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Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I was checking out XM radio prices today because I was considering adding XM to my XM ready CD player/tuner today and came accross Circuit City's web site. They currently have the Pioneer XP900XM receiver for $99. This is the unit that can be hooked up to any Pioneer deck that is XM ready. But here is the cool thing - it will also work with any older Pioneer deck that has a "P" in the model number and has an "IP-BUS" hook up on the back. My 4Runner has an older Pioneer deck in it that it will work with. I will check out Circuit City at lunch and see if they honor the $99 price (free install too).[/URL]

[ 07-10-2003, 10:45: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yet another review..... [Smile]

XM is the way to go I am convinced. 101 channels most without commercials, make communting easier. Currently there is a $6.99 per month family special that's like 20 cents a day. My current favorite channels are:

XM comedy channel - all short standup bits (uncensored)
Ethel - Alternative rock uncensored
Squizz - Hard alternative rock uncensored.
Boneyard - Heavy metal uncensored.
The Groove - Old school rap.
Fox News
Extreme XM - morning shows from around the USA
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I wish they would get this running up here, seems it would be idea for most people's situ.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Dosen't Sirus (the other satellite radio co) cover Alaska? I think they might because they are on leased satelites that are constantly moving unlike XM that are stationary.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Don't think so, the ads that places like Best Buy have for both systems (XM & Sirus) always have the little disclaimer at the bottom saying "Not Available in Alaska"
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe it wouldn't be a very good solution but XM does work in many areas of Alaska. One of the forums I visit have some XM listeners in Alaska near you that can get it most of the time. I would think for a southern facing house it would work all the time.

One other note on XM - the Delphi Skyfi XM radio is being priced pretty low lately (around $100 for the car or home kit). This is probably the best XM radio out there - it is a small screen that is hooked up in the car to the existing radio. It can be detached like a radio face and brought inside to your main stereo or the XM boombox. The cool thing about it is that you can browse all the channels on the screen and see what is playing before switching the channel.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Don't get me wrong, I think its a killer idea, especially for up here. But I'd hate to spend the money and only have it work "sporadically".

Whats the forum??, I'd like to check it out and ask the Alaska guys specifically what they're able to get.

The thing that kinda bugs me is I go to the XM site, and it doesn't give you any specifics about range/signal/satallite orbits/ etc....

Only this lame-ass FAQ:

"Is XM Service available in Canada and Mexico?

XM is only licensed to provide service to the US (All states except Alaska and Hawaii), its territories and adjacent waters. XM's satellite signal reaches into portions of Canada and Mexico near the U.S. borders however, XM's service is not currently sold in Canada, Mexico or any other region outside of the continental United States."

[ 06-10-2003, 16:41: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Here is the website I searched for Alaska. I would think it wouls only really be a good stationary solution right now.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Cool, I checked it out. Looks like there are 2 or 3 guy with the Sirius setup that get good reception here in Anchorage.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Good Story from Business week.

This Is the Dawning of the Age of--XM?
The satellite radio service is picking up subscribers fast -- but competition and cash burn are big worries

Gary M. Parsons was planning to spend September 11, 2001, preparing for the debut of XM Satellite Radio's new service. The chairman was scheduled to host a launch party on Sept. 12 at the Washington company's state-of-the-art studios with celebrities like Quincy Jones and Ziggy Marley. But on his drive to work that Tuesday, as he crossed the Potomac River on the 14th Street Bridge, Parsons saw a fireball explode at the Pentagon. Just like that, XM's grand affair seemed inconsequential. He pulled the plug on the party and canceled an ad campaign featuring Snoop Dogg falling down the side of a skyscraper. "Very little that day was going through my mind about XM," says Parsons.

Despite the rough start, XM is beginning to take off. Since launching without fanfare on Sept. 25, 2001, the company's crystal-clear, digital radio service delivered via satellite for $9.99 a month has started to catch on. Some 600,000 subscribers have signed up so far, and Parsons expects 1.2 million by yearend. The attraction? Customers can choose among 101 different stations, offering everything from classical to alternative rock, from BBC news to ESPN sports coverage. And because XM is delivered from satellites that cover the entire continental U.S., stations never fade out when listeners are driving, like traditional AM and FM stations do. "I don't think I can be without XM now," says Brad Johnson, a 36-year-old technical systems manager at Pepperdine University who listens during his hourlong morning commute.

Will others catch the rhythm? XM's primary competition is traditional AM and FM radio, which may not have the breadth and coverage of the satellite service, but has the distinct advantages of being free and available on standard car and stereo equipment. XM requires that customers pay $200 or so up front for equipment along with its monthly subscription fee. It also has a rival in New York's Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Sirius, which costs $12.95 a month for 100 stations, is completely commercial-free, while XM has a small amount of advertising. Sirius has signed up 100,000 subscribers.

Perhaps the biggest worry is XM's own pocketbook. Even after restructuring its debt last year, the company is expected to lose $562 million this year on revenues of $85 million. It's burning through an estimated $20 million in cash a month and has just shy of $400 million in the bank. Some analysts think XM will hit 2.5 million subscribers and begin to generate cash from operations by the end of 2004. Slower subscriber growth, however, could prove troublesome. "It will be close," says analyst April Horace of investment bank Janco Partners Inc., who thinks XM has enough cash. "If they don't make subscriber gains, the business plan is at risk."

Real profits will take a bit longer. To cover its capital and interest costs, XM needs to reach 7.5 million subscribers and about $1 billion in revenues. Deutsche Bank Securities (DB ) Inc. expects the company will hit those figures in 2008.

To reach those targets, XM will get a little help from its friends. General Motors Corp., which invested $100 million in XM in 1999, plans to make satellite radio available in almost all of its cars. By the end of this year, 44 of GM's 57 car lines will come equipped with XM up from 25 last year. Toyota and Honda (HMC ) also are signing on. That's not all. Customers can sign up for XM radio in their homes if they pick up specially equipped boom boxes available through major retailers like Best Buy, Circuit City, and Wal-Mart Stores. For his part, Parsons has no doubt XM's satellite radio will attract legions. "It will change the way people listen to music, news, and information," he says. "Once you've heard it, you can't be without it."

Parsons brings years of experience to the venture. The middle child of a homemaker and an exec of a fishing rod company, Parsons, 53, grew up in Columbia, S.C. After graduating with an engineering degree from Clemson University and an MBA from the University of South Carolina, Parsons worked 10 years for BellSouth (BLS ) Corp. He caught the entrepreneurial bug after his wife, Kathy, started her own ad agency. "She proved to me you could do it and not starve," he says. After Ma Bell's breakup in 1984, Parsons joined long-distance startup Telecom*USA, went to MCI Communications in 1991, and six years later, became CEO of American Mobile Satellite, a data-services company that was experimenting with satellite radio. He decided to push the project, and XM was born.

Even as a boy, Parsons demonstrated a passion for radio. While in high school, he worked as a disk jockey playing contemporary music nightly on "Gary Parson's Night Flight" at WKDK-AM in small-town Newberry, S.C. But that job cost him. After he was elected student-body president, school officials ousted him from the president's post because they didn't want a deejay representing the school. "Gary made a big stir," recalls older brother Jim, a construction company manager. "Radio tends to get in your blood," explains Gary.

That passion helped fuel Parsons through XM's touch-and-go moments. The most dramatic occurred last year when XM was running out of cash and its survival was at stake. Last fall, GM agreed in principle to stretch out the payments it was owed by XM, but the auto maker wouldn't defer collection unless XM could get fresh money from private investors. George Haywood of New York and Rick Barry, managing director at hedge fund Eastbourne Capital Management LLC, were interested, but they wanted a commitment from GM first. By October, the two sides were at a stalemate.

Parsons almost scared up cash elsewhere. NBC considered investing a significant amount but backed out in early December after it decided "it wasn't the right time," according to NBC Executive Vice-President Brandon Burgess. The New York Times (NYT ) Co. was going to kick in $25 million, but dropped out after defects forced XM to accelerate the launch of a spare satellite, according to Eastbourne partner Eric Sippel. New York Times officials declined to comment.

With cash running out, Parsons went back to GM. Since the last round of talks, GM had more time to study the sales of XM-enabled Cadillacs. The numbers were so impressive that GM executives were convinced XM's potential was enormous. Once GM committed, other investors quickly followed. At 5 a.m. on Dec. 23, GM led a group of investors in a $450 million refinancing for XM. GM deferred until 2006 $250 million in payments that XM owed it for loans, bonds, and revenue-sharing plans. A group that included Haywood, Barry, Honda Motor Co., and Hearst Corp. put in $200 million in new cash. In return, XM agreed to develop data services, such as weather and traffic, for Honda cars.

XM's success rests on more than just financial engineering. Parsons and his partner, CEO Hugh Panero, made several smart moves that helped it pull away from rival Sirius. The most important one came five years ago. XM decided to develop its radio chipset in-house, while Sirius outsourced its chip design to what is now Agere Systems (AGR ) Inc. Sirius' chips were delayed, which gave XM a year's headstart in the market, says Horace of Janco Partners. An Agere spokeswoman says it's common for complex chips to go through several revisions.

Last year, XM also decided to design a new line of radios in-house. Sold at retail stores, the easy-to-install radios have lowered XM's cost of subscriber acquisition to $74 in the first quarter, compared with $125 at the end of last year. XM pays only $35 to subsidize each of these radios, compared with $130 for its original radios.

There are still plenty of challenges ahead. XM must achieve its subscriber target. It faces plenty of competition from other technologies, such as the Internet, where downloading music is popular and often free. But XM is betting that young users will be just as excited by the prospect of mining XM's vast selection of new and unexpected music. And the quality of XM's sound is generally superior to anything that can be downloaded from the Web, let alone captured on AM or FM radio. "XM is a different definition of what we've heard all our lives," says Quincy Jones, who advises the company on its programming.

XM has defied the odds so far. That's why many analysts and investors believe the company can achieve its goals, signing up nearly 10 million users by the end of the decade. If it can do that, it may yet have a shot at the stratosphere.

By Catherine Yang in Washington, with Diane Brady, Adam Aston, and Steve Rosenbush in New York
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe - Someone on the XM forum mentioned that they get reception (stationary) in Prudhoe Bay Alaska. Isn't that waaaay up there?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe here is the XM unit we talked about this weekend. It's the XM PCR and plays XM using your computer (hooks up the USB port). The software is really cool - you can see in real time what is playing on all 100 channels and pick favorite songs/artist/events to be notified of when they are playing on any channel.


You can only get it at for $69.

Link to PCR

When you order it you will get 20 channels without subscribing (they rotate) to test if you get reception in your office.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Anyone looking for some good stock, XMSR is getting hammered today on the news that their insurance company isn't going to cover one of their satelites that has a bad power supply. Boeing supplied the two Satelites currently being used - Rock & Roll and fucked up the power system so they will not be operational in 5 years. XM is set to launch Satelite #3 soon (the problem is fixed) and #4 next year. Anyway, conventional wisdom is that XM's insurance company will cover most of the replacement sats that they just haven't agreed on a price yet. So the stock is a good buy now at 10 (down from almost 14 today) Target price for end of the year is 15-20.

[ 08-13-2003, 08:37: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
So after I'm in my new office w/south facing window, I'm gonna try this XM PCR. So assuming that this works, and I pay for a subscription, do I have to pay for another subscription when I put a new xm ready deck in my truck??? (since its not something I'm moving back and forth like the Delphi.)

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well in your case if you were going to try to receive XM in your vehicle, I would recommend the Delphi. For the exact reason you stated - it can be moved from vehicle to office to boombox (same subscription). Steve just ordered the Delphi and boombox - I will let you know how well it works. There is a secret menu on the Delphi that shows the signal strengh from the Satelites and repeaters - will help with antenna placement.

The PCR is really cool considering the PC interface but you could get the boombox and delphi for $200 and use it in your car also (but you need to get the car kit).

I have a couple people sold here at the office on getting XM at work - I might bring Steve's Delphi to work and see where the signal works (we have lots of skylights).
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
I bought 80 shares of XM around 11.50 and just for fun, 100 of Sirius since it's cheap.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Too bad you didn't get it around 10.2 yesterday or you would be $150 richer today [Smile]

For about a minutes yesterday I thought about going for broke and putting all my savings into shares yesterday - I would be $1500 richer today if I had [Eek!]
Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
I thought it would drop some more today so I put in a limit order this morning at $10. Then it started going up so I cancelled and just bought it at market value.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Wow look at the Gecko brothers trading their way to a early fortune..... [Wink] [lol]

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
New XM unit due out in September:

Just like the Delphi unit but smaller and has a micro antenna included with adaptor for $119. Eventully, there will be a wireless FM modulator for this unit so almost no wiring to your radio.

More info:
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Oh yeah I forgot I was going to post this for you Chad. When and if you decide to get XM (official satelite radio of Nascar [Smile] ) Here is what you need to connect it to your factory Toyota radio.


This hooks into the radio and shows up as a CD changer.

And Pro-fit (an Eagan based company) makes a custom mount for the Delphi or Roadie for the Tundra (and Land Cruiser). Check this link.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
On my year tundra 03 there are 3 different radio options.

1st is the standard radio with CD.

2nd is the 3in1 Premium Radio/Tape/CD 6 speaker system.

3rd is the 3in1 Premium Radio/Tape/CD 6-disk in dash changer with 6 speakers system.

I have the 2nd one and it does not have the inputs for any changer. I even tried to see if it would go to it by pressing CD twice. Nothing happens it just plays the CD or when there is not a CD in that button does nothing, no matter how many times i press it.

Also, im really not interested in having an ugle metal bracket on my dash board all the time.

If i do get XM or sirius i will get an XM or sirius ready Reciever and put the tuner under the seat or something.

Sirius is still sponsoring races and a winston cup team in NASCAR. There name was everywhere out there thisweekend. They even had a big blue dog on top of the leaderboard.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
That's the way to go Chad, but I thought you said you wanted to stay with the factory radio?

And as far as Sirius goes - They have pulled their sponsorship as of last week -
Sirius, a satellite radio system, yesterday became the latest NASCAR sponsor to call it quits, leaving Spencer and car owner Jim Smith scrambling for one of those $10 million to $18 million deals it takes to operate a top Winston Cup team.

It was a huge waste of money for Sirius to sponsor a car and a race. XM has the Nascar channel which is exclusive to XM and is pretty much the choice of race fans. But obviously the marketing had an effect on you which isn't all bad [Smile]

Nascar Radio Info

[ 08-20-2003, 17:38: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I only want to stay with the factory radio for money reasons.

It only had an effect on me in that the shit was everywhere. Not because i would prefer it over XM. I could care less at this point because I havent looked into comparing the services yet.

Who ever is feeding the info on the tundras (at least the 03's) is wrong. Because I dont think any of the three different avaliable radios have inputs for a CD changer. Mainly because mine dosnt thus the base model one probably dosnt. And the one that comes with the changer, it is built into the reciever (in-dash) so there is no need for an input.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
90% of the teams reqire a years contract with their main sponsor. Thus i would imagine Sirius is signed on until the end of the season. They cant just drop out without finishing out the year or they would get sued into bankruptcy.

[ 08-20-2003, 17:43: Message edited by: Chadwick ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah I guess the info is wrong - are you sure there is no input on the back? I assume you haven't actually taken the radio out. Here are a couple installs that have been posted in Tundras: (I agree the Pro-fit is quite ugly)

And Read this post for info about the Blizsafe - I think this may be where I picked up the info about the CD changer controls.

