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Author Topic: September 11th, 2001 - A day........
Member # 5

Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
the pentagon named the action:

" operation infinate justice "

now, they are considreing re-naming it
something else, because it could offend
the arabs, because of there belifes in some

for fucks sake, what is this country comming to!!

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I just read and interview yesterday with a former soviet soilder who fought against Afganistan. They did do a whole lot of bombing. Thats the prob with the terrain their. Its not just little caves in the mountains. They have very deep mines going into the Mnts that they can hold thousands of people in them. The Soviets constantly bombed them to try and drive them out and were predominatly unsuccessful. They tried bombs that suck the Oxygen out of the area they're dropped, they tried to use 3-ton bombs to cause earthquakes in known fault-line areas.

I'm not saying its impossible but it may take more time than most people may realize. From what I read today they're not really planning on occupation but on a sustained air campaing with special forces raids, and mabey a limited use of troops (like 20,000).

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we have money munitions and time on our side.
they have paitients, and possibly some bad food. and big,deep holes in the ground, but
so what,



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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Ender     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I haven't been keeping up on this message board, so i have missed much of what has been said about the WTC incident. I did read about mikey's problem with the police force not allowing officers to display the american flag. Thats fucking bullshit!! These people serve our country, but are not allowed to show their pride for it?
Thats just insanity.
Secondly, i have been hearing some criticism about this new found patriotism that everyone seems to have now. IT WAS NEVER FUCKING LOST!! Our country gives us the right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Therefore, in times of peace, we are exercising this right by caring for our selves and strenghtening our own future.
However, when those liberties are attacked, we unite and support our country to protect them.
Anyways, as for the actual incident, i think it's ironic that the words which best describe how i feel come from a song called "Fuck the Middle East" that was written in the mid 1980's by a heavy metal band called SOD (Stormtroopers Of Death):
"Fuck the Middle East! There are too many problems. They just get in the way, we could sure live without them. They hijack our planes, they raise our oil prices. We'll kill them all and have a ball and end their fucking crisis! Beirut, Lebinon, won't exist once we're done. Libia, Iran, we'll flush the bastards down the can. Syrians and Shites, crush their faces with our might. Then Isrial and Egypt can live in peace without those dicks!

Luke Martin

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its been all through the media, that bin-laden was a part of the " free-dumb " fighters, defending afgahanistan against the russians. thats how they, and the rest of the terorrists , have so many u.s. made
weapons. this was covered in depth on cnn,
on sunday night,( not that the clinton news
network is the end all to news coverage )
and how the taliban rulers
got into power after the soviets pulled out,
and that the people who are now fighting the
taliban, are afghans who fought the soviets,
but did not want to live under taliban rule.

even if we would have established a so called government there, it probably would have went the way of the shaw of iran. the
u.s. has been hated in that region for so long that im not sure what it will take to
ever change there attitudes.

when our government decided to allow foreign
students in here to further there education
it was, im sure, to show the next generation
how things work here, and hopefully ease some of the tension between us and them,
but that seems to have failed miserably.

case in point:

a u.s. born, pakistan-american,( by his own calling,) student, was on the radio today, in berkly california, bitching about people
looking at him as a criminal. while he
may have had nothing to do with any of this,
the fact that he holds his heritage higher
than his citizenship, makes me want him out
of here. he values his freedom, only to maintain his victim status, and go off about
a editorial cartoon in a college newspaper.

if you want to help things out dude, shut your fucking mouth and figure out how to help the people who have been really hurt
by this shit. thats what the rest of the
real americans, black/yellow/red/white/green
whoever, have been doing.

get off your magic carpet, and help people out, thats what we do here. thats what part
of our heritage as americans is, helping others out when they have been beat down.

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im sure that when you start to pay attention
to issues,( not to insinuate that you dont )
you will find that there are MANY
people, who enjoy there freedom being americans, but if the u.s. flag was found to be offensive to someone, they would not keep
it up because they dont want the other groups
to feel bad about it, and would rather not have a conflict about it or possibly be labled " insensitive " by another group.

case in point:

arab,american was in mpls library, talking to his brother in arabic, the librarian comes
over and asks what language they are using,
he says " arabic ", she " arnt you afraid that someone might hear you " no, he replies,
im an american citizen, " well, arnt you tired of all the american flags flying in your face?" no, " look lady, im an american,
im free here, i own a buisness, pay taxes,
my children are free, we dont feel threatend
at all, and i love the u.s. flag, it stands
for freedom, around the world, people see that flag and they think of america, and freedom. " she walks away saying " you poor, poor thing" ... What the fuck gives????

hopefully we will re-focus on the things that
are important in this country, and stop worring about how everybody " feels " and making policy changes in order to accomidate
some minortiy group, similar to the flag issue in the mpls police dept.

by the way...

was that off " speak english or die! "
that album was taken from me back in tech school... pretty good music!

