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Author Topic: Sick of it all
Poo Master
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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Trany   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
You can't fly without some half crazed towel head crashing the plane. And now you can't take the greyhound. We have crazies both foreign and domestic, yet we can't do a thing about them. What are the going to do next? Sink a cruise ship in the FL keys? Launch an Amtrak into a river. My solution is to get a big ole' school bus. I will outfit it to a mad maxesq road warrior machine. I will not allow passengers, and I will have beyond my fair share of weapons. The first place I am driving is Mexico. For some tequila, donkey shows, and to kick some chulupa's ass. Then its time to wage an all out assault on Canada. When our neighbors are dealt with I am going to conquer south and Central America. That will allow me to fill my bus of destruction to the brim with grade A pure Columbian Coke. When I can gather a small army of followers its of to Africa. Ten minuets after landing the whole continent is conquered. Now at this point Europe is probably the next best target. The Nazi's invaded and captured almost every country there in a 2 years. There to busy making cheese and bread to notice there country has been invaded. Now its time to travel to the country formerly known as the USSR, these people will overthrow their own government for a few pesos. The Middle East is next. It is going to be tough but if just kill the camels, there is no way they will procreate. India is F'd too. Our little yellow friend to the east are getting napalmed. I just love the way it sticks to women and children, almost like a dog with shit in its fur. Then its time to mop up any opposing and surviving country. Then I am coming home to drink a few beers and go to bed. I'll wake up the next morning realizing that we have rid most of the world from the problems.
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
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oooookkaaaayyyyyyy trany

are you sure your keeping up with your meds?

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Posting God
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I'm betting on the cruise ship. After the WTC and 4 planes (rumor has it there was going to be as many as 12 hijacked that day) a cruise ship would seem to be a pretty easy target with lots of innocent victims. Maybe not sink it (after all they have life boats, and I think all the sharks are full from this summer...) but poison it with something that takes about 2-3 weeks to show symptoms and after that is very contagious. (TB?) That way it spreads to everyone after they get back on shore. We’ve already heard about the NBC threat.

If they don’t do something large-scale, they’ll probably start suicide bombing shit (the holidays are coming up and we’ve all heard that we have to buy-buy-buy to save the economy.) They’ll murder 30+ people at a time in a number of public places until everyone is scared to do anything. Recession through terror, civil-unrest through recession, marshal law through civil-unrest. Welcome to the NWO.

More doom & gloom. You're welcome.

[This message has been edited by P_McCracken (edited 10-03-2001).]

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Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
New World Order.

is everyone ready to become loyal subjects??
its only a matter of time.

FEMA has in place, everyting needed to replace the constitution, and the " servants"
needed to do the " dirty " work.
oliver north spoke about this during the
iran-contra affairs.

the chain of events dont realy seem to be that far from the realm of reality now do they???

i guess that government " medication "
might make the effects of this less, but im
still not ready to be enslaved in government
work camps.

ok joe,or " big brother" and " little brother"..... fire away...lets have it.

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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Jomamason     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
No, no, no. I tend to agree with you whole-heartidly. But I thought Pfaff was the conspiricy "crack-pot", not you????? I don't exactly think that we'll be moved to camps or anything that drastic/extreme any time soon (my experience with the govt has been that even when their doing something thats giving them more power, they do it very slow and in a very unorganized manner), but I definitly see the inklings and "THEIR" progress at chipping away at our liberty and freedom, whether it be via one legislative act at a time, or simply adding another supporter of their "Philosophy of the Null/Zero-Sum-Gain" to quote Ayn Rand.
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Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
there will be a test baloon, and it will be
the " state of emergency " one. while it may
only be for a few days, or in a few states,
there will be a test. and from that, they will find out just how complacent of a socetiy we have become. it will not suprise me one bit to see the " national gaurd " used to subdue the people of this nation some day......
the winds of change have been blowing for a
while, the almighty dollar has many people blinded to the truth, or it could be the
fear of accepting something so far removed
from the " indoctrination " that they recieved, that it " couldnt be true "....
" how could it be true" ?? "why would they do things like this "???

the folks who fall back on the thought that
the things that have changed, and taken freedoms away, are for the good of everyone,
cannot see beyond there own stupid shit they
wallow in, and deserve to be a subject, not a citizen. there are many things coming into
view that should scare the hell out of any
ordinary god-fearing person.

