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Crack Whore
Member # 68

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Here is the latest:

This was my most expensive buy-in yet online.

Tournament History for last 1 tournament requested by GotFlop?(
PokerStars Tournament #2433626, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $50.00/$5.00
310 players
Total Prize Pool: $15500.00
Tournament started - 2004/08/28 - 15:00:00 (ET)
Tournament finished - 2004/08/28 - 19:15:10 (ET)
1: malumalum (Dublin), $3875.00 (25%)
2: sonnyjack (LAUREL), $2480.00 (16%)
3: Fathead2 (Rockledge), $1720.50 (11.10%)
4: TRUMA (mesa), $1240.00 (8%)
5: Charas (cooper), $930.00 (6%)
6: Riversteve (Wilimington), $697.50 (4.50%)
7: gwalters (Tampa), $542.50 (3.50%)
8: GotFlop? (Shakopee), $403.00 (2.60%)
9: 2fouroffsuit (Troy), $263.50 (1.70%)
10: chace (Plano), $186.00 (1.20%)

250 hands played and saw flop:
- 5 times out of 30 while in small blind (16%)
- 16 times out of 31 while in big blind (51%)
- 32 times out of 189 in other positions (16%)
- a total of 53 times out of 250 (21%)

Pots won at showdown - 10 out of 15 (66%)
Pots won without showdown - 28

"Rarely has it been so clear how much we, the ordinary people of this country, are better than our rulers. I hope that lesson is not lost on anyone, of any political persuasion."

Posts: 520 | From: Shakopee, MN USA | Registered: May 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 55

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Well, ive played in my first two tournements out of the 5 i have already signed up for.

First tournement: No Limit Hold'em $300/$30 buy-in
Number of players: ~300 (dont remember exactly)
Prize pool: ~90,000 (dont remember exactly)

-I made it down to the last 50-60 players or so. I played about as best as i can, and made some amazing laydowns to keep me in it that i dont think many people could make. For example, early in the tournement (second level), someone made a small raise of 3x the big blind, and i called with poket 10's. Heads up, the flop came K-K-K, giving me a full house. He hesitated and checked, and i bet $200 of my stack of $1400 or so. He raised all-in for about $1200 total. I dont think alot of people could lay this hand down here, especially since it was by far the loosest guy at the table, but look at all the hands that beat me? And it was so early in the tournement, i wanted to save my chips. There is a chance that he had a lower pair (since he was raising with them) and i think he would have played it the same way, but i dont want to take that kind of risk that early.
Anyways, Once we were down to 60 or so, i went up against the chip leader, calling a 4x big blind raise on my big blind with A-Q offsuit. The flop came..... K-J-10 all offsuit, giving me the nuts!! I acted first and checked, and as expected he immediatly bet $800 again. I put him on A-K and thought he might put me all in if i raised him, so i raised to $2000. He had me count my chips, thought for a moment, then simply called. So, i was sure i had him on the A-K and he was worried i had a set ot 2 pair. But.... the turn comes a QUEEN!! ARGGG!!! I still went all-in, but he ends up having A-J instead and had called me with second pair to chop the pot (since we now both had the ace high straight). This hurt a bit because i think i would have taken over the chip lead after this hand.
A bit later, it took me two hands to get knocked out. First one, i raised to $600 with K-Q suited and was reraised all-in by a guy with about $1800 in chips. I had 5k or so, and decided to call thinking he might have a small pair. He did, poket tens, and won the pot since i didnt pair up. Second hand, i had about $2500 left after getting hit by the blinds which had raised not from 100-200 to 200-400. I got poket nines in early position and raised all-in, but ran into a guy who called with jacks and won it.
Oh well, i played as good as i possibly good and am happy to make it that far and have a legitimant shot at the final table.

Second Tournement: Limit Hold'em $100/$20 buy-in
Number of players: ~320 (cant remember exactly)
Prize pool: ~32,000 (cant remember exactly)

I also did pretty well at this tournement, making it into the top 50-60 players again. However, i was very short stacked for most of the second part of the tournement and was lucky to get as far as i did. Again, credit to some good play, but bad luck getting in a short stacked situation. I didnt like this tournement much, however. The blinds raise every 30 min as opposed to 40 min in the 300 tournement. And the amount they raise by is also somewhat larger.

