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Author Topic: Pennsylvania 500
Posting God
Member # 20

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I finally saw the replay of lap one and how Crusty played jam-car and tried to kill Steve Park. That #1 car was W A S T E D ! [Eek!]


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Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Oh now,

How can you even think that Crusty was responsible, if you listend to the TOTAL BULL SHIT that runs out of his mouth after the crash, he is not even responsible for where his car goes or what it does on the track. This guy has always, and continues to, BLAME SOMEONE ELSE for the things that HE causes on the track. Perhaps this geriactric fucking waste needs to give it up.

And further:


This TOTAL BULLSHIT of you thinking that somehow he is a " good driver ", because he was able to be all but THREE-LAPS down at NH, has proven clearly that your judgment and understanding of this form of racing is, at best, not very clear.
At what point do you even begin to realise the amount of LUCK that is involved with this??? Ward Burton has TWO wins this year because of this element! can you not see this?? Had Matt Kenseth not allowed him to get effectivly two laps back in one yellow, he would not have finished better than 30th.

And on your " view " of jr's spin at NH...

Your other " hero " ryan blewmen " CLEARLY got into the back of jr's car, after jr got into the back end of Todd Bodines JUNK, causing jr to be spun out. this is one of those " racing deals " that most people just pass off as such. Im sure that you did not notice that jr was not cying like rusty has for SO MANY TIMES when he was spun out by people.


DNF'S ARE IN HIS FUTURE!!! AS IS A TOP 20 in points.


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Rotor Head
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Icon 6 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Your convinient and certainly "Objective" analysis of all these events is very apperantly skewed and in no way involves the sting of having jr AGAIN be cought up in a wreck. Hmmmmmm HOW MANY IS THAT FOR HIM THIS YEAR!!!!!!!

It is VERY OBVIOUS from the replay IF YOU EVEN EVER WATCHED IT that he was trying to yeild position to Jimmie Johnson because he got a bad run of the turn and his spotter probably told him it was clear up high. NOT THAT IT IS NOT RUSTY'S RESPONSIBILITY but that was a very bad racing position and one that can only ultimatly be chalked up to as you put it "one of thoes racing deals." I like steve park but he has been less than spectacular this year at keeping his car out of the walls.

It was pretty apperant that he was accepting full responsibility and not blaming things like the "track" and "nascar" and the "stupid rules" like jr ALWAYS DOES. "WHHHAHHAHAHH WHWHHAHAHAHHA helton please baby me along or im gonna go race open wheels WHHHEHHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!" [weep] [weep] [weep] [weep] [weep]

Yes at new hampshire was just a racing deal, and near the end of the race anyone can spin out.

If you are so hell bent to blame everything on luck than how can you say one driver is better than another!!!! HHMMMMMM????

[ 07-30-2002, 09:16: Message edited by: Chadwick ]

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Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
You are worse than that cry baby hero you worship...

You can make all the bullshit statements you want, just keep proving how big of a fucking moron you are. how about some validation to this bullshit of yours???

Do you have ANY????
One fucking statement about the race surface at Darlington, and somehow he is now the resident crybaby??? I do not think so...
He has twenty years to catch up to the biggest pussy-crybaby-piece-of-shit in history.

Can you please offer up some articles or SOMETHING where jr was pissing and moaning about rules and shit???


and somehow you think that I am bitter about jr being involved in a few crashes this year..what the fuck dude, you make statements like do not know shit, or me.

Did you watch the fucking race CHAD???

crusty came right out and DENIED responsability,
and about your other shit. if anything he was not " giving " any positions away, he was moving up to block park from the run he had on him, because as you said, he sucked comming out of one.
Park had position, you can tell that by the damage to the front left side of his car, from your hero hitting Park.

Keep those reality glasses on, pal. Someday things may be how you dream them up, but until then, dont ruin the trip, leave them on.

and you can watch the race again on speedvision, wed nite at 7:00pm, and if you leave those glasses off, you might notice what really happened. You will need to leave your glasses off tho..then you might be able to see what really went on.


And you suck! [Razz]

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and one other thing on Steve Park...

If you had paid attention to ANY of the races this year that he has been in, you would see that his " inability to keep the car out of the wall " as you put it, has not been all his own doing, or a lack of skills.

Perhaps if you pay attention, you may begin to see how things work in the world of stock car racing, and how dumb luck figures into things just as much as the millions they spend on a short track program. Then again, you probably will not ever get it.

Crusty sucks, no matter where he finishes, or what he drives. He will always be known as the crybaby of nascar. Hey, just think, If Crusty or the Killer get rid of more of there competition, they should be able to win a race, or even a championship...

Posts: 771 | From: Farmington | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
Member # 45

Icon 10 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Ok lets just read the quote by rusty concerning responsibility for the accident.


Rusty - "Yeah, you can't really rely on your spotter. You're supposed to drive the race car yourself. I can't put the responsibility on the spotter. Evidently, they're telling me that Steve Park had a run on me and as I was coming down the back straightaway and fading up towards the wall, he had a good run on me and got his nose into the right side and just wedged himself in there and that was it. There's not much you can do about it."

Also after reviewing the replay about 5 times i saw that Jimmie Johnson got into the side of rusty coming off 2 and that is why rusty moved up, to avoid an accident with him and because he got bumped by him. I know that from WATCHING THE RACE and the replays. ARE YOU SURE YOU EVEN WATCHED THE RACE!!!! [knife]

I have been watching NASCAR since 1989 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING!!!?????