Well if you do decide to get Satelite radio definately do a comparison. Sirius has some good stuff. Sound quality is equal. XM has several music channels with about 2 minutes of commercials an hour, Sirius has no commercials on music channels. Both have commercials on like CNN or BBC feeds because those channels have commercials. XM is $9.99 per month for the first radio ($6.99 am month for the next 4) Sirius is $12.95 a month. So that's pretty much the trade off - no commercials for $3 a month. Truth is I would pay $13 a month if XM raised it [Smile]

Also, I am sure Steve would borrow you his Delphi for a week (he uses it in the boombox not car) and tape adaptor to see if you like the sound/channels.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I asked the question about your radio on the XM forum and someone with a 2002 Tundra replied with:
I just installed in our 2002 Tundra with the Radio/6 CD/Tape system, plugged in the BlitzSafe adaptor in the back & XM is your friend! If he still doesn't beleive you, it's only a 6 minute job to remove the radio & look. There's a screw in each AC vent & screws behind the knobs for the climate control, & yank off the trim.
Note: Another universal XM receiver will be available in September called the XM commander - small and will have the tuner part hiden under the seat or whereever -


[ 08-26-2003, 12:24: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The price of the XM PCR (XM radio that plugs into your computer) dropped last week $30 to $48 at I ordered one and hooked it up yesterday here at home. So far I have been very pleased with the interface and reception.

The PCR is a small black box (see way down in this thread) that is powered by your computers USB port. You also hook up the included antenna to the box and a mini plug to your sound cards input. You can alternativly hook the mini plug to your speakers directly or any other audio device that can take a mini plug input. The computer interface is the best part of the PCR - you can see what is playing on every channel though the interface. You can also set up favorite artists and a box will popup when they are playing on any channel asking you if you want to switch to that channel. The software also has a sleep timer and screen saver included.

The PCR software is also open source so there are a couple other programs that have been written to work with the PCR. I tried one that allows the radio to be controlled from any computer on your network (or internet). Also, tomorrow I am going to experiment with streaming the audio from the PCR to other computers on our network at work.

Reception surprised me - I was thinking I would need to put the antenna outside because my room is on the back (north) of the house. I unwrapped the 20 ft cord and pointed to the south (toward the front of my house) and it worked with about 50% signal.

Audio quality is good - I had it on while playing Counter Strike and it mixed perfectly with the game sounds (although you can't change channels while playing).

Joe - when you move to your new office let me know and I will send the PCR up to see if it works.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Had the XM PCR hooked up to my computer at work for two days now. So far it has been great.

- Reception is great, but I have a south facing window so it should be. The signal from repeaters in the area is also strong. I get no repeater signal in Eagan, they all must be near MPLS.

- I have never really been a fan of listening to radio at work, but after two days I can really say it helps the day go faster. I have the software set up to look for my favorite artists on all channels then switch automatically to that channel. After the song is over it switches back. I can also pick artists I do NOT like and it will switch off the channel when they come on.

- Streaming the audio over the LAN at work also worked really easy using Media Player. A couple other guys are listening to it right now on our LAN (of course they have to listen to what I am listening to).

- For $48 it's the cheapest XM radio by far (a car antenna is almost $48) - if you have a south facing window near your desk and $9.99 a month it's the cheapest solution.

(hey Steve did you see XM stock is up $1.50 today! to over $16.00 [Eek!] [Eek!] )
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I don't think anyone is going to be getting XM soon but just wanted to note there is a "referral program" on right now. The person referred gets a $20 check and the person referring gets a free month. There is also a $30 rebate on the Delphi (goes in the boombox/car)until Oct 31.

Pricing at this point is:
First receiver $9.99
2nd-5th $6.99

Multi year deals:
5yr $449 (7.48 a month)
4yr $369 (7.69 a month)
3yr $289 (8.03 a month)
2yr $199 (8.29 a month)
(these are all cancel anytime and get prorated refund)
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
XM Satellite Radio Tops One Million Subscribers
October 27, 2003 10:28:00 AM ET

One of the Fastest-Growing Entertainment Media in History

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio XMSR, America's #1 satellite radio service, announced that it recently surpassed 1 million subscribers, reaching this major milestone in less than two years since its national debut on November 12, 2001.

"With more than one million subscribers, XM has firmly established a new mass-market entertainment medium for consumers nationwide," said Hugh Panero, XM's President and CEO. "XM's success is particularly evident when compared to other media, from the inception of radio to today's latest technology."

Consumers have adopted XM Satellite Radio faster than local radio, television, satellite TV, CD players, MP3 players, or digital video recorders. As a mass medium, XM has reached one million subscribers in less time than cable television or online subscription services -- two of the nation's most successful subscriber businesses.

Number of Years to 1 Million
Comparative Products and Services

DVD Players 1 Year, 9 Months
Compact Disc Players 2 Years, 4 Months
MP3 Players 2 Years, 4 Months
Radio 3 Years, 3 Months
Television 3 Years, 4 Months
Digital Video Recorders (DVR) 4 Years, 5 Months
Video Cassette Recorders (VCR) 4 Years, 10 Months
Online Subscription Services 9 Years, 6 Months
Cable Television 12 Years
Satellite Television 12 Years

Sources: Greystone Communications, Yankee Group
"XM's success has been driven by several factors. We offer 101 channels of critically-acclaimed, live programming, coast-to-coast coverage, and superior sound. We have succeeded in bringing down the cost of equipment quickly, and we have unprecedented distribution through retailers and automotive dealerships nationwide. Plus, the positive word-of-mouth about XM has spread at an extraordinary rate. XM is well-prepared for the traditionally strong holiday selling season," Panero said.

XM will celebrate its one-millionth subscriber with a gala celebration on November 4 at its national broadcast headquarters in Washington, D.C. The master of ceremonies for the day-long celebration will be musical legend Quincy Jones. The event will feature live music and stand-up comedy by a wide array of artists, including Shelby Lynne, Cassandra Wilson, Marty Stuart, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Musiq and Lewis Black. The event will be aired throughout the day exclusively on XM Live (XM Radio Channel 168). Guests will tour XM's state-of-the-art studios where world-class DJs and expert music programmers broadcast live every day.

The celebration will feature displays of the latest XM radio products and many of the more than eighty 2004 vehicles with XM on board. Among the products will be the brand-new Delphi XM Roady receiver, the first satellite radio solution for vehicles for under $120; the critically-acclaimed Delphi XM SKYFi radio, the satellite-radio industry's best-selling receiver, which connects to car radios, home stereos, and portable boom boxes; the XMCommander, XM's latest receiver/FM modulator that works with any AM/FM car stereo, and the XM Personal Computer Receiver (PCR), the first and only satellite-radio unit for PCs that needs no Internet connection.

About XM Satellite Radio

XM is America's #1 satellite radio service. With 1 million subscribers, XM is on pace for 1.2 million subscribers later this year. Broadcasting live daily from studios in Washington, DC, New York City and Nashville, Tennessee at the Country Music Hall of Fame, XM provides its loyal listeners with 101 digital channels of choice: 70 music channels, more than 35 of them commercial-free, from hip hop to opera, classical to country, bluegrass to blues; and 31 channels of premiere sports, talk, comedy, kid's and entertainment programming. Compact and stylish XM satellite radio receivers for the home, the car, the computer and even a boombox for on the go are available from retailers nationwide. In addition, XM is available in more than 80 different 2004 car models. XM is a popular factory-installed option on more than 40 new General Motors models, as well as a standard feature on several top-selling Honda and Acura models.

XM is proud to actively support the lifesaving efforts of The Marrow Foundation and the National Marrow Donor Program to increase the size and diversity of the national Registry of unrelated blood stem cell and marrow donors.

For more information about XM, visit

Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements in this press release include demand for the Company's service, the Company's dependence on technology and third party vendors, its potential need for additional financing, as well as other risks described in XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc.'s Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on 6-03-03. Copies of the filing are available upon request from XM Radio's Investor Relations Department.

© 2003 PRNewswire
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I am getting Michelle XM for her car for Christmas. I was going to get her the Roady ($100 for everything) but you can only currently use it with a cassette adaptor. I have been looking at installs on the site and it looks like the XM Commander is the choice for installs lately. I came accross a bunch of Tundra installs -



The commander is cool because everything is mounted under the seat except one wire is fed to the display. Comes with FM Mod and RCA outputs. Blizsafe makes an adaptor that when plugged into the back on the Tundra (and Sunfire) changer port it powers the Commander and provides the best audio into the factory stereo.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Alpine just came out with the first integrated radio/XM tuner - no need for the extra box under your seat...... Nice radio and not a bad price.

WASHINGTON, and TORRANCE, Calif., Dec. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- For consumers looking to enjoy XM satellite radio in their vehicles, tuning in has never been simpler. Alpine Electronics of America, Inc. and XM Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: XMSR - News) today announced the industry's first in-dash CD receiver with an integrated XM tuner. With its smart, all-in-one design, Alpine's new CDA-9820XM receiver eliminates the need for a separate XM tuner box for easier installation and delivers best-in-class sound performance.

Alpine's CES 2004 Innovations Award-winning CDA-9820XM features an integrated XM tuner module. Previous configurations required a user to purchase an XM Ready head unit, separate XM tuner module and satellite radio antenna to enjoy XM's service in the car. Now, a consumer can just make an easy purchase of the CDA-9820XM and the new XM Micro antenna (sold separately).

"With more than one million subscribers, XM clearly has led the way in creating demand for satellite radio and Alpine is pleased to be a leader in expanding XM's solutions for consumers," said Stephen Witt, Alpine's vice president of Brand Marketing. "With Alpine's new one-box solution, we're making it much easier for people to buy, install and enjoy the benefits of XM with an in-dash receiver that was designed from the ground-up for better digital media playback and superior sound tuning."

"We are thrilled to partner with Alpine to launch the first all-in-one XM tuner and CD head unit," said Hugh Panero, CEO of XM Satellite Radio. "With Alpine's CDA-9820XM, it's never been easier to get a premium quality XM solution in the car."

Alpine's new CDA-9820XM dramatically improves the consumer's ability to navigate and select XM channels through the use of its exclusive Quick Search(TM) technology, an intuitive user interface for quickly finding the desired channel or music category. Alpine's proprietary Media Xpander(TM) sound correction technology further enhances the music sound quality of digital audio sources.

The CDA-9820XM features a bright two color, eight character display, presenting users with information including XM channel number, name, category, song title or artist.

Users can access XM channels via three bands and program pre-sets for up to 18 of their favorite channels. An optional remote control enables users to directly input channel numbers for easy selection.

CDA-9820XM CD Tuner
* Bass Engine Sound Tuning
* Built-in XM Tuner
* Subwoofer level control
* Bass center frequency and
* width control
* Treble center frequency control
* Media Xpander(TM)
* 2 PreOuts Quick Search navigation
* Ai-Net control
* 2 color, 8 character display
* Versatile Link ready
* Remote control ready
* Availability: January
* CEA-2006 Compliant
* Target Retail Price: $349
* 50W Max x 4 / 18W RMS x 4 amplifier

[ 12-17-2003, 10:30: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Image didn't work. Is it for sale yet? The head unit in my truck is crapping out. Doesn't look like it playes MP3's.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Fixed the image. Damn websites not allowing image linking! I had to host it here on NC.

Looks like it comes out in January. I am trying to find out if it has MP3/WMA like I thought all receivers do these days. I am sure Pioneer and Sony will come out with integrated XM tuners very soon now that the new XM chipset is out. It's super small compared to the first two chipsets. Should be a walkman soon.

Also this new boombox just came out for the Delphi. It's bigger but has MP3/CD/AM/FM built in unlike the first Delphi boombox.


[ 12-17-2003, 11:09: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
As all these new products come out it's hard to keep up. The stock continues to go UP - it was over 26 the other day [Smile] . One other thing I was going to post but forgot was about the XM Roady. That's the small universal all in one package for $100 (Display/Micro Antenna/cigarette adaptor/casette adaptor)

At first I was wondering why they picked the stupid cassette adaptor since most people don't have a cassette player anymore.... Now they have come out with a wireless FM modulator. You plug it in to the cigarette lighter and the Roady - it wirelessly broadcasts the XM to one of your FM channels.

And right now you can get a free home dock for the Roady. Damn good deal for the entire package - $100. Joe this might be the easiest way to test if you can even receive the signal. You can always return it if it dosen't work.
Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
Not to piss on your picnic, but is XM really worth it? I don't listen to the radio all that much, that's why I buy CDs. Then there is the problem with the song selection, easily 70-80% of what is on I don't like. Admittedly, with only local radio, my choices are limited but with my narrow range of likes I doubt I would find one I enjoyed enough to dole-out the cash for.
Am I wrong?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Cremator:

Am I wrong?

Probably [Razz] [Wink] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

[ 12-17-2003, 16:17: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well Brent I guess I would say "it depends" to your question. For some people it would not be worth it. For people like me that commute up to 2 hours a day it's perfect. Alot of people find the local channels don't carry the type of music they like so they have turned to XM.

I personally find the channel selection alot better then what your local radio has to offer. 100 channels is alot to choose from. Chances are there is a channel you would really like. I don't know if you still listen to metal but there are a couple un-censored heavy channels (no commercials). XM's strategy has been to go further then FM does. Many of the channels are different then FM - unsigned artist channel, all live concerts, deep tracks (4 songs from same artists), uncensored comedy... It is refreshing to hear the DJ's interview Korn in studio and not have any bleeps.... [Smile]

Steve got XM right when it came out 18 months ago. It took me until this spring to warm up to the idea of paying for something that is free. Once I tried it as a family member of Steve for $6.99 I decided I was getting my monies worth and added the PCR at work for $6.99. I don't see myself sitting in front of a radio at night listening to music, so if I didn't have the long commute and couldn't listen at work I would cancel my service. I guess what I am trying to say is it's not for everyone.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Just for fun Brent give me 6 or so bands that you listen to and I will run them through the XM database see if they are played on any channels.
Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
I wouldn't mind it here at work, if the signal can get to me? Can you suck it off the internet?

I listen to:
Dimmu Borgir
In Flames
80s metal (try Judas Priest)

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well it looks like you would really like the Liquid Metal channel. They play all the stuff you like uncensored. Judas Priest is played on about 5 channels with The Bone Yard (heavy metal from the ‘80s & ‘90s) the most. There has also been a few concerts played on the Special X and XM Live channel. Here is a link to the Liquid Metal site – see if you like the other shit they play:

XM doesn’t stream over the internet it’s all from the satellite and repeaters that are around the Twin Cities. If you would like I can loan you my PCR (hooks to your computer) for a few days to see if you get a signal in your office. I tried it around my office and there is good coverage almost everywhere.

Here is a list to the full guide of what is playing (you can plug in artist here to see where they are played also):

Dimmu Borgir
Progenies Of The
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 18, 2003 1:34 PM ET
Nocturnal Fear
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 16, 2003 7:24 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: November 20, 2003 1:12 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: November 13, 2003 7:07 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: November 11, 2003 1:08 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: October 02, 2003 2:28 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: September 30, 2003 2:11 PM ET

Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: September 05, 2003 10:39 AM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: September 04, 2003 12:05 AM ET

In Flames
Pinball Map
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 18, 2003 10:50 AM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 17, 2003 8:20 PM ET
As The Future Re
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Rate This!
Last Played: December 17, 2003 3:09 PM ET
Another Day In Q
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 17, 2003 7:00 AM ET
Free Fall
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 16, 2003 11:35 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 15, 2003 8:43 PM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 15, 2003 12:55 AM ET
Black & White
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 15, 2003 12:55 AM ET
Cloud Connected
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 15, 2003 5:12 AM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 15, 2003 9:53 AM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 14, 2003 1:50 PM ET
Clay Man
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 14, 2003 2:54 AM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 14, 2003 11:26 PM ET
Brush The Dust A
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 13, 2003 10:08 PM ET
Dark Signs
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 12, 2003 8:31 AM ET
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: December 12, 2003 2:34 PM ET
Only For The Wea
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: November 06, 2003 11:54 PM ET
Bullet Ride
Request: XM 42 - Liquid Metal
Last Played: August 05, 2003 2:06 AM ET
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Hey I'm sure we talked about this last summer on the drive back from my cabin. But has any talk radio taken advantage of XM broadcasting???
What about live Sports?? There was a great morning show out of the midwest somewhere that I used to listen too in Utah. Bob&Tom, a national show, really funny, lots of parody songs, and funny guests.