-Anyways, the table i started on had this total jackass that was getting miricle cards and winning huge pots, while criticizing everyone elses play constantly (nearly every hand). But, i didnt let it get to me too much. Eventualy, late in the tournement, he took a big pot off me to make me short stacked. I raised on the button with Q-J offsuit after it was folded around to me. He immidiatly starts talking his BS about how horrible of a move that is a calls. I basically put him on any hand here. The flop was Q-9-3 with two clubs. He checks, i ber and he immediatly calls with second pair. Turn was an ace and he bets into me. I call him to the river and he had A-9 to win it. He got lucky, but never admited it and continued to tell me i shouldnt have raised pre-flop. Whatever, im an agressive player.

So, no luck in getting into the money yet, but if i keep playing this good there is no reason i wont have a good chance at making it.

Oh..... and i won a seat to the main event ($1000/$60 buy-in No Limit Hold'em tournement) by winning a $100 buy-in single table satillite!! [Big Grin] Its next Thursday at noon though, but if i make it far and you want to come and watch me, feel free. There are usually even a couple of pros that go there (Daniel Negraneu was there last year), but unfortunatly this year this tournement is the same time as the big Aruba tournement, so i dont know if there will be any for sure. Whoever wins this tournement is guaranteed over $100,000 in winnings. [Eek!]

Ill have more news for you in a couple days.

[ 09-21-2004, 00:04: Message edited by: Ender ]

It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.

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Member # 66

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Nice job. Sounds like fun.
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Keep going Luke. You are doing good so far. [beer]
I would have slapped the mouthy A-hole on the back of the head within 5 minutes, so you have more control then I would have.

Good luck on the rest of your games!

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Rotor Head
Member # 45

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I know you know this Luke but just remember that talking trash is all part of some peoples strategy. They do it to throw you off your game and get you to show emotion, thus tells.

Self control is the ultimate virtue.

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Member # 55

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God Damnit......

It really sucks to know that your one of the better players in these tournements, obviously because i was able to make it to the top 50-60 players in 5/6 of them and the one i didnt was 630 players. But, once you get down to those last 50 in these lower buyin tournements, the blinds are so huge since they raise every 30 minutes (as opposed to 40 or 50 min in the bigger buy-in tournements), its basically a craps shoot.

Anyways, here are the results. No finishes in the money.

Third Tournement: $100/$20 buy-in No Limit Hold'em
Number of players: ~630 (biggest tournement in canterbury history)
Prize Pool: ~63,000

-Not much to say here. I got involved in a big pot with A-Q of spades, had raised pre-flop to $300 with the blinds at 50-100 and got two callers. Flop was J-7-3 with two spades. I was in first to act, and the guy that had position was the chip leader, a weak player, and had been position betting on every oppertunity. So, this time i wanted to take that oppertunity away from him by betting big on this flop and win it right there. So, i throw in $500 of my stack of $1400 or so. The other guy infront of him folds and he thinks for a while and calls. We checked to the river since i didnt hit any of my outs, and he shows me fucking poket 6's! [Roll Eyes] The very next hand, the blinds raise to 100-200 and i was 2 spots from the hitting the big blind when I got delt Q-J of hearts and moved in with it and got called immediatly by poket 10's. Flop hits a Queen!! Oh, but wait, he rivers his 10 and fucking wins the hand. yay....

Fourth Tournement: $200/$25 Limit Hold'em
Number of Players: 195
Prize Pool: ~39,000

-This was a relatively small tournement suprizingly, since it was limit. I was running very well int this one, hitting some nice hands. With about 100 players left and the limit at 200=400, i got A-Q of clubs and raised. The chip leader and one other called me and the flop was Jack high with two clubs. It checked around and the king of clubs hit the turn. I bet, the chip leader raised, and i reraised. He called and called me on the river and had K-J for two pair and i took it down with the nuts.
But again, the blinds raise so fast that once i was down to the last 50 players, i found myself with about $4000 in chips and the blinds at 500-1000. Ended up getting busted out in about 45th by poket 10's again against my A-9. AGAIN, I MADE IT TO THE TOP 40 PLAYERS OR SO!

