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Posted by cajun on :
Well, maybe not the economy's fault, but it sure is Corporate's fault!

Got laid off on Monday.

"Purely financial" they said. Been there only 4 months. Same day they took out 8 out of 43 employees. Apparently Corporate over in Cleveland told the branch I used to work for "Lose less money NOW. Reduce overhead NOW." 15 approx. year old medical products startup, with a good, steady product line and lots of contract work pouring in. Company has reduced losses by a factor of 10 over the past year, and were on track to being in the black by next year some time. Apparently some dumbass thought that laying off a few engineers and whatnot (we only had 5...) would save money. Short term, sure, but I don't think they'll stay on their projected track to "in the black" after this!


Anyways, so anyone know a company that needs a Mechanical Engineer?


Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
What's a "Mechanical Engineer"?

What do they do?

[This message has been edited by Chadwick (edited 10-03-2001).]

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Don't worry, just file for unemployment. Collect about 60% of your normal wages and drink lots of beer. I have been layed off 4 times in the past year. It sucks at first, yet something allways comes up.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
I heard today from a friend that does financial planning in Chicago that the average 401k lost 7-10% this last year. People lost more if you put a lot of your mutual fund money into technology funds :}


Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
Grab every piece of weaponry and ammunition you can find and climb the nearest clock or water tower!!!

Take out your aggression and spread your misery to thousands of innocent others!!! It's the human way!!!


Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
The U of M has a few nice towers. There are a bunch of innocent little co-eds to snipe.
Pfaff thats a good idea, hell I don't need to be laid off. I just need to find the motivation. Lord knows its not in the bottom of the beer bottle. I've looked many times.
Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
Well, let's not give anyone ideas.....but whoever snaps first, will you please let me know. I have a list to give you...
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
these are not written down are they???
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
Welcome to the Club, Cajun! I was laid-off last spring and have just recently landed a contracting position downtown Mpls with Deloitte & Touche, only to find that they're "letting attrition run it's course" and all the contractors are being let go. My office is a special situation so I may get to stay part time but who knows.

Unemployment in MN is amazingly painless, you can register for it online and request your check each bi-weekly period by automated phone system and have it direct-deposited into your bank account with taxes withheld. Slick. I'm happy to say I used mostly savings to fund my little extended vacation these past few months and only actually collected three weeks worth of unemployment. Don't feel bad though, you're not costing the taxpayers much, the state will pass along the expense to your former employer via their unemployment insurance payments so it's a good way to spite them. I think unemployment is still being processed during this strike but it may take longer to get set up.


Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
Speaking of the state strike....
I was going to start a whole new thread on this but this seems like a good place to bring this up.

Am I the only one who just can't feel sorry for these poor, underprivelaged state workers??? Do they really expect ANYONE to care about their wages, bennies and whatnot in the wake of Sept. 11 and the ongoing economy problems?? Our country's been attacked by terrorists, over 6000 citizens including about 300 firefighters and 60 police officers in New York are dead, we're at war and these people expect me to feel sorry for them?!?!?! As Tim would say, whimper, whimper, meow, meow. I haven't had a stable job since May and no strong prospects for anything similar, I'm a f'n contractor and have no health insurance currently and I certainly don't have a union to "look out for my best interests". I don't expect anyone to feel bad for me and I definitely don't want to hear employed people bitch. Since when do you go on strike during a RECESSION? They should be happy they're employed at all and even more happy that they're alive. Sorry folks, all my sympathy for the time being has been used up on the people that really deserve it. People like oh, I don't know, those who lost loved ones in a terrorist attack or those that will lose loved ones in the ensuing war. Oh no, wait, there's public employees in MN who need a better pension!!! Holy Shit! Drop everything. Shut up and get your asses back to work.

[This message has been edited by ProfBooty (edited 10-03-2001).]

Posted by bich (Member # 35) on :
what the hell is Deloitte & Touche? Sounds like a bathroom supply company.
I agree with you on the whiny strikers. I don't feel sorry for them. Fuck 'em. Let them stay on strike and save a few tax dollars.
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
Originally posted by bich:
what the hell is Deloitte & Touche? Sounds like a bathroom supply company.