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Poo Master
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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Trany   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I want some Bombing..... These Taliban fucks are stalling. Why because there is a shit storm a brewing and the US is riding it in. We don't need a military pressance in Afghanistan. All we need is a few carriers and a air strip or two. They have mines and cave to hide in. SO THE FUCK WHAT. FIRE is the answer. If any of you have smelt burnt humans? I'm not talking a cig to the hand, or opps I touched the stove. I am talking skill slothing off clear down to the bone burns. I personally am a fan of depleating the nations napalm supply on these FUCKS. Then all these Ali Rauf Az'Hakim Jimbo ABBA Scooby Fucking doo's can either burn to a dark(er) brown or smell there camel riding cohorts being cooked alive. They can't bitch that our sanctions are causing them to starve, now can they. These uncivilized barbarin ass backwords fucks can eat one another if there silly muslim ways allow it.


Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 66

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Klaus   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Jomamason:
They have very deep mines going into the Mnts that they can hold thousands of people in them. The Soviets constantly bombed them to try and drive them out and were predominatly unsuccessful. They tried bombs that suck the Oxygen out of the area they're dropped, they tried to use 3-ton bombs to cause earthquakes in known fault-line areas.

Didn’t the U.S. develop some type of “bunker buster” bomb in the gulf war. I remember it used an old tank barrel and burrowed deep in the ground before exploding. Maybe we need to come up more solutions like this to reach troops inside caves. Or a suitcase bomb inside a cave planted by a special forces team might work too.

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Poo Master
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Napalm and Bombs. You cant go wrong. Its like Pizza and Beer, Or Women and Bitches. I need my bombing fix. I cant get enugh of those green hued video clips.
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Posting God
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Just like hunting gophers and woodchucks - flood the fucking place. They'll either come out of their borrows, and be promptly shot, or drown hiding.
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Rotor Head
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I don't know tim....I think that would take an awfully big hose....

Anyway, in retort to this comment.....

Originally posted by Ender:
Secondly, i have been hearing some criticism about this new found patriotism that everyone seems to have now. IT WAS NEVER FUCKING LOST!! Our country gives us the right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Therefore, in times of peace, we are exercising this right by caring for our selves and strenghtening our own future.
However, when those liberties are attacked, we unite and support our country to protect them.

Though this may be the way most of us were raised. More and more people in this country (some who don't even bellong here) take advantage of this freedom and liberty. In CHOSEING to do NOTHING and just live of the good intentions of a rich socioty. With the way the system works we acutally have Professional Breaders in this great country! People all over who do NOTHING, contribute NOTHING, and do so on our tax dollars! Then to put the icing on this shitcake they preach and teach there little fucklets an anti athoritative message. I won't mention any names,..... *cough* SOMOLIANS *cough* *cough* white & black TRASH *cough* *cough*.....anyway.... I've seen a bumper sticker a couple of times that i just have to have. It says "Work Harder! people on welfare depend on you!" These and others while living this way promote messagase of "diversity" and say that america is holding them down and making them conform!!! FUCK THAT!!! AND NOW, these people seem to think that its a great idea to all of a sudden hop on the bandwagon of patrotism! FUCK THAT SHIT TOO!!!!!!!

Don't be be blind to the fact that in many cases our liberty is pushed beyond reasonable limits due to our blind need to be "sensitive" to people and thier heratage. Everyone should have to work the same amount to get where they want to go and if you don't want to work and contribute then you can go somewhere else and be lazy. I just get so mad when my girlfriend tells me things like almost everytime she tries to apply for a scholarship she can't because she is caucasion and not part of a target minority group. In otherwords she dosn't qualify for these because she is white! Fuck diversity and fuck ethnicity everyone should be judged on thier actions alone and not given any different treatment because they are from a limited background or a "repressed people."

Don't be blind because people are buying flags like they are going out of style and crying every chance they get.