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Icon 5 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
what is the significance of 8 oct 01 ???

why is the " deadline " that ashcroft gave
to the senate and house to shove the changes
thru, under the flag of " national security "
on that day???
why do we " have to " have this passed by then?? whats the deal???

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Posting God
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Columbus Day.

It’s probably an Illuminati or Mason "secret" holiday.

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Member # 21

Icon 1 posted      Profile for ProfBooty   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll jump out. If you put the same frog in a pot of room-temperature water and slowly bring it to a boil, he won't realize what's happening, will pass out and die.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for ProfBooty   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
What occured to me after hearing the Greyhound thing this morning is just what Trany asked, what's next. Granted, it doesn't look like this incident is related to the terrorism but it sure has the same effect. Personally, I think the next mode of transportation to be hit will be trains. Maybe not passenger since that's not a mainstream method of travel but a freight train carrying millions of tons of hazardous materials would be worse in many ways. McCracken would probably know a lot more about this having worked in that industry but it's my understanding that it really doesn't take much of a deformity to the tracks to cause a derailment. With all the thousands of miles of tracks criss-crossing the country and the fact that we can't possibly monitor it all, how hard would it be for terrorists to do something like that?

I've seen plenty about what the aftermath would be like. When I was on the fire dept. and in haz mat training, we were shown a video about a train derailment in TN that was carrying every kind of hazardous material you could imagine: vinyl chloride, fuming red nitric acid, ammonia, anhydrous ammonia, propane, benzine, various pesticides, you name it. As you can imagine, all the different chemicals where spewed everywhere, mixing with each other, burning, seeping into the water table, creating toxic clouds, it was a nightmare. This happened probably 10 years ago and to this day, the area is cordoned off with a chain-link fence and barbed-wire and it's still being cleaned up. It's scary to think how vulnerable we are to such a tactic. It wouldn't be as bold and symbolic as NYC and the Pentagon but it would certainly fit with the "sand in the gears" tactics that are being predicted.

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Posting God
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You're right. Freight trains would be another easy, and potentially very destructive, target to hit. Trains tend to want to stay on their tracks, but with a basic knowledge of trains it wouldn't be that hard to de-rail one. In fact they make tools to attach to the rails to make a train de-rail. Fortunately, major lines are inspected almost continuously.

There was a story a while back about some people that sabotaged a train in the NM desert. I think it was because they were mad about what it was hauling or something. There was also the story about a train that de-railed off a bridge and spilled benzene into a river; I think it was in northern WI. There was another train that de-railed in WI that was carrying LP. A number of cars split open and exploded, but some didn’t. After getting most of the fires under control they created a large pond near the site. A special crew welded pipes onto the remaining tanks and drained off the rest of the LP into the pond where it was burned off under control. Talk about some skillful welding!!

And, there’s the great story about a train that was over loaded, couldn’t break coming down a steep grade, and de-railed at a turn entering a town. The de-railment and explosion destroyed a large residential neighborhood. While they were cleaning up the toxic spill they were being very cautious because there was a gasoline line buried right where the train crashed. I don’t remember if it was the train or a backhoe that cracked the 24” diameter gas line, but it burst about a month later showering the rest of the neighborhood with gasoline and burning it to the ground, just to add insult to injury.

[This message has been edited by P_McCracken (edited 10-04-2001).]