Kinda does sound like that They're one of the "Big 5" business to business consulting agencies. I think they're in the top 100 best places to work in the US. Wouldn't mind landing a full time job there....

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
these fuck-head state jerk-offs want the money that they are " saving " the state by
not working, given to them when they do come back to work!!! what a crock of shit!!!
and the fuck-heads at the state will probably
figure out a way to give them the money!!!


oh, im going to have to pay a co-pay at the
fucking doctors... oh, my job doesnt pay
what the " real world " pays... FUCK YOU!!!!!

and won't one of you " all knowing " people
explain what the real world is???? please??

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
I don't think ill ever know what the "real world" is....oh well....maybe next time...

The only thing i know so far about life is that the toys seem to get exponentially more expensive.

"Might as well jump, JUMP....."

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
hey cajun...

how goes the unemployment scene????

hows the job market???

Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
If they're jealous of real world salaries, why don't they go out and get a job in the real world??! Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp? If I don't like my job, my pay, etc., I go elsewhere or I stay where I'm at and deal. Ventura may be a childish ass for the most part but I do like his hardline stance on the whole thing: best offer is on the table, take it or leave it.
Posted by cajun on :
Job market ain't so good right now, at least not for someone with my training/experience. I "qualify" for any number of jobs below my experience level, but I'm not ready to take a step backwards on the wage ladder just yet. Seems there's plenty of "entry level" jobs and plenty of "5-10+ years experience" jobs but precious few for ~3-4 years experience (a little over 1 while in school, almost 3 since...) out there...

As for unemployment, I probably won't qualify. See, my last job prior to this one I just got laid off from was in Illinois, and there wasn't anywhere on the "online application form" to put it down, nor what I made there. The "base period" they use to determine eligibility and benefits is the "first 4 out of the last 5 *completed* quarters". (A quarter is a 3-month period, quarter year, think "fiscal quarter" or somesuch. It's rigid sections of a year, not just a certain amount of time...) Since I got laid off on Oct. 1st, that means my "base period" is from July 1st 2000 to June 30th 2001. That includes one full quarter of work in Illinois, one partial quarter of work in Illinois, and one partial quarter of work in Minnesota. If they disregard my Illinois employment, then I don't qualify 'cause you have to have made over $1000 in your highest-earnings quarter and at least $250 in some other quarter. I only worked 4 months for BIOMEC, and the way the "base period" is figured, it cuts out the only full quarter I worked in Minnesota!!! Argh!

Now, I'm not much for welfare, but this is a fund paid for by companies through some sort of insurance or tax thing to cover people they lay off. That's probably why my Illinois stuff won't be included, since Illinois employers don't pay into the Minnesota fund. If they DO consider my Illinois employment, the aid will cover my rent and some of my bills for 26 weeks...

Sent out a bunch of resumes already, but have only gotten "Yah, we got your resume" replies so far, and they say I'll be contacted if they are interested, not otherwise...


BTW, the "real world" so far seems to be a place in which, despite how hard you work and how much you make you can't get what you want unless you go deeply into debt...

F@#K that. I just sold my Dodge a month ago, and I'm going to have to use the proceeds to pay my bills for the next 6 months or so, relying on a car borrowed from my parents to do any errands or go to any interviews I get...

Cramer, still want to sell you that '71, might be able to convince myself that I can use THAT money to fix my '79 with a used welder and some used parts, but I dunno... Only have the "loaner" car until February at most, 'cause that's when the leaser my Mom's driving goes back and she needs her bought car back from me... If I can get the "basics" done by then, I can drive it instead. Needs quarter panels, rear channel, some floor bits, some wheelwell bits, some cowl bits, a windshield/frame, set of doors and some top bits, brake lines, brake bits, full electrical, some fuel system bits, tuneup bits, etc... I'd really like to knock of the bulk of the rust and at least "chemically" slow it down with some of that "paint over rust" type paint or something. If I take it apart enough to go sandblast it might not go back together right...

Cramer, I'll probably try calling you this evening. I don't know your hours, but last I knew it was 2nd shift.

