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Creamator posted a list of toys on this site in the "so-called election" area.

I like the idea of having a H&K .45 USP SS
at my side with laser sighting.
But none of those beats a 7mm magnum at 100-200 yards in the hands of a sniper with a high powered scope. None but the best kevlar in the world would stop that round inside of 100 yards.

So first ya gotta get to me.


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Hell's Blacksmith
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Actually I agree, the 7mm Mag. is on my list of guns to get! Deadly accurate and powerful, excellent combo. Though if I win the lottery I will get a Barett .50 BMG...
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Rundown why don't you use Chadwick anymore?
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Rotor Head
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Klaus why don't you use Bighead anymore?
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Well, here we go... Sounds like the fuckin' anti-christ (Al Gore) whined loud enough to get his little minions (6 democrats, 1 independent) on the FL Supreme Court to agree to let the "recounts" stand and extend the deadline yet again. Which basically means corrupt counties like Dade where the mayor of Miami was tossed four years ago for election fraud get to interpret the ballots however they want. And Martin, what're you doing down there anyway? You're pregnant, dimpled and swinging and you're really making things difficult! Why didn't the supreme court rule on how to read these ballots if they're going to allow the hand counts? These counties cannot be trusted to do this fairly.

Your right to (not) own guns is already a foregone conclusion but when that facist ass steals the election, be prepared to turn in your vocal cords too. Enjoy this forum while it's still allowed (and while its admin is still a free man). And while your right to "vote" may still be intact, your right to have the candidate with the most votes win the election is obviously already a thing of the past. Never mind that document that guys like Thomas Jefferson & George Washington helped write, the liberals don't like and apparently they know better than the afformentioned two gentlemen who built this country from the trenches of war up.

What I really want to know is why no one can find out how someone managed to make George W's 50,000 vote lead disappear in literally, a matter of hours? Several very credible sources have confirmed that something like that is virtually a statistical impossibility. I just hope someone uncovers the truth before it's too late and the anti-christ is firmly planted in the white house. Welcome to the People Republic of the United States of America.

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Posting God
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Read the article here:

It has been speculated that this entire election cluster fuck has been orchestrated as a means to allow the New World Order’s One World Government to take complete and silent control of the US. By allowing the NWO sympathizer Al Gore to become president we will loose our national sovereignty. Not to say that electing George W. would be any better. There are forces working behind the scenes, at every level, within our government to see that this becomes a reality. This isn’t some paranoid “conspiracy theory.” During the last eight years Clinton has passed more executive orders in regards to FEMA and national emergencies than any other president. Could this election (or the possible civil uprising after the results) constitute a national emergency? Some of these executive orders were enacted to illegally and silently chisel away our constitutional rights. All of our constitutional rights would be suspended in the event of the president declaring a national emergency. The ideals of the NWO are not some euphoric, “Star Trek”-like, global alliance to harbor peace, personal freedoms, and civil rights. The One World Government would like to see us unarmed and weak, much like in Nazi Germany or the (Peoples’ – yeah, right) Republic of China. This will happen unless the people of this once-great nation stop it. Unfortunately as a population we are divided on nearly every issue (be it politics, religion, or even food preferences.) This is good for the NWO – divide and conquer. George Orwell may only have been off my 17 years...

Stock up on guns, ammo, and food. Formulate a contingency plan for when the shit hits the fan. I think things are going to get interesting...

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Rotor Head
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Im finding this whole thing disconcerting. Not only do we have a state supreme court that at first seemed like it had good intentions, then fell into the current trend of overusing and abuising its power. Its also very fitting that the only person in that stat that seems to be able to make a rational decision is a woman. And it's very ironic how she got completely overrulled. Not to mention the fact that my name is associated with illeagal vote hunting. Now, if the ballot has the slightest marking near gore's punch number it should be counted as a vote for him, even if it is punched for bush clearly. "Oh look this ballot has a crease in its upper left corner that is at an angle of 30 degrees to the top of the gore punch hole. This voter must have really wanted to vote for gore!"
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Posting God
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Florida has been the epicenter of too many controversies this year. That refugee Cuban brat and now this voting shit. Nuke the icecaps and let the sea level rise! Fuck that place and everything it stands for! Move NASA to a different state (NM) and let the rest of it sink to the bottom of the sea! Better yet, fuck anything and everything on the Atlantic coast! Both coasts! FUCK IT ALL! GOD DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!