Just curious?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Bob and Tom are not on XM but there are several other reginal talk shows. There are the all talk stations that I listen to:

ABC News and Talk
Money Talk with Bob Brinker

Sam Donaldson

Mitch Albom of WJR Detriot MI

Sean Hannity of WABC New York NY

Mark Davis of WBAP in Dallas TX

Larry Elder from KABC

The Satellite Sisters
Extreme XM -
Monsters of the Midday of Real Radio 104.1 in Orlando FL

Drew Garabo of Real Radio 104.1 Orl. FL

The Regular Guys of 96 Rock in Atlanta GA

Bubba "The Love Sponge"

The Phillips Phile
Buzz XM
Bill Handel - Winning mornings in LA among issues talkers. From KFI in Los Angeles, CA.

Glenn Beck - Issues and humor, highly-produced.

Bill Cunningham - Outspoken voice in conservative Cincinnati. From WLW in Cincinnati, OH.

Phil Hendrie - Offers a less-than-conventional perspective on current events.

John and Ken - From KFI in Los Angeles, CA.

Mike Trivisonno - From WTAM in Cleveland, OH.

Ask XM -
Michael Reagan - Delivers quality talk on politics and the law.

Bruce Williams - Solid nighttime advisor for everyday business situations.

Dr. Dean Edell - Longtime leader in health talk.

George Noory - Talks of the Paranormal. Replaced Art Bell upon his retirement.

There are also ESPN Radio, ESPN News, Fox Sports Radio, Sporting News, and Nascar channels. Espn carries alot of games, especially playoff but there are no game only channels. Sirius has the NHL but that takes up a bunch of channels so XM elected to not go that route because its mostly a duplicate of FM/AM.

I think in the next couple years talk will take off more on XM with line up changes. Alot of the first personalities (some Drew guy) was always talking shit about XM because he didn't get any money for being on XM. He was dropped in favor of another better show that appreciates being on from coast to coast. Bob and Tom are requested alot on the XM forum along with Stern and Rush. I would like to see an XM only uncensored program that takes advantage of the format. The Monsters of the Mid day had a one hour uncensored XM only show while they were waiting for Stern who is on before them to finish (he goes over his time alot) that has gotten alot of positive feed back.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Huge announcement today from XM at the CES (consumer electronics show)..... As of Feb XM is going commercial free on ALL music channels. The only remaining channels with commercials will be the talk/news channels (which have commercial breaks anyway). This was Sirius radios big sales advantage over XM.... no commercials but you pay $3 more a month. Now XM has the advantage in all areas. Should be interesting to see how satelite radio grows in te next year..... As of Dec, 31, 2003-

XM Radio - 1,360,000
Sirius Radio - 290,000

XM Exceeds 1,360,000 Subscribers at Year-End 2003
Wednesday January 7, 3:00 pm ET
Over 1 Million Net Additional Subscribers in 2003; Expects to Reach 2.8 Million Subscribers in 2004
XM Introduces 2004 Programming Lineup featuring 100% Commercial-Free Music Plus XM Instant Traffic & Weather Channels for Major Markets Nationwide
XM Takes to the Skies with JetBlue Airways and AirTran Airways

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: XMSR - News), the country's number-one satellite radio service, today announced it signed up more than 1,360,000 subscribers, representing 1 million net additional subscribers in the year 2003, extending its market dominance in satellite radio.
(Logo: )
To view the Multimedia News Release, complete with Hi-Res image, go to:

"XM delivered an outstanding performance in 2003 with more than 1 million new customers choosing our service this year for a total of more than 1.36 million subscribers overall," said Hugh Panero, XM President and CEO. "During the fourth quarter of 2003, XM added more than 430,000 customers -- our best quarter ever. Equally exciting is the more than 23,000 subscribers who signed up on Christmas Day, the biggest single day in the history of the company. By the end of 2004 we expect to have 2.8 million subscribers, reflecting an increase of more than 1.4 million subscribers during 2004."

XM Introduces 2004 Content Lineup Featuring 100% Commercial-Free Music plus XM Instant Traffic & Weather Channels

Building on the momentum of 2003, XM announced an exciting content lineup for 2004. XM will offer 100 percent commercial-free music channels beginning in February.

"XM has established itself as the ultimate destination for music lovers. With our new content lineup, the music lover can now get more high-quality music, commercial-free, on XM than on any terrestrial or satellite radio alternative," Panero said. "The New York Times says XM is the 'HBO of satellite radio.' When you combine XM's live programming with the most commercial-free music channels in satellite radio, it's clear that XM programming will be even more amazing in 2004."

In 2004, XM will also roll out XM Instant Traffic & Weather channels, offering listeners in-depth, up-to-date information about road and weather conditions in 21 major metropolitan markets nationwide, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with greater detail and more frequent updates than available elsewhere.

XM Instant Traffic & Weather will be presented by XM in cooperation with Mobility Technologies, a leading provider of traffic data, and The Weather Channel. The first 15 XM Instant Traffic & Weather channels will debut in March for the following metro areas: New York City, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Dallas-Ft. Worth, Chicago, Houston, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco, Tampa-St. Petersburg, Orlando, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and St. Louis. Dedicated channels for Boston, Atlanta, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Seattle, and San Diego will be introduced later in 2004.

XM's 2004 lineup features new music channels, including ones devoted to adult contemporary music, top country hits, jambands, alternative rock's greatest tracks, and cutting-edge punk, plus MSNBC and new talk programs.

In 2004 XM will offer a total of 121 channels -- 68 music channels, 32 news, sports, talk, and variety channels, and 21 XM Instant Traffic & Weather channels -- for the basic monthly fee of $9.99 a month.

XM Partners with JetBlue Airways and AirTran Airways

In an industry first, XM announced it will provide in-flight audio entertainment to every seat on AirTran Airways (NYSE: AAI - News) and JetBlue Airways (Nasdaq: JBLU - News) flights utilizing a system provided by LiveTV LLC, a wholly- owned subsidiary of JetBlue Airways. The XM in-flight service will be introduced on JetBlue Airways' existing fleet of Airbus 320 aircraft beginning this fall and on its new fleet of Embraer 190 aircraft when introduced into service next year. AirTran Airways will offer XM on its existing fleet of Boeing 717s this fall, as well as its new Boeing 737 aircraft when introduced into service.

"XM is pleased to partner with outstanding airline brands such as AirTran Airways and JetBlue Airways, who together carry more than 20 million passengers a year. XM will be a great entertainment feature for these passengers, who will have the opportunity to experience our outstanding audio content throughout their flights. This will be a strong, mutually rewarding partnership between XM and these fine, innovative air carriers," Panero said.

New XM Radio Products

XM announced the introduction of new wireless FM audio adaptors for its popular Delphi XM SKYFi and Roady product lines. The SKYFi and Roady audio adaptors (MSRP $29.99 each) deliver XM to any car with an FM radio system. These sleek accessories plug conveniently into the vehicle's cigarette lighter. The adapters wirelessly transmit XM to a vehicle's FM radio and provide power to the receiver.

XM continues to expand its presence in the home with the introduction of the Roady home adapter (MSRP $39.99). The home adapter connects the Roady, which BusinessWeek magazine named a "Best Product of 2003," to a home stereo or a set of powered speakers.

Delphi has announced the introduction of the Delphi CD Audio System (MSRP $179.99), the first AM, FM, XM, CD and MP3-capable boom box. This product delivers XM programming through the Delphi XM SKYFi receiver (MSRP $99.99), the best-selling satellite radio in its class with more than 500,000 units produced since its introduction in 2002.

XM is enhancing its aftermarket car stereo product line with the recent introduction of the XMCommander (MSRP $159.99), an XM radio that works with any AM/FM car stereo, regardless of the brand. The XMCommander, distributed by Terk Technologies, blends seamlessly with the dashboard. It has a two-line display and includes the smallest satellite antenna available. This device is especially attractive to consumers who own luxury cars and want a sleek, elegant-looking system.

Last month, Alpine Electronics introduced the industry's first in-dash stereo head unit with a fully-integrated XM radio, along with AM, FM, and CD functions. This new receiver, which was recently named a Consumer Electronics Show 2004 Innovations Award winner, eliminates the need for a separate XM tuner box. Alpine, Pioneer and Sony will also continue to carry a broad selection of XM-ready car stereo products.

Finally, the new XM Direct device features a low cost, universal tuner that directly connects to the car stereo system using a smart digital adapter cable (combined MSRP $99.99). Once the XM Direct is connected, you can listen to XM on the in-dash car stereo using the existing stereo controls. Blitzsafe introduced the very first XM Direct adapter cable for BMW and Mini automobiles last fall. Blitzsafe is expected to introduce adapter cables for Alpine and Sony head units in the first quarter. In addition, Terk Technologies is introducing XM Direct adapter cables for Kenwood and Pioneer head units.

About XM Satellite Radio

XM is America's #1 satellite radio service. With more than 1.36 million subscribers today, XM is on pace to reach 2.8 million subscribers by the end of 2004. Broadcasting live daily from studios in Washington, DC, New York City and Nashville, Tennessee at the Country Music Hall of Fame, XM's 2004 lineup includes more than 120 digital channels of choice from coast to coast: 68 music channels that will be 100% commercial-free beginning in February 2004, featuring hip hop to opera, classical to country, bluegrass to blues; 32 channels of premier sports, talk, comedy, children's and entertainment programming; and 21 channels of the most advanced traffic and weather information for major metropolitan areas nationwide. Affordable, compact and stylish XM satellite radio receivers for the home, the car, the computer and boom boxes for "on the go" are available from retailers nationwide. In addition, XM is available in more than 80 different 2004 car models. XM is a popular factory-installed option on more than 40 new General Motors models, as well as a standard feature on several top-selling Honda and Acura models.

For more information about XM, visit
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe Xm just added a bunch more talk shows as follows:

MSNBC (XM Channel 130): The 24-hour news network offers up-to-the-minute news and commentary, with popular programs such as "Hardball," "Countdown," "Lester Holt Live," "Deborah Norville Tonight," "Scarborough Country" with Joe Scarborough, and "The Abrams Report" with Dan Abrams, on XM starting February 1.

Dennis Miller (XM Channel 127): The irreverent comic and five-time Emmy winner brings his take-no-prisoners, suffer-no-fools style to XM Radio with his new CNBC program on Mondays at 9 pm ET with encores at 12 midnight ET.

Michael Savage (Buzz, XM Channe1 66, weekdays from 7-10PM ET): The author of the best-selling book "The Savage Nation," Michael Savage offers up his trademark brand of compassionate conservatism.

Matt Drudge (Buzz, XM Channel 166, Sundays 10PM-1AM ET): "The Drudge Report" is a news and opinion show hosted by Matt Drudge, the author of the widely-read Internet website focusing on political news and the entertainment business.

"The Wall Street Journal This Morning" (Buzz, XM Channel 166, weekdays 6- 9AM ET): Each weekday morning, The Wall Street Journal previews the Journal's take on what to watch for that day in the world of business, money, the markets, technology, careers and much more. The Wall Street Journal will also broadcast up-to-the-minute reports on market news on several XM channels throughout the day.

Ed Schultz (Buzz, XM Channel 166, weekdays 3-7PM ET): Ed Schultz is a progressive voice on national talk radio, taking a passionate, liberal stance on the pressing issues of the day.

Laura Ingraham (Buzz, XM Channel 166, weekdays from 9AM-12PM ET): The conservative author and columnist known for her irreverent wit covers politics, the news media, and Hollywood.

Mike Gallagher (Buzz, XM Channel 166, weekdays from 12-3PM ET): The broadcasting veteran offers a blend of political commentary, compelling talk topics, and his perspective as a husband and father of four children.

Dave Ramsey (Ask, XM Channel 165, weekdays 2-5PM ET): The author of The New York Times best-selling book Financial Peace offers unique and insightful views on life and money matters.

Michael Reagan (Buzz, XM Channel 166, weeknights 10PM-1AM ET): Stimulating and informative discussion of politics and the law delivered by the son of former President Ronald Reagan.

Rusty Humphries (Ask, XM Channel 165, weekdays 5-7PM ET): The national talk-show host and singer/songwriter delivers a fast-paced talk show, mixing news and views with song parodies and listener call-ins.

Into Tomorrow with Dave Graveline (Ask, XM Channel 165, Sundays, 2-4PM ET). This popular technology show covers the latest in high tech and consumer electronics.

Dennis Prager (Ask, XM Channel 165, weekdays 12-2PM ET): Writer, lecturer and TV personality Prager is a talk radio veteran with an uncanny ability to discuss a wide range of topics, including human relationships, religion, and international relations.

Car and Driver Radio with Alan Taylor (Buzz, XM Channel 166, Sundays 2-4 PM ET): Inspired by Car and Driver magazine, the Car and Driver radio show brings the pages of the world's largest automotive publication to life.

John & Jeff (Extreme, XM Channel 152, overnights 2-6AM ET): The John and Jeff show is hot talk for people working the late-night shifts from coast to coast.

The Handyman Show with Glenn Haege (Buzz, XM Channel 166, Saturdays 10AM- 12PM ET): Clear and concise how-to advice for novices and pros alike.

America's Car Show (Buzz, XM Channel 166, Saturdays 2-4PM ET): With over 29 years in the automotive industry, host Tom Torbjornsen serves up expert opinion and enthusiasm for cars.

The Money Pit (Buzz, XM Channel 166, 8-10AM ET): Tips for home improvement with professionals Tom Kraeutler and Debby Robinson.

Rollye James (Ask, XM Channel 165, weeknights 10PM-1AM ET): A libertarian with a loyal following, Rollye James offers an unpredictable mix of politics, music, and opinion.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Cool. I moved into my new office on Friday with a South facing window, unobstructed view, 2nd story. I just placed the order for the XM PCR. Will let you know if it works......
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Will be interesting to see if it works. Sounds like it should if you are on the 2nd floor with a window. Your house probably will need a 50ft antenna extention to put in on the roof.

When you get it hooked up (assuming it works) give me a shout. I have been using a free 3rd party software to control the PCR that is very cool. The offical XM software is functional and works well but lacks the ability to automatically switch to other channels when a favorite song or artist comes on. It will even switch off a channel when an artist you don't like comes on and return after the song is over. Runs in the task tray and when you right click on it - it shows what's playing on the 10 preset stations.

[ 01-28-2004, 13:26: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
IT WORKS!!! [Big Grin]

Subscription just kicked in.
Signal strength is pretty good. The antenna is just in my window now. It ranges from about 2/3 to a little more on the signal strength bars on the xm control panel (but drops off quickly if its not in the window/unobstructed view). I stuck the antenna out the window with my hand, and it pegged the strength bars to max.... I'll be running it outside in the near future once I can get the cable thru the window so I can still close the window.

Very cool so far, I know I'll love the music diversity, plus the talk.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Good to hear. Sounds like you have good signal strength. I only get 60% on the Sat in my office but I get almost 100% from a repeater. As long as you have a bit over 20% you should be good. Let me know if anything effects it (cloud cover, weather, etc.) It's not supposed to.

When you download and install the other PCR programs there are many other options to show signal strength. Like which satelite your signal is coming from.

You will probably like alot of the rock channels - Ethel, Squizz, Fred, XMU, Deep tracks, XM cafe, and the new Lucy and Fungus are pretty cool.

In the afternoon there are some good middle/left talk shows you will probably like. Seems like the morning it's all right wings stuff (Mike Gallagher/Laura Ingram). Let me know your impressions.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
It looks like the site is down. Is that still the right addy for the xm forum?

Where do I download the other PCR control panel you mentioned?

[ 02-04-2004, 12:58: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
there are some good middle/left talk shows you will probably like. Seems like the morning it's all right wings stuff (Mike Gallagher/Laura Ingram).......