At least the garage thing is solved. My brother bought a house with some help from my Dad and they're offering me the free use of the 2-car detached oversize garage if I help insulate it, add or set it up for a heater and maybe upgrade the electrics. (if it has or I can put in 220, I can use a REAL welder!)

Anyways, I'll be on and off this board at long intervals...

Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
A stolen boom-truck with a man bucket makes a good mobile clock tower.....

just an observation.....


Posted by cajun on :
Well, turns out I'll probably get benefits anyway. Kind of a roundabout process, and the company names look wierd for where I made the money I earned over the past 2 years, but the MN Dpt. of Economic Security contacted Illinois, who sent me a letter to fill out with my Illinois earnings, which I did and sent back, which they then forwarded back to the MNDOEC, who calculated my benefits and sent the numbers to me today. Seems a decent amount, as I think Trany or someone mentioned, it's just shy of 60% of my wages or so. Good for just over 15 weeks, as there's a max you can get in a year, which is your "base period" divided by 3. So, I don't get a full year of benefits 'cause I made too much. Oh well, it'll pay rent and bills for nearly 4 months at least, if I don't spend much on other stuff. (never do, anyway... TV's still only 13"...)

Not sure I like being on "welfare", but it certainly reduces some of the economic pressure on me and lets me concentrate better on finding a new job. That and they'll be asking regularly about how my job search goes. Have to file resumes every week or so to keep getting the benefits, so it's not like I can just lay there and live off it or anything.

Hmm. Maybe I'll take some classes or something... "Investing in yourself" is always a good idea. Not sure if I want to take ASE classes or art classes or thermodynamics and fluid mechanics and other suchlike engineering classes, though... Always been a tossup there. Mechanic, Mechanical Sculptor or Mechanical Engineer. All three I guess. Rebuilding a Land Cruiser qualifies as 'Welded Metal Self-Powered Kinetic Sculpture'

(still only getting postcard replies 'we got your resume, we'll call you if we're interested...')

Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
Become a gunsmith.
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
na will. dont waste your time with any
" blue collar " trade. especially on gunsmithing...

firearms will be out of the average joes hands in a few years.

Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
not till you pry it from my cold dead hand.... and I'm anything but average
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Become a pimp. Or a street hustler. The PC term is door to door pharmacutical distributer. Or learn how to weave baskets.
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
...Or learn how to weave baskets.[/B]

Underwater, of course!

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
how can the media juggernaut MTV be getting
rid of people??? with all the deep insights to reality that they share with the world,
and there commitment to " getting the truth out " on MTV news, you would figure them to be a magnet for employment in times like this. especially since they do such a wonderfull job of conditioning there audience to belive everthing they spew...
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
FUCK MTV WITH A BIG RUBBER DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
I'm still confused by the "Real World" and "Road Rules" concept. Are these shows aimed at the audience of people who live such elite and sheltered lives so absent of actual human interaction that they actually need to get their fill of it from a show?!?
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Look at "The Sims".

A video game where you create and simulate a family. You send them to their jobs, buy stuff for your house, make them eat, sleep, piss, shit, have social interactions and have fun, or your Sim gets sad and does poor at work, cries, pisses/shits themselves, sleeps on the floor and/or DIES. Now I'm all one for video games, and the reason I know about it is because up in Moose Lake that was one of the games my Hotel roommate had so I played it...could be very addicting, but what happened to good old fashioned entertainment? Literally you'll have you're little Sim guy sit in front of the TV for hours...while you sit in front of you're PC for minutes/HOURS at a time. Yeah, and this is one of the most popular games right now, selling literally MILLIONS of copies, and the 3 expansion packs have sold millions as well. Pretty sad that kids don't need to talk to anyone to have fun anymore.

We were an Atari/Nintendo generation, now there will be kids that do nothing but play computer and live long depressing lives of solitude. But their little Sims family will be huge! The Real World/Road Rules marathon 34 will be running on their TV in their Mom's basement while their masturbating profusely to video game chicks.

Poor little buggers.