Fifth Tournement: $200/$25 buy-in No Limit Hold'em
Number of Players: ~330
Prize Pool: ~66,000

-This was my fucking tournement. I was playing probibly some of the best poker of anyone in the room. I did get lucky on one hand, beating A-K with my A-10 suited by hitting a 10, but the guy was short stacked and only i only had to call another $800 after having raised to $600 (i was the chip leader so i could make this call). I had a pretty sizable stack throughout most of the tournement. But again, we get down to the last 40 players. the blinds raise from 300-600 to 500-1000 and im siting there with $9000 (which was actually about second in chips at the table). I bought a couple antes to stay alive, but really couldnt catch any kind of cards at all at this point. I basically waited out the entire 500-1000 level by just buying blinds and had $6000 or so when the blinds raised to 800-1600. Finally, the chip leader raised in early position (i could tell he was making a play with a marginal hand because he was getting frustrated about not getting hands too) and i looked down at A-7 of clubs and moved all-in. He reluctantly calls and shows Q-J or CLUBS! So, his suit is completely dead and needs to hit a queen or jack. The first fucking card i see flop is a jack and i get knocked out in 33rd spot!!!! THEY ONLY PAY 27!!!! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!!!

Anyways..... the problem is that with the blinds raising every 30 minutes in these lower tournements that once you get down to 40 players or so everyone is short stacked except maybe 2 people and it turns into a game of complete luck. If you arent getting decent cards at that point, your not going to get to the final table. There is no skill involved at this point, its just a move all in game.

Thats why im excited for the main event. The blinds only raise every 50 minutes, and you start with $2000 in chips as opposed to $1000. Obviously, after playing these tournements and making it so far in most of them, i know im good enough to make it down to the last 50 or so. And at that point, it shouldnt be so much of a luck game since the blinds will be shorter and everyone will have more chips.

So, no money. But ive learned alot, and think ive fine tuned my tournement play into a VERY solid game. Im determined to make it to the final table of that main event at the very least.

[ 09-23-2004, 22:23: Message edited by: Ender ]

It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.

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Member # 66

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After a break from online play, I hit a big win in a online Sit-n-Go...

$5/.50 - 6 person tourney

Heads up - I had $3200 other guy had $2800. I am small blind with 2h 3h. Flop is K K 3. I lead out $500 and get raised, I call. Turn and river are 10 8. Other guy goes all in - I call. He has A A and I win the tourny... [Smile] $21!!!!!!

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Member # 50

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Is your poker name bunny with a pancake? [Wink]

Gisel, I was looking at the picture page and I do have to admit, you look pretty good for a gaming female. Having said that, don't expect any sympathy when we meet on the battlefield. I am a fighter first, lover second.

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His name was (he died) Ooolong.... I should change me name [Smile]

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Member # 66

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Any updates Luke?
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Member # 55

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Nope. Wont have any until i play in the main event on thursday. But, over the weekend i played some $8/$16 hold'em and probibly made ~$1200 in two days. [Wink]

It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.

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Crack Whore
Member # 68

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Here is the latest:

PokerStars Tournament #2868375, No Limit Hold'em
Freeroll Super Satellite
162 players
Target Tournament #2867773
9 tickets to the target tournament

Tournament started - 2004/10/05 - 16:00:00 (ET)
Tournament finished - 2004/10/05 - 19:03:21 (ET)
1: SOLIDASAROCK (Louisville), (qualified for the target tournament)
2: xanderpage (Boulder), (qualified for the target tournament)
3: Jaimeshark7 (adkins ), (qualified for the target tournament)
4: cnshough (Sterlington), (qualified for the target tournament)
5: Recon83 (Levittown), (qualified for the target tournament)
6: ElvisD (myrtle beach), (qualified for the target tournament)
7: alessio (Rome), (qualified for the target tournament)
8: dtm420 (Clearwater), (qualified for the target tournament)
9: GotFlop? (Shakopee), (qualified for the target tournament

202 hands played and saw flop:
- 13 times out of 25 while in small blind (52%)
- 10 times out of 26 while in big blind (38%)
- 24 times out of 151 in other positions (15%)
- a total of 47 times out of 202 (23%)

Pots won at showdown - 11 out of 18 (61%)
Pots won without showdown - 14

This was a qualifier tournament for a main tournament. If I finish in the top 2 (yeah good luck), I will win the $1900 buy-in to the EPT (European Poker Tour) event in Dublin, Ireland along with $1100 spending cash (for flight and hotel, etc.)