Even knowing this i do hope beyond hope that this patritisom lasts and will maybe change even a few people....

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I know that we all have our opinions and most of us on this board have strong personalities and try to stir it up a little. I dont mind being questioned on my opinions and everyone seems to defend their opinions fine on here. Lets just keep it friendly. We all are affected by this.

I am glad we have the right to vote for a president in in this country, but i have a problem with other government employees. Is it just me or do a lot of officials get hired for who they know what what they do? If we had a person in some of these decision making positions that said fuck what you think this is how we get it done, then maybe we would have things done faster. Yeah your popular and people like you but you dont get shit done. i would much rather have a Jerk who knew his shit and pushed the envelope of what was right and wrong and got the job done. Some of these panty waists need to get their thumb out of their ass and learn some real life shit. Of course i am not really partial to a dictatorship either

Just my opinion and i am being general but geez.

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on the topic of bunker buster, or block buster, or whaterver they call it....

a person i work with, was in saudi during the war, worked in communications for the army, he was over 50 miles from the front lines, and they would drop 3 or 4 of those
bunker-busters an hour, when they would go off, you could feel the explosion in your chest, FROM 50 MILES AWAY!!!!!
that was on top of the continuous thunder
from the other conventional ordinance being dropped around the clock. he was there three
weeks before the air campain started and said that after it was going, that he could climb an antenna tower, and see the continual " dust storm " from the areas recieving the ordinance, which was from one side of the horizon to the other!!!!!


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there were people who played real tough...

general george s. patton

gerneral mac arthur

and the latest was schwartzkoff..

all three great leaders who got shit done
without fucking around, and " bucked the system" one too many times, and were removed from command.

but acctually, i would rather have the current cabnet/administration, LONG before
having the abe lincolin look-alike algore...

and further,

a knee-jerk reaction to this shit will do nothing to keep this " coalition " together.
we have to find a " real target ", and minimize the impact to the general populas of whoever we decide to waste. in the event this whole thing blows up in our faces, i dont think there would be a whole lot of support for further actions from here at home
or abroad. this is alot more intricate and delicate of a situation than what my postings
of bomb the shit out of them would lend anyone to think. but that dosnt mean we cant!


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Rotor Head
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I Say Tactical Nuclear Beach ball sized/shaped bombs to roll down into the caves. Then just pour cement into the openings prior to detenation.

Execution and burial taken care of all at once.

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Poo Master
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One giant arabian BBQ. Fuck their caves and mines. What good do they do you if you have no safe place to walk without a CBR protection. I want to see the midle east glowing from the space station.
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Rotor Head
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Just as long as I'm not kept up at night.
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so whats the deal???

no new spite ???


dont sally out after only two weeks!!


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Hispanic Mechanic
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Hey mon, taliban, taliban are homos. Drop a nuke on all of their homes. six bomb, seven bomb, eight bomb blast. we kill osama and we get to go home.


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Hispanic Mechanic
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from the glass lined deserts of old Lafganistan we brew our arabs in only the finest nuclear waste
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Hispanic Mechanic
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osama mama so ugly, she went to see a haunted house, bitch come out with a job application.
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Poo Master
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I want my bombings to start. This is almost like a poor BJ. "I want head no hand, If I wanted to whack it I could do it myself, just keep sucking all mouth no hand". Bush is teasing us with our bombers and missles. PUSH THE FUCKING BUTTON. Or let me do it, whats the worst these 3rd world freaks can do? Feed us rice and disese. Maybe launch a few pussy assed scuds in our direction. Osam Bin Bob should ask his buddy Sadomy what happens when you piss off the US and another Bush.
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I don't know if anyone else heard this, but it really fucking pissed me off when i did. Apparently, some fuckin rag head with a visa boarded a cross country flight out of SF, california. The flight was delayed because one of the attendents told the pilot that there was a suspicious looking passenger on the plane. The pilot called secutity and the arab fucker was taken off the plane for questioning. Once his identification was cleared with athorities, he was sent to his destination on the next available flight; no harm done, right? WRONG!!!! The fucker is planning to SUE the airline for discrimination charges. SUE THE FUCKING AIRLINE!!! As if airlines in america haven't taken enough of an economic blow, this fuckin camel jockey has to add to it. If this asshole was a real american citizen, he wouldn't be thinking about himself at a time like this and respect the will of the country in finding the dingleberries that are accociated with these terrorists. Consequentially, this person has to realize that some people are going to be questioned mistakenly for the cause. And what does he expect when a bunch of his native people fucked up our country! Of course were going to be suspicious of them. I say deport the bitch, end of story.
Second Issue:
Osama Ben Gay sent a public message to countries in the middle east to "fight back against the vile american crusaders at all costs." This fuck actually has the nerve to try to make us look like the bad guys after targeting and killing over 6000 inocent civilians. Even worse, he denies having any activity in the terrorist attacks. Who then does he say did it? FUCKING JEWISH AMERICANS!!!! Does anyone else find it funny that a group of poeple who would not even exist, had it not been for the US in WWII, attack our country? This moron sees this as a holy war, when it is simply the world vs. a cowardice race of people who need to fucking DIE!!!
Another american life shouldn't be wasted in trying to fry this donkey fucker.
BOMB THEM!!! NUKES, SCUDS, CRUSE MISSLES, CLUSTER BOMBS, NAPALM!!!! Rain fuckin hell down on them!!!