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Rotor Head
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I think a good therapy session is in order. What say we all meet at applebee's or greenmill tonight and undergo some liquid therapy in the form of tall cold LHW.

Celebrate the short week.
And the even shoter threds of sanity.

Anyone Game?

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Hell's Blacksmith
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Back to guns...
There is a magazine I subscribe to that is definitely worth the bucks: Gun Tests
It's the Consumer Reports for guns: no advertising, if a gun sucks shit, they'll tell you.
No website; subscriptions: (800) 829-9084 or

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Posting God
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I found a great website that sells ammo for CHEAP! Mail order with credit cards and no shipping!
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Posting God
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Almost forgot: Gun show Saturday, Dec 2 9-5, Sunday, Dec 3 9-3 at Apache Plaza. $3.00 at door. Bring your checkbooks and permits!

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Posting God
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Go here and order your gas masks and other survival supplies:

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Posting God
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From Mr. SC:

Currently the constitution, that EVERY elected official is sworn in to uphold, is being systematically destroyed by the left and there is no evidence to prove this otherwise..

For over 50 years, the liberal politicians, when not able to push there agendas through the system via the house/senate/executive branches, have fallen back on the judicial branch to force there ideas on a unwilling and lied to electorate, through interpretations of the rules of law. Nowhere in the founding fathers mentality was there any provisions for the laws that bind the good people together, to be applied in such a way to not have constancy. Everyone was to adhere to the same code of conduct. Having the courts decide eveything will lead to nothing more than judicial activism, which, in the past, is the only way that the left has been able to get there ideas to be applied. Liberalism has no ground rules that apply to it, only feelings, and what’s perceived to be better for the good of all. They are consumed by the need of having power and nothing will stand in their way, especially not an election. The country was not founded in liberalism, it was founded on the belief of personal freedom and liberty, and these are two things that the left will not ever support.

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Posting God
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Another from Mr. SC:

The standards change again.

But for the left its just business as usual. Does anyone remember impeachment?

Only through judicial/jury activism, can the liberals get there fundamentally flawed ideas ram-rodded through, to destroy the very things we, as Americans consider sacred...liberty, freedom, justice.

Again, as proved over and over again, the liberals will not respect the laws
that are needed for this great republic to remain in order. Clearly it is not their intent to respect the laws, or respect any portion of law that will not represent their side in the pursuit of there goals. The left has not respected the constitution or the rights of honest people for years, and nothing has presented itself to think that they ever had the " will of the people " in mind when any decisions have been made.

For years, only through the court system, has the agenda of liberalism been able to be "forced" on to the unwilling recipients of the United States of America. Too many Supreme Court cases, federal and state level, present themselves as proof. Only through deceitful practices, using people, criminals, the elderly, and now children, as pawns in there game, are they able to scare up support through doomsday rhetoric, to get there ideas shoved down our throats. People who oppose this form of "activism" are regarded as uncaring and hateful.

Lets look at why, we who accept responsibility for our actions don't look for government handouts. We have jobs, have gone to school, made personal sacrifices, to get where we
are today. We do not need to have rules passed to tell us the difference between right and wrong. We do not need the government, or any off-chute of said group, to regulate how we raise our children, nor do we want any interference in our homes, where we live. Being respectable people, we can take care of our own, and others in the community. We do not need a program stipulating how or when we need to do things, or take care of ourselves.

These things are clearly spelled out in the constitution, but only one side seems to respect the rule of law, which only stands to further the gap between people who want to live there life free, and those who would rather be a serf.


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There was an interesting discussion on the Jason Lewis Show on KSTP last night. I only caught parts of it but the guest he had on was an author who is in the process (I think) of writing a book uncovering a scandal whereby the Chinese government allegedly influenced (the word used was "bought") the 1996 presidential election. It involved the Chinese funding the democratic campaing to ensure the democrats retained office so the Chinese could push their socialist / communist agendas in the US. He had stated that he was able to confirm such a conspiracy did happened but full details of it will probably not be known for several years. Maybe the Chinese are behind all those votes for Bush disappearing in FL? Hmmmm.....
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Sir Spitalot

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ever wonder whats really going on in this country? has anyone ever sat and thought about that?

at what point in american history did the elected officials stop respecting the laws that they took an oath and swore to uphold?

who was the first american offical to defy all respect for the rule of law?