Pearl Harbor Death Toll: 2,403 Americans vs 270,000 Japanese.
WTC Death Toll: 6,000 Americans vs ??? -I say kill em all-

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Thats what I used to refer to as local bus perv's. Thats an old school term. They are still around you know.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
I know my little cousin who is 9 plays that game. She plays it because its a lot like playing "house". She can have babies, have parties, and all that stuff and actually SEE it all happening instead of just pretending in her play room. Does this mean all our children/children in the world, are going to lose their imaginations? Or are we giving them another way to grow in this aspect? I am willing to bet half the people buying the game are under 13.
Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Can you own guns in that game?
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Yeah, and I think you can go on shooting tirades in the schools. Especially in large public places.

Pearl Harbor Death Toll: 2,403 Americans vs 270,000 Japanese.
WTC Death Toll: 6,000 Americans vs ??? -I say kill em all-

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
Hey, hey, hey!
Don't knock masturbating.
There's nothing wrong with it.
It's Natural.
It's fun!

Try it. You'll like it.

I do it after I blow chunks off the head of a terrorist-fuck with the .50BMG in DF: Land Warrior.

Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Is that Delta Force Land Warrior any good?
Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
Yes, I believe so. They dropped the Voxel engine and now use a 3D engine that still supports extremely long distances (thus the .50 Barrett is top-dog for the outdoor missions). I was a fan of the first Delta Force, but not the graphics, that's fixed now. Also, the vast amount of equipment you can carry ensures maximum destruction:
* .50 Barrett
* UMP .45 or MP5
* 9mm Barretta
* TOW rocket launcher
* Granades
* Combat Knife

A little unrealistic I think, but ass-loads of fun.

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Operation Flashpoint is probally the best game I've played in a while. Real life damage, Tanks, Jeeps, Helos. Battle Field general type play as well. Graphics and sound will cause some sizures in small children.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I'm such a Counter-Strike junkie that nothing else seems to compare. I am willing to try anything, though. I will try Operation Flashpoint because you aren't the first person to tell me that game kicks ass, and DFLW will have to be up there on the agenda.

I just put a GeForce 3 card in my 1.4ghz Athlon and I'm now running 70 fps on 1024 SMOOTHLY...the only catch is I don't have DSL where my CPU is, so I'm playing ME against 5-10 bots, and I'm crushing them. But they're still pretty damn smart...



Pearl Harbor Death Toll: 2,403 Americans vs 270,000 Japanese.
WTC Death Toll: 6,000 Americans vs ??? -I say kill em all-

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
You can look forward to 1-2 Green Circle Runs?
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I only do the bunny hill. You should see me bowl over the little kids who aren't wise/skilled enough to move out of my way...BWAH HA HA!

The scary thing is this: Where's the fuckin snow in MN? Colorado will be the first time out for ALL of us this season. I don't think I'm gonna be the only one on the bunny hill.

So is Vikki coming for sure? Any bets on who gets in her pants first, me or Litt?


Pearl Harbor Death Toll: 2,403 Americans vs 270,000 Japanese.
WTC Death Toll: 6,000 Americans vs ??? -I say kill em all-

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by BoondockSaint:
So is Vikki coming for sure? Any bets on who gets in her pants first, me or Litt?


Eric – That’s an easy bet….. Steve already got in her pants – so you loose. As of Sunday, she is going. I am making the reservations today, I just hope it snows in the next 20 days or the snow could suck.


Posted by cajun on :
It has been a LONG time since I went skiing, either downhill or cross-country. I could probably use my Dad's old cross-country skis, I'm about the right weight for them now... If I can dig up his old monocoque skis they might work well too with the extra pressure I can put on them in the turns now. If I want to do a lot of hiking, then I can go ski. Lift tickets are just that: lift tickets. Don't need one to ski, just to get on the lifts. Effectively discourages 99% or more skiers from trying to ski without a ticket, but to the determined... :-) Then again, the larger parks might have some problems with you climbing up there, what with the ski patrol budget and all.

approaching winter, when companies go to "end of year get as much shipped as possible" mode and don't have/make time to look at resumes... Remember this from the LAST go-round. Yet another unemployed November. Whee. Maybe X-mas will jumpstart the economy a bit and there'll be more jobs in the paper. My Dad was reading in the New York Times how Atlanta's job postings are only off by 60%...

