jacked plane. Reference the links to the CNN Transcript and the link F-16 Fighter below:

14. Within an hour of the attacks the FBI knew the names, addresses, flight schools they had attended, the aquaintences of the suspects, and had begun a nationwide roundup... yet they cannot find Chandra Levy nor can they say what happened to Jon Benet Ramsey. Pretty strange don't you think?

So who benefits? The answer is obvious and very disturbing. Everyone in the oil business will benefit, especially the Bush family and their business partners. Everyone in the defense industrial complex will benefit. The United Nations will benefit. The State of Israel will benefit bigtime. Tyranny in the name of security will benefit and rule over the American People. And don’t be surprised if many Patriots and politically incorrect Americans begin to disappear overnight like the Jews and Gypsys in Nazi Germany.

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Posting God
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Read the last sentence and then read this:

Militia Broadcaster Killed By Law Officers
By Mark Shaffer
The Arizona Republic 11-07-01

EAGER - One of the country's most influential militia radio broadcasters was killed early today in a hail of gunfire when law officers tried to arrest him on a warrant accusing him of aggravated assault.

William Milton Cooper, 58, whose apocalyptic, constitutionalist shortwave radio programs were a major influence on Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, was shot to death after Cooper shot and critically wounded an Apache County sheriff's deputy who had tried to arrest him, police said.

The officer, Robert Marinez, 40, was listed in critical condition at St Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix.

Apache County Sheriff Brian Hounshell said Martinez, a former Marine and Persian Gulf War veteran, was shot twice in the head by what was believed to be a .45-caliber pistol.

The officer is expected to survive, Hounshell said, after undergoing two hours of surgery this morning. Marinez's skull was fractured, and surgeons removed bone fragments from near his brain, the sheriff said.

Cooper had been indicted on federal charges of failing to pay taxes from 1992 to 1994 and became a fugitive after failing to appear for a U.S. District Court hearing in Phoenix three years ago.

Scott Garms, Eagar's police chief, said he had urged federal law officers to stay away from Cooper's two-story compound, high on a mesa overlooking Round Valley, because militia group members do not recognize the legitimacy of federal law officers.

"We certainly didn't want to make him a martyr," Garms said.

The police chief said the effort to arrest Cooper became a local law enforcement matter in July after Cooper ordered a local man to leave land that Cooper did not own atop the mesa and then followed the man about two miles to his home. Cooper then pulled a gun and pointed it at the man's face, Garms said. That resulted in a warrant for Cooper's arrest.

Seventeen officers were involved in the operation, which started at 11:40 p.m. Monday, Garms and Hounshell said.

Garms said a group of undercover officers in a pickup truck pretended to be "people just acting normal up there at night" in a ruse to draw Cooper out of his house to adjoining property 200 yards away. But Cooper surprised the officers by driving, not walking, to them, and he never left the vehicle during a verbal altercation.

During that confrontation, a second undercover police vehicle drove to Cooper's property line and blocked the road, Garms said. But on the way back to his house, Cooper drove off the side of the road and tried to run over sheriff's Sgt. Steve Brown, who dived out of the way, Hounshell said.

Cooper then parked his vehicle in front of his house, and Marinez followed him toward his front door while admonishing him to surrender, Hounshell said. Near the door, Cooper turned and fired an undetermined number of rounds at Marinez, who was wearing a bulletproof vest but no helmet, Hounshell said, adding that officers had not seen Cooper's handgun before he fired it.

At that point, another sheriff's deputy who had been at the side of Cooper's home, approached Cooper and opened fire. Hounshell said he did not know where or how many times Cooper was struck, saying a state Department of Public Safety shooting-review team had been dispatched to the site. Hounshell declined to identify the officer.

Cooper had said numerous times on his radio show, Hour of the Time, and posted on his Web site, that he had been under siege by "Nazi jackbooted thugs." He also had solicited donations for what he said was his fight against the U.S. government, which he said was responsible for the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

"He had vowed that he would not be taken alive," said Tom McCombs, a spokesman for the U.S. Marshal's Service in Phoenix.

Garms said Cooper's radio show had been off the air for about a month because of a shortage of money. But in one of his last programs, Garms said, Cooper had accused the federal government of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.

Glenn Jacobs, a Round Valley newspaper publisher and friend of Cooper, said he didn't think the police operation was unjustified.

"I think Bill just went nuts. He was looking for martyrdom anyway and swore he would never surrender," Jacobs said. "They had him dead to rights on the aggravated assault."

Jacobs also said that if the sheriff's deputies had allowed Cooper to enter his house, "they would have had a bloodbath on their hands."

"He kept an AK-47 just inside his front door by a magazine rack," Jacobs said.

A spokesman for a group that tracks militias said the shooting wasn't surprising given Cooper's history. In addition to his show, he was known within the militia movement for an influential book called Behold a Pale Horse, in which he wrote about global elites and conspiracies.

"For more than 3 1/2 years, he had been holed up in his house in Eagar, threatening to kill police officers and federal agents," said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. "He was talked about as a guy who talked crazy and made a lot of threats. The reality is that people like him are frequently exceedingly dangerous."

James Nichols, brother of Oklahoma bombing co-defendant Terry Nichols, said during a 1996 court proceeding that McVeigh had been a regular listener of Cooper's programs in the months leading up to the Murrah bombing.

Nelson Udall, an Eagar repairman and friend of Cooper, also said that McVeigh had paid a personal visit to Cooper two months before the bombing, when Cooper was broadcasting his show from his home at the time in St. Johns.

Cooper, who said he served in the Navy in intelligence operations aboard submarines, also was heavily involved in discussions of unidentified flying objects on his radio programs.

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Posting God
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I haven't read any of Coopers' books, but this article oozes character attacks. The last four paragraphs basically paint him as a crazy crackpot who believed in UFOs.

Was there anything in any of the "main-stream" controlled media about this? If there was, did they paint the same picture of Cooper as this article? I couldn’t find anything on CNN, Fox, or ABC’s websites.

The timing of this is very convenient also. Maybe they’ll pin the anthrax on him or someone close to him. I see a government abduction that turned into an assassination.

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" behold a pale horse ".

he wrote that, ive read it. and im reading it again.

there have been many people that claimed his books to be nothing more than a collection of plagerisms. on the other hand, there are many who respect him, his writings, what he had to say on his radio show, and his belifes in family, america, and freedom.

he was just one more person who
claims to know about things that the normal,
brain-washed subject wouldnt know anything about, or even be able to loosen there mind up a bit in order to get a different perspective on things. i am not saying that anything he wrote is un-questionable truths,
but there is an irony about him, and others writing and speaking about the same things....

there has not been anything in the " main streem " about this, not that ive seen....
but who am i???? just some idiot, with no education, too much free time, internet access, any undying thirst to question EVERYTHING, unwilling to accept everything
presented to me as " the truth ", VERY opinionated, and hated by those around me for speaking my mind, not pulling any punches, and calling a spade, a fucking spade.

[This message has been edited by cramer (edited 11-08-2001).]

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