So what are you saying???? [argue] [Razz] [Wink]

I certainly think of myself as of a centrist for the most part (not saying your not). I don't think I could handle a liberal talk show. Too many of their positions are undefensible. I enjoyed Rush for years, but I think he was uniquely insightfull in deconstructing the liberal & or democrate philosophy/agenda. He did appear to really delv into the substance of issues. I don't see that in some of the newer Neo-con hosts. As you said yourself, O'Reily is just a interupter, he always seems in a hurry to me, to bully people around by just skimming over details, and making vauge, general statements to defend his position.
I've heard Mike Reagan and some of the other older hosts before, not bad, can be informative/entertaining. Interested to see how good the various talk hosts are, as most of them I've not heard of.


[ 02-04-2004, 13:15: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Try Sean Hannity at 2pm-5pm cst on ABC news/talk channel XM124. He is the #2 most listened to talk show host in america. A bit on the religious side at times but similar in views to Rush.

Yes is the site. It is down today for some reason. There is a forum on there that is all for the XMPCR. There are links to all the 3rd party software in that forum. The one I use is:

Replace PCR

Download that and try it. There are two programs you need to run to make it work. The server and the client. In your situation they will be run on the same computer. Start the server then start the client.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Ok, Joe the site is back up. Check the XMPCR forum for info on 3rd party software. There is also a new site run by a partner of Xmfan who took his legos and left xmfan to make his own site -
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
XM Tracker (signature) is also now working again (it's hosted on the Xmfan site).

You can download it here:

Then click on add to my XMfan signature in the tracker software.

Then go into your user profile on xmfan and copy the signature. You can now paste that into any bbs that supports html signatures. Only problem is that it will always show up black. has a black background so it dosen't really show up [Frown]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Never got the ReplacePCR software to work. Don't see anything wrong with the stock software off the bat.

I moved my antenna outside today. Big flat side of the building above my window, no overhang above it. Since it's flat/south facing, I just hung it up there. Signal strength dropped a bit. And seems weaker on the talk channels than the music. It works, but I know a stronger signal is possible. I need to do it when I can have someone inside telling me what the signal bar is reading, as I couldn't reach where I placed it and look inside at the same time.
There is a amplified antenna available that might be helpfull up here in the long run (mabey get that and try it from home as well)

Checked out the xmfan site, and the other new one. Rediculous amount of info. Too bad its got divergent forums now, nice to have it all in one place.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Looked thru the ReplacePCR software forum and I got it to work. He had different downloads for those with the same prob I was having [Confused]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I honestly think you will be fine with the signal you are getting. It's a digital format so you either get the signal or you don't. There is no increase in quality with a stronger signal. The boombox in my room with the antenna on the back gets 1 bar of 5 on it's display and I rarely get dropouts. Have you had any drop outs? You will find in general the talk channels have less bandwidth then the music channels so they are less quality.

The split is kind of a fucked up deal. After reading up on the whole thing it looks as if the owner of XMFAN (Ryan) got fucked over by Ziggy (that started XM411). I have ordered a bunch of stuff from Ziggy who ran the xmfan store he seems like a very good guy - even took a return when it was out of the return period. But yeah it sucks that everything is split up now. XM dejays/managment read the XMfan forums all the time and change stuff based on the comments - will be interesting to see if they continue to do that.

ReplacePCR is the software I use when I really want to surf around on the music channels. Simply because it allows for better control of favorites and auto switching. I also like the way you can have presets and view them by right clicking on the icon in the tray. The stock software is decent for listening to one channel or viewing what is on all the channels at once.

One other note on the PCR. I have heard that the only reason you need the computer is to change the channel. It gets it's power from the usb port on the computer. A guy figured out that if you buy a cheap powered USB hub at like Best Buy you don't need a computer. You just hook some speakers up to the audio out and the usb cable to the powered hub and it works. Only problem is that you can't change channels.... it stays on whatever you were listening to the last time it was hooked up to the computer/software.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Have you had any drop outs? You will find in general the talk channels have less bandwidth then the music channels so they are less quality.

Yeah I've had a few. They seem to come in a series, where the signal cycles in and out, but its been totally random, I've had it happen mabey 5-6 times in a week.

I may try and re-adjust the antenna with some help to optimize the signal, but this is obviously good enough.
I may still get a amplified antenna, I think I'd use it at my house, and go w/another PCR unit but wire some speakers around the place.

Looks like some of the past posts on the xmfan site were lost in the divorce. Might be why I don't turn up much searching "Alaska" other than the Purdhoe bay comment. I also found a thread saying that xm wouldnt bill a guy because he had a AK address even tho he knew he had a signal (he said he was out in Dillingham or something, South of me but way west out in the bush). Thread didn't have the issue resolved.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Searching Xmfan you should get about 5-10 threads about Alaska reception, if I remember correctly. Probably 100 mentions of Alaska.

You might consider selling the XMPCR and going to the Delphi SkiFi or Roady if you want it at home also. Then you would only need one subscription. Would pay for itself in no time. Use the boombox on one end and the home kit on the other (wired into your stereo or computer speakers). Something to think about - would give you more options.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
test xmtracker
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
test xmtracker
[Mad] doesn't work. I put the script in the sig line and save but if I go back to my profile its not there.

[ 02-10-2004, 11:24: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I forgot you need to put it in as an image -

example: [ IMG][/IMG ]

no space inside the [img]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :

thats cool [Big Grin]

do I need to change the one on the xmfan site to the img as well or leave it the way it set itself up????

[ 02-10-2004, 11:37: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
You can leave it I think. I just clicked the button on the tracker and it worked on XMfan didn't need to do anything.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Did you have refresh problems with the ReplacePCR software. Mine is not refreshing the channels other than the one I'm currently on. When I go to another channel it'll instantly switch to the new song. I set the refresh rates in the Server side setting to 1 & 3 seconds in the two fields.

I posted about it on XMfan as well.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Think I figured it out. Had to restart it all for channel refresh settings to take affect.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Hey one of the guys in this thread on XM411
was able to change the color of his XMPCR radio signature?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Guess he's using another Tracker software that works with the stock XMPCR software. You can add a bit of code to change the color of the sig. I tried it on here and it didn't change the color.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
That would be cool - keep working on that [Smile]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
DBroome (?) the guy who wrote the ReplacePCR software said in another thread that the next version of it will allow you to set the color in each sig.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well Joe you might get your wish. Looks like Bubba the Love Sponge (Stern type shock jock on Extreme XM) just got the Axe from clear channel. Rumor has it he might be replaced by the Bob and Tom show.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
What time is/was Bubba on?

I bet I'll get hosed on the timeslot tho. Bob & Tom do Web radio as well, but its simulcast only.... no Delay [Mad] . So its on from like 3am to 6-7am my time [Frown]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
He's the morning drive guy, so yeah I guess you would miss him.. Have you tried the Monsters of the Midday on 151? They are "ok". I can't stand the chick they have on the show so it's hard for me to listen.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I briefly listened too them, but didn't find it that fun. Not much diff from one of the local morning shows here. Too much current events based talk, and that gets old (and I've yet to hear a lot of insight into current events from some dumbass DJ), and is not that funny in the long run.

Bob & Tom is really a diff format from any other morning show I've ever heard. LOTS of guests, particularly musical comedians, plus Bob & Tom do a lot of good parody music, commercials, skits themselves. Really high production quality in general as well. And they just have a funny group of people together.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I agree on your take on the Florida talk shows that are on Extreme 152. They don't seem to realize they are on across the country. That is one thing Stern has done well - he knows people in Montana could care less about NY current events so he stays on national stuff and celebs. I am somewhat familiar with Bob and Tom because they are on in Duluth. It's only rumor at this point that XM would add them in place of Bubba. If you follow the topic on XMFAN or XM411 seems Bubba is trying to get XM to pick him up exclusively as an uncensored show.

There has been kind of a race to have the first uncensored talk show on either XM or Sirius. Stern mentioned awhile back after his contract is up he would consider a one year satelite deal where he could say what he wants. And if you have ever heard of Opie and Anthony who had a huge following and were fired last year - have been shopping Sirius for a deal.

[ 02-24-2004, 13:48: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Looks like Stern got suspended by clear channel for questionable comments. God I hate clear channel (too much of a monopoly). They used to own 10% of XM but have sold most of it in the last few months.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Hey I'm not seeing the XmPCR sig for you or I?
Do you see it?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Damn you are quick.... I was just about to post the exact same thing [Smile]

No the site must be down. Maybe it's time to switch to the other program that allows color?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Damn you are quick.... I was just about to post the exact same thing [Smile]

No the site must be down. Maybe it's time to switch to the other program that allows color?

The one for color was for Mac users or Linux or something?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Sorry Joe now there is also an all right-wing channel (see below) - formally the BUZZ - will be "Americas Right".


XM Adds More than 320,000 Subscribers in Q1 '04;
Company More Than Doubles Subscriber Additions Compared to Q1 '03

Washington D.C., April 01, 2004 -- XM Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: XMSR), the pioneer and leader in satellite radio, today announced it has more than 1,680,000 subscribers. The company closed the first quarter of 2004 with an addition of more than 320,000 new net subscribers, a 230 percent increase in new subscribers compared to the first quarter of 2003, when XM recorded 135,916 new subscribers.

"XM has started 2004 on a very strong note. Consumers have clearly embraced XM's 2004 programming lineup featuring 100% commercial-free music and the new XM Instant Traffic & Weather service for major markets nationwide," said Hugh Panero, XM President and CEO. "This strong performance firmly positions the company for its 2004 goal of more than 2.8 million subscribers by year's end."

Separately, XM announced today it will launch on April 5 a new political talk channel called America Right (XM Channel 166), formerly called Buzz XM. The channel will feature conservative superstars Bill Bennett, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan and Laura Ingraham among others. This channel addition follows XM's recent launch of political talk channel America Left (XM Channel 167), dedicated to progressive talk radio, featuring Air America Radio talk personalities such as Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo.

About XM Satellite Radio

In the fall of 2001, XM Satellite Radio pioneered the introduction of satellite radio in the U.S. Today, XM is America's #1 satellite radio service with more than 1.6 million subscribers. Broadcasting live daily from studios in Washington, DC, New York City and Nashville, Tennessee at the Country Music Hall of Fame, XM's 2004 lineup includes more than 120 digital channels of choice from coast to coast: 68 commercial-free music channels, featuring hip hop to opera, classical to country, bluegrass to blues; 33 channels of premier sports, talk, comedy, children's and entertainment programming; and more than 20 channels of the most advanced traffic and weather information for major metropolitan areas nationwide. Affordable, compact and stylish XM satellite radio receivers for the home, the car, the computer and boom boxes for "on the go" are available from retailers nationwide. In addition, XM is available in more than 80 different 2004 car models. XM is a popular factory-installed option on more than 40 new General Motors models, as well as a standard feature on several top-selling Honda and Acura models. Passengers on JetBlue Airways and AirTran Airways will be able to listen to XM's programming in-flight later in 2004.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Why do I care, I haven't said word one about either of them.

FUCK IDEOLOGY!!! [demon]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Ok ok - fair enough.... Was just looking for some kind of reaction [Smile]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Bjergo I forgot to mention yesterday, that if you do get a SkiFi system for your truck etc Best Buy will install it with a shitty universal mount. You will want to order a Pro-Fit Mount for your truck that the vehicle cradle will mount to. Steve and Michelle both have them and they work great. Order here:

Right click - choose save as for this file.

[ 05-27-2004, 10:11: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Chad - Here is the XM tuner you need:

Don't get the old 903 box (there are still some of those around), they only show 8 digits on your radio - the 910 shows all 16 digits. And don't wait too long to get one - Pioneer no longer makes the XM receivers. A new product is being introduced called the XM Direct that will work with all aftermarket stereos (Alpine/Sony/Pioneer) so that each co dosen't have to make it's own box.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Chad you are going to miss it - starting Saturday on XM 41 "DA Boneyard"....

Van Halen 420
Da Boneyard digs up 420 Van Halen songs in a row! Live sets, solo sets, cover song sets and The Top 41 Van Halen Songs. Begins Saturday, June 19th at Noon ET.

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The new Roady2 is now is stores. It is the smallest and cheapest XM radio now available. It has a built in FM modulator so it will work with any radio. Just plug it in throw the antenna on the dash and tune your existing radio to a un-used channel. Other new features are it's smaller and includes streaming stock quotes on the screen. It costs around $110 and includes an antenna, the unit, and a power adaptor (also a free home kit you send in for that allows it to be hooked to a home stereo/computer)

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Great Joe - another channel just for you.....

XM Satellite Radio plans to launch public channel
July 29, 2004 4:01:00 PM ET

LOS ANGELES, July 29 (Reuters) - XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. (XMSR) on Thursday said it would launch a public radio channel, signing such well-known talent as award-winning newsman Bob Edwards.

XM, which has more than 2.1 million subscribers, will launch the new channel on Sept. 1, featuring programs from Public Radio International and its satellite radio unit American Public Radio; American Public Media, the national production and distribution branch of Minnesota Public Radio; and Boston public radio station WBUR.

Edwards, who drew 13 million listeners a week to his popular "Morning Edition" show on National Public Radio, will host a new morning interview program, "The Bob Edwards Show," exclusive to XM Satellite Radio, set to debut on Oct. 4.

Public radio is member and sponsor-supported radio that usually offers a mix of news and educational programming. REUTERS
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:Great Joe - another channel just for you...
[brd] [Razz] [Wink]

Never liked NPR.... Wellfare is wellfare, be it corporate, social, tv, radio..... [Roll Eyes]

[ 07-29-2004, 17:09: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Glad to hear you think the same way I do about NPR. At least XM is paying for this channel without tax payer money. Anything to increase subscriptions I am all for... The stock has been up and down lately between 22 and 29 (I bought at 10 [Smile] )

I took a look at the Roady2 at Best Buy today. Very small and nice design. I might retire my XMPCR and get a Roady2 instead. I would like to take the Roady2 home at night and dock it in my stereo (or use the wireless FM mod). I really like the XMPCR but rarely change channels at work so the Roady2 would work well. And the stock quotes on it are very cool.

Bjergo - did you ever get a 2nd unit for your truck?
Posted by larry (Member # 41) on :
No I havent gotten a second unit...the Skifi is mounted in the truck... I want to get a roady2 to travel around with..the built in modulator is very jeanne is crying for her own unit she doesnt get to use mine enough [Wink]
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
Originally posted by larry:
plus jeanne is crying for her own unit she doesnt get to use mine enough [Wink]

Why are you depriving Jeanne of your unit?????????

[sex] or is it [sleep]
Posted by larry (Member # 41) on :
[sleep] [beer]
Posted by larry (Member # 41) on :
[sleep] [beer]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe you might even like these guys. I listened to them in Chicago while I was there. I was addicted. Then they said something and got cancelled. This will be the first big experiment with a shock joick type of channel for an addition charge.... I am sure Howard will be watching.

Talk Radio Stars Opie and Anthony to Join XM Satellite Radio
Thursday August 5, 9:01 am ET
'O & A' to Hold Press Conference Today at 12:00 Noon ET at Hard Rock Cafe in New York City

WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: XMSR - News), the nation's leading provider of satellite radio with more than 2.1 million subscribers, today announced that talk radio personalities Opie and Anthony will make their long-anticipated return to radio on XM Satellite Radio.
(Photo: ) )
(Logo: )
Opie and Anthony will premiere a live, weekday program on XM on October 4. The show will be carried exclusively on a new premium XM channel.

"We learned a lot during our two years away from our fans, and we can't wait to get back on the radio and reconnect with them," said Greg "Opie" Hughes. "This is a huge milestone for us because XM provides a nationwide audience that local radio simply can't match." Anthony Cumia added, "XM is the future of radio as we know it, and it is the perfect platform for us to entertain our radio fans, in the same way that HBO provided more creative freedom for people in TV."

