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Author Topic: September 11th, 2001 - A day........
Member # 50

Icon 5 posted      Profile for Hauserdaddy     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Nah Cramer it wasnt aimed at our administration. I dont think anyone really has any idea how we will act. it seems we are moving in the right path to quell all of the questions about wht we should do. It is just that when was the last time we were in a position like this? Desert strike/storm was a whole different beast being not on our land. Well I guess we consider most any non war faring country our land lately because we are always helping out everyone. Like their is intent on their part to ever return the favor...... I think not.
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Member # 21

Icon 9 posted      Profile for ProfBooty   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I definitely think the media needs to hear about the situation with the Minneapolis Police Dept. It may not have received much attention before (unfortunately) but with the surge of patriotism and unity that this tragedy has brought about, I think the people responsible for this decision will be under some serious heat. Is this a fucking Sayles-Belton policy I wonder??? That wouldn't be at all suprising, what a disgusting, filthy human being she is.

I implore everyone on this forum to write a letter to the city of Minneapolis and the police dept. protesting this policy obviously not mentioning anyone's name. Everyone's already covered how we all must feel about this topic quite thoroughly so I'll just say what a sad state of affairs it is when 1) people are offended by our nation's flag within US borders and; 2) any American would actually submit to these ludicrous complaints and force a police dept. to remove it's flags to the extent of threatning people's jobs. Absolutely sickening. I wonder how the supreme court would feel about that?

Posts: 402 | From: Mpls, MN | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 21

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Also, I'd just like to add that I don't believe American's are likely to lose their resolve on this if it starts getting ugly. The Gulf War was a good example of how supportive the American population is of our troops and our military operations. You didn't see much protesting and "make love not war" crap at all, just steadfast support for our troops that were over there. And that was a war that didn't involve bloodshed on American soil. As much as I don't want innocent people in any other country to die because of these dispicable terrorists, if that's the price of wiping out terrorism, so be it. After seeing images of bodies cartwheeling out of 80th floor windows when the planes hit, 110 story office buildings collapsed on top of hundreds of police officers and firefighters trying to help victims and everything else we've seen over and over again on TV this past week, no amount of images of dead/wounded women and children in Afghanistan or anywhere else for that matter will ever shake my support and belief in what we're doing. I hope the same is true for all Americans.
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Member # 21

Icon 1 posted      Profile for ProfBooty   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Here's a copy of an email I just sent to the KQ92 Morning Show. Let's hope they bring this up on the air, I really think it'll ruffle some feathers with people if they do.

I wanted to inform you of a situation within the Minneapolis Police Department of which you may or may not be aware. A close friend of mine is a Minneapolis police officer and brought this to my attention recently. Last week an officer purchased several small flags designed to be hung from a vehicle window for officers to place on their squad cars to show their support. A few hours later, a stern warning was sent to all officers via the squad car computers stating that display of American flags on police department vehicles or uniforms was against department policy and they were to be removed immediately. What could possibly be the reason you might ask? Apparently, the department enacted this policy about 4 years ago as a result of complaints they received from certain community members that were actually OFFENDED by the American flags displayed by the Minneapolis Police Department. No further details were given to the particular officer that gave this information to me. After the department put this policy into effect, there were obviously objections from the officers and many who continued to wear American flag patches on their uniforms despite warnings that they must be removed. Ultimately, the department made it clear that anyone who continued to wear a flag patch would be terminated. I ask, what kind of sick, disgusting person living in the US, citizen or not, finds an American flag offensive? Furthermore, I find it unconscionable that any employer, let alone a government entity would slump so low as to force a person to choose between their job and their patriotism. Anyone within US borders who has a problem with an American flag on a police officer's uniform and anyone who would listen to such madness and then submit to it needs to be riding the first cruise missile bound for the Middle East. All of this is happening under Sayles-Belton's watch whether she's involved with it directly or not and I hope the voters of Minneapolis will bear that in mind when they go to the poles in November. This example of the majority being forced to bend to the demands of the minority (a very small minority at that) in such a disgraceful and un-American way is absolutely ludicrous and I'm sickened by it. It needs to stop, NOW.