[This message has been edited by Ender (edited 09-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Ender (edited 09-25-2001).]

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now thats more like it!!!


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What does Eric think of this whole business? Prepare thyself for a long post, as I go through these about once every couple weeks. I think I'll start reading these boards daily now...

A couple thoughts stick deep in my head:

1) The whole bomb the shit out of them? Absolutely. Our country seems to have forgotten the jaw-dropping reaction that Hiroshima had on the world. To put it lightly, "Do not fuck with us." For every one American that was lost, 100 pieces of shit that are a burden to the WORLD need to go. Send in the troops, the tanks, the Apaches, the bombers, the aircraft carriers, the fighters, the Special Forces, the RANGERS, Delta, Reserves, National Guard...send us all. And no one can rationally tell me that they would stand any kind of fighting chance. Innocents? How many innocent Americans died that day...hmmmm ALL OF EM? Women? Children? Guess what you hippy fucking waste of space it's not called WAR 'cause it's nice and happy. Nothing gets a bigger response then death, violence and carnage. Nothing invokes more fear than loss of life. And the one thing these un-educated fanatical worthless shitfucks should fear most is the WRATH OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. But guess what....

2) It's probably not gonna end up the way we want it to. I am a member of, and they're message boards are unbelievably tame compared to good ol' noncompliance. (Nice work guys!) They speak of BOMBING! Hooray! Then there are ten posts from PEOPLE IN THE SERVICE saying..."Ohh...well, y'know...people will die...and umm...I'm sensitive and...that's not nice...give me my teddy bear and let me suck some more DICK!" It is truly unbelievable. Our "gunslinger" Chief of Staff? I hope he whips his balls out and they're 4,622 lbs. But I bet they aren't. I expect a long drawn out political "bring them to justice" campaign. I'm telling you, I HOPE a massive and supremely obliterating military operation comes out of this. Yes, as of right now, Special Forces, Delta, Rangers and the 82nd Airborne are deployed overseas. These operations will not be televised, we will only hear sketchy reports of success/failure. Failure? Not an option. Please, Georgey boy, please...don't let that thumb find it's way into your ass...please. If that happens, the retaliation will not be AT ALL impactful, and as Cramer said, we reap what we sow. Do you think the terrorists are shaking in their boots err...ragshoes right now? Hell fucking no! They need to know of our might, see our response, and KNOW, not think, KNOW that if you fuck with the U.S.A. you die. Plain and simple. No trial, no judge, no jury...just executioner.

3) You wanna get an idea of how the military SHOULD work? Read the book 'Blackhawk Down'. The movie is coming out, Jerry Bruckheimer is producing. ANYWAYS, I just gave Klauss my copy. It revolves around the '93 Mogadishu "Snatch and Grab" operation of "Bad Guys" in Somalia. It's a great read that tells it like it is, violent, action packed, tragic and gives you an idea of what the U.S. can DO when prodded. Final numbers, I think we lost 18 Rangers and Delta Force members, they lost 500. Yeah, 500. Another 1,000...(that's one THOUSAND) injured in an operation involving around 93 ground troops and some powerful air support. Anyway, READ IT.