Opie and Anthony are among the most popular and controversial duos in radio. Their irreverent wit made their afternoon radio show number one among male listeners between the ages of 18 and 49 in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Dallas, Cleveland, and Buffalo, according to Arbitron. O & A have not been on the air since August 2002, and their large fan base has been waiting patiently for their return. The new show on XM will serve up their offbeat humor that has drawn millions of listeners and made them loyal fans.

"XM has been called 'the HBO of satellite radio,' and like HBO, we can provide O & A fans with a unique way to enjoy their edgy humor," said Hugh Panero, President & CEO of XM Satellite Radio. "The O & A show is the latest example of the incredible range of programming available on XM."

The Opie and Anthony show is the newest addition to XM's critically acclaimed programming line-up, which offers digital radio channels devoted to everything from classical music to hip hop, college and professional sports to audio books, financial news to stand-up comedy.

XM's 120-plus channels are available from coast to coast for a basic monthly fee of $9.99. XM will carry Opie and Anthony on a premium channel (XM Channel 202) for an additional monthly fee of $1.99. XM subscribers can pre- order the new channel starting today by calling XM at 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346) or visiting XM online at
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Hey Scott, if you get rid of your XMPCR, let me know. I might be interested in it!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Sure. I will be getting a Roady2 soon, just don't know when.

Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
XMRadio has the The Delphi XM Roady with free Wireless Audio Adaptor for $50 + $7.75 shipping. Enter access key xmdphxm04 The radio normally sells for $120.

Conditions: You have to order three months of the satellite radio subscription at the same time (for $9.99 per month if it's the first radio in your family, $6.99 for the 2nd-5th), and if you don't keep your subscription active for six months, you will be charged an extra $60.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
So is this the one Scott is talking about, Roadie 2?? I wouldn't need to install a receiver etc. in my car and can bring it in my office also without a box to put it in? Sounds like a good deal.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I just checked it out on the site. That is for the Roady1 (the original Roady). It's bigger and does not have the built in FM modulator. It's still a good deal and comes with a home kit for free in the mail.

The Roady2 is $110.
To hook it up in the car you need to plug in the power to your cigarette lighter and put the antenna on the dash or roof. The one that comes with it is magnetic and about the size of a book of matches (about 1/3 the size of Brad's).

To hook it up at home/computer you need a "home kit" that comes with another antenna, a power cord and a "dock" that you put the roady into when you bring it home. There is a deal now where you get the home kit free in the mail with the purchase of a Roady/Roady2.


[ 08-06-2004, 12:07: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
So, if I don't have a cassette player, then the roady2 is the one for me??
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yes and no. I would go with the Roady2 but you could get by with the Roady1 that comes with a FM modulator for free. But.....the FM modulator is built into the powercord that plugs into the cigarette lighter. So it would work - but would be bigger.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
With the roady (which is about $60 online) I would be able to listen to it in my car with the cigarette lighter adaptor and the FM modulator that comes with it FREE. I would NOT need to purchase anything else? (other than service)With it I can also bring it in my office and listen??? Or no???
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yes - correct you would be able to do all the things you listed.

I still think you should go for the Roady2 tho - much smaller [Smile]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by flamingoamyjo:
Hey Scott, if you get rid of your XMPCR, let me know. I might be interested in it!

Ok, thought my XMPCR pooped out yesterday. So I got a Roady2. Turns out the XMPCR works fine, somehow a setting in my audio control panel got messed up. So I now have a XMPCR for sale. $20.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Cool! I'll take it. Does it come with a warranty? just kidding. Can I use it on both our computers? Or can you only set it up on one?? Would be cool to take it home to use too.

Will you bring it to cards tomorrow night? Where are we playing anyways?? Or else Sunday when you come if you can't play tomorrow! [Cool]
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
My house is open tommorow. If we have lots of people ill move the table out into the living room for mor space.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
It's sold as is [Smile]

I can bring it Friday assuming I get the Roady2 set up at work tomorrow and activated.

You can hook it up to any computer, dosen't matter how many. You just install the software and it works when you plug it into the usb port (the port powers the unit).

It uses three cords:

Single male to male audio cable (like the plug on a set of headphones - on both ends)

I moved it between home and office for awhile - no problem. You will either need to also bring the antenna with or buy another one. You can get the other two types of cords from Best Buy or radio shack for a few bucks each (so you don't have to unhook them all the time too)
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I have to say the Roady2 is very cool for what you get. It's $120 and includes everything you need. The wireless FM mod is very nice - sound quality is excellent. All you do it plug the Roady2 into your cigarette lighter, throw the antenna on the dash and tune your radio to 88.1 and you are in business.

I have also used it at work and tuned my clock radio into it next to my bed. Very cool - oh and stock quotes too.

Word also has it that the Roady2 will dock into the first walkman type XM radio available this fall. The "walkman" will include a rechargeable battery and headphones with a built in antenna.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Ok, I get NO signal in my office, NONE. Do they make an "extension cord" for the antanae?? If I could get it closer to the window I think it would work, as the bar moves slightly when I walk around my office with it. I have a clear path to the window, but I don't think it's quite enough, need to get it closer. Any ideas???

Also, do I have to physically call XM? They have an option to add another radio to your account, but it still charges you $9 instead of $6.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yes, they do have a 30 ft extention cord for the antenna. I think we might have one that we got for the cabin (but ended up not needing) - I will check.

You are supposed to be able to just add the radio online and it will charge you $6.99 a month. However, if it shows as $9.99 then you will need to call and make sure they set it up on the family plan. We have 4 family plan radios and I think only 1 or 2 of them originally got charged at $6.99. I had to call to fix it.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
I was able to rig the antanae via a tripping hazard in my office, but I have a signal now! I have it set to 1, however, I am not getting any sound. Obviously I have the sound hooked up wrong but am clueless. I have it plugged into "sound in". Speakers are plugged into "sound out" and my only other option is "mic in" which I tried as well.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Never mind, figured it out. The "sound in" was muted in my control panel! Silly little technicalities!!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah, it's a bit strange at first. You can control the volume from about 3 different places. The "line in balance" in the control panel, the system volume, and usually the speakers have a volume control. If it dosen't get loud enough I would check to make sure the line in balance is set pretty high - but not too high or you will get distortion. Then use the system volume to control the level.

What type of signal are you getting? Satelite or Terrestrial (ground repeater)? In my office with a south facing window I get about:
Satellite 2/5 bars
Terrestrial 4/5 bars
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
I have about 18 Satellite bars and only 1 terrestrial bar. If I could get it to the window, I am sure it would be all Satellite almost. Sounds very good though! Double check on that extension cord for me, I definitely need one so I don't kill someone in here! (mainly myself).
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
It's a digital signal so as long as you have a couple bars you will get the same quality as someone with all the bars. The only thing you get with more bars is you will never get drop outs where the signal is lost. Ask Joe, I think he only gets a few bars in Alaska with no sound problems.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Delphi and XM Introduce 'SKYFi2' Satellite Radio Receiver
August 18, 2004 1:00:00 PM ET

All-new SKYFi2 includes first-ever pause and replay features

The Delphi XM SKYFi2 takes SKYFi, the best selling satellite radio receiver ever, and makes it even better by adding several new exciting features, including the first-ever "pause" and "replay" functions for satellite radio. Utilizing leading edge technology, the "30 Minute Replay" function continuously and automatically saves the last 30 minutes of programming -- including programming from multiple XM channels. In addition, listeners can pause the program they are listening to with the option to play back that programming within 30 minutes. The unit also has a built-in wireless FM modulator, personalized stock ticker, personalized sports scores, a clock, TuneSelect(TM) by song and artist and much more.

The new vehicle kit is upgraded for wireless FM modulation through the antenna allowing users to easily self-install SKYFi2 in their vehicle. SKYFi2 also features a new, easier to read display and will work with all existing SKYFi accessories including the Delphi CD Audio System. Additional features include a large scroll wheel, convenient remote control, direct channel entry, the ability to preview and channel search by channel name, artists and song titles, and 30 channel presets. All of this combines to give users the most opportunity to experience more than 120 XM channels of revolutionary programming including news, sports, traffic, weather, and 68 commercial-free music stations.

"Our new Delphi XM SKYFi2 is the first satellite radio receiver to offer listeners the ability to pause and replay their favorite XM program," said Joe Damato, director of consumer electronics for Delphi Product & Service Solutions. "Everyone has experienced the frustration of an untimely telephone call or wished they could 'hear that song again' while enjoying their favorite program. SKYFi2 addresses these problems simply and elegantly -- making it a 'must-have' product for dedicated XM listeners."

The Delphi XM SKYFi2 will be available at most major consumer electronics retailers this fall for $129.99 MSRP. Optional new home and vehicle adaptor kits are also available for $69.99 MSRP.

"We are excited about SKYFi2 because in addition to the pause and replay functions and the personalized stock quotes, XM listeners can customize and access for the first time scores for pro football, baseball, basketball, hockey, tennis, golf, NASCAR, and your favorite college sports while listening to XM," said Dan Murphy, senior vice president, product marketing and distribution, XM Satellite Radio. "These innovations round out the industry's most feature-rich plug and play model available."

Delphi satellite radios have received many industry recognitions, including Roady2, named "Editor's Choice" by PC Magazine in its recent five- star review, as well as the original SKYFi which was recognized by Consumers Digest as a "Best Buy" -- a rating awarded to fewer than three percent of the competing models in any given product category.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
So Amy in about a month I might have a Roady2 for sale - [Smile]

Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Cool! $20 bucks?? [Wink]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by flamingoamyjo:
Cool! $120 bucks?? [Wink]

No, I would give you a discount. New they are like $119.

[Big Grin]
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Let me just say that there is nothing more annoying than when someone parks their mini van in front of my window and I lose all my XM signal!! Grrr.....
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
That's funny!

Try moving your antenna further up in the window - maybe towards the top. Do you get any repeater signal there or is it just from the satellite?
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
No repeater signals, only satellite. I have tried moving it everywhere. Only comes from spot apparently. I have to keep the antanae folded pretty much all the way down. Very annoying. I'm going to put a sign out there that says "no SUV or mini van parking"!!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe you might be interested in this offer, since you like Bob and Tom.... You get the first month of Opie and Anthony for free if you sign up by the end of September. Show starts beginning of October.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Ok, I am going to put Michelle's Delphi Ski Fi up for sale (I am putting a Roady2 in her car). It includes the following:

Delphi SkiFi (retail $125)
SkiFi car kit (retail $60)
SkiFi FM modulator (retail $60)
SkiFi Remote
Skifi magnetic mount antenna (small version)
Antenna adaptors for GM vehicles ($30)

I would like to get $120 for everything.

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
XM Satellite Radio Launches 'NASCAR Radio 2' Channel On September 4
August 30, 2004 2:33:00 PM ET

New Channel to Provide In-Car Audio of Drivers and Teams for NASCAR's Three National Series

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio XMSR, the exclusive satellite radio service of NASCAR and home to NASCAR Radio (XM Channel 144), and NASCAR Digital Entertainment are launching a second XM Radio channel for NASCAR.

NASCAR Radio 2 brings NASCAR fans behind the wheel with in-car audio from FanScan as a complement to full race broadcast coverage from MRN and PRN on NASCAR Radio, Channel 144. NASCAR Radio 2 (XM Channel 145) will cover events in the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series, NASCAR Busch Series, and NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series.

NASCAR Radio 2 on XM Satellite Radio debuts Saturday, September 4, with in-car coverage of the NASCAR Busch Series Target House 300 from California Speedway. The new channel will continue through the Chase for the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup and will air during the entire 2005 NASCAR season.

NASCAR is the only sport that offers fans the opportunity to listen in on communications between athletes and their teammates during an event. NASCAR Radio 2 on XM Channel 145 provides the FanScan pick-up of in-car audio during an event, broadcasting a constant stream of communications for all the drivers in the race. NASCAR Radio, the first and only 24-hour radio channel dedicated to a single sport, is XM Channel 144.

"XM is thrilled to offer NASCAR fans a dedicated channel for listening to all the real-time communications between drivers and their teams for every race," said Kevin Straley, vice president of talk programming, XM Satellite Radio. "The cutting-edge FanScan broadcasts on NASCAR Radio 2 are a perfect complement to XM's original NASCAR Radio channel."

"NASCAR Radio 2 is all about increased access and it's a great way for NASCAR fans to enhance their XM listening experience," said Jeffrey Pollack, managing director of broadcasting and new media, NASCAR Digital Entertainment. "NASCAR Radio on XM is an important part of our new media portfolio, and the launch of a second channel only deepens the commitment XM has made to our sport, its fans, and all of the drivers, teams, and tracks."

"By offering in-car communications via satellite radio, FanScan is helping give fans another way to listen to NASCAR drivers communicate with their teams each week." said Chris Foster, vice president of SportsCom, Inc., the company that operates the FanScan service. "We're delighted to work with XM Radio and proud to be a part of NASCAR Radio 2."
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
XM Radio Launches Premium Online Music Service; Dell and XM Team Up to Market New Service to the Digital Home
September 15, 2004 08:01:00 AM ET

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio XMSR, the nation's largest provider of satellite radio with more than 2.1 million subscribers, today announced the introduction of XM Radio Online, a premium Internet music service to debut in early October. As part of the launch, eligible Dell customers who purchase Dell Inspiron notebook and Dimension desktop computers will receive a special trial offer for the commercial-free online music service.

XM Radio Online subscribers will be able to listen to XM's critically- acclaimed, 100% commercial-free music channels and a variety of other XM content, including The Bob Edwards Show, over the Internet for a monthly fee of $7.99. XM Satellite Radio subscribers will receive a discounted rate for XM Radio Online of $3.99 a month. Consumers will be able to sign up for XM Radio Online via

Beginning in mid-October, Dell Inspiron notebook and Dimension desktop customers will receive an exclusive free, 30-day trial subscription to XM Radio. Dell customers also will be able to access XM Radio Online through the Dell Media Experience (DMX) portal.

"We are very excited to be making our commercial-free music line-up available on the Internet through XM Radio Online, and we're especially pleased to be working with a market leader such as Dell," said Hugh Panero, President & CEO of XM Satellite Radio. "We know that people who get XM's music channels through their Dell PCs are going to love the experience, just as our subscribers who enjoy XM in the vehicle, at home, or on the go."

"We're proud to be teaming up with XM to bring XM Radio Online to the digital home," said Mark Vena, Dell's Director of Digital Home Marketing. "This partnership is yet another indication of Dell's unique commitment to providing music lovers with more choices at a great value."

XM Radio and the free trial for Dell U.S. customers will be marketed through Dell catalogs, online advertising, and other promotions.

[ 09-15-2004, 09:06: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe - you should try listening to Opie and Anthony that just started on XM as a premium channel. Today was the 2nd day of the show - pretty decent actually. I always liked O&A better then Bob and Tom but maybe that's just me. Channel 292 is premium for $1.99 a month but October is free so you could see if you like them. The show is replayed all day.

Yesterday, they finally got to respond to Howard Stern who they hate - that has been bad mouthing them for the last two years while they were under contract and couldn't say anything. Good Stuff - download the clip here:
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Chad are you keeping the Roady2? If so you need this to connect it to the Tundra:

00-02 Toy-AUX
03-04 Toy03


There is also a $30 adaptor to hook it up to your Pioneer stereo that Steve has used with very good results.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
More Opie and Anthony stuff:

Comments on the big Howard Stern Sirius radio deal:

More attacking Howard:

The third guy on the show is some Jimmy Norton guy from last comic standing... He is the funniest guy I have heard in awhile.

[ 10-11-2004, 17:29: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
XM now available online for $3.99 if you already have a subscription or $7.99 if you don't. Free trial also.

Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Anyone want an XMPCR?? [Wink]

[ 10-12-2004, 10:11: Message edited by: flamingoamyjo ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I will buy it back - are you switching to something else?
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Well, so far i am kinda intrigued by XM programing, some good stuff but nothing great. The roady2 is kinda neat but i have a few complaints about it.