I realize that this is all unsubstantiated information as far as you're concerned so I implore you to present this issue to your listening audience for further information and/or confirmation. I also further ask that the listeners of the KQ Morning Show write letters, make phone calls, send emails or otherwise get in touch with the city of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department and tell them just how wrong this practice is. It's unfortunate that it's taken a national tragedy of this magnitude to bring this issue the attention it deserves. Now is not the time for politically correct agendas and politics. Now is the time to show our support and love for our country by wearing our colors proudly and no one should be allowed to forbid that. No one. God bless America and God bless the families and victims of this tragedy. Be strong America and be proud."

Posts: 402 | From: Mpls, MN | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
steve d.

the night that we started the air campaing against iraq, CNN played video at the top of every hour, first of the " green light enhanced sky " over bagdahd, and then of the protesters in DOWNTOWN MINNEAPOLIS, burning the flag,and setting dumpsters on fire during there protest. chanel 9 at the time was a CNN affilitae, and they had someone down there interviewing people, live, there name escapes was TOTAL BULLSHIT.

the fact that the ground campain lasted just over 100 hours, after 4 four weeks of 24 hour bombing, and friendly fire was the cause of most u.s losses, played a HUGE
role that there wasnt more protesting, and crying out to end the war..

the previous engagement in the middle east, is not a classic example of a " long campain ", which is what we have been told to
expect. that war was for the most part,
very " sterile ".you were not watching
peter arnet or mike wallace bring you the death of u.s service men right to your dinner table, as was the case during the viet-nam war. they were trying like hell, dont get me wrong, and CNN and ted turner proved that they are the communist
cock-suckings-holes that i think they are.

i guess we will see how this whole thing playes out, who knows, after last tuesday morning, its hard to think that someone who cares about this country and there freedoms, could not be affected by the events.

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Rotor Head
Member # 45

Icon 9 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I just hope you are right steve d, and that steve c and i are not. Because i just see more and more bleeding heart liberals that dont understand logic until they are actully faced PERSONALLY with a tragedy like loosing their husband/wife/child/parrent to a tragedy like this, or actually lived under comunisum or a dictatorship.

On a side note i was talking to kelly about this and she was unsure about weather we should take action due to the fact that other inocent people might get harmed, then i told her about all the rules that the taliban has for women.....

Like that they are not allowed to drive or become educated....on and on and on....

She started to change her tone of voice ;'

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Poo Master
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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Trany   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I love how the Taliban has issued statments reguarding retaliation tward the US and any aiding nations. What do they have? Some rocks a few rags and some arcaic soviet hand me downs. Do these idiots realize we can knock on there front door with a cruise missle. The Italians and Norwegions have stated that there not going to help... WTF bomb them too, which team would you rather be on? The winning team or the one where everyone get killed?

On a side note, Has anyone seen the Vets with the flag and tourch on the 494/nicollet bridge? The scene makes me strap on my jack boots and calibrate my sights.

Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Po Po
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I still believe that the anti-war protesters and all the people who dont think we should react to the events are the minority. Media and certain other people refer to the anti-war movement "power". I think their power only comes from the fact that most of them don't have jobs and are the only people that have the time and will to makes signs and stand out in front of the federal building. Secondly I blame the media. The amount of coverage those protesters get is the true source of their power. This all stems back to what I was talking about earlier. When did the majority feel the need to bow to the minority. If the majority would form their own opinions and not allow themselves to be spoon fed their emotions by the mass media I think you would find that the protesters have no power and that they would stop protesting all together. BTW, I did notice yesterday that some of the protesters at the federal building were the same that protest fur every fall and have free Mumia marches. I like to refer to them as professional trouble-makers.
Posts: 486 | From: Eagan, MN | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
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Icon 8 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
...or "Causeheads"......

"Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow, all you need is someone strong to guide you.."

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Icon 10 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
was watching the " news " before work today...

FEMA had released some " ground zero " video..

there was a very large cardboard sign stating simply..

5000 reasons to kill 'em all.
i was very suprised to see that get past the censory board.

im glad to see that there are others that share my beliefs. take no prisoners.