Need to get very lucky!! [Big Grin]

"Rarely has it been so clear how much we, the ordinary people of this country, are better than our rulers. I hope that lesson is not lost on anyone, of any political persuasion."

Posts: 520 | From: Shakopee, MN USA | Registered: May 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Crack Whore
Member # 68

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Well I'm not going to Ireland!!
I went out on the very first hand!! [brd]

I had Pocket Aces. Guy in front of me raises $15 Big Blind to $100. I re-raised to $400. Guy on the Button goes all-in. Blinds fold, Guy that raised $100 folds, I call. Guy that went all-in had Pocket Queens. Queen falls on the flop, I'm out of tournament.

"Rarely has it been so clear how much we, the ordinary people of this country, are better than our rulers. I hope that lesson is not lost on anyone, of any political persuasion."

Posts: 520 | From: Shakopee, MN USA | Registered: May 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Po Po
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Sounds like a set-up to me!
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Rotor Head
Member # 45

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I might actually be getting better at this game!? [Eek!]

Played 3/6 at canterbury on friday for over 3 hours. Started with $100, walked out with $400.

Not a bad days work. Table was very aggressive the whole time So i just played tight waited for very good cards and punished them for playing mediocer cards.

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Member # 50

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Sounds like a set-up to me!


Gisel, I was looking at the picture page and I do have to admit, you look pretty good for a gaming female. Having said that, don't expect any sympathy when we meet on the battlefield. I am a fighter first, lover second.

Posts: 2220 | From: Prescott, WI, USA | Registered: Apr 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 55

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Played 3/6 at canterbury on friday for over 3 hours.
Is 3 hours supposed to be a long time or something? [Wink]

It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.

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Rotor Head
Member # 45

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That's the point. I was making 100$ an hour, avg.

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Member # 66

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Good job Chad. Now make sure to save it so you can weather the downward swings..... [Smile] I think you should have $300 if you are playing 3/6 in reserve etc.
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Posting God
Member # 71

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Well out of a day I needed to dedicate to being lazy, I went and did the pacific poker thing to get the free chips. decided to play a few tourney's. first one I played was a 5/.50 and I placed 152 out of 438. second was a 2.5/.25 went all in outta the gate and got screwed on the river.

Than I decided to play a 20/2 and ended up going 19th out of 265 for a 53 bucks I don't know how todo those nifty things that brad does so I'll try to remember what I can

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Member # 66

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Not bad Matress. You should consider the "sit n go" tourneys - where it a single or double table quick tourney.
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Originally posted by Matress:
...I don't know how todo those nifty things that brad does so I'll try to remember what I can

Cut and paste ya redneck bastard. [lol] [lol] [lol]


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Crack Whore
Member # 68

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I played my first multi-table tournament on Pacific Poker the other night. It was a $5 buy-in. I finished 16th out of 547 entrants,for a whopping $28 win. Of course, that is a 560% profit!!

Pacific's tournaments kinda suck though. You start with $800 in chips, blinds are 10/20 and double every 10 minutes. You HAVE to catch something early and double up or your screwed.

"Rarely has it been so clear how much we, the ordinary people of this country, are better than our rulers. I hope that lesson is not lost on anyone, of any political persuasion."

Posts: 520 | From: Shakopee, MN USA | Registered: May 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 56

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What other sites are you playing on?
Anything else a lot different? Prolly save me money if I just stick to one site [Roll Eyes]

I haven't played the multi-table more than once on PacPoker, but the sit-n-goes have various different systems to increase the blinds, (timed vs # hands).

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Crack Whore
Member # 68

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I also play on Party Poker...tournaments still very hard. To little chips with rapidly increasing blinds.

Pokerstars is the best for tournaments...a decent amount of chips and blind increases every 15 minutes. This is where I have made most of my money. Out of approximately 15 multi-table tournaments...I have made 4 final tables and finished in the money 6 times.

"Rarely has it been so clear how much we, the ordinary people of this country, are better than our rulers. I hope that lesson is not lost on anyone, of any political persuasion."

Posts: 520 | From: Shakopee, MN USA | Registered: May 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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