4) Christ, I don't know what else to say, I'm on a roll here. The American Flag on the uniform Mikey, complete and utter bullshit. That would be like if I was deployed to Bosnia, which they were planning in 2003 for my unit, and they said, "Okay, but no American Flags on your uniforms." I don't know what I'd do if I was in your shoes Mike, but I think I'll talk to the few members of Minneapolis P.D. that I know to get more info before writing to some dumb, non-patriotic, over sensitive, pile of monkey shit that needs to be beaten into oblivion...(like that Klauss?).

5) Am I already on 5? Sorry guys, almost done. You know the problem with today's generation? Most of these tree hugging, pillow biting, bitchy, over sensitive people were raised with the understanding that it's okay to be that way...and were told that by WOMEN. The root of all evil? Quite possibly. The reason today's leaders can't grab they're balls and say, "FUCK YOU!" is 'cause they're scared of the response from the over sensitive, conditioned masses that don't understand that now and then you MUST say exactly how you feel without fear of the repurcussions of your words. And then you must follow through.

6) Last but not least, what would be wrong with a counter-protest? When they all start protesting, we all come from the opposite alley with the "Pro War" posters? The "Bomb the fuck out of em"? The "Love it or Leave it" USA posters? I can tell you, there would be no problem filling the street with AMERICANS right about now.

I'm done. If we start military operations, I'll be happy. If the operations send me over there, which I strongly doubt, I'll go. I'm not dying to go, but I'm not afraid to go. But like I said, my prediction is a long, drawn out silly ass "operation" to get the responsible parties. Operation Infinite Justice? How about Operation Infitite Holding Pattern? Operation Safeties On Gentlemen? Operation Warning Shots? Operation No Innocents Killed For God Sakes? Sorry, I'm goin.... By the way, the Sports Illustrated with "The Week That Sports Stood Still". Read the last article by that Pat Reilly can he fuckin write.

Give me some feedback gentleman.

-Eric Nielson

"6,333 reasons to kill em all."

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Fuck it, Kill em all and the japs too. That will show em that we hold grudges forever. Then nuke the uk, france, fuck it the germans too. FUCK IT ALL NUKE THE WHOLE WORLD.
Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Posting God
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Render the beaners too - 'cause they smell!!

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interesting eric.
it makes me feel better to know that im not the only person who believes that the u.s. has been partially gutted by this whole leftist-femminist-pussy-ass-shit they call
" diversity " and " sensitivity ".
the train is so far off the tracks, its hard
to belive that this will be the reason that
things are " re-set ".

your text gets right to the bone.. and by the way
your book is a really good read. im not at
all opposed to not knowing shit about whats
going on with our troops.
sadam knew too much shit because of the clinton news network ( cnn ). these
fuck-head reporters acctually have the balls
to " demand " " for the sake of the publics
right to know " where are troops are and
what they plan??? how fucked up is this???
and as soon as some photos hit the tabloids of americans killing ass-holes, we will then
be criminalized instantly! fuck that!!!

start dragging there asses right through the
street, and lets bring the word TREASON back
into the american language. we need to convict and hang ANY u.s. citiczen that helps
or has helped these jack-ass people in this country.deport aliens that are guilty of this??? no. hang them too. hanged by the neck till dead! make sure the whole thing

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the pentagon, under pressure from the " arab community " has caved, and changed the name of the campain to some warm-fuzzy-shit.



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Nice post Eric! You kind of sum up the feelings I think we all have. It is unfortunate that there is already a growing “be nice to the Arabs” movement.

The other day while I was on the internet I posted a message on ICQ (chat thingy – cramer) and within a few minutes I was chatting with a girl from Philippines . She was nice enough and wanted to talk about the WTC disaster. She expressed her sorrow for the victims and told me how sorry her country was. We chatted about how life was different in the US since and then she asked about Bush’s response. I told her at the very least A LOT of bombs were going to fall on a few countries. She started to express concern for the people of Afghanistan and told me she hoped the US wouldn’t attack. I guess the Philippines are Muslim. She got worked up about civilians getting hurt and I got pissed. I had to remind her that 6,000+ innocent civilians were not only dead but were burned, crushed, chocked, or forced to jump 100 stories to their deaths. This is WAR and civilians are going to die in countries harboring terrorists. The Afgan people have had 2 weeks to get the hell out of dodge so I see no excuse for civilians to be getting hurt. Anyway, it the end this girl understood where I was coming from and agreed with me. But I could tell that her being Muslim made her think a bit different about this.

