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Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :

I read this, and wow. How can some boarder jumper or kiddie rapist fool this? But then I thought to myself is this too much information for one group (IE: banks, Government) to have on us. Is DNA going to be collected like finger prints? Are we going to be subjected to give these groups our genetic makeup and other identifying charictoristics? Are thes groups going to sell this with our home FUCKING phone numbers to a zit ridden prepubescent telemarketer? Is our identity going to be held in some security defficiant database? I undestand we have the technology and the means to do this. I also understand that this is probally the lesser of the two evils. I just want to know when and where we draw a firm unbreakable line.

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
they are already taking blood and making a
DNA file on everyone that is born in this country...WAKE UP!!!! if you can dream it,
its probably already in use.
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
weapons that, according to the ATF/FBI,
are assault or para-military style, are being " finger printed " before they go into
circulation, so that in the event the wepons
are used in a crime, the person who purchased the firearm originally, will be where they start with the questions.
Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
Reliable face recognition technology has been around for a couple of years now.

I heard rumors that they used it during one of the recent Super Bowls to scan the crowd for known felons (read terrorists.)

They've also been using it in the UK as "big brother's" cameras record nearly every street corner. And I heard they’ve been using it in Vegas casinos to detect known cheaters.

I also heard they were getting ready to implement some system in Florida, but I don’t remember if it was at an airport or someplace else. I think it was delayed because privacy groups took them to court.

Don't think that your picture isn't being recorded in a facial recognition database when you get your drivers license renewed. Why do you think they want to create a federal id card?

Don’t you guys listen to Art Bell????


Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
the day will be here, and i will bet before
the end of next year, we will have to have
on our person at all times, a federal ID card

not to give them any more ideas.. but
i would be open to a wager that within four years there will not be another " open table " gun show, like what we have been able to enjoy. there will be an " event "
that triggers the extinction of this, and many other " personal firearms freedoms "
that were allegeadly to be protected by the
second ammendment. hell, its not just the second ammendment thats under attack, its
all your freedoms. these diaper-wearing fucks
are going to make it so that we are held
" prisoner " in our own country, by our own
elected officials!!!! what a bunch of shit!!

Posted by Jomamason (Member # 14) on :
HITLER?????? Whats wrong with papers? I thought you'd rather be in his shoes due to his "really knowing who his enemies were" right........He wasn't all that bad was he? he was a firm believer in another policy I knowyou support "GUN CONTROL/REGISTRATION"..
On top of that he was a socialist which I know you love and he made sure the Govt would provide every one with a very equal and economical car called the VW beetle.....

(lol, j/k)


Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
Satellites out of L.A. County tax reach

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Angeles County assessor's attempt to tax at least eight satellites in orbit above the earth has been rejected.

The California Board of Equalization ruled 5-0 Wednesday to prohibit state and local taxes from being assessed on satellites. Assessor Rick Auerbach had sparked the debate by trying to collect property taxes on the satellites, owned by Hughes Electronics Corp. of El Segundo, which is within L.A. County.

The satellites, parked 22,300 miles above the equator, were worth an estimated $100 million each when new.

"The Board of Equalization has acted reasonably and responsibly and we're pleased about that," Hughes spokesman George Jamison said Thursday.

Auerbach had sought to tax the satellites as movable property -- similar to construction equipment or boats.

While earlier saying he might take the issue to court, Auerbach on Thursday said he would accept the board's ruling.

"This was an issue that definitely needed clarification and they did that," he said.

Virginia Beach, Virginia, had taxed the Fox Network $120,000 a year for satellite transponders used by its Family Channel between 1995 and 1998. A judge last year ordered the city to return the money, saying the property was outside the city's jurisdiction.

Leave it to Kalifornia.


Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
i did not say anything about being in lock-step with the hitler. nor am i defending
his person. i dont know how to reduce the
size of the words to make you understand....


Posted by Jomamason (Member # 14) on :
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say your not in "goose-step" with the furher??

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
edited for warning

[This message has been edited by Trany (edited 10-01-2001).]

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Here is a link of technology that I'll except, untill some of you sick fuckers try to steal my precious internal organs. FUCK YOU!

dont open at work


Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :

its not legal for the government to " eaves-drop" on its own people, but its ok to have
the U.N. do it under the light blue flag of freedom and truth.
our army now wears berets, i guess its only a
matter of time until they are the same ugly
light blue as the U.N. ......

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