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there will be people protesting till they impose martial law, at which point the constitution is null and void and there will be people dying in the streets.these people bother me as much as the whole " target market" bull-shit. they call themselves " grass-root ".... what the fuck???? you have hundreds of millions of dollars funding your brainwashing, and you can call yourselves grass-root???

the " majority " as you call it, are the same people that would have elected clinton for eight more years, had he changed the term limit. these people are too consumed by there own lives to " pay attention " or even begin to ask " why ". they have not ever paid attention to what was going on around them, unless it was a trash can out side the garage, or a barking dog bothering there " little world ". the majority doesnt want to be called " extremists ", simply by defending common sense, its easier to avoid conflict than concern yourself with a cause.
anyone who has every publicly asked " why "
to the rediculas policy changes or the mass influx of social programs, has been all but destroyed by the media, which grossly support the euro-social bull-shit that is destroying america, ON OUR WATCH!!!!

i gave tim some shit about the whole crack-pot conspiracy thing, but read that " other " point of view, look other places for " news " or information, and see what else is out there...
certianly it cant be " mainstream ", everyone would know about it then...

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Member # 21

Icon 1 posted      Profile for ProfBooty   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
You're very right Cramer, the Gulf War was pretty sterile and hands-off as it was presented to us. I guess the overwhelming thing that's going to motivate Americans to stand behind their country's actions is how very personal this whole thing is. It's harder for the average person to muster support for a war like Vietnam when there's no clear reason why we were there. In the case of WWI you had the ocean liner Lucitania sunk by German U-boats and around 800 people killed, many of them Americans. Obviously, you had Pearl Harbor in WWII and this makes both of those incidents look pretty tame. That's a pretty major factor in how supportive people are given the horrifying images we've all seen. But yes, I'm sure we'll still have the bleeding hearts that'll protest. There's not much we can do about them other than pity them, you can't change other people's beliefs.

An interesting fact I read on this morning about Afghanistan. Alexander The Great, Gehgis Kahn, Great Britain (twice) and the former Soviet Union have all invaded Afghanistan at some point in history and all have failed. Tranny asked what do they have, well not much but they do have the ability to force the war to be fought on their terms if we tried to occupy them just like the Vietnamese did. That country is solid mountains in the 20,000ft range, a pretty ugly landscape to fight a war. They know every cave and every square inch of that country. I just hope if we go in there we keep in mind all the lessons that former superpowers have learned.

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Not to be a nay-sayer but from what I've heard/read recently, a little historical perspective and given our recent "Peace-Keeping" efforts I'd really agree with ProfBooties take on this. It's not like we're gonna get whooped or anything, but tactically speaking dealing with Afganistan is going to be an undertaking unlike anything else we've dealt with. It's been impossible for any invaiders to succesfully occupy the country historically, even with the use of extensive airpower such as the USSR used. And as we saw in Vietnam a full on frontal assault is not alway that effective against gorrilla tactics. And jungle terrain (such as vietnam) was bad enough but the mountains that make up most of afganistan will definitly limit if not eliminate most ground armor and artilleries effectiveness. I just don't think the whole "glass parking lot" idea and leveling the country with missle is very realistic. We've got underground bunkers that can sustain nuclear impact, and our mountains are knowhere near as young (etal. tall) as the ranges comprising afganistan. Like I said this is not to say that I think we shouldn't be declaring all out war against those responsible.

To quote a radio station up here that recently played this commercial which I thought you boys would enjoy

Round trip plane ticket to Afganistan
= $800

Model 700 tactical sniper rifle
= $1400

Afgan hotel room with a good rooftop view
= $4

Blowing the head off of Osama Bin Laden

- GetThatBastardCard -

Gets you everywhere you want to be
(and everyone you need to GET!!)

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Hispanic Mechanic
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I had heard on the news that the diaper head that the FBI caught a month ago was supposed to be one of the hijackers. That son of a BICH was at NATCO behind NWA headquarters. That's 5 fucking miles from my house. One of the kids that my daughter goes to preschool with was in NYC when all this shit went down. They had planned to visit the WTC at noon. Good thing they didn't wake up early. Time to kill Osama bed wetter. But not with nukes, cause you know some shit bag sand box of a country will strap a bunch of scuds togather and try to send their cracker jack nuke over here. He's hard to find. He's in a bush, or a cave, or hiding behind women and children. Simple solution, B-52's, fully loaded, and carpet bomb the fuck out of camel land. Time to rename it Af-gone-istan.
One last thing, at UPS all of the arab fucks that worked there all disapeared. Roumor has it they quit because they couldn't pray to ala while they were at work. Mecca is on the other side of the world. Americans no pray to ala, the creator of terroristic evil. I hope they all get deported. viva la USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 38 | From: eaganmnusa | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 5 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

the last time we had a " full on, frontal assault " was the inchon landings during the
" police action " of the korean conflict.
unless someone has a history book with a different story in it.