I have been reading the book Eric gave me Black Hawk “can put the book” Down and if the Afgan’s fight anything like the Sammy’s – using women and children like human shields to hide behind, a lot of civilians are going to die. Great book – very descriptive from all angles of the battle. I highly recommend everyone pick up a copy or get in line for Eric’s copy.


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it would be better for EVERYONE,

to have the arab-americans be stressed out
for a while, harassed or whatever, than to
allow them to lurk around, and continue the
whole guilt by association thing.

if these bastards want shit to change,
they had better start in there own areas
they live in, talk to your neighbors ass-holes!!! stop someone and ask them what they
think about shit. let people know where you stand, dont attempt to hide from the whole

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Hispanic Mechanic
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First of all I think there needs to be a message icon in the shape of a mushroom cloud. Second, when the hell are we gonna start carpet bombing? Osama bin fuck stick child molesting shit brick camel jockey diaper/towel head pussy fart laden needs to die. Tie his balls to a scud and launch him over to iraq where him and sodam insane can fuck eachothers queerbait asses. If you look real close at the TV, camel jockeys are some ugly lookin' bitches. If a diaper head goes through airport security and they make him unrap his fruit basket hat to inspect it, would they be offended? I hope so. Fuck'em all!!!!!! NUKE NUKE NUKE NUKE So if we could wipe out all the camel jockey fucks in the sand castle land, what do we do with all the leftovers that are still here? Sending them back to their native sandbox would be too expensive, unless we used fedex worst priority mail. Better yet cement shoes. 2/3s of the earth is water. We have plenty ocean floor to line them up on. Or better yet, build a really tall building on an old nuclear test site.(so it's away from any population) Gather up all the towel head fucks and put them in the building, and fly a plane into the side of it. See how those fucker like it. KILL COCKSUKA BALL LABIA!!!!!!
Posts: 38 | From: eaganmnusa | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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BTW - here is a link to the trainer for Black Hawk Down. March release

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Observations and my ultimate solution.

The Taliban have been smoking a little too much hash. Are these Diaper hats impermeable to cognative functions and reasoning? Do they automaticaly revert millions of years of evolution rendering them inferior to pubic lice? I am sick of seeing these pajama protest partys. Send them a truck load of levi's. They need the good ole relaxed fit american blue jeans. We could send in some coolgate and bic's. These people want to be taken seriously, shave off the silly fucking organ grinder beard. China and HK are right next door get some Air Jordans, they're better then wood and rope sandels. Move to a city. Sam Kinison or Dennis Leary (I cant recall) said it the best "nothing grows in the desert". Without these silly people who would sell us discounted ciggaretts or gas? Our cabs wouldnt just drive themselfs.

Nuke the holy land! The developement of organized religon started this conflict, and no one can share. Its like to little kids fighting over the same toy, what do you do, melt it down. Then they can't fight over it. I want the government to issue arab hunting permits, I'll bag my limit. What else do we do. We have to terrorize them above and beyond Heroshima/Nagasaki. I think we should fire the first nuke then launch a few at anyone who bitches. And you all know our smelly limp wristed frogs will bitch. Or we could flood their vallys with napalm. Fuck it do both.

Why do we do all of this?

Cuz we can, we are the USA and we have Money, Flushable camodes, Jack Daniels... We should kill 100 of theres for 1 of ours. Thats the rapture thes fucks have started.

God Bless America

I want my CNN Nightscope Bomber Cam. I'm Jonesing for it. And fuck the chopy video phone and invest in a digital camera.

Posts: 740 | From: Tranyland Pending | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by bich:
Osama bin fuck stick child molesting shit brick camel jockey diaper/towel head pussy fart laden needs to die.

Holy shit was I laughing after reading that. I think that's how I will refer to him from now on...


[This message has been edited by Klaus (edited 09-26-2001).]

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I'm all for every one of these terrorist pieces of shit being hanged. I think that's a very efficient and fitting end to them but I don't think it should be public. That's much to flashy and dramatic and tends to make marytrs of the low-lifes in the eyes of everyone who'd ever consider following them.
After the famous Great Escape of WWII where 76 British and various other nationality airmen brilliantly escaped from a POW camp, 50 of those recaptured where murdered by the Gestapo. This particular escape was intended not to be a way for those in the POW camp to get home but rather to create a whole new front that would divert as many German troops away from the actual war as possible. It worked especially well because it just happened to take place just before D-Day and as many as 1 million German police, army, Gestapo, SS, etc. overall were diverted to hunt down the 76 escaped Allied airmen. If you haven't seen the movie by the same title, see it, it's great! Anyway, after the war was over, the British and US gov'ts hunted down every Gestapo agent and leader who had a hand in the massacres and each and every one of them was quickly and quietly hanged.