1. My tundra's radio pulls in local FM signals on almost every position of the dial. I get some sort of FM signal on all the FM modulator channels. Thus there is always interference with the FM modulator making it mostly useless in my tundra. It works better in the RX-7 because my pioneer sterio just dosnt have nearly the reception capability of my tundra.

2. These outfits that design and make XM equipment need to come up with some more creative stuff. Like a combination FM/AM/XM antenna replacement for the stock antenna. I know im just being a baby but I do not like the idea of putting something magnetic (even with the little rubber feet) on the paint of my truck. And having the cable run through the rear window or 3rd brake light is not the most desirable install for me either. Drilling holes is out of the question. And without being mounted on the roof the reception is crappy.

3. The roady2 is not capable of picking up terestreal signal thus, no satalite signal? no tunes.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I will most likely get a thru glass type antanne but they are kinda bulky and anoying too.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
I was kidding, the $3.99 online is way cheap! But I already paid for the entire year so..... Maybe for home it would be cool!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The original through glass was kinda big - you can pick them up cheap now if you look around. I saw one at a BB for $15 on clearance several months ago. I know there are quite a few other through glass antennas that have come out recently - check for the selection. I have seen many people with them but flipped down and they work well.

In the Roady2 menu you have a option for antenna aiming. That will show Satellite/terrestrial strength. I get 2 bars on both in my office.

If you are not willing to remove your Tundra CD player to check for the CD changer input, I don't know what to tell you. I would however highly suggest you get the PIE adaptor to plug the Roady2 into your RX7/Pioneer.

Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I am going to remove the CD player to check for that input. I can't listen to it the way it is now.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
You must have one hell of a antenna in that truck. I had no problems in Michelle's Solara this weekend - I assume the radios are similar.

You will be much happier with direct input - sound quality is much better. Toyota dashes are pretty simple to take apart, it's not a big deal.

Did you get a free home kit with your Roady2? (I am still waiting for mine in the mail)
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
It is horrible. I literally get clear reception of random "Local" FM stations. on all of the FM mod channels except two which have cross talk interference from other channels. Thus noise and inerference on all of the mod channels. It was ok up north but in the cities it is awful. [Frown]

[ 10-12-2004, 12:39: Message edited by: Chadwick ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I actually got that once this weekend. We were driving into the cities and all of a sudden for about 2 seconds I heard a random station. I picked up the Roady2 and it stopped. Weird.

What channels are you listening to? I spent most of my time on these:

47 Ethel (alternative)
48 Squizz (hard rock)
54 Lucy (older alternative)
166 America Right
121 Fox News
124 ABC News
202 High Voltage (Opie and Anthony morning show)
219 Minneapolis traffic and weather

Sometimes I listen to E! if they have a good true hollywood story on my way home.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
How and where did you get your free home kit for the roady 2. I never saw or heard anything about it?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
It must have been a limited time deal. I can't find anything on it now.

I thought there was a $30 rebate still for the Roady2. Check here:
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Check this Roady2 mount out....

[ 10-14-2004, 15:58: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Just checking if my tracker is working...
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Go into your profile and add it to your signature.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
This was probably a defensive move against Sirius. Better then having the NFL, because there are many many games each week - all week. I just can't see listening to football on radio.

XM Satellite Radio Signs 11-Year Programming Deal With Major League Baseball

NEW YORK (AP) -- XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. is raising the ante in its programming battle with rival Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., signing an 11-year programming deal with Major League Baseball that could be worth even more than the $500 million pact Sirius recently made with shock jock Howard Stern, a person familiar with the matter said late Tuesday.

The deal would put baseball games for every major league team on XM's service beginning next year, according to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The story was first reported in The Sports Business Daily, a newspaper published by Street & Smith's Sports Group.

Officials from both Major League Baseball and XM declined to comment, but MLB notified reporters late Tuesday that baseball commissioner Bud Selig would have a news conference Wednesday morning with Hugh Panero, the CEO of XM Satellite Radio.

The deal would be worth $470 million in cash over eight years, with Major League Baseball having the option to extend the arrangement by up to three additional years at $60 million per year. That would make the deal potentially worth up to $650 million.

The back-to-back deals highlight the mounting competition between XM and Sirius, both of which are spending heavily on programming in an effort to attract new subscribers.

Washington-based XM is currently leading the way with 2.5 million subscribers to its pay service, while Sirius announced Tuesday that its subscription list has exceeded 700,000. Sirius, based in New York, said it is on track to reach 1 million subscribers by the end of the
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Stock is up 4 bucks on this speculation... [Smile]

XM radio seen launching 'wearable' device-analyst

LOS ANGELES, Oct 21 (Reuters) - XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc next week is expected to unveil a "wearable" device, marking the satellite radio industry leader's latest effort to woo audiences to the nascent format, analysts said.

A spokesman for Washington, D.C.-based XM declined to comment beyond saying a major product announcement was planned for Oct. 26 in New York with automotive parts and consumer electronics products maker, Delphi Corp.

"XMSR is also likely to announce its wearable device next week. There is a good shot this 'Walkman' type device, in the near term, will differentiate XM's hardware from Sirius," a rival satellite radio system, said Kit Spring, analyst with Stifel, Nicolaus in a note for investors.

He said such a device would "also get investors thinking about future combinations of IPOD/TIVO-like satellite radios, which would increase the value of the monthly subscription."

A radio industry executive said the device was believed to be a satellite-radio receiver with headphones that also had a hard drive enabling users to download XM content.

Spring could not be immediately reached for comment.

Delphi has already partnered with XM for such products as the XM SKYFi satellite radio. Since introducing it in 2002, the company has shipped over 750,000 of the portable units.

XM rival Sirius Satellite Radio Inc has said it expects to roll out wearable products in late summer 2005.

The new "wearable device" by XM could bolster increasing investor sentiment about the business prospects for satellite radio, although some analysts cautioned that both rivals are investing heavily in a bid to attract a mass audience.

Earlier this month, Sirius reached a five-year, $500 million deal with shock jock Howard Stern to bring his popular program to the company's line-up in a bid to narrow the gap with XM.

XM responded this week by signing a $650 million deal to broadcast Major League Baseball games for 11 years.

XM Satellite has about 2.5 million subscribers. Sirius' subscriber base has exceeded 700,000 and the company said it remains on track for 1 million subscribers by the end of the year.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Here is the link I told you about Trany.
Funny shit.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :

Delphi and XM Introduce MyFi - First Personal, Portable Handheld XM2GO Satellite Radio
Tuesday October 26, 1:00 pm ET
Newest Satellite Radio Receiver Includes Time-Shifting 'Memory Mode' and Integrated Rechargeable Battery So You Can Listen to XM Satellite Radio at Home, in the Car, or on the Go
Product Launch to Feature Superstar Elton John in National TV Advertising Campaign

NEW YORK, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Delphi Corp. (NYSE: DPH - News) a pioneer of in-vehicle entertainment and electronics, and XM Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: XMSR - News), America's number-one satellite radio service with more than 2.5 million subscribers, today announced a major milestone in consumer electronics -- The Delphi MyFi(TM), the first personal, portable XM2GO satellite radio that delivers XM's Ultimate PlayList(TM) anytime, anywhere -- at home, at work, in the car and now, on the go.

"The Delphi MyFi is the next generation of satellite radio," said Francisco (Frank) Ordonez, President of Delphi Product and Service Solutions, and Vice President of Delphi Corp. "This month marks the 50th anniversary of the portable transistor radio, which revolutionized the audio world. Today, Delphi and XM continue their tradition of satellite radio breakthroughs with MyFi, another industry first."

The hand-held MyFi gives users the personal freedom to enjoy XM Radio's Ultimate PlayList of more than 130 digital XM channels in two ways: a "live" listening mode and a time-shifting "memory" mode. The MyFi's live mode enables users to listen live to all of XM's 68 commercial-free music channels, plus premier news, sports, talk, traffic and weather channels. MyFi's memory mode -- called "My XM" -- allows users to store five hours or more of XM's outstanding content with the press of a button, even when the unit is not in use. The MyFi makes it possible to enjoy XM Satellite Radio anywhere, anytime, effortlessly.

"MyFi is a revolutionary product that dramatically expands XM Radio's appeal and potential subscriber base," said Hugh Panero, CEO of XM Satellite Radio. "Consumers have been waiting for a wearable satellite radio that also works in the car and home. XM and Delphi are thrilled to make this product a reality in time for the upcoming holiday season."

XM also announced today that superstar Elton John will be featured in the national TV advertising campaign to launch the MyFi. The TV spot directed by award-winning music video director and photographer David LaChapelle is a humorously surreal celebrity "slice of life," which follows Elton as he travels from place to place listening to his new hit song "Answer in the Sky" from his critically-acclaimed album "Peachtree Road" on his Delphi MyFi satellite radio.

"The MyFi is one of the biggest things to ever happen to radio, and Elton John is one of the biggest names in music," said Panero. "We're thrilled to be working with Sir Elton, and the TV commercial is going to be an enormous hit with viewers."

MyFi from Delphi: The Complete, All-in-One Satellite Radio

The MyFi satellite radio (MSRP: $349.99) comes with all of the accessories needed to enjoy XM at home, at work, in a vehicle or on the go. As the most advanced satellite radio available, the MyFi offers a complete package of components and features:


* Hand-held MyFi receiver (weight: 7.3 ounces)
* Rechargeable, integrated battery
* Complete home accessory kit
* Complete vehicle accessory kit
* First-ever built-in XM antenna
* Headphones
* Remote control
* Belt clip/stand
* Carrying case


* Large, illuminated six-line LCD display
* Up to 30 channel presets
* Live XM listening mode
* "My XM" time-shifting memory mode (minimum of 5 hours)
* Stock ticker
* Sports score ticker
* Built-in wireless FM transmitter makes any FM radio an XM Radio
* Built-in alarm clock

The MyFi will be available at major U.S. retailers such as Best Buy, Circuit City, Crutchfield, and online sites in early December. MyFi is the newest member of the family of Delphi satellite radio products, including the acclaimed SKYFi2 and Roady2 plug-and-play radios.


[ 10-26-2004, 12:30: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Bjergo - I don't know if you are now going to wait for the MyFi portable but the SkiFi2 is now in stock at Best Buy and Circuit City.

[ 10-29-2004, 14:37: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Chad - did you ever get the Roady2 to work well with your Toyota stereo (wireless FM mod)? Or did you hardwire? I am taking mine with to Colorado next week in Michelle's car - hoping there are no issues.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Nope, It still works like shit half the time. I do plan to hard wire it but just havn't got the time to mess with it lately. I have not had any time to mess with it or to mount the antanae and hid the antanae wire.

It works well enough for now but I can't stay like that forever.

[ 11-18-2004, 19:07: Message edited by: Chadwick ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Free three day trial of XM Online. Someone sign up let me know how the quality is.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
I signed up with my laptop, so am listening with laptop speakers, but sounds really good to me. It doesn't appear that you can save your favorite artists, etc like you can with the XMPCR, not sure if it's just because it is a trial or not. Think they would show you everythig to get you to subscribe to it.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
WELL. I have been listening for about a total of a half hour now and it has dropped signal about 10 times. Sometimes just a "skip" and sometimes for almost a minute. WTF?? And there is no way a SUV parked outside should have anything to do with it over the internet! [Wink]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Thats just streaming for you.... I used to stream various online radio here at work and got sick of it locking up and crashing..
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
It hasn't crashed yet, however, it continues to "skip" the whole time. Not cool. Will stick to my XMPCR. thought it would be neat though for at home, guess not!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I hate streaming music because of the low quality and the buffering BS.

Did you get the skipping with the low or high bit rate connection?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
New walkman adaptor for the Roady2...

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
This week is a free play week on Opie and Anthony. Channel 202. (Although I think they were told to tone it down a bit)

6a- 10a Live
10a - 2p repeat
2p - 6p repeat
6p - 10p repeat
10p - 1a music and comedy bits.
1a - 5a repeat
5a - 6a music

[ 12-06-2004, 17:01: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Unfortunatly I'm only able to listen to the talk stations occasionally. Something either atmospheric or temp related affects my ability to get the high channels signal. I tried to get help on XMfan but it never really led to anything usefull... Worked fine until last summer, then every warm sunny day, by about 1 Oclock, with the sun beating down on the antenna, I would have constant phase in/out of the talk channels only... Overcast rainy days, no probs... This lasted all summer. Then this fall I've had pretty solid reception, except for a few warm sunny days... Now today its pretty damn cold but overcast and I'm not getting the high channels again... [Confused] I've no clue...

On top of that replacePCR is being real buggy about starting up, and my work PC has some gremlin thats crashing the puter every other time I save a WORD doc, and its hanging up on programs that it should... rrrr sometimes I really hate these things...

[ 12-06-2004, 16:31: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Does the signal strength drop when you lose the talk channels? Or is it always strong on the signal page? Very strange that your not getting certain channels, but you get others. I always thought the entire stream was all one freq. Try posting over on more techies over there.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
You might try this:
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Here's the two threads where I discussed this issue, another guy was having heat probs too in the second...
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
This is a quote for one guy in that first thread.

"Each satellite has two transponders, one for the low channels and another for the high channels. So apparently you're having a problem picking up the "high" transponder."

Yes, when this problem happens, signal quality and the BER become very irratic, (I tried to describe it in these threads) but yes, it DISTINCTLY only affected the channels from 67 on up, not my music, never really had the same prob on the music, occasional drops, but nothing like this.

Another guy in the second thread mentioned that there is no doubt that the components in the antenna are suseptable to expansion/contraction due to temp...

It just became pointless when nobody can get past... "Well it must be hooked up wrong or you changed something???".... [Roll Eyes] Hasn't been touched since it was installed...

[ 12-06-2004, 17:49: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Yep, happening right now.

listening to squizz no prob. BER bouncing around below 200... no probs, no drops...

switch to MSNBC, FOX, and the O&A channel, anything above 67... BER is jumping around 300-500 phazing in and out....

This is all off Roll the western sat. My BER on Rock is over 5000
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Anyway to bring the antenna inside and put it in your window? That's how I have it at work. I wonder if maybe a car antenna might be a better choice since it's outside all the time.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Is that antenna not a "outdoor" antenna?

Thats pretty stupid if not.

If I was going to pay for another antenna I was going to try the amplified one they sell on XMfan.

[ 12-06-2004, 18:29: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I honestly don't know if the "home antenna" is good for outdoor or indoor. I have seen pictures of the inside of the antenna and it's basically just a wire attached to a piece of tin foil. I can see how temp extremes might effect it. An amplified antenna would take care of the problem I am sure.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Anyone looking for some good stock, XMSR is getting hammered today on the news that their insurance company isn't going to cover one of their satelites that has a bad power supply. Boeing supplied the two Satelites currently being used - Rock & Roll and fucked up the power system so they will not be operational in 5 years. XM is set to launch Satelite #3 soon (the problem is fixed) and #4 next year. Anyway, conventional wisdom is that XM's insurance company will cover most of the replacement sats that they just haven't agreed on a price yet. So the stock is a good buy now at 10 (down from almost 14 today) Target price for end of the year is 15-20.

[beer] XMSR closed at $40.20 today!! Wooohooo (I bought at $10 in 8/03)
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Plugged in my Antenna Specialist Amplified Antenna kit...

Instantly can see a difference on the Signal strength page of the ReplacePCR software, and the antenna isn't even outside above my window yet (where the original is), its just sitting on the window ledge inside facing south..

BER is fluctuating, 70-120 from ROLL (I dont recieve Rock at all)

C/N around 7

AGC holding at 241

I'll hopefully get a nice clear day with lots of intense sun to test this further..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
How does it work? Do you plug it in (to power) or is it just a bigger antenna?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Not powered. Bigger, and more diretional than stock. I believe the directional aspect is why they call it "amplified". Chad might know.. So you need a nice view like me.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I don't know shit about chasing sparks.