I would say that Steve Park has at least SOMETHING to do with all his wrecks this year. It is not ALL LUCK. But in reality i know that it is 85% luck. On the other hand, You can't say that some drivers have bad luck all the time and that when rusty has a wreck every once in a while it automatically means it is because he "sucks" as you put it. I'm not saying jr sucks or park sucks. But you cant say that rusty sucks when even you are trying to say that it is mostly luck.

Certainly though we can all say that sterling marlin sucks. He proves it in blatent ways, like working on his car under red flag while OUT ON THE TRACK. And, all his blatantly idotic interviews.

Perhaps if you dropped all your predisposed bias in you analysis of these drivers and these events and situations you would have an intelligent point of view on the subject, instead of having an emotional one like a FEMALE or something. (Shit that oughta’ get me in trouble)

I wouldn’t say you know any more than I do about this sport other than maybe a few inconsequential technical factoids.

I don't see you backing up any of your claims with evidence. Lets see you do some researching on the issues you claim to know so much about.

Just face it fool you suck too.
[argue] [argue] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz]

Posts: 2331 | From: Rosemount | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Clealy this is another example of two people seeing two different things, when watching the same thing. You say that he was moving to avoid jimmy, I say he saw the run park had on and moved up to block and had no idea where he was in relation to Parks car or the wall. Park had pleanty of room and was not " forcing " anything. Crusty just reacted to the yellow spot on his ass, and fucked the three of them. The good thing is that everyone walked away.

and about your shit on emotion-driven, not rational-thinking, crap....

Since you have proven that you too work this same way, I guess I would not get on a soap box, and start preaching, unless you are ready to get knocked off of it.

Have a great day!

and one other thing...

For a driver that is second in wins of active drivers,( you can find that at ) he has done an UNBELIEVABLE amount of pissing and moaning about everything, from rules to tracks to other drivers. If you have paid any attention to him in the time that you say that you have, you will not be able to deny this. I used to like him, when he drove a black ponitac, but the CONSTANT crying about shit just got to be too much.


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Member # 50

Icon 2 posted      Profile for Hauserdaddy     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
You guys should just get together tonight and watch the replay of the race. Maybe grab a twelver of Schmidt's GAY and jerk each other off while you argue about something as lame as who crashed into who. Chad's infatuation with Rusty is only really matched by Steve's ability to antagonize the fuck out of him for it.

Gisel, I was looking at the picture page and I do have to admit, you look pretty good for a gaming female. Having said that, don't expect any sympathy when we meet on the battlefield. I am a fighter first, lover second.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Hauserdaddy:
You guys should just get together tonight and watch the replay of the race. Maybe grab a twelver of Schmidt's GAY and jerk each other off while you argue about something as lame as who crashed into who. Chad's infatuation with Rusty is only really matched by Steve's ability to antagonize the fuck out of him for it.

And the fact that he BITES EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!!! [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]
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Icon 8 posted      Profile for Cramer     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
" Perhaps if you dropped all your predisposed bias in you analysis of these drivers and these events and situations you would have an intelligent point of view on the subject, instead of having an emotional one like a FEMALE or something. (Shit that oughta’ get me in trouble)"

one more thing on this crap...

Right or Wrong, I have the ability to make a descision, and deal with the ramifications of that, however you feel that I come to the conclusion. I am NOT like you, and get caught up in a month long mental beat-off session, about what cold breakfast cereal to buy, or weather I should change the oil in my truck even tho it has 150 miles left untill 3,000, and then suffer through anxiety attacks constantly about the descison I have not made yet!!!

Posts: 771 | From: Farmington | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
Member # 45

Icon 1 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

I'm JUST KIDDING! [shake] [shake]

I just like to argue about it cause it is funny.

To get sirious for a moment, I could'nt give two shits about rusty wallace or anyone else in nascar when it comes right down to it. I could'nt care less about athletes and movie/ music stars, or any other figure head because i have never met them and have no idea what they are really like. I care ultimatly only about my freinds, family, and neighbors. People i've actually talked too and people WHO KNOW WHO I AM. Not to say that i dont care about being a responsible citizen and caring abou the TYPE of person in public offices. BUT! I do not have any type of relationship with ANY NASCAR drivers therefore I would even blink a tear if rusty drove himself into the wall and died next week. I'm just not the type of person to have ANY type of careing feelings for someone i havn't ever met. It would be sad that someone died but no more so than a person who died in a car accident years ago that i never even heard about. So if you think any of the shit you give my about rusty wallace really bothers me. The fact that i got a paper cut thismorning bothers me 100% more than this bullshit and i've already forgotten about that.

It would be a totaly differnt story if one of my family or freinds died. That stuff tears me up to no end when something bad happens to someone i know even if i couln't call them a friend.

Posts: 2331 | From: Rosemount | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rotor Head
Member # 45

Icon 1 posted      Profile for RockLobster     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by SUCK MY DICK:

Right or Wrong, I have the ability to make a descision, and deal with the ramifications of that, however you feel that I come to the conclusion. I am NOT like you, and get caught up in a month long mental beat-off session, about what cold breakfast cereal to buy, or weather I should change the oil in my truck even tho it has 150 miles left untill 3,000, and then suffer through anxiety attacks constantly about the descison I have not made yet!!!

I don't really know where you get this characterization of me. I make decissions all the time and though i may take more time and care in SOME of the decisions i make. I certainly don't EVER get worked up about them. I am truly one of the most laid back people i know and ultimatly that could be the reason i am slow with SOME decission making. I just don't let my self get upset about decissions so if a decision i need to make bothers me and dosn't need my imediate attention i just put it on the back burner to sit until i am good and ready to deal with it without any stress involved. But either way i DON'T let it get to me, Life is to short to be pissed off and woried about shit for more than 45 secconds.
Posts: 2331 | From: Rosemount | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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