I don't think these motherfuckers deserve the attention of any kind of public ceromony. A good example is the French revolution (I know, "fuck the Frogs") and the guillotine. Over time, they had to discontinue public beheadings because it glorified the criminals being killed. Before taking that step, the French gov't lowered the guillotine off of the traditional raised stage and painted the blade black so that it wouldn't reflect the sun as the blade fell, etc. All of these things were done to de-glorify these people. Here's a great quote from Gavin DeBecker's book The Gift Of Fear that sums it up pretty well:

"I propose that we don't show the bullets on the bureau in the seedy hotel room; show instead the dirty underwear and socks on the bathroom floor. I propose that we don't arrange photo opportunities that show the offender being escorted by ten federal agents from a helicopter to a motorcade of waiting cars. Show him instead in a mangy T-shirt, handcuffed to a pipe in some gloomy corridor, watched by one guard, and a woman at that. Not many identity-seeking would-be assassins would see those images and say, "Yeah, that's the life for me!"
Conversely, guarded by federal agents (just like the president), his childhood home shown on TV (just like the president), the type of gun he owned fired on the news by munitions experts extolling its killing power, the plans he made described as "meticulous" -- these presentations promote the glorious aspects of assassintaion and other media crimes. Getting caught for some awful violence should be the start of oblivion, not the biggest day of one's life."

I think the same holds true for terrorists as well as assassins, they're one in the same. It doesn't help matters at all when the media sucks their dicks by saying how "brilliant" their plans were or how this event is the "biggest terrorism incident in world history". Yeah, good idea, let's praise them for what they've done!

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Just a thought.
Its from KQ's page.

