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Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Its incredibly long I know...

like 19 pages... but read the first 4-5 and then the last 3 if you need to skip some.

Look for the post by:

cdubzon40s = Tool who tried to rip a guy off and is getting wtfpwn'd for it across a variety of forums.

Mochamike = Guy trying to get his money back from above mentioned tool

MattS = Moderator on Pirate4x4, and one of the guys who really put the screws to the tool to get him to "fix" the situ...

and I think Backoriface and White Shark have some pretty funny posts...
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Did any of you guys look at this... In less than a week the original Pirate thread has hit 70+pages, with over 50,000 views, likely spanning 3 continents and who knows how many countries.. I'm guessing its been cross linked on at least 100+ other forums, at least a few new websites have been created, and being "wenzeled" is in Wikipedia and Urban dictionary, and I believe he made the Drudge report yesterdday....

the definition of pwnt... [lol] [lol] [lol] Just amazing to me how quickly its exploded... its like seeing history in action... the creation of a part of language.... 10 yrs from now you wont worry about internet "scams", you'll worry about being wenzeled!!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah I read the whole thread last week. Funny shit. What a dumb ass.

I didn't see it on Drudge tho.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:

I didn't see it on Drudge tho.

There was a image posted toward the end of the pirate thread... prolly in the 60's, that showed it as being on the Drudge report, may have been a photochop tho...
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
My God...I'm only on page two and they just posted his name, address, parents name, most of his phone number...

I feel bad for the guy, but with every post he makes it worse!

Will keep reading...want to hear how this one ends...
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by BoondockSaint:

I feel bad for the guy

[Confused] [Confused] did you hit your head [crazy] [crazy]

He's a thief, and a bad one at that, and generally looks like a real tool... why feel bad??

I mean WTF, what kinda poser idiot puts 40's on a 2wd pos chevy?? He's just like his ride, all bling, no substance.... [demon]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
LOL I feel bad for how stupid and pathetic he is.

I'm only to page 8 and I've now been bounced to 3 other forums where he's the exact same fucktard.

I feel sorry for MOCHA MIKE because he has to deal with this child of a teenager... just got worse and worse...every post he made you're like, "Why would you do that?!?!"

Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Never thought I'd see a carebear ranger... [Razz] [Wink] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Hahah....still reading...what a knob.

Carebear ranger?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by BoondockSaint:

Carebear ranger?

[pointedstick] [Wink] meaning: you feeling bad for the pathetic thief....
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
wow, this is a global cornholing.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
So i didnt read any of the forum because i dont have time for that shit..... i would honestly rather watch flies fuck.

But.... how exactly did this guy get owned? Just because a bunch of people posted shit on the forum doesnt mean anything. He still has the guy's $115 doesnt he? Or are they going to court or something?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Ender:
So i didnt read any of the forum because i dont have time for that shit..... i would honestly rather watch flies fuck.

But.... how exactly did this guy get owned? Just because a bunch of people posted shit on the forum doesnt mean anything. He still has the guy's $115 doesnt he? Or are they going to court or something?

So let me get this straight.....

You have no interest in spending your time reading something that we could all enjoy, appreciate, and mock together... with damn near half the internet users out there...

Then you ask US for details and a summary that would easily be answered if you'd of just spent some time (I know, it is oh so much more precious than the rest of our time) reading it.

[Roll Eyes]

you sir, are a piece of work [crazy] [crazy] [lol] [lol]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
If i wasted 2 hrs of my day reading 70 pages or whatever of some bullshit like that rather than using that time towards searching for a job, i would probibly feel a slight urge to go shoot myself afterwards.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
And if you read my first post you would know all you need to know to "browse" the thread and get the just of it...

I guess me, boon, trany and Klauso should all go kill ourselves now... [Roll Eyes] [crazy] [crazy] [crazy]

Read it, dont read it, I really dont care..... but take your condecending comments and jabs about us taking the time to laugh at a thief getting what he deserves and STFU... ok Negative Nancy??

[ 11-16-2005, 13:25: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
It's pretty funny...

