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Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
What did I miss during my drunken coma. Eric need shoots from what I gathered. How bout you Scott D?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well Trany, that’s what happens when you and your girlfriend are drunk before 10p.m and passed out by midnight You didn’t miss too much except the “brothers Neilson” got into an argument and Pfaff took a bit of a nap at the table.

I do have Pfaff’s red playmate party cooler at my house that was left in my truck on Sat night… I will be photographing and reverse engineering it this week. I am now a believer in bringing backup beer in a cooler for when the keg runs out.

Trany here is your mission this week – try and get Bjergo to have a party at his house this weekend. We were thinking about having it at my house but Bjergo just has so much more room.


Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
We can do that. Did you witness Theresa forcing my hand into her pot of vomit. That was funny and sick all at once. The rootbeer and vanilla schnaps was my failing. I will too start to carry an oasis of beer. Me and Larry discussed having the supper bowl of drinking. Try to have a weekly binge, caped off with the mother of all partys.
Posted by . (Member # 20) on :
Napping at the table - nothing new there.

Man, did I feel like shit on Sunday though. I think I bruised my liver, again....


Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
It must have been the inhaled form of anthraxahol.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
I knew Pfaff was there. In the morning there were about a dozen empty Honey Weise bottels all congrigated at one focal point. It's more obvious then a finger prints. Thats a tell tale Pfaff sign.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I don't know WHAT happnened, but has anyone ever heard of "Coyote Ugly"?



Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
All I can say is get shoots lots of em. You had the McDonalds service.....over 1 Billion. Time to Quarentine Eric.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Boondock, read and learn.

In an unprecedented legal case Wednesday, Chris Penders filed a lawsuit with the Maryland Circuit Court for having sex with a "really busted" woman. The 22 year old, who is still shaken up from Sunday mornings discovery, is sueing for emotional damages in the form of $2.5 million. "You really can’t tack a number onto this kind of thing," Chris’ lawyer said, "but $2.5 million sounded about right."

Upon waking up with less than his fair share of covers on Sunday morning, Penders rolled over into what he described as a "mass of humanity." "At first I was able to withhold my disgust… but then I saw an empty condom wrapper next to my alarm clock." Chris went on to discuss how he was able to wake up the woman and get her out of the apartment before his roommate woke up. "I never would have heard the end of it," he said. He then burst into tears and sobbed like a little girl. "I am so disappointed in myself."

The man claims that he went out to bars just like any normal Saturday night with no intentions of having sex with such a large individual. "It was after the tenth Budweiser or so, I guess, that things started going downhill." Mr. Penders affirms that he has never had any attraction to large, unsightly women before, and blames the beer for causing him to have sex with one. He went on to say, "When I left the bar she didn’t look that bad, but when I woke up, good lord. She looked like an experiment gone horribly wrong."

Penders went on to declare, "Men have been having sex with repulsive women due to the ‘beer goggle’ effect far too long. Its time for somebody to stand up to these big breweries, draw a line in the sand, and say ‘God dammit, I’m not having sex with fat, revolting women any longer!" This case will mark the first time in history that any person has filed suit against a producer of alcoholic beverages for a problem that has plagued mankind ever since it’s inception. Asked whether he expects to win this battle in court Chris answers, "My lawyer will be summoning this woman to appear in court, and I think that once the judge sees her, it will pretty much be a no-brainer."

Beer helping Eric have sex with Fugly people since 1976

Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :

2.5 million, eh? Think I could go for about $500 million after that one.


Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by BoondockSaint:
I don't know WHAT happnened, but has anyone ever heard of "Coyote Ugly"?

Isn't that a movie? j/k Did you have to gnaw off your own arm (to escape in the morning without waking her up)?


Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Did you guys actually play any counterstrike?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Mike Williams ended up having to work, so we did not play. The game is re-scheduled for the weekend of the ........

Bjergo's GF Annette had a party and this thread is dedicated to that event.

Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Kelly's brother is going to be in town the over thanksgiving and he has a couple of friends that play too. we could do it the day after that (fri night).
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
A bunch of us will be in Colorado snowboarding that weekend. Any other weekends good?
Posted by Cramer (Member # 5) on :
thanks for the page, i had a good time...

oh, wait.. i wasnt there...

[This message has been edited by cramer (edited 10-29-2001).]

Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Oh it was a great time!

Got drunk, played cards, pissed my older brother off...the rest of the night is a blur, but I do remember Warren from "There's Something About Mary,"...who was that?!?!


Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Ummm That would be Larry. I saw your mask in the morning. Did you need that for your hoggin?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Damn that's cold Trany!
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
It might be cold, But its still prety fucking funny.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
There will be no party at Bjergo's this weekend. The following weekend November 10th there will be a party for Brad's B-day (11/8) at Bjergo's.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
You're mean.

That hurts my feelings.

Does you're girlfriend remember what she did to me? Do you? She was pretty, drunk, and she did call me "Bigger than Tranny" several times, but maybe she thought it was you.


Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Did you ram her up the chute? If you did I might be jealous.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Nah, I just made her call me Big Poppa.

And then rammed it up Brad Olsen's the way, his birthday? Any ideas for fun ways to embarass the lad? Don't they do something silly at Deja Vu to you on your birthday? Should we venture to the new one, "The Mirage", and see if he can get on the tractor? Just some ideas.


Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
You have to go to one of the small out of town strip bars. Pay some skanky portly dancer a few bucks to crotch his face. Or get him extreamly drunk and convince him to shave off his eye brows.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I did hear you, right, Klaus?

Party this weekend? I told Mikki and made sure she was going to bring her friend Amanda and it sounds like after all they're bitching and whining about us having a party, they may be out of town. Know what I'm saying about her being too nice? :P


Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I think what I said was there was a party at Bjergo's for Brad's B-day on the 10th. I don't think I mentioned anything about my house for this weekend.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Until me and my bro get our asses in gear and go purchase some furniture for the basement, I don't really have the accommodations for any party more than about 5 people

My basement is the LAN party house until then.

Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
My basement is the party house.

So how many kegs should I bring?

So NO party this weekend? How are we ever going to spend our Saturday?


Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Lawn chairs, coolers, Etc. They are all acceptable to plant an ass in, on, or around.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
On Saturday there is the party at Bjergo's don't forget to come eveyone. I think there will at least be one keg.

Lets all band together and help Eric make good decisions this time, k.

Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Friends don't let friends pork fattys. Unless its for the laughter of the group. Then it's like a sacrafice bunt. E took one for the team.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Hell yeah! Let's all help Eric make good decisions! Hoora...wait a're talking about ME?!?!

I have drill this weekend, but I'll show, but how many people are coming? Oh, and last night was...interesting Klaus. Janessa and I went to South Beach and watched this DJ from Chicago but I noticed she paid a lot more attention to one of Steve Litt's friends from Kincaids. His claws got her pretty good, did you notice that? was a fun time though.



Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Are you saying that Jenessa paid more attention to Jerry Flynn then you?????

I hope you are kidding.

Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
lol-------Jerry fuckin Flynn, Oh NO. (LOL)
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Is Jerry Flynn the guy we used to play Magic with? You went to high school with him didnt you klaus?
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
No not Jerry you MORONS! Steve's friend from Kincaids, I forgot his name. Jerry was off doing his Crazy Jerry thing and Janessa & I just hung out and listened to music, but she KNEW this guy and they hung out and talked a lot. Know what I'm sayin' now?


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