im not aware that the viet-nam war was fought the same way as was korea, the main similarity was the massive loss of american soldiers, defending what was at one point,
a french colony..... FUCK THE FROGS!!!!

im also not aware that the u.s. stated an
objective of " posession " of another country. we have been told over and over,
how this will be conducted non or un conventionally, which i take to mean unlike the ways of dealing with problems in the past.

i dont forsee anything " action wise " going on, untill we have exausted diplomatic avenues. i understand that a carrier group has left north carolina, and intends to meet up with a british naval group, and that we have started moving planes to kuwati and saudi air strips, but you cannot think that we are going to start anything over there, untill we have intell and material to support our objectives.

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Member # 50

Icon 6 posted      Profile for Hauserdaddy     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I guarantee that they have all of the intel they need already. I believe they most likely have everyone they want pinpointed but are waiting to see if they can get them the "politically correct" way. Omar the guy in the Taliban that makes a lot of the decisions is partial to hiding Bin Laden because his 13 year old daughter is married to him. How nice is that. So the guy bombs shit and has 4 wives heh. The day of the attacks They had seals and rangers in the middle east getting intel immediately. Sometimes it makes you think about why we are even helping half of the countries we help. I think if it was turned around and Israel or China had all the chips instead of us that we would be living in a communist USA. Not that anyone would want to see that but thank god we do live here and have the royal flush when it comes to arms, military, and support when shit hits the fan. I have heard rumors that even Saudi is even fucking with us now about certain issues......
Posts: 2220 | From: Prescott, WI, USA | Registered: Apr 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
Member # 45

Icon 6 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Hauserdaddy:
I guarantee that they have all of the intel they need already. I believe they most likely have everyone they want pinpointed but are waiting to see if they can get them the "politically correct" way. Omar the guy in the Taliban that makes a lot of the decisions is partial to hiding Bin Laden because his 13 year old daughter is married to him. How nice is that. So the guy bombs shit and has 4 wives heh. The day of the attacks They had seals and rangers in the middle east getting intel immediately. Sometimes it makes you think about why we are even helping half of the countries we help. I think if it was turned around and Israel or China had all the chips instead of us that we would be living in a communist USA. Not that anyone would want to see that but thank god we do live here and have the royal flush when it comes to arms, military, and support when shit hits the fan. I have heard rumors that even Saudi is even fucking with us now about certain issues......

Posts: 2331 | From: Rosemount | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
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It is wishfull thinking to say we have as much intel as you claim. If we had that much all of these fuckers would have been arested as soon as the arived at the airports that they flew out of. And, by the way, you can thank Billy Clinton for that one. We don't yet have the kind of intel and evidence to make this opperation effective yet. And I imagine the problem is the usual one, that there is so many leads, clues, and trails that following them all to make a orginized international case for significant millitary action is proving to be a daunting task. This condition of so much info on the terrorists' operations is only exhasorbated by the fact that they knew they were going to die and therfore saw no need in covering their tracks. Also our millitary spending has been cut enough (by democrats) to reduce the response time of our forces perhaps not significantlly but noticablly. These spending cuts are the reason we don't yet have the F-22 at our disposal.

The most frustrating thing is that it may be that all the ones dirrectly involved with the planning are now crispy critters by their own hand and that funding and indirect support is the only thing that Bin Laden and Iraq contributed. I have a feeling from all ive read that bin laden may have been only remotly invovled in that he in the past supported these guys and may not have dirrectly planned this particular action. Then agian he may have. Fuck it though kill him and his Al Queda anyway they have been proven to have been dirrectly involved with numerous other attacks on Americans (which went almost un-noticed by anyone except the mothers of the marines and other embassy staff). I'll bet that for sure Iraq had lotts to do with it, financially anyway. There are probably other governments recognized or not allong with other terrorist factions that were involved in some way. So we will see what happens at least we got a texas gunslinger in office for all of this

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Icon 5 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
i guess that im wondering how you " know" that we have " all " the " intell " we need??

are you on some direct " hook up " with people " in the know "??? and even if you are, please, dont be too over-confident,
the reality could be to devistating in the end.