But, I do know that I am having my Roady 2 replaced under warantee. The power adapter broke off inside the unit. Not a stellar design.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The roady2 is a pretty cheap design I agree. It's the low cost solution in the XM line up. I was happy with mine but I can see how the plugs would wear out because you constantly have to plug/unplug when you move it.

I am so far very happy with my MyFi. It really is nice to be able to run it wireless with the FM mod and no power cord. The built in antenna does an OK job if your area is covered by repeaters. I used it on the Light Rail and never lost signal even in the tunnel. If you are in satellite only area the built in ant sucks and the little antenna they give you is ok at best.

My favorite feature is the 5 hours of recording. I have a new office mate that I can't really listen to Opie & Anthony around so I just set the MyFi to record it and then listen in my car. It breaks up segments into chunks that you can skip though just like a cd. My only complaint is there is no fast forward just skip song/track. Not sure why that was not included.

Price is decent at $299 - because you get EVERYTHING (see my posting below for pic). Car kit, home kit, 3 antennas, remote, case, belt clip, stand etc.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I meant you might know about antenna's and how they work with radio signals.. Not sure what chasing sparks is??

I know the basic stock antenna is Omni-directional really (Meaning if you lay it flat on a surface, pointing up, it has a reception horizon that would be like placing half a ball or sphere over the top with it at the center..

I believe this one has a much narrower reception horizon, so in some instances it could be harder to align it properly because it allows for less "slop"..
But looks better built, much heavier, larger, sealed well.
Need to give it a few day.. and I need some extreme heat or cold because that was when I was having issues mostly..

If you dont have reception at your cabin this might work.. Especially if you could get it up in the air.. Down to $114.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Are you getting the channels you were missing?

I get suprisingly good reception at my cabin. In fact the antenna works great without being outside. Signal must travel though the wood roof.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Electrical Engineers are spark chasers. [Wink]

I realy know nothing about radio signals.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Need more time to test, I was in a meeting all morning, but yes, the high end channels were all coming in yesterday afternoon (no intense sun tho) and they were the channels I typically had probs with (above 67)
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
What is an SUV or mini van parks in front of it??? [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Kinda tough to test that part unless someone gets their vehicle on the rooftop below my window.. [Big Grin]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
So the price is going up to $12.95 unless you are already a subscriber you can do it annually (I do anyway) for $9.99.

$6.99 for each additional radio (up to four).
Normal rate includes Internet streaming
Normal rate includes Opie and Anthony

Not a bad deal - I actually save $2 a month because I can do it for $9.99 instead of $9.99+1.99=11.98 currently.

XM Satellite Radio Expands Basic Service and Announces Price Changes Effective April 2; XM Offers Existing Subscribers Unique Opportunity to Lock in Current Rate for Up to Five Years
Monday February 28, 10:12 am ET

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- XM Satellite Radio, the nation's leading provider of satellite radio with more than 3.2 million subscribers, today announced that it is expanding its basic service package, and that the monthly subscription price for XM's basic service will increase to $12.95 beginning April 2, 2005. XM is also offering existing customers the unique opportunity to lock in the current $9.99 monthly rate with a one-year prepaid plan and deeper discounts with a two, three, four, or five-year prepaid plan until April 2.

The price change will not affect XM's Family Plan, which allows XM subscribers to add up to four additional subscriptions for $6.99 a month per radio. Beginning April 2, XM's expanded basic service will include the Internet service XM Radio Online, which offers more than 70 channels of XM music and talk programming (previously $3.99 per month), and the High Voltage channel, featuring the talk radio duo Opie & Anthony (previously $1.99 per month).

Since the national launch of XM Radio in November 2001, XM has dramatically expanded its channel lineup from 100 channels to 151 channels. XM has converted all of its music channels to a commercial-free format and invested heavily to add 21 traffic & weather channels, 16 channels dedicated to Major League Baseball, nine college sports channels, and XM Public Radio, featuring legendary journalist Bob Edwards, among other channel additions. This is the only price change since XM's 2001 launch.

Hugh Panero, XM President & CEO, said, "XM's growth to date demonstrates that the potential for satellite radio is far greater than anyone anticipated. This new pricing approach will help fund future technology development, enable us to offer more attractively-priced radios and maintain our programming excellence. Together, these initiatives should result in XM exceeding its current target of 20 million customers by 2010. Most importantly, XM is instituting the pricing change in a way that adds value to the basic service and provides existing customers the opportunity to lock in the current lower monthly rate -- a unique opportunity rarely offered by subscription entertainment services, including satellite radio, satellite television and cable television."
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Thats cool, now I can likely stream from home, without a big tower, I'll never have a good view for a antenna at my house.

I wonder how that will work while gaming?? How much computer resources is streaming gonna take up?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
It doesn't take much and there are 3 quality settings to choose from. You can also increase the buffer size/length to avoid any drop outs (this would have fixed Amy's problem I think). It basically just plays in media player.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Holy crap - look at XM's chart for today.... (still down from 2 weeks ago tho)

Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
So, did you prepay a year? Two?

Two looks to be a pretty good deal, cheaper than what we have paid, for more service...
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I am planning on two years for the main account. Good deal for sure - especially when compared to $12.99.

The family price dosen't change so it's nice to not have to pre-pay that too.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Man, their website sucks..

Locked in at 2yrs

Where does it tell you how to setup the xm streaming , for home [Big Grin]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Ya, thanks, I finally found it.

Try it out at home tonight, should get my RAM today too.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Let me know how well it works while playing. I have heard you may need to increase the buffer size.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Well thats lame, my xm online doesnt activate until April 3rd.

Mabey I'll try the 3 day
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Streamed O&A while playing last night. Left in on the low setting= 32kbps. Not one drop, didnt appear to affect WoW (no small thanks to the new RAM)
Now i'm irked I only get it until sat afternoon and then nothing for the rest of the month....
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Fuckin' xm. So I am listening to my radio this afternoon and all of a sudden it starts telling me I need to activate my account! I call them up to see what the deal is. They claim that both accounts were set up in Feb. 2004 and have expired (this is when Brad hooked his up, I didn't hook mine up until August). I told them I paid for a year upfront with mine, and it wasn't connected until August. Anways, took about 45 minutes but they FINALLY got it hooked back up. Morans.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by flamingoamyjo:

I bet their morons too.. [Wink] [Big Grin]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Did Brad not pay his bill? If that's the case the accounts on his family plan will also get disconnected until you pay. Happened to me once. The customer service people are in Canada and yes they are morans or morons or whatever.

Joe - Nice that you were able to stream XM while playing I will do that after April 1st. I won't need to lug my MyFi home every night.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
FUCK canada! and Fuck XM!

I've been without my XM for almost a month now. The warantee replacement department at Delphi "Has all their Roady2s on back order" and "Don't know when they will be getting any 'in'" Yet they are all over in the stores and online places have them avaliable to ship.... [shake] [shake] [shake]

Canadian customer service!?!?

That's it. Im switching to Sirius..... [Wink]

[ 03-18-2005, 07:43: Message edited by: Chadwick ]
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :

That's it. Im switching to Sirius..... [Wink]

At least you would get to listen to football then [Big Grin]
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
No, Brad never renewed his (since his radio isn't working). But I had paid MINE IN FULL for a year. Idiots. The funny part is, we got the letter in the mail yesterday stating this. So they cut me off before even getting the letter. AT least I think it is all figured out right now.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Has anyone used Sirius? I am seriously cosidering canceling XM cuz they don't seem to know how to keep our account correct. When I called last month (because they shut off my radio) I thought he got it all straightened out. I remember him asking me if I wanted to renew the radios before Apr. 1 rates go up and I said NO (as Brad doesn't even have his radio hooked up right now). So we keep getting bills for hundreds of dollars. I call today, they reactived BOTH radios on a one year (mine still had 6 months left on it). I called and he couldn't help me so he transfered me and their computers were down so I have to call back! WTF??? [brd] [brd] [brd]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
You should try using the online account management - I haven't had any problems with that. I did have to call once and get the family plan correctly applied. I checked it online a day later and it was correct. Cancel Brad's radio completly. You can re-add it in the future at the $6.99 rate.

Since they moved the customer service to Canada I have heard it blows. As for a supervisor.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Article in NYTimes about Sat Radio.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Can you cut and paste? I don't have a loggin.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I know its the liberal media but it would not kill you to register with the NYTimes. [Razz]

April 5, 2005
Satellite Radio Takes Off, Altering the Airwaves

Just a blink after the newly emergent titans of radio - Clear Channel Communications, Infinity Broadcasting and the like - were being accused of scrubbing diversity from radio and drowning listeners in wall-to-wall commercials, the new medium of satellite radio is fast emerging as an alternative. And broadcasters are fighting back.

The announcement on Friday by XM Satellite Radio - the bigger of the two satellite radio companies - that it added more than 540,000 subscribers from January through March pushed the industry's customer total past five million after fewer than three and a half years of operation. Analysts call that remarkable growth for companies charging more than $100 annually for a product that has been free for 80 years.

Total subscribers at XM and its competitor, Sirius Satellite Radio, will probably surpass eight million by the end of year, making satellite radio one of the fastest-growing technologies ever - faster, for example, than cellphones.

To keep that growth soaring, XM and Sirius are furiously signing up carmakers to offer satellite radio as a factory-installed option and are paying tens of millions of dollars for exclusive programming. On Sunday, XM began offering every locally broadcast regular-season and playoff Major League Baseball game to a national audience, having acquired the rights in a deal that could be worth up to $650 million over 11 years. And Howard Stern is getting $500 million over five years to leave Infinity and join Sirius next January. Each company offers 120 or more channels of music, news, sports and talk.

Though satellite radio is still an unprofitable blip in the radio universe, it is pushing commercial radio to change its sound. Broadcasters are cutting commercials, adding hundreds of songs to once-rigid playlists, introducing new formats and beefing up their Internet offerings. A long-awaited move to digital radio could give existing stations as many as five signals each, with which they could introduce their own subscription services - but with a local flavor that satellite is hard pressed to match.

"At the end of the day, people want to hear what's going on in their local market," said Joel Hollander, chairman and chief executive of Infinity Broadcasting, owned by Viacom and the country's second-largest broadcaster behind Clear Channel. "People are emotionally involved with local radio."

That emotional connection - to music, personalities, information - has always translated into strong feelings about radio. Twenty-seven years ago, in "Radio, Radio," the singer Elvis Costello ranted about the medium's programming choices, singing that "the radio is in the hands of such a lot of fools, tryin' to anesthetize the way that you feel."

But such criticism pales beside the complaining unleashed by Washington's deregulation of radio, beginning in 1996. The loosening of ownership restrictions set off a frenzy of acquisitions, transforming what was essentially a mom-and-pop business into an industry dominated by a handful of giant broadcasters.

To satisfy Wall Street, station owners cut costs by combining station operations in a given market and pumping up the number of advertisements per hour; meanwhile, programming formats became narrower and more uniform. All these moves nearly doubled the industry's revenue in five years, but they also gave satellite radio its opening.

"In many cases, radio almost killed the golden goose by getting it to lay too many eggs," said Sean Butson, an analyst with Legg Mason. "If you're going to have a third of an hour of commercials, you're going to turn a lot of people off, and they're going to look for an alternative." (Legg Mason owns stock in XM.)

Founded in the early 1990's, XM and Sirius endured tough financial times while waiting for the Federal Communications Commission to divide up the satellite bandwidth and while preparing to launch their satellites. XM finally began offering its subscription service in late 2001, Sirius in mid-2002.

Car owners - the companies' prime targets - have clamored for the service once they have been introduced to it.

Joseph O'Neal of Royal Palm Beach, Fla., is a self-proclaimed Elvishead who laments that his local stations do not play enough of the King. So Mr. O'Neal, a 44-year-old drywall contractor, is a zealous convert to Sirius, the home of Elvis Radio.

Mr. O'Neal installed the service in his truck in January. Between Elvis, blues and Sirius's six country music channels, he said, "I haven't listened to regular radio since - not once."

That kind of devotion was eye-opening for Mel Karmazin, a longtime radio executive hired last year as chief executive of Sirius after he stepped down as president and chief operating officer of Viacom. "The thing that surprised me the most was the passion the subscribers had for the product," Mr. Karmazin said.

Both companies offer stations devoted to the most popular songs, but it is their national reach and dual revenue streams - subscriptions and advertising sales on nonmusic channels - that allow them to offer niche programming. Genres that receive little exposure on commercial radio, like bluegrass, reggae or talk devoted to African-American affairs, get their own channels on satellite services. Individual ratings matter little; listener satisfaction counts for much more, because it determines how long subscribers will keep paying $12.95 a month.

Indeed, formats ignored by commercial radio or relegated to its wee hours have emerged as some of the most popular.

For instance, XM Comedy, a channel that features the often raunchy stylings of Chris Rock and others, is among the company's 10 most-listened-to.

"Comedy - who knew?" said Hugh Panero, XM's chief executive.

A glimpse of how these channels are programmed highlights the differences between satellite and commercial radio. Even satellite radio executives say that tales of corporate automatons determining every record played on local radio are overblown, but a level of autonomy exists at XM and Sirius that would rarely be tolerated by broadcasters.

Michael Marrone, who programs the Loft, XM's channel focusing on singer-songwriters, finds it difficult to define precisely why Elton John's "Your Song" makes the cut while Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" does not. "I'd rather lose an arm than play it again," he said of "Margaritaville," chatting in a control room in the company's Washington headquarters. (He quickly added that he likes and plays many other tracks by Mr. Buffett.)

Ultimately, Mr. Marrone's tastes determine his selections. He also enjoys inserting connective tissue between songs. Don Henley's "Boys of Summer" segues into a Grateful Dead song because Mr. Henley sings about "a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac."

"Ninety-five percent of the audience won't get it," Mr. Marrone said. "The other 5 percent will never change the channel."

Steven Van Zandt, who plays in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band and is in the cast of "The Sopranos," programs two music channels for Sirius. He supplies a slightly more detailed explanation of his programming philosophy. On "Underground Garage," which borrows the name and concept of Mr. Van Zandt's syndicated show on commercial radio, the idea is to juxtapose tracks and styles from 50 years of guitar-driven rock 'n' roll, never playing two songs of the same genre (like punk) in a row. A recent morning, Iggy Pop coexisted nicely with the Monkees, the Mooney Suzuki and the Byrds.

"In the end, I don't pretend," Mr. Van Zandt said. "It's my opinion. And it's good to be the king."

Satellite radio has ridden that unconventional thinking to its current size, and both XM and Sirius expect to begin making money in the next two years. How big the market can become remains debatable. By 2010, analysts estimate, subscriber levels will hover anywhere from 30 million to 45 million. Some think the totals could eventually rival or surpass the 90 million people who pay for cable and satellite television.

Still, satellite radio is also unlikely to inflict fatal damage on commercial radio, which has about 230 million listeners, according to Arbitron, the radio ratings provider. Profit margins for stations in big markets can surpass 50 percent.

But commercial radio has begun to change. Radio stations in the Top 10 markets played, on average, 11 minutes of commercials an hour during daytime broadcasts in February, down from 11.7 in October, when Leland Westerfield, a media analyst at Harris Nesbitt, began tracking spots.

Strict formats have also loosened a bit. Infinity, like a number of radio chains, has changed some of its stations to the "Jack" format, a Canadian import that broadens the play list across rock genres. Instead of 300 or so songs, these stations' program directors are allowed more leeway in choosing from more than 1,200 songs.

Commercial radio, which also is combating the growth of digital music players like iPods, is making investments in technologies like Internet and digital radio as well as podcasts, audio programs that can be downloaded to computers or portable devices.

But satellite radio is rushing to innovate, too. It is planning, for example, video services that would beam cartoons and music videos to children and teenagers watching television in the back seats of cars.

All this technological and corporate ferment promises that the battle between commercial and satellite radio will only intensify.

