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Posted by Kabouter (Member # 111) on :
Taking a group of NoX members to MC: 10 DKP
Taking a group of NoX members to Onyxia: 20 DKP
Getting some NoX members their first epics: 0 DKP
Ninjaing NoX members with no respect to the prior agreement of both NoX and OIL's GM's: Priceless

For a group of people I thought was respectable and worth having an alliance with, you lot are some of the sleaziest, most childish people I've had the displeasure of associating with. I am not impressed with the conduct of any of your members, and I don't condone any of the actions taken by any of your members. I am disappointed that you lured NoX members away with the false pretense of a better chance at epics, convincing them that pixels were better than the friendships they had. The NoX members that have planned time off work and away from friends and family for our Onyxia raid on Thursday now get to hear that OIL sabotaged our raid and stole our members for their own petty purposes.

You can make all the empty apologies or bullshit excuses you please, but effectively, you guys out-and-out farmed our guild for members, disrespected the agreement Klauso and I made, and have offended everyone who has put any time or effort into making NoX a fun place to be. Because of your pig-headed garbage, we have lost nearly a dozen members in less than a day.

Learn2play for fun, not for loot. Newbs.

-- Kabouter
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
I dont really know where to start with picking your post appart since pretty much every sentance is flawed with some false perception or incorrect information, so... i guess ill just start with the first sentance:

Taking a group of NoX members to MC: 10 DKP

EACH BOSS is worth 10dkp in MC, not the whole run. If a person is there for only one boss, then yes... its 10dkp. Otherwise its 10x the number of bosses we kill (20 for domo, 30 for rag). Its pretty obvious you dont know what your talking about here and are inexperienced with both MC and the DKP scoring system. So, you have no basis for arguement or bitching.

Getting some NoX members their first epics: 0 DKP
Yes.... and this is a problem? I dont really see how.... we thought it would be fun for PUG members to not only have fun with the raid, but have a chance at getting something initally as well. If we were loot hoarders, we would have used DKP right from the start. Instead, we used the opportunity to make everyone feel involved and rewarded. This is NOT selfish.

Ninjaing NoX members with no respect to the prior agreement of both NoX and OIL's GM's: Priceless
I dont know anything about what happened and who left your guild... but i dont exactly know how you ninja players. They have to type /gquit themselves to leave.... we cant do that for them. It was a concious choice on their part. Dont point the finger of blame at us.... actually you should probibly point it at yourself (ill explain why later)

For a group of people I thought was respectable and worth having an alliance with, you lot are some of the sleaziest, most childish people I've had the displeasure of associating with.
Thats funny.... it didnt seem like an alliance at all.... not even from the start. It was more like YOU personally were trying to USE us. You used our vent to plan your own raids that would replace ours, to recruit, and to try to even take over our raids that we did run... like you were in control. THAT, my friend, is childish and disrespectful. The fact that you think it was an alliance when you clearly had no intention of continuing to COOPERATE with us is laughable.

I am disappointed that you lured NoX members away with the false pretense of a better chance at epics
Its not a false pretense.....they do have a better chance at epics, because you have NO chance. You had no leadership since you obviously dont know how to run a guild of this size, and you had nothing setup to support one. We do. Yes, we do want your members to JOIN US.... we made that intention clear from the beginning. We planned and coordinated the raids and stratagy, provided vent and a website, tracked dkp, and had 3-4 times more members on each raid than you. What would be the difference between your guild merging then besides the name?

You can make all the empty apologies or bullshit excuses you please, but effectively, you guys out-and-out farmed our guild for members, disrespected the agreement Klauso and I made, and have offended everyone who has put any time or effort into making NoX a fun place to be.
1) You wont find appologies or excuses here.... we made our intentions clear.
2) Again, we didnt farm or ninja shit. Your talking about people here, not items. If they left it was because of your poor leadership and inactive status... and they did it willingly.
3) I wasnt aware of any agreement, aside from us ALLOWING you to raid with us and wanting to recruit your guild as a merger. Im pretty sure, however, there was no agreement to give you free handouts while you try to setup your own guild to run independently of us.
4) I dont see how NoX could be any fun with such a controlling, selfish, inconsiderate prick such as yourself being leader.

Now that im done with your post, let me make this situation very clear if it wasnt already: We wanted YOU to join US. Those raids were NOT yours, and you shouldnt have even expected any loot at all at first. You should have been kissing the ground we walked on for getting any at all... but instead you were unthankful.... you wanted to use us as a stepping stone to start your own thing. Thats not how you cooperate with people man, sorry. I dont see why you should continue to benifit from our considerable efforts when you have that kind of attitude. And, the fact that YOU were continually trying to take over athourity in those raids was pathetic.

This is how guilds always break up from what ive seen, and it happened to MGS too: there is one leader that thinks its HIS guild and he claims ownership. You shot yourself in the foot by taking that stance. Its your fault your members left, not ours. You could have been thankful, cooperated, contributed, and genuinly supported us in our efforts. But, you screwed yourself by trying to use us instead and THAT is why your members left. Dont expect us to feel sorry for you at all by coming here and posting a complaint.

Have a nice day.

[ 12-27-2005, 22:23: Message edited by: Ender ]
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Is there really any difference in your members leaving for our guild over another raiding guild? They obviously are not getting something they need out of NOX... That seems pretty plain and simple. Your members choose to leave and you blame us for it because they joined us? It isn't like anyone here offered them riches beyond their wildest dreams lol.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Nice post Ixidor. You really should have been on vent for our meeting with Kabouter but in writing it's even better.

I will respond more later but here are a couple things I want to say:

Kabouter and I never had any type of agreement other then the NoX guys coming with us on our raids.

I personally don't condone any type of direct recruiting from another established guild.

I wasn't really happy with the way Kabouter acted on our vent after the Ony raid last week.

more later I have a meeting......
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
It's unfortunate that you feel this way.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience (not an empty apology), but you should re-evaluate your thinking, because we're not focused on loot.

"Learn 2 play for fun not loot".../sigh

I can't believe you got that impression considering we had multiple arguments amongst the leadership on how best to handle new people so they were treated fairly and didn't feel like they were joining at the bottom (which is how most guilds handle new members).

"...sleaziest, most childish people I've had the displeasure of associating with"

Who the hell are you talking about? We took some of the most mature, focused members to form this new guild. We are adults, focusing on raiding and high end content. Loot is secondary. Loot will show up as a bonus for being successful with high end raiding. I don't know where you get off calling us childish considering where we came from...

Once again, it's unfortunate that you feel this way...

How can you not realize that merging is the best thing for ALL of your members.

Part of being a leader is making decision that are best for your members, not just for yourself

[ 12-28-2005, 08:49: Message edited by: BoondockSaint ]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Nice post Ixidor. You really should have been on vent for our meeting with Kabouter but in writing it's even better.

I wish i could have been, but i was out of town for both Monday and Tuesday.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Actually you were typing your response while we were on vent last night. I was reading the original post when yours came in.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Oh, hmm... well the first thing i did once i got home was checked the forums. Didnt bother to logon vent since i didnt have time to play. Oh well...

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