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Icon 5 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
let me start this by saying:


why are people convinced that it takes soooo
much money to pull this off???

these " students " have been in the u.s. for years, going to school on OUR TAX DOLLARS!!
there flight training????
any ass-hole can go there and with enough schooling beforehand, be accepted, without question. please dont think that if they can do something as bad as the damage last tuesday, that adjusting a god damn transcript is beyond them... WAKE UP!!!!

they are here now, and there is not a fucking thing that can be done leagaly to remove them, and when they are discoverd to be the anti-u.s. piece of shit they are, there will be twenty more ready to take there place. if we can make a persons life history change, im sure they can too...


i guess pat buchanon did not have such a bad idea after all, he was the only one strong enough to tell it like it was, and was shredded in the press for it. what a bunch of shit!!!

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I'm not exactly sure what your definition of "a lot" of money is cramer but these guys did drop some serious chunks of change for some of their flight time and simulator time. Like giving the instructors advances of 10 grand or so at a time. Its not Huge amounts, (and its nothin to Bin Laden), but I think they still had some form of finacial backing that may still be around (but your right it certainly didn't take millions to pull this off).
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but the whole point is that any one of these ass-holes could be using GOVERNMENT GRANT MONEY!!!! GET IT??? the u.s. has so many programs for students outside the u.s., it would make you sick to realize the money they regularily give away for there tuition/housing/etc. im not sure of your finacial situation, and how your school was paid for, but i had to bitch to student loan people for over three months before i could
even have them think of giving me a LOAN, not a grant, a LOAN,thats guarenteed by the
GOVERNMENT!!!!, and i PAID BACK!!!! i did not have a sponsor, or someone else footin' the bill, it was my debt. these fucks come here and get a free education, live here for free, and propogate there anti-american bull-shit, RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES!!!!! FUCK THAT!

compound that on the fact that they HATE us..
and we cannot " leagally " HATE them back..
and its complete BULL-SHIT!!!!!!
these fucks are in here and we cannot kick them out. they are protected by the same people who they would kill in a heartbeat,
or already have killed, given the correct situation. FUCK-OFF!!!!

there are so many people that call themselves americans,and now that
patriotism is " cool " everyone wants a flag on there house.
how sick is this place???
did the u.s. win the super-bowl???? could have fooled me. everyone is riding the freedom train now. what a bunch of shit.
look at the people in the news, these are the same stupid jerk-offs that elected that former first-cunt!!! posturing fuck-heads!!!
those people responsible have got to be just
laughing there asses off, and it fucking pisses me off!!!

someday, this place will wake up, someday.
meanwhile, we will continue to hear about how
some arab in the u.s. is " scared " and " worried " about his safety. well fuck-head,
your fucking breed did this!!! and anything that happens from now on, your people deserve. perhaps some new version of
ARAB-CON, similar to DECON will be " set out " for there stupid asses. god damn im pissed!!! i hope we start the killing soon,
none of those who are a part of any of this shit should be allowed to take another breath. and if we continue to let these fuck-heads in here, then we deserve whatever comes down. we have had our chance to repair the system. it would not bother me to see military people with machine-guns at there side, patrolling the airport grounds, or the
u.s. borders, or searching people at these locations randomly, or closing down the borders, COMPLETLY!!!!

why am i held hostage in my own country????

this is all becoming entirely too much..

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yeh chad your right!!!

the first black president in history has all but left the millitary reduced to a one theater show. hopefully, we dont get wrapped up in another venue soon.

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I totaly agree about having armed people on the planes and more in the airports. I think its Isralial Air that has armed personnel with guns (in view) on their airplanes and theres never been a successfull hijacking on their airlines. And I think it should be taken further. As my dad pointed out to me last night if even just half the individuals on those 4 planes were carrying sidearms it certainly wouldn't of gone down as it did. So if we just arm everyone (like switzerland) who's gonna try and fuck with us then. I like this idea.....

