This is topic have you ever had a really bad hamburger?? in forum General Discussion at Noncompliance.

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Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
well??? HAVE YOU???
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
Yes. I had gas soooo bad that small children died, it kept the country from winning the war and also tore a hole in the space-time continuum.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
A similar experience happened to me last time i went to White Castle. SLIDERFEST!!!

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
White castle is my encompasses all things that are truly evil....

[This message has been edited by Chadwick (edited 10-10-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Chadwick (edited 10-10-2001).]

Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Dito's on the W.C. , the absolute worst, EVER!!!!
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :


Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
White Castle RULES!!!

I read an article a few years ago where an "independent" company surveyed the grade of beef used at a number of different burger joints (fast and slow food) and found that White Castle used one of the highest grades of beef in their sliders.

Long live White Castle!!!
White Castle!!!
White Castle!!!
White Castle!!!
White Castle!!!


Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by Jomama:
Dito's on the W.C. , the absolute worst, EVER!!!!

We argued about this many many times in high school and I think we decided that Joe had only gone to White Castle one time while very young. I believe that he had been to the circus earlier that day and had some bad circus peanuts – he tried exactly one White Castle burger and felt ill. Every since that day he has been under the impression that White Castles were made out of rat meat.

All kidding aside I look forward to my trips up north so that I can stop in Hinkley and get a bag of "rat meat" and clean out my system.


Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Part true/Part monkey-fabrication
(or mabey Klaus-contrived-Exageration is more appropriate). Circus ??????? Where did that come from. I don't think so, never went to the circus in MN. Sliders just didn't do it for me, nasty-ass-shit.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
HAving a sliderfest is one of america's greatest adventures. Grab a couple of buddies, Each my a sack of 20, make them throw some "both" on a plate for ya,(ketchup and mustard mixed together in an orange baby shit consistency) and see how you fare. You honestly get buzzed after about 10 burgers.
I only made it to 17 before my body gave out on me. Lets just say you didnt want to be sitting next to us at the theatre that evening. i swear there was a 15 seat gap all the way around us. It was hard to see the movie because my eyes were watering so bad from the gas......... and laughter....
Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
All of you, save Jomamason, are trully sick and twisted individuals.

[This message has been edited by Chadwick (edited 10-11-2001).]

Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
Why is it when I see Hauserdipshit post: "Grab a couple of buddies, Each my a sack" that I think his heterosexual marraige is a sham and this 'grabbing of buddies' is done in the nude? Also why does a smell originating from another man's ass give him pleasure ('eyes watering from the laughter')?

Klaus, can you color all of Hauser's posts pink?

Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Its kinda odd how some of you are fixated on how "homosexual" something sounds. And I suppose me being married is exactly how i decided to cover up my "homosexual" tendencies... In fact i would be willing to bet that there are a lot more closet homo's who talk about other people being gay than there are who are married. And I dont disrespect your marriage by calling it a sham so please dont disrespect mine.......
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Chow a few more sliders, that will take good care of that Anal Bind you've got going on. Wash it down with a few beers and a little ass lovin. You'll be golden.
Posted by Mikey (Member # 42) on :
Dude, you dish out a lot of shit in this forum. I think you should learn to take a little too. LIGHTEN UP!
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
All I have to say is this. Although its a little graphic it does get my point across.


Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Yeah i doubt i have ever said anything derogetory about anyone on this server ever... We all bring our opinions here and voice them but When you talk about peoples marriages and shit like that, your pushing it a little. I was not rude or "throwing shit" in my retort either. Just because some people have had a shitty marriage/life/relationship doesnt mean all of us do or have. I am not saying cremator has any of those, I am just saying I was put off by his comment. And I hope to god I dont have to deal with any of the nasty shit relationships that some of you guys have been through.....I am sure I would be just as venemous as the rest of you if i had...
Posted by Mikey (Member # 42) on :
My dad can beat up your dad!
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :

your self-rightousness makes me VOMIT!!!


you whining maggot!!!

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
I was vomiting long ago in this thread....

...note the number it may come in handy after an encounter with a ugly white building which serves poop by the 30pack.

[This message has been edited by Chadwick (edited 10-11-2001).]

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Just think of my previous post.
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
its funny how one way or another, at some point in almost every one of these " topics" , they come back to a personal attack, or shit, or vomit....

im suprised someone hasnt posted something
about the fucking " super computer sale " at the fucking fairgrounds
this weekend!!!! i think there is a GUN SHOW
there also....a much better investment...
weapons and ammo!