Today I at least start the power steering box replacement job, if the box shows up as promised...

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Are you guys flying out? Driving for only 2-3 days of skiing sucks. It seems to be like a half/half chance that there will be no snow so only 2 runs are open. Scott will say im just bitter from the one year i went and the skiing was terrible (he's right). I'm just of the opinion that if your gonna go all that way, ski alot and do it in march or april when the skiing is the best. It's worth the extra money.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
As always Chad we are driving out. It takes 12 hours to get to Denver from my doorstep - with 4 people that equates to 3 hours of driving each. Out of the 7 years I have driven to Colorado to snowboard over Thanksgiving 1 year has been shitty (the year you were with). This year as you say could be 50-50, they don’t have any snow yet and it’s less then 3 weeks until Thanksgiving.

Driving on a 12 hour road trip can go very smoothly if done correctly. The problem with the drive two years ago to Denver was that Chad refused to allow the two other people on the trip to drive on the way back. This put everyone at risk, we had to stay awake and keep a very tired Chad from sleeping himself. Then when he finally couldn’t stay awake, we were equally as tired and had trouble ourselves. I look forward to the drive every year and yes I sleep during most of it (Nebraska is very boring). Road trips aren’t for everyone. The annual Thanksgiving trip has always been about more then skiing/snowboarding, over the last seven years I have gone with 12 different people and we have always had fun on the mountain and off. Oh, and it’s a very cheap trip – lift tickets are free and lodging is about $50 a person for the weekend, plus gas.


Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Can you blame me? you blew-up an engine and transmission from all your driving out there in your truck. I like my engine and transmission i don't want a new one!


Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Eric – That’s an easy bet….. Steve already got in her pants – so you loose...

That doesn't count!



Pearl Harbor Death Toll: 2,403 Americans vs 270,000 Japanese.
WTC Death Toll: 6,000 Americans vs ??? -I say kill em all-

Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I hate to disagree w/the all powerfull monkey boy , but the snow SUCKED (big time capital sucked) when I met you there for thanksgiving also, and that was not the trip Chad was with. I've been to CB 4 times now, the snows always bulletproof.......... See greatest snow on earth=UTAH......

(sorry but fuck colorado ski resorts overpriced high society crap,,,,, "would you like a $12 hamburger sir with your $8 fries, and $6 coke".... )

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah, well like I was saying.... it's a cheap trip for everyone except myself...I do need a major overhaul every few years. Mike reminded me the other day that the Toyota 4runner wasn't designed to do 90mph for hours on end into the mountains. (go figure)

Eric - we will get Vicki all drunk on wine in the mtns and see if you can get some nipper!

Joe- I agree the snow isn't always the best in CO (especially in November) The year with Chad there was pretty much NO snow, except man-made stuff. It did suck, but we made the best of it. The year we were there 60% of the mtn was open and I remember it was icy - but still WAY WAY better then any skiing in MN. Utah is the best - I agree! (and I have only been there once). At least CB is free!

I will say that Vail last year was awesome - $57 a day was worth it! Huge area - awesome boarding! Even cheap-ass Brandon said he liked Vail. (of wait I paid for his ticket )

Joe, Have you talked to Brandon lately, he hasn't returned my calls.


Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I'll send his # again in case I got it wrong, but no I haven't talked to him other than the first time on the land-line about 1.5 months ago. I'd call him between 7:30-9:30pm his time or else he's likely not around.

Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
What a buncha Sallys, what's this 3-4 hours at a time crap?!? I made Cody, WY (just east of Yellowstone) this past July by myself in 16 hours stopping for fuel once and the occasional piss break. Piece o' cake! Granted, that was during the day. Night driving would be a bit tougher.
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
farmington mn to farminton nm.....33 hours.
truck, trailer, camper, cruiser....
just stopping for fuel and 'dews...

NEVER AGAIN!!!! just not worth it!

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