- He listed this thing @ $115.
- Guy says I'll buy it, sends him a check for $115
- Kid cashes check
- Kid edits his post and says oops, I meant to say it's $ owe me more money
- Guy says okay, send me my money back then, I can go buy brand new ones for $140.
- Kid says fuck you i'm not sending you anything
- Everyone lights him up for being a liar and a theif. He constantly insults and curses everyone with a snotty, better than you attitude.
- He posts he's 6'2" 200 lbs and if anyone wants to come find him go ahead.
- Everyone gets involved, suddenly kids name, address, phone number, parents names, pics, yearbook photos, etc are all over the internet as people link it millions of times for a "What not to do on the internet"
- They find out that he's 5'10" and 160lbs and his girlfriend has a ridiculously long finger.
- They discover that this kid and his friends have done this before on other sites, and eBay
- more...

I am up to page 50 of just quickly scanning but it's far too much data, and far too many people saying the same thing "you're a dumbass, pay up" etc. but it's still pretty damn entertaining.

Especially since it's hit 70 PAGES and 80,000 views in about 2 weeks. There were 1,200 other guests on the forums when i was reading it this afternoon... [lol]

The kid just has no clue...he makes things worse and worse every time he says anything...

Don't get Wenzeled!
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
you forgot to mention by his actions he "wenzeled" this guy, and will someday make it into the english lexicon.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Read it, dont read it, I really dont care..... but take your condecending comments and jabs about us taking the time to laugh at a thief getting what he deserves and STFU... ok Negative Nancy??
What jabs? All i did was ask a simple question.... and instead of answering it you went off about how im a fucktard for not reading 70 pages of useless forum ranting. Who are you calling Negative Nancy? Why dont you fuck off and go find a tree to hump.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Sorry, but what was the focal point or purpose of your initial comment?? I guess I got bogged down in the whole part about the link being less interesting than flys fucking... [Roll Eyes]

It appears to me that your point was that those that did read the inital thread had somehow wasted their lives... that it was not worth YOUR time, but somehow worth ours.... I find this pretty fucking insulting... and then the irony is that you want US to summerize for YOU what you had just said was a waste of time to read....

But hey.. that was just the way I saw it.. wtf do I know... there was a question in there??

[Roll Eyes]

[ 11-16-2005, 22:57: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
There is some serious wenzeling going on here.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
It appears to me that your point was that those that did read the inital thread had somehow wasted their lives... that it was not worth YOUR time, but somehow worth ours.... I find this pretty fucking insulting... and then the irony is that you want US to summerize for YOU what you had just said was a waste of time to read....

But hey.. that was just the way I saw it.. wtf do I know... there was a question in there??

Hey, if your bored at work and are able to fuck around on the internet for a couple hours while getting paid, i would probibly read through it too. But, i dont have that luxury since i dont have a job. There is a difference there. Its pretty obvious you havnt been reading everything ive posted carefully.... so let me state it more clearly for the galactically stupid:

The question i asked was how did this guy get owned? If its just through a bunch of random internet junkies finding the site and posting about how he should pay up, thats not owned.... but if some kind of legal action is going to be taken against him then that is owned. Otherwise he is just $115 richer.

Then, what i said in response to your bullshit was that spending 2 hrs reading some forum rant INSTEAD OF LOOKING FOR A JOB is not worth MY time. But again..... if your getting paid to read a forum for 2 hrs.... by all means do whatever you want with your time.... i could care less.

Understand now, or do i need to write a fucking essay about it?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I read it at home.. Guess I'd rather be "galactically stupid" than a bitter ass.. Take your assumptions about my time and my job and [brd] I would of politely answered your question if you hadnt prefaced it with that assholyerthanthou comment... [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]

[ 11-17-2005, 08:33: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
LOL. Im hardly in a position to act "assholyerthanthou" when i have no job and live in my parent's basement. But, if thats how you take my comments then your an idiot.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
I work two jobs and live in my parents basement, (untill monday) and I read this durring my free time while looking for a third job.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Originally posted by Ender:

The question i asked was how did this guy get owned? If its just through a bunch of random internet junkies finding the site and posting about how he should pay up, thats not owned.... but if some kind of legal action is going to be taken against him then that is owned. Otherwise he is just $115 richer.

You'd have to read it to find out how truley owned he got.

The second the photos showed up was one of the more classic moments...

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