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Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
This game comes out today - is anyone planning to get it? I have never been into the role playing/monthly fee type games but this seems like a decent game. Hauser you are big on the Everquest type games, do you know anything about this game?
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Sound entirly too time consuming.....
Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
From what I've been reading they have pushed it out the door before it was fully ready, it wasn't supossed to be ready until X-mas...
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Ok, let me be the first to say.... HOLY SHIT! They actually did it! This is from the EBGames website:

Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed continues the full immersion in the greatest Star Wars saga ever told: Yours.

Set in the Star Wars timeframe between Episode IV and Episode V, this first extension to the Star Wars Galaxies foundation opens 10 vast and distinct space sectors, spanning from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim, for players to explore while engaging their opponents in intense real-time combat or uniting with friends in battle or exploration. Players can embark on more than 100 new missions, venturing through asteroid fields, nebulae and space junkyards while honing skills in four new space-specific professions. The game also features two new and completely customizable species.

Starfighters and other starships will be featured in the expansion that can be used for both space exploration and combat, allowing players to join up with allies and fly familiar X-wings and TIE fighters into battle against faction-aligned opponents and AI-controlled ships. Transport ships similar to the well-known Millennium Falcon will also be added into the game, allowing players to venture through space with friends aboard

This game might actually be worth playing now. If this addition to the game works correctly and smoothly, it would be an incredible accomplishment. Check out some of the screenshots here:


[ 07-19-2004, 11:21: Message edited by: Ender ]
Posted by Cremator (Member # 8) on :
Yeah, but your Wookie will still have to dance naked for money.

Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Here is a pretty good review of it by gamespy:

http://pc.gamespy. com/pc/star-wars-galaxies-jump-to-lightspeed/530511p1.html

[ 07-19-2004, 16:30: Message edited by: Ender ]
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
If you guys are going to try it, make your char on the Bria galaxie, I can help you out and show you the ropes.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Trany, post your contact info! Luke and I are going to try it...
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Mike, you and Luke need to get me your email addresses, I will send you "Tranys" guide to SWG. I also have ways to master some proffessions extreamly fast. With the trial account you are limited to the cash you can have. I have a few Mill so no need to worrie there. I can also purchase some weapons armor and vehicles for your use as well. Read the SWG forums if you want some good info.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
you can email me at with your SWG info. I am planning on creating tonight. I downloaded the game last night. I was looking at the tera kasi and think it looks like a cool class but would be up for suggestions on grinding very quickly...
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Tranys guide:
Here is the fastest way to become self sufficient.
1. professions, the starting ones are: medic(healing), marksman(ranged combat), brawler(melee combat), artisan(crafting), scout(exploration), and entertainer(mind and battle fatigue healing).
2. With my experience your best bet would be to start with scout and medic. Now choose between melee or ranged combat.
3. Where to go? I like the city theed on naboo. it is highly populated and you can find almost everything you need nearby.
4. commands to know;
• /t = /tell: This is a command to send a private message to another player. i.e.: /t playersfirstname hi. This will tell the player hi.
• /r: this is the reply command. You can use this to respond to a tell. i.e.: /r hello. this would tell the other player help.
• /g is the group tell command.
• ctrl+shift+s=rotate toon
• macros are your friend. your toolbar at the top of your screen can have another row if you make it larger.

I can teach you how to master marksman in a day to a day and a half. I can also sow you how to master medic in a day time frame. To experience the whole game of SWG in a 14 day or whatever period, you need to kill stuff. My recommendation would be to choose an elite ranged (pistoleer, carabineer, rifleman) and pair it with master medic and scout skills.

sorry about the formating, I wrote this on my palm.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Luke: Start as a human or zabrak. And start with marksman. I can help you too, and it will give diversity to me you and hauser. Plan on going master rifleman. and pair that with master doc. you can make tons of money and heal anything. I can get you to novice doc and novice rifleman in 2 days or less if you follow my instruction.

Hauser: Go TKM, and get master medic too. I can tell you how to get TKM from novice in less then 4 days.