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Rotor Head
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My head is so sore from thinking about all this....I just wanna drink myself into cascade systems failure and total inebriation this weekend. GOD I cant wait.....
Posts: 2331 | From: Rosemount | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Poo Master
Member # 31

Icon 6 posted      Profile for Trany   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
If it moves it's a target. Hell if it doesn't move its a target. The only solution that is certin, is total and compleete destruction of these countries. I love our country, yet I hate our government. Our government needs to close all boarders and deport all forgein nationals. We allow these people to come over here on student visas. So they can learn to fly our planes, drive our traines, and cook a fucking hamberger. All of this on our tax dollar. I want INS to start a Gestapo/Stormtrooper type aproach. Go door to door and herd 'em all up. The bus will leave carting your asses to the Canadian or Mexican boarder. Then we will erect a 30 foot wall with a 1000 V 100 A electric fence on both sides. We will purge or home of these people. If they want back in it will cost them. We will institute a huge fee and substaintial background checks. If they pass and pay they can come and stay if they would like. American life and birth of our nation was from imigrants, But now we are being raped by both our government and these shifty people. We need to adopt a core set of values. These values would include; Freedom, Liberty, and the swift and overpowering hand of Justice. Our government is more concerened about shiping hundereds of billions of dollars to bail out these ungratful fucks. Why don't the turn our domestic problems around. I am not paying my taxs to pay for Abu Ali Muhamed Joe Rufus Xavier taxi driver to eat a fucking Big Mac. Send them oatmeal and rice cakes if you have to send them anything. The UN sent ~60k quilts for ~25k refugees. What the fuck is that about. Thats roughly 2.5 quilts per person. Send them nothing, they have allowed these islamic fundementialist regiems to seed themself on there soil. They are just as guilty as these fucks. Send them a few cruise missles and my personal favorite NAPALM. Thats what they need. I think we would be doing humanity a favor. I need a stiff drink.
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 10 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

im pretty sure that consumption will start on
friday sometime at pfaffs, and will continue
for the next 40+ hours !!!!

im so ready to go on a two or three day bender...

[This message has been edited by cramer (edited 10-04-2001).]

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why do you want to deport these fucks????

if you have them, bury them, either alive or
dead, and dont make it known that you are
doing it. there are so many things going on
inside our borders, that certianly, a few
anti-american arab or whoever nationals,
could be delt with quietly, and effectivly,
then they could not EVER do anything against
this country again....THEY WOULD BE DEAD!!!!

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Hispanic Mechanic
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Wouldn't a target for an attack be a football game? You would have 60,000 people in one area. If some dip shit came up with a plan you could lose as many lives in one day as are lost in an entire war. Close the borders, your green cards have just been revoked!
Posts: 38 | From: eaganmnusa | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Poo Master
Member # 31

Icon 6 posted      Profile for Trany   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
The Arabs don't understand football, besides why not Nascar. That would be a public service...
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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carefull there boy. remember, most nascar fans belive in " accurate " gun control.
and while they may reside in trailers stashed
around the country and run around in cameros
or two-wheel drive pick-ups, may not have a
strait tooth in there mouth, or have a family
tree that has a branch, they are not the real
problem in society today...

besides there is not much of a stretch between a trailer park and having white trash all stacked up in an apartment complex
its everywhere you look pal, even in the
much coveted,and beloved eagan, and not just in the section eight, city tax write-off, just off lexington and yank-my-doodle rd.
( thats predomently BLACK!!! )
you can kruze that city, just like any other,
and find a " trailer park "...

i wish that the land of the free and the home of the brave would be taken back from the mind-numb ass-holes fucking this place
up. there was a time when common sense was
the rule, and the borders would have been
TIGHTER. but that wouldnt be right, you cant
" profile " these people, or make " sweeping
generalizations " because " its not fair "
and " meow meow meow my feelings and meow meow meow my rights " well, your an IMPORT,
NOT A DOMESTIC, and right now, things a just
a bit FUCKED UP, so you can either deal with
the shit of being an IMPORT, or GET THE FUCK OUT!!!! ROUND THEM ALL UP!!!

bring it on boyyeezz!!!

[This message has been edited by cramer (edited 10-10-2001).]

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Poo Master
Member # 31

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All I can say is that this guy is a dumbass.

Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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fuck giving any aid,money,food ANYTHING to any " needy " country!!!! im tired of these
fucks hating us, but all standing in line
wanting are free hand-outs!!!



isnt there a " clean " switch to throw,
just like your oven????

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Rotor Head
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Icon 9 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
They tried the whole "oven" thing back in didn't go over very well.
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Icon 14 posted      Profile for Hauserdaddy     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Did anyone watch the presidents speech last night? Anyone think that we should really give our kids a dollar so they can send them to the white house to help the kids over there? 1 in 3 raghead kids are orphans...
Is that because they either kill each other,
get killed by their Taliban, or blow themselves up in a terrorist act?