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Posting God
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"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution inevitable." President John F Kennedy
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Unless you have substantial ordinace to back your veiws, perhaps you shouyld rethink your cause. Perhaps you should start knitting. With perhaps 200 or 300 guns and sevral thousand rounds per a weapon you are useless as 70 year old with out his Viagra perscription.
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Posting God
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So then Fargo, your recommendation would be to sit back and be complacent? To let our freedoms and liberties be taken away from us in the name of passiveness? Is that how this great country was started? NO! When they come to take away our last freedoms you can be the first to step up and hand them over like a good citizen. The rest of us will be forming coalitions of like-minded people, with well over 200-300 guns. It’s people with your mindset that have allowed the legislature and courts to treat law abiding citizens like common criminals - by taking away and limiting our constitutional rights.
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Posting God
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GUN SHOW - Saturday, December 16th - Excel Energy Center. Don't know times or cost. Bring your checkbooks, credit cards, and permits.

Also, bring some mace and rotten vegetables to throw at all the protesters hanging out with Fargo near the entrance.

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Hispanic Mechanic
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why don't you shut them down with poop?
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How was that show McCracken? I did a little perusing on one of my breaks but since I don't have that permit required to exercise my 2nd Ammendment right, I didn't get to buy anything. I wonder if the St. Paul Arena Company has a policy about buying firearms while on the clock....?
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Posting God
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The gun show was great! There were a lot more tables than the one at Apache Plaza. I would have liked to win the lottery and went back to get a tommy gun for $14,000. There was a guy selling small cannons too.

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Posting God
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Finally, A Sensible Gun Registration Plan:

Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as well as Vermont's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.

Maslack recently proposed a bill to register non-gun owners and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun.

Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second Amendment as not only affirming the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as a clear mandate to do so. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals.

Vermont's constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise".

Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.

Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state - it's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation.

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Hell's Blacksmith
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I've noticed that Chinese SKS prices have come back down to ~$120.
If you don't have a "fun" gun, pick one of these up! 20, 30 and 75 rnd clips/drums available and ammo is only ~$80 for 1000 rds.
Add a custom stock for comfort and pull the trigger as fast as you can: instant fun!

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Hey Ive got a Ruger P-94 (pistol) that shoots a 40 S&W round. The damn thing only came with one clip (or so the dealer claims). Anyone know any good sites for aftermarket clips (preferably exteded capacity) I'd go through Ruger but I think they'll be a little more expensive. Im comfortable with no-name brands.
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Please don't keep saying "the left".
In reality those on the left, anarchists, hippies socialists, labor unionists et al, are interested in many of the same issues that you are. We are trying no to lose our liberty to some great over-arching monster corporation/ government. The real evil is not the right or the left, it is the damn middle of the roaders. Clinton, damn middle of the road sell-out. Bush, more of the same. I am an Anarchist vegetarian. But I can shoot the head off a fly at 100 yards with no scope, and I believe in less government not more. I don't like cops, I don't like corporations having more rights than people. I don't like anyone taking apart our bill of rights. Dem Repub. whatever. hang em all. They are all owned by some corp.

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Rotor Head
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Im sorry but u sure came to the wrong site trying to bring the ultra left in with the ultra right. First of all we are at the top of the f'n food chain and meat tasts good. But on a more sireous note. Im not going to get way into it but promoting an anti cop message on this web site is a bad idea. There are two professions in this country that i will always give the utmost respect. Law enforcement and the military. It is because of them that YOU and I have what we have in our freedoms and safety. And having a good friend being a police officer is not the only reason.

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Po Po
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Well, where do I start. Obviously I need to read this more often but that shouldn't be a problem now that I have a WORKING COMPUTER. Thanks Klaus for the help.

Thank you Chad! Jomama please-PLEASE sell your Ruger. No offense dude but they just arn't good weapons. Sell it add 100 or 200 and get a decent gun. I say a Glock or SIG. Just my 2cents worth.

If you really need new MAGAZINES try Bills gun shop in Lilydale or the gun shop on 48 and chicago in MPLS.

As for calaveras, why don't you like cops. Unless your a criminal I can't see any valid reason for disliking cops. Oh, wait you could be a far leftist then you wouldn't like the police. Leftist/Criminal, hmmm.