As far as the race related sweeping generalizations being made here, other than its very Hitler-esque, which in my eyes is as UnAmerican as anything else. This is not a race issue, its a issue concerning those who think they can utilize evil tactics and reign terror down upon us, its not a race doing this but individuals and orginized groups. "Fundamentalist" Islam shares very little of the same beliefs of your typical muslim. They're as different as "Fundamentalist" Christian bible thumpers and the rest of christianity. I'm sure I'll be lambasted now but its just not about race. Theirs more muslims in the asian part of the world than their are in the middle east.

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you mean thats it??? thats all you got???
at least he knew where his enemies were,
and EVERYONE knew where he stood.

i know that you are a very long distance from the real world, but joe, at some point
your all-loving,all-inclusive, "itsnt it time for a group hug" shit has got ot end.

i guess i dont have a problem catagorizing
anyone, ive always been placed in the
" crack-pot camp ", and that doesnt bother me
im not about to play politically correct, when that bullshit is a part of the problem,
just as much as the feminization of the males
in this country. its all complete and total
bull shit!!!!

as soon as common sense begins to rule the
day, we may not have to be prisoners in our
own country, held hostage by a group of rag-heads, or some other earth robbing scum.

lable me whatever you want, ive never been in
the majority, and im not looking to make any new friends, and if the people who call me a
friend cant stand this opininon, i certianly
dont want them around me, to stick a knife in my back.

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Hispanic Mechanic
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I agree with the border closing thing. But it's not the mexicans or canadians who are out to destroy our country. Granted diaper head fucks come in through those borders. The mexicans just come over here to snatch up our high paying jobs at mcdonalds and collect wellfare. If an international flight lands and you are not and american citizen you should get your ass right back on the plane and get shiped back to whatever shit hole you came from.
I know goddamn well that if we go and blow the fuck out of Iraq or Fuckganistan that as soon as were done fighting we will go and help them rebuild their sand castle huts. Thats bullshit! The government should stop giving loans out to other countries, which ends up turning into a gift because the shit hole country has no money to pay us back with. Keep our money where it belongs. In our own country. I don't think we need to finance a country whose main export is camels. If they need help they can call the united way or sally (fat ass) struthers. Yeah, it makes a lot of sense to feed these people and vaccinate them so they can continue to breed and polute the earth with more human waste.
And as far as the muslim race thing goes, i'm sure there were a lot of them who are american citizens who were mind fucked by what happend last tuesday. But what about the people over in sand box land who were cheering in the streets when they heard we got attacked? I don't care what any of their government leaders say about how bad they feel for us. It's a bunch of shit. Their people hate the USA and everything we believe in and they can all fuck off. CARPET BOMB!!!!!!

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What "ENEMIES" did Hitler have ????? NONE, No one attacked him, his country, or his people. He was just a poor sad patetic excuese for a human being who was certifiably INSANE. And he decieded to take it out on those that it would be easiest to do so on. How you can defend that madman in anyway shape or form is just madness, He stood for everything that we don't in America. And I'm talking about the America of our the forefathers saw as existing in the future, not the liberal softened America that we're having to deal with today.... The Ideal of America is sometimes very different for what has been realized.

As far as "i know that you are a very long distance from the real world,"

Please define the boarders of the "real world", What are we in the Matrix now. Anchorage would be the second biggest city if placed MN, so please don't patronize me with some delusions of grandure that Farmington is the center of the universe.

And this crap " but joe, at some point
your all-loving,all-inclusive, "itsnt it time for a group hug" shit has got ot end."

Where in my previous statements have I even remotely suggested this crap. I want to get these fuckers as much if not more than you, but I want to get those responsible, not just people who "look" like those responsible. Thats crap. Your worse than the god damn media. You take one comment or idea, take it WAY out of context and take it WAY to the extreme end of the spectrum and then paint it my statement or idea. You discect a conversation into small out of context parts and use the ideas within to attack and label me something I'm not. Well I'm certainly don't believe what you claim I do and thats a fact, but as I've tried before nothing I can say or do will change how YOU THINK I view the world, because you won't take the whole conversation into perspective, just the parts you disagree with. How this is stabbing you in the back I don't understand. Mabey you only believe in a America where we all must think the same, or you can be punished for your thoughts (which is somewhat happening). But I'm glad that its not, and hopefully never will evolve to that level.