"This book won't be written for another 10 years," Mr. Hollander of Infinity said.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Not a bad article. Pretty fair to everyone. The only thing I don't agree with is the "local content" part. It might just be me but I could care less about local content. I haven't listened to 93X/KDWB in 2 years and don't miss it a bit. Who cares if Prince was seen walking down Henepin Ave on Friday......
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Have to look again, but wasnt it a commercial radio rep that was talking about local content?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yep, that's why I don't agree with that. I personally don't think it's an advantage, but I already have Sat radio. The local programmer might think that's a way to keep people from subscribing. Maybe that's the next commercials to come to commercial radio "don't go to sat. radio they have no local content"
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Local talk radio is more what i listen to over satalie.

AM1500 etc.

[ 04-05-2005, 09:36: Message edited by: Chadwick ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I have grown tired of Joe Soucheray on 1500. Was entertaining for awhile but now it's pretty repetitive.

I just can't stand the last 20 minutes of each hour on commercial radio - breaks every 3 minutes. I have even limited my listening of Americas Right and ASK on XM (taken from AM stations) because of this. I did like Jason Lewis on 1500 until he left.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Forgot to mention Opie and Anthony are now free on XM. Check them out if you haven't.

Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Gotta question. If I have my computer networked to my laptop wirelessly, and my XMPCR is on my desktop, can I listen to my XM on my laptop??

OR, can I hook up speakers to my desktop, and if so, how far do wireless speakers reach???
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
It is possible to use your laptop three ways:

1) Use XM online now that it is free (if you have problems ask Joe he has it working good in Alaska)

2) You can stream the music over your network to another computer using the XMPCR, I did it at work. You use Windows Media Encoder to send it and Windows media player on your laptop to receive it. You can get the encoder on Microsoft's site. It is a bit tricky to change channels tho (because the player is on the computer with the XMPCR.

3) Wireless speakers - they go pretty far these days, maybe 30-50ft. Check out best buy they have some I think.
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
How does the myfi work?? I know it has a cradle, but does it come with speakers or can you hook any speakers into it?? I am looking for something to put in my studio.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Do you have a stereo in your studio? Does it have RCA inputs?

I use my Roady2 at work, I just let it feed into the puter, then let the puter feed into the stereo RCA inputs. Computer sound, XM, AM, FM, CD all from my JVC shelf system on my desk.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Get the MyFi - they are down to $188 on a couple sites.

The Myfi has three inputs -
1) Power
2) Antenna
3) Standard mini plug for headphones/out to computer etc.

There is also a wireless FM modulator. So you could use it with any stereo system just tune to a FM channel set up in the Roady2.

You get two cradles - one car, one home and 3 antennas.

[ 05-20-2005, 05:25: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
So could I buy the kind of speakers you plug into a computer and plug them into the myfi? They have a smaller plug in? Also, where does the signal come from again? I am worried it won't even work in my studio.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yes, any computer speakers will work perfectly.

The signal comes from satelites [Smile]

If you can't get reception in your studio the MyFi can record 5+ hours of music. So you can leave it in the cradle and have it scheduled to record overnight. Then take it with you to the studio and plug the computer speakers into the headphone jack (this is assuming you leave the cradle at home or in another part of your office) This is nice because you can skip to the next song using the remote if you don't like the current one. The battery in the MyFi lasts about 6 hours.

[ 05-20-2005, 08:58: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by flamingoamyjo (Member # 93) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:

The signal comes from satelites [Smile]

I meant which direction does it come from silly! [Razz]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
XM Satellite: Samsung Electronics Partners With XMSR to Offer Samsung's First MP3 Players With XM Satellite Radio (XMSR) 36.36 :-Update-

Samsung Electronics Co today announced a strategic alliance with XM Satellite Radio to introduce its first MP3 players with XM Satellite Radio capability. The relationship entails the production of two miniature flash memory Samsung players that will utilize XM's Connect-and-Play technology. Both players will come with an XM Radio home accessory kit, which allows the device to receive XM's 150-plus radio channels of commercial-free music, plus news, talk and entertainment programming, in the home. Samsung's new players will be available in two storage capacity sizes and are anticipated to be available by year's end.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
May 2, 2006
Sirius Loss Doubles on Stern Compensation

Filed at 10:43 a.m. ET

NEW YORK (AP) -- Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. reported Tuesday that its first quarter loss more than doubled, due largely to expenses of $225 million in stock-based compensation to its star shock jock Howard Stern. Revenue nearly tripled as the company expanded its subscriber base.

Sirius reported a net loss of $458.5 million, or 33 cents a share, for the January-March period compared with a loss of $193.6 million, or 15 cents a share, a year ago.

By far the largest factor affecting the results was costs for stock-based compensation, which all companies had to begin recording this year under new accounting rules. Sirius reported stock compensation expenses of $284.6 million, of which about $225 million went to Stern and his affiliates, a company spokesman said.

The company said stock compensation costs accounted for 20 cents per share of the loss in the most recent quarter. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial had been expecting a wider loss of 36 cents per share.

On an earnings call with analysts, company officials said they had enough cash on hand to fund their current needs and expect to start turning a profit on a cash flow basis as soon as the fourth quarter of this year. Sirius also said its average cost for acquiring subscribers -- a figure closely watched by investors -- fell 41 percent to $113 in the quarter.

Investors liked what they heard, and sent Sirius's shares up 27 cents, or 5.8 percent, to $4.89 in active trading Tuesday morning on the Nasdaq Stock Market. However, the shares are still closer to the lower end of their 52-week trading range of $4.36 to $7.98.

Revenues rose to $126.7 million compared with $43.2 million in the same period a year ago as the company continued to build up its subscriber base.

Sirius said it had 4.1 million subscribers at the end of the first quarter, having added about 761,000 customers in the most recent period. The company said it now expects to have 6.2 million subscribers by the end of the year.

Both Sirius and its larger rival XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. are spending heavily to sign up subscribers and programming talent to their services, which require special radio receivers and cost about $13 per month.

On the conference call, Sirius's CEO Mel Karmazin said the company did not intend to follow the lead of XM in syndicating some of its programming to terrestrial radio.

CBS Radio, a unit of CBS Corp., announced recently that it was replacing rocker David Lee Roth in Howard Stern's former time slot in several of its stations with shock jocks Greg ''Opie'' Hughes and Anthony Cumia, who now work for XM. CBS Radio had fired them in 2002 after they aired a live account of people having sex in St. Patrick's Cathedral.

''It was a great deal for Opie and Anthony,'' Karmazin said. ''We're in the business of getting subscribers to satellite radio.''

Karmazin used to head CBS Radio, which had been known formerly as Infinity Broadcasting.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :

Ok, Chad here is the info on how to get the Pioneer Inno for $230.

1) Go here -

2) Put in this promo code - xmbbxm03

3) Type in "Inno" into the search bar at the top of the screen. You will see the Inno without headphones for $230.

Great deal and the Inno is very nice.
Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
How/Where did you find out about this?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
O&A discussion board. There was a similar deal for O&A listeners but it expired - and someone posted this one.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The Inno and Helix have been lowered to $199 with the headphones...... Bastards always wait until I get mine to lower prices.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The rumors have been around for months but I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. Bye bye Opie and Anthony if this goes through....

Feb. 19, 2007 — ABC News has confirmed reports that two satellite radio providers XM and Sirius will announce a long-anticipated merger today.

The two companies worked over the weekend to finalize a plan that is expected to be structured as a "merger of equals," although ABC News has learned the plan calls for Sirius CEO Mel Karamzen to run the new company.

The merger would require regulatory approval as well as anti-trust scrutiny.

Kevin Martin, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, reportedly said last month that a merger could not be approved under current FCC regulations.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
You're sure this means O&A will go away? That would be just wrong.. I'll stop my subscription if thats the case..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I am not sure about it but I can't see them working with Stern. If they move them to afternoons etc they will blow up their jobs etc.

It does look like they plan to keep both services seperated for the next few years then offer different channels alcarte. At first I thought it would be a win win because of all the added content but if they start to charge more and limit content unless you pay I think it will be a monopoly. Currently, both companies have been very aggresive with getting talent etc and keeping prices low. With a merger and lack of competition I can't see it being an improvment.

I love sat radio but if they force OA out I will probably cancel mine for spite.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
While I dont trust any Corp entity not to backtrack or twist their statements to suit their needs & desire.. The info posted so far on XMFan basically says

"Neither broadcast platform will be eliminated, and exclusive content (MLB, Howard, etc) contracts could be re-worked to allow them to be heard on existing XM or Sirius-branded receivers..."

I hope they stick too it.. They better realize that a lot of variety, lots of different personalities (like having all the talk personalities, compteting to a degree) will do a lot more for business than just re-inventing Terrestrial Radio schtick, and having their token "shock jock" in Stern...

They could really grow here, and they could def fall flat on their face.. Hopefully the music channels will get even more variety without being as redundant (both within each channel, and between the two companies).. Opening up more bandwidth for other use's...

Radio needs more innovators and less "schtick and marketing".. I love it when O&A rant about this..

I mean really when was the last time someone really produced something "new" with a radio broadcast (terrestrial or Sat..)
It needs some individuals who will break from the dominate paradigm that its totally stuck in with regards to content..
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Bloggers synopsis of the press conference today..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I listened to the conference call while O&A commented on it this morning. They are going to attack the FCC with this idea "currently the consumer would have to spend $26 a month to get the content our company will provide". They are going to prove that they can reduce that and provide better service. Of course I don't think many people have both services so it's kind of unfair to state it like that.

They did make one thing clear - nothing will change short term (2 years) and after the merger is approved it would be cross content to start (MLB on XM etc). They have some interesting arguments to make against NAB who has a large lobby against the merger.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Canceled my XM due to Opie and Anthony suspension.
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
So are you going to go with Sirius...back to Howard Stern?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Fuck Howard Stern. He's next anyway. No more free speech I guess.
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Good Article.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
The Virus, Channel 202 Schedule Starting Monday, 6/11 (all times are ET):
6:00 a.m.: "Best of" CBS (NEW)
9:00 a.m.: "Best of" CBS Replay
12:00 p.m.: Ron and Fez Live (Noon)
3:00 p.m.: "Best of" CBS Replay
6:00 p.m.: "Best of" CBS Replay
9:00 p.m.: Ron & Fez Replay from 12 noon
12:00 a.m.: Ron & Fez Replay from 12 noon (Midnight)
3:00 a.m.: "Best of" CBS Replay
6:00 a.m.: NEW "Best of" CBS (NEW)

I resubbed one of my radios today using this code:

PROMO DESCRIPTION: 3 months free / waived activation fee
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
The return of the now Neutered O&A.... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yup, I will wait to see if they are censored - if they are I won't reconnect my other radio.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
So the whole month they've been on Terrestrial only, did they just revisit all their early XM bits like yesterday... ? I mean, its good to hear them again, and its still funny.. albeit rehashed..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
It was more of current events stuff but the commercials do break the flow. I have still been downloading the full shows and burning them to CD for the drive home. I have heard most of the "best of CBS" they are playing on XM now.

Here is todays show.

Right Click and save as I forgot to zip.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I dont know.. Day two of "best of's" was just more memory lane with Pat from Wuknockie... They had callers who didnt know who stalker patty was...

I hope the return to xm is more original..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Is it old stuff like from a year ago or is it best of the last month during suspension?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
It was best of from the last month on CBS, they are just revisiting everything they did 2 years ago.. Explaining who Pat is, etc..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Sounds like a lot of the CBS shows. Dumbed down with a lot of explanation. I am surprised that the XM guys would pick that for "best of" play on XM which is were the hard core fans would listen.

I just hope on Friday they don't ignore the subject of their suspension. I am sure they have been told to not talk about it - which is gay.

They will be broadcasting from CBS for the next month while their studios get redesigned.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
 - nice..... andy
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
 - nice..... andy

Further proof, I'm surrounded by incompetents... [shake]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Just heard the walk over. They claim no restrictions, they were suspended for not taking the situation seriously - which they disagree with, and that XM has said if something like this happens again they will stand behind them. Guess we will see.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Is the schedule the same as before? Would start at 12 pacific for me?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah, schedule is the same as before as far as I can tell.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I cant believe they have this idiot Bear on their show.... Guys a total phoney.......

How can people believe this shit..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
His wife has been on a couple times. He seems real - although the contest is pretty hack.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Good god.... The show is a joke dude, you dont put yourself in more danger to survive.. He does dumb ass "extreme" stuff thats purely "for show"... Jumping off cliffs into water for no reason (you would never intentionally make yourself wet in a survival situ)... Running down a mountain side full speed, eating shit, raw fish, etc.. its just fucking stupid to even suggest that it has anything to do with survival skills... And people eat it up like he's hardcore...

False macho bravado done for ratings... Its jackass for the outdoors.. Actually I give more credit to the jackass guys cause they dont claim their show is about something its not...

Further proof, I'm surrounded by incompetents... [Razz]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
You lost me. I only heard the last 15 mins of the FM show. This "bear" guy made some claims about the jumping off cliffs etc? I missed that.

BTW the XM part of the show was pretty classic.

Patrice talks about the angry pirate (yes he is banned from fox news)

They talk to Happy Typing girl about the PAC and the suspension.

Bob Saget calls in and makes Condi Rice jokes.

They listen to the first OA show from 1994 for a bit while Voss/Patrice/Bob Kelly rip on OA.

I uploaded it here:
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Oh I planned on it, the xmfans board said it was pretty good too..

Look up 'Man vs Wild' to see that idiot Bear in action, thats the name of his show.

I mean, his show is about being overtly reckless and dangerous, and then even suggesting (an I'm being overly fair here) that "you could actually have to do this to survive"... or that how he preforms would be an acceptable risk in "the real world situ" when its pure nonsense..

[ 06-15-2007, 13:09: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Ah, now I know what you were talking about, they had two guys named bear on the show on the same day.. what are the odds..
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
lol ok now it makes sense. I was like that loser that hasn't had sex in 12 year flies down mountains etc. Now it makes sense.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Ok, listened to that part of the show with the other Bear. Then I watched an episode of Man vs Wild on Discovery. You are correct Joe a lot of it looks completely set up. Not sure if he actually eats the shit but Patrice was probably correct that a camera man next to him hands him a sandwich after he eats shit. And he admitted on the show he is never really in danger because the crew is right there. Interesting idea for the show but over the top and set up.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
FCC Chair backs approval of Sirius-XM merger

Monday, June 16, 2008 at 4:36 AM
Tags: FCC, Kevin Martin, Merger, Satellite Radio, Sirius, XM

Kevin MartinFCC Chairman Kevin Martin is recommending the approval of the merger between Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. and XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., according to reports.

Aides to Martin told The Washington Post that the FCC chief decided to give his support after Sirius-XM agreed last week to concessions intended to prevent the new company from raising prices or stifling competition.

Martin is expected to issue an order to approve the merger - as early as Monday, according to The Wall Street Journal - setting the stage for a final vote which could occur any time after his recommendation is circulated.

"As I have indicated before, this is an unusual situation," Martin said in a statement. "I am recommending that with the voluntary commitments [Sirius and XM] have offered, on balance, this transaction would be in the public interest."

FCC officials said that XM and Sirius voluntarily agreed to all of Kevin Martin's terms, many of which the companies had originally suggested.

The concessions the companies agreed to are:

* A three-year freeze on prices and packages that include programs from both services.
* "A La Carte" programming to be available within 3-months after close of the deal.
* Open Device Access, providing technology standards to allow for any device manufacturer to make satellite radios.
* Interoperable radios to be available within one-year of the merger.
* Set aside 8% of total combined spectrum (12-channels each) for noncommercial, educational and public safety programming - for those who have "not been traditionally represented" in radio, according to the Martin.

The details on how this system would work have yet to be worked out, according to the Associated Press.

The merger also is expected to allow the company to begin servicing Puerto Rico, where neither currently operates.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

UPDATE: Noticeably absent from the agreed concessions are iBiquity's proposal to require HD Radios be built-in to satellite radios, and Georgetown Partners' proposal to take 20% of Sirius-XM broadcast infrastructure off their hands. And that's a good thing.

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