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Hell's Blacksmith
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Jomamason: On the web you can try the site is hard to navigate, so have them send you a catalog.
If you want hi-cap clips, mikey is right: go for Glock. If you want an EXCELLENT .40, might I suggest the HK USP: damn accurate.

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Hey mikey, I understand that your a glock fan, But Ive shot those, the sig, and the S&W sigma, and I just dont like plastic pistols (one exception, a glock .40 S&W with a ported barrel that my friend has but way too $$$$$$ for me). An its not that I think the plactic makes it cheap or anything, I dont like the way they feel in your hand and the way they kick, way too light in my opinon. What dont you like about rugers (like to hear your thoughts on this). Ive had mine for less than a year and put quite a few rounds through it an had no probs, never jammed once or anything. Most of all I can shoot pretty acurate with it. Are you saying ruger in general or just their pistols. Cause the 10/22 and their .223 and .22-250 models are very tried an true throughtout the west. This wont be my only pistol purchase, its just what I could afford at the time, an I got a good deal on it,but it was $300 so theres no way I can sell it for what you suggest, its brand new. I just cant afford those other brands quite yet. My next purchase Im planning on will prob be a wheel gun, a .41 or a .44, for Grizzley country (mabey a sawed off side-by-side too when I get to Alaska). Anyway, thanks about the cheaper than dirt site, I forgot about them an but have previously bought a mag extention for my Rem 870 (9-rounds, pretty bad ass for the price). Will get a new cataloge from them, but let me tell ya the worst customer service I have ever experienced. You just flat out cant call the place on the phone, will never get through. Must be busy but thats really not a good excuese.
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Hell's Blacksmith
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My biggest complaint about Ruger (and this goes for Taurus too) is trigger pull and break. Otherwise I haven't really heard many complaints about Ruger (and I highly suggested Ruger wheelguns: great prices, very accurate).
I'll agree with you on the initial feel of plastic grips, but once you're used to it, you never notice it. I actually like wooden grips the least...

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Im not talking grips though. Im talking full on composite pistols. They're just so light they seem to kick a lot more. At least thats how Ive felt when I shot them.
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Hell's Blacksmith
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Yep, they do kick a little more. I guess it depends on what you are doing with them. Mikey I would assume to like the lighter guns as he has to carry them around all day long. My thing has always been grip feel and size; some pistols have handles that are just too small for me(Beretta and Ruger SA).
If you know a good gunsmith and have the money, you can have your gun ported to reduce the kick... The only disadvantage to the heavier guns is arm fatigue. Speaking of which, ever shot the Mangun (.50 Desert Eagle)?

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I doubt whether I could actually pick the damn thing up. The .50's about as long as my forarm. But I do like the gun thats for sure. I almost bought a baby eagle (or something like that) it was chambered for 9mm or .40 S&W and made by UZI but imported and marketed by Magnum research but then my friend (who has a FFL) said it was quite heavy for its size.
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Hell's Blacksmith
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Does anyone have any good places to get holsters? I have a nylon shoulder harness for the Mangun but you cannot tie down the holster side, so when I go to draw it, it flips up and is awkward to remove. Brick-and-mortar or Online, doesn't matter...
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So Cremator do you have a .50 desert eagle, or are you talking .44 magnum. No info on a holster for the .50 DE but if your talkin wheel gun then I've seen some cool cowboy originals that tie to your leg, cabellas is one place.
Also at the onset of this topic in the forum "GUNS" you guys were talking 7mm magnum. Another good one being used out west even more now-a-days for big game, mainly elk, carabou, moose, and some of the smaller inland Grizz is the 300 winchester magnum. Very nice gun, and for those who cant afford a bunch of rifles this one can be downloaded to the point where it could be used to shoot deer too. As long as your not sneaking it to 50 yards that is. I'd like to see what that does to a kevlar vest at 200 yards.

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Hell's Blacksmith
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Yup, I have a Desert Eagle in .50AE. Wiped out my savings two years ago because I just had to have it ($1100).
.300 WinMag is another one I am considering to purchase, but at this point I haven't made up my mind (nor saved the cash). I do plan on trying my SKS hunting this Fall...

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Wow, Betcha that .50 DE cost about $5 a shot. Thats a sweet gun though, Do you reload your own yet. Does anyone else even make a gun that fires that round.
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