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A Letter from Lt. Col. Tony Kern, USAF (Ret)
>>Foreign Affairs Miscellaneous
>>Source: Dr. Tony Kern, Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
>>Published: September, 2001 Author: Dr. Tony Kern, Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
>>Posted on 09/19/2001 18:25:40 PDT by shootnloot
>>Dear friends and fellow Americans,
>>Like everyone else in this great country, I am reeling from last week's
>>attack on our sovereignty. But unlike some, I am not reeling from
>>surprise. As a career soldier and a student and teacher of military
>>history, I have a different perspective and I think you should hear it.
>>This war will be won or lost by the American citizens, not diplomats,
>>politicians or soldiers. Let me briefly explain. In spite of what the
>>media, and even our own government is telling us, this act was not
>>committed by a group of mentally deranged fanatics. To dismiss them as
>>such would be among the gravest of mistakes. This attack was committed
>>by a ferocious, intelligent and dedicated adversary. Don't take this the
>>wrong way. I don't admire these men and I deplore their tactics, but I
>>respect their capabilities.
>>The many parallels that have been made with the Japanese attack on Pearl
>>Harbor are apropos. Not only because it was a brilliant sneak attack
>>against a complacent America, but also because we may well be pulling
>>our new adversaries out of caves 30 years after we think this war is
>>over, just like my father's generation had to do with the formidable
>>Japanese in the years following WW II.
>>These men hate the United States with all of their being, and we must
>>not underestimate the power of their moral commitment. Napoleon, perhaps
>>the world's greatest combination of soldier and statesman, stated "the
>>is to the physical as three is to one." Patton thought the Frenchman
>>underestimated its importance and said moral conviction was five times
>>more important in battle than physical strength.
>>Our enemies are willing - better said anxious -- to give their lives for
>>their cause. How committed are we America? And for how long?
>>In addition to demonstrating great moral conviction, the recent attack
>>demonstrated a mastery of some of the basic fundamentals of warfare
>>taught to most military officers worldwide, namely simplicity, security
>>and surprise. When I first heard rumors that some of these men may have
>>been trained at our own Air War College, it made perfect sense to me.
>>This was not a random act of violence, and we can expect the same sort
>>of military competence to be displayed in the battle to come.
>>This war will escalate, with a good portion of it happening right here
>>in the good ol' U.S. of A. These men will not go easily into the night.
>>They do not fear us. We must not fear them. In spite of our overwhelming
>>conventional strength as the world's only "superpower" (a truly silly
>>term), we are the underdog in this fight. As you listen to the carefully
>>scripted rhetoric designed to prepare us for the march for war, please
>>realize that America is not equipped or seriously trained for the battle
>>ahead. To be certain, our soldiers are much better than the enemy, and
>>we have some excellent "counter-terrorist" organizations, but they are
>>mostly trained for hostage rescues, airfield seizures, or the occasional
>>"body snatch," (which may come in handy).
>>We will be fighting a war of annihilation, because if their early
>>efforts are any indication, our enemy is ready and willing to die to the
>>last man. Eradicating the enemy will be costly and time consuming. They
>>have already deployed their forces in as many as 20 countries, and are
>>likely living the lives of everyday citizens. Simply put, our soldiers
>>will be tasked with a
>>search and destroy mission on multiple foreign landscapes, and the
>>public must be patient and supportive until the strategy and tactics can
>>be worked out.
>>For the most part, our military is still in the process of redefining
>>itself and presided over by men and women who grew up with - and were
>>promoted because they excelled in - Cold War doctrine, strategy and
>>tactics. This will not be linear warfare, there will be no clear
>>"centers of gravity" to strike with high technology weapons. Our vast
>>technological edge will certainly be helpful, but it will not be
>>decisive. Perhaps the perfect metaphor for the coming battle was
>>introduced by the terrorists themselves board the hijacked aircraft --
>>this will be a knife fight, and it will be won or lost by the ingenuity
>>and will of citizens and soldiers, not by software or smart bombs.
>>We must also be patient with our military leaders. Unlike Americans who
>>are eager to put this messy time behind us, our adversaries have time on
>>their side, and they will use it. They plan to fight a battle of
>>attrition, hoping to drag the battle out until the American public loses
>>its will to fight. This might be difficult to believe in this euphoric
>>time of flag waving
>>and patriotism, but it is generally acknowledged that America lacks the
>>stomach for a long fight.
>>We need only look as far back as Vietnam, when North Vietnamese General
>>Vo Nguyen Giap (also a military history teacher) defeated the United
>>States of America without ever winning a major tactical battle. American
>>soldiers who marched to war cheered on by flag waving Americans in 1965
>>were reviled and spat upon less than three years later when they
>>returned. Although we hope that Osama Bin Laden is no Giap, he is
>>certain to understand and employ the concept.
>>We can expect not only large doses of pain like the recent attacks, but
>>also less audacious "sand in the gears" tactics, ranging from livestock
>>infestations to attacks at water supplies and power distribution
>>facilities. These attacks are designed to hit us in our "comfort zone"
>>forcing the average American to "pay more and play less" and eventually
>>eroding our resolve. But it can only work if we let it.
>>It is clear to me that the will of the American citizenry - you and I -
>>is the center of gravity the enemy has targeted. It will be the fulcrum
>>upon which victory or defeat will turn. He believes us to be soft,
>>impatient, and self-centered. He may be right, but if so, we must
>>The Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz, (the most often quoted and
>>least read military theorist in history), says that there is a
>>"remarkable trinity of war" that is composed of the (1) will of the
>>people, (2) the political leadership of the government, and (3) the
>>chance and probability that plays out on the field of battle, in that
>>Every American citizen was in the crosshairs of last Tuesday's attack,
>>not just those that were unfortunate enough to be in the World Trade
>>Center or Pentagon. The will of the American people will decide this
>>war. If we are to win, it will be because we have what it takes to
>>persevere through a few more hits, learn from our mistakes, improvise,
>>and adapt. If we can do that, we will eventually prevail.
>>Everyone I've talked to In the past few days has shared a common
>>frustration, saying in one form or another "I just wish I could do
>>something!" You are already doing it. Just keep faith in America, and
>>continue to support your President and military, and the outcome is
>>certain. If we fail to do so, the outcome is equally certain. God Bless
>>Dr. Tony Kern, Lt Col, USAF (Ret) Former Director of Military History,
>>USAF Academy
>>Prof. Eric Steinhart
>>Department of Philosophy
>>William Paterson University
>>Wayne NJ 07470 USA

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I hate when people say shit like this...'cause he's right.

Smart man, though.


[This message has been edited by BoondockSaint (edited 09-28-2001).]

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