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very well put joe.
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hey joe,

there are many things that i put out here,
if for no other reason, to " stir the pot"
if you, or others are having a hard time with
that, TOUGH HOP!

im not about to get into a validation statement, of everything i posted..

but for reference, alaska is a long ways away from the mainland, and things run differently there, as per our phone conversation the other night...

hey joe,


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F-15's, with full armament, have been flying at about rooftop here at the big Z. pretty impresive.
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Rotor Head
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Spool up!
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I don't expect you to validate anything you said, my rebuttles are only meant to make you think thats all. I play devils advocate as much as anyone just to make people think about what their really saying (regardless of what I actually believe). But no one can accuse me of holding back, ever.

And I know chadwick there doesn't know me well at all if he thinks this kinda stuff spools me up, never has never will (if anything your the spooled one OSMOSIS boy) . I just enjoy this forum cause its people I know (otherwise I never waste my time), especially when I can prod at you to think outside the box (even if its a so called noncompliant box). We agree on a lot more than you will ever admit to though, lest you be associated with a bunny-hugger right??? (lol)

Yet I still don't understand your take on AK, what did I say that indicated that things up here are so different. Not part of the mainland??? Well we certainly arn't a island. Beyond the size of the landmass and the lack of road infrastructure, I see very little diffence. If anything its 10x more of a conservative state politically than MN, and very very patriotic with a lot of military here (its also the only place where we had land battles with the Japs during WWII). However, what most of the locals would tell you with regard to the oil issue here would be for the lower 48 to stay the hell out of it, we'll develope it in our own good time, and sell it to the lower 48 at a fair market value.....(how bout them apples)

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im pretty sure the spool up comment was in regards to the post about millitary aircraft,
and not a jab at my pal joe....

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Yes i was reffering to the jet.....well Maybe in reference to cramers comment about "stiring the pot" a little. I love that shit!

And belive me i appreciate this forum for the same reason you do and most of the time spew shit just to play the other side as well. And no, i dont think you're a tree hugger. I enjoy thinking my way through stuff and just spilling my current thoughts out in this forum because i am "prodded into thought" by my disscussion with you people.

I don't get "spooled" very easilly but i do get pissed when i read in the paper about all these peace marches that are being organized.....
Here is a good question: Pacafism should by its own nature have been selected against a long time ago in the terms of Darwin's "Theory" of evolutoin so why is it that they keep crawling out of the woodwork?

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Posts: 771 | From: Farmington | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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that JAPS comment was VERY insensetive!!!!

arnt you the one that had all that " tolerance" dribble running from your mouth earlier??? what the fuck??

is the true colors of the leftist showing or what???

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I was refering to cramer more than you chadwick, in regards to being associated with a so called bunny-hugger.

As far as those already marching at peace protest.... They're just posing, playing the part, they certainly have never had any real convictions that hasn't been spoon fed to them through pop-culture and the media. They have no Idea whats at stake here and what we could possibly loose (what can you expect, they're a bunch of socialists) if we don't deal with these terriorists as switfly and thoroughly as possible. (And I didn't particularly agree with our actions during the Gulf conflict, but this is totally different).

Have you noticed all the reports of all the people in Afganistan fleeing the country. The Taliban is really not that popular there, but those who openly oppose it just end up dead. We kinda dropped the ball on that one, if we'ed have continued to stand behind the rebels fighting the Soviets in the 80's and not backed out they might've been able to establish a govt which could have stood up to the Taliban.

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today watching cnn/fox, the phrase

" sustained ground campain " were used.

this troubles me,
why the fuck do we want to occupy that shit-hole of a country??

i am glad that there is a " put up, or shut up and prepare to die " attitude over this whole thing. i would really like to see what
the whole " alliance " would say after four
weeks of twenty-four hour, non-stop bombing raids on any area that remotely looks suspicous.....
that is a stratagie that the other " invaders" did not try..... bomb the shit out of them!!!!over and over and over and over!!!! and when we get tired of that, BOMB THEM MORE!!!!!!

even better,
let the israilies march thru jordan and syria both, on there way to bagdahd, TAKE NO PRISONERS!!!!!

whipe the place kleen!!!
besides, its not " ethnic cleansing "...
there is enough of the bastards here, and they are human, only second to rabbits in breeding......

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the soviets were not commited to the campain,
at least not to the level that we were in viet-nam. not that the outcomes would have been any different, the whole guerilla war
shit sucks, and god help us if we get sucked into that...

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