[This message has been edited by cramer (edited 10-11-2001).]

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
when i started this, for some reason i had
the idea of the high-school " grey-meat "
burger, you know, the cold smelly excuse for
a lunch. no matter what you did to it, you
could not get the " waxy " taste from you
mouth untill you brushed your teeth.

wonderfull grey meat.

Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
To return to the topic of this post (after my personal attack), the worst hamburger I've ever had was the one I paid for at Hardee's in Mounds View that WASN'T IN THE FUCKING BAG WHEN I GOT HOME TO EAT IT!
Luckily, I'm a glutton and had ordered two burgers and a large fry so I didn't starve...
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
hopefully hauseridiot-gay's mom, or some other relative isnt a lunch lady... i would
really hate to make him angry about this
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
RudFuckers in GV or Red "poop" Robin in Eagan, both places were equally shitty. With over priced shit on a bun. Red Robin had the shitty ass service to boot. I am going to burn it down when I snap.
Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
School lunch ticket leads to school lunch lunch line leads to soy burger leads to SUFERING!.....


Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
I think its fucking funny as hell that cramer posted some dumb ass question and there are pictures of yoda, worms coming out people's asses (i think trany has some kind of gross fetish if he can actually FIND these pictures), and there is all this drama with hauserdingleberry (just thought that was a funny name mike, you don't have to offer a rebuttle). I was gonna ask cramer right after he started this post if the only reason he asked this question was to see where the topic would go. Now i know thats why he did it, and i think its funny as hell
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
Personally, White Castles could be made out of plutonium and I'd still eat them, they've never bothered me although I don't eat them often. I think peoples' distaste for them comes more from popular opinion than from personal experience. I find it interesting that some of the same people that think WC burgers are disgusting, blissfully indulge in Whoppers and Big Macs. Both in my mind are far worse than anything a tiny WC slider could ever hope to be. I read somewhere that the Double Whopper has something like 2200 calories. That's about the average daily intake for a healthy young male! And does anyone have ANY idea what's in the "special" sauce on Whoppers/Big Macs other than fat??? What's on a slider? oooo, there's a few pickles and onions, oh boy.
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
does anyone know anything about " jack in the box " supposedly opening stores here in minnesota??
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
yeah they were the ones serving "salmonila" burgers or something back in the late 80's. I've had them, nothing special...... Like ProfBooty said, ALL that fast food is basically bad for you.

Posted by . (Member # 20) on :

Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
We could set up the Gladiator style coluseum here! I could implement my Gladiator style solution to criminals here! It would be worldwide criminals though...hmmm fun.


Pearl Harbor Death Toll: 2,403 Americans vs 270,000 Japanese.
WTC Death Toll: 6,000 Americans vs ??? -I say kill em all-

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
I made the mistake of having a bacon-cheeseburger from the fuck-sticks at Applebee’s for lunch yesterday. Oh my fucking GOD, 11:30 last night and I still am doubled over, reeling with gut-rot, and running to the shitter every 30 minutes to expel this hazardous waste that was served, and ingested by me. NEVER AGAIN!!!!
It’s VERY difficult for me to understand how a “ respected “ shit-hole like this place, can pass off this toxic waste as “ good food “. I have not EVER been tore up like this from White Castle, and I go there sober, not just when I have been drinking. I will NOT be going to assholebee’s for food anytime soon, if ever again.
Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
The mexican cook must have wiped his ass and forgot to wash his hands again. And to think, you probably paid about $10 for're welcome.

E. coli

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
I sufferd no ill efects from mine. Maybe it was the mashed potatoes?

Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :

Why the fuck did we have to go there??? FUCK THAT ASSHOLBEE'S PLACE!!!! China buffet has not ever been that bad, I was seriously considering going to the hospital, then I figured they would give me a 500.00 dollar glass of " martin, I do not know how to chew my food " water, so I decided to ride it out.

I wish that I had been thinking, I could have broke out the camera, for some apocyliptic poop pics.

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :


And, for the record, it was only a 200$ glass of water.

But seriously, sorry you got sick dude.

[This message has been edited by Chadwick (edited 03-22-2002).]

Posted by Rusty Wallace Sucks Ass (Member # 5) on :

I had a laps in my spite towards Applebees, and had ANOTHER COMPLETLY FUCKING HORRIBLE HAMBURGER expierence....


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