Guess i dont really know...

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it is quite possibly the most stupid thing
that this administration has come up with to
this will not make any of the children in
ANY rag-head country apriciate anything they
get FOR FREE from this country..
the only thing we should be feeding any of those fuck-heads is LEAD! LEAD LEAD LEAD!!!
" eat it up bitches, lead, thats whats for
dinner! "" no beef,pork,chicken,goat,anything.. only LEAD!!!" dont take any more than you want! "

had general patton only been allowed to impliment his plan after the fall of germany..... the world would have been TOTALY

no fucking comunists in russia, no commies in china, no commies anywhere, and these fuck-sticks would not have gotten to where
they are today... able to infiltrate this
country, with no good intentions at all..
and the best part was the germans would have
done all the work!!!!

if student visas were not a problem, why
would that piece of shit diane finestine
from fucking california, want to shut the program down????? fuck her,california,and
all these jerk-offs!!!!

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im tired of the saudis and there fucking
red table cloth and little black halo to keep
the fucking thing on there head!!! at least mayor g. had the balls to tell the " prince "
to take his millions and shove it. had he not done that after that prick ran his mouth
off again about or policy needeing to be
reviewed, would have been a big black eye to
a man that barely got out of his senate race
those saudi fucks need something else to take
up there time.....BOMB THERE OIL WELLS!!!!


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and these fuckers are allowed oxygen???? for what reason again???

Wildlife Group Calls Hunting a Terror Threat

Friday, November 09, 2001

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ALBANY, N.Y. — Saying hunters can easily be terrorists in disguise, a wildlife group on Friday asked for a suspension of New York’s annual hunting season.

Anne Muller of Wildlife Watch is aghast that being armed and disguised in camouflage is legally permitted in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Hunting "is just a wonderful opportunity for someone who would want to do a terrorist act," Muller said. "They don't have to report their whereabouts and can be lurking anywhere. They can lurk in groups."

But Peter Constantakes, spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Conservation, said the Empire State sees things differently.

"We take our direction from law enforcement professionals, not groups that would attempt to use the war on terrorism to advance their own agendas,” Constantakes said.

Robert Kazmierski, founder of The Wildlife Sports and Educational Museum being built in Vail Mills, 40 miles northwest of the state capital of Albany, agrees.

"They're against hunting and they'll use any means possible," Kazmierski said of Wildlife Watch.

"If these people want to express their thoughts, they're welcome to express their thoughts," he said. "But they shouldn't terrorize the rest of the people by something that they're dreaming up."

But Wildlife Watch, an animal and wildlife advocacy group, says that the Sept. 11 terror attacks have changed the climate in New York.

"Armed and camouflaged individuals can get close to chemical, agricultural, business facilities, gas pipelines, electrical power lines, substations, transformers and airports," the group said in a statement. "Local police and environmental conservation officers will merely slough off concerns saying that the individuals are 'just hunting,'"

The group is asking for a suspension of gun and bow hunting for more than 330,000 hunters on Nov. 19, when deer season begins in New York's Southern Zone, its busiest area.

The group cites an Alaska shooting in October in which a hunter apparently punctured the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, sending 285,000 gallons of oil gushing onto the tundra.

Constantakes said DEC officers won't "slough off" any suspicious behavior, as Muller said.

"We're proud of the job we do," he said. "We're very vigilant."

Kazmierski accused the group of "using [terrorism] as a threat.”

“It's just another means of getting the public riled, just like with anthrax," he said.

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Member # 56

Icon 6 posted      Profile for Jomama     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
GOD DAMN MISINFORMATION MACHINE, fuckin media bastards.......

The dumbass was not a hunter nor was he hunting......

He was a HIGHLY intoxicated backwoods vagrant, who was just flat out stupid, and had a history of causing problems.......

And of course he denies the charges, despite the balistic report, his close proximity to the pipeline, and the fact that his uncle (a eye witness) turned him in....

Posts: 2469 | From: Anchorage, AK | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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