I got both of you the best armor money can buy, yet I still have to get you both bikes. I think you both will be hooke so dont worry about the expenses on my part, its worth it to play with ppl I know in RL.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Thanks for the help Trany! Luke, I played last night and in the hour or two I played it seemed very cool. It will take a little while to get used to ALL of the controls but they are pretty intuitive. The attack stuff is more like NWN than AC in that you queue up new special attacks or actions when attacking and they happen in that order. I can now understand all of the languages (thanks Trany) so the wookies that talk speak english and not "ooh ook oa aa arg ook" It is also like NWN in that the players make and create almost everything [Wink]
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
I have an order in with a guild mate to make some swoops for you guys. I have tons of knowledge, but if you need more check out the swg website forums here Due to the fact of your limmited time, I would strongly recomend not doing any crafting professions. I will also place a house for the two of you to use, but when your time is up, please leave the items there. I will have about half a million credits invested into each of you, and if you quit its all lose to me.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Are you going to be on tonight? I will be on for sure at 10PM but may be on a little before that...
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Klaus! You need to play this game. Do the 14 day trial with us and if you don't like it, your not out anything [Wink] It is like a 5-6 hour download of the game from fileplanet and then your ready to go!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I don't think you understand. It's like smoking - I am sure I will like it, that's why I don't want to try it. [Smile]

I was planning on waiting for World of Warcraft before I get hooked on a subscription based game. But if you can convince Boon to play I might try it.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
He is already hooked on another game so I am not sure if he will give in. I am going to get Chad to try it out... I am figuring if we can get acquainted with it before the expansion comes out, we will be ready to grab our joysticks and rock in the space part of it that everyone is new at. Trany's guy wears a little China man hat!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Ok, give me a link to the trial version.

I thought Trany was a wookie striper? And he wears a china-mans hat???
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Here is the fileplanet link. 38.shtml

Once you download it, on install it will open up a fileplanet page to give you your activation code for the 14 day trial. After install, start the game and create a station account in the SWG console thing. Once your logged in, click on "account" and activate your account with your trial code. Create a character on the Bria server. Trany really does look like a little chinaman. I created a Trandoshan
which is a lizard man and Trany is a Zabrak.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :


Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
It will be like that orange crap the somali's put in their mouths hehe [Wink] At least you get to try it for free. Usually I go spend 50-60 bucks on a game and do the one month free trial you always get with it to find out it isn't fun. (Dark Age of Camelot) At least I beta tested most of the other MMORPG's like Lineage2, Earth and Beyond, MUonline, Fung Wan online, and Eve online so I did not have to spend a dime on determining that they sucked [Wink] Some of them were sooooooooo bad.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
And on a good note, we won't have to post to see what everyone is doing on Friday nights anymore [Wink]
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
I work tonight, so I wont be there. I probbaly wont be on till late.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Originally posted by Hauserdaddy:
He is already hooked on another game so I am not sure if he will give in.

I was so excited for this game, and when it came out I wasn't around, so my brother tried it.

He spent a lot of time on it when it first launched and was totally disappointed by it...but still played for 6 months and built high level characters. Only to be disappointed again and again by their patches, updates and how they decided to handle the Jedis.

He explained that you spent most of your time killing rats and searching for someone to DANCE for you so that you can heal up.

I don't know about the rest of you, but there's enough time wasting in MMORPG's just running from mission to mission. Spending time finding someone to fucking DANCE for you...well that just sounds like a waste of time.

Anwyay, I wanted to play this game so bad, but I do not have the time. I saw that the space expansion is coming and that would be the only reason I would play it now. Is there a way to play JUST space missions? Or do you have to build your scout/medic/doctor/dancing/juggling/assraping/sheeploving/carpenter/jawa/robot/cyborg for 50+ hours/levels just to buy a spaceship?

I'd be interested, but I have FFXI, NWN (still haven't beat it), FarCry, Halo (Still haven't beat it, Klaus!), Doom 3, MVP 2004 and MADDEN in a couple weeks.

No, I will not be trying many new games...or anything for that matter, when Madden comes out. [Wink]

Let me know how the space expansion works.

Plus you know that Fifth Dawn is available online now, right? I'm never leaving the house again! [weep]

[ 07-22-2004, 16:36: Message edited by: BoondockSaint ]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I'll say this much, if they made Star Wars Galaxies with the Knights Of The Old Republic interface I would start playing TONIGHT.

That game is still the best Star Wars game I've ever played.

Sequel on the way!

Boon - can I borrow your Knights of the Old Republic? And do you need season 3 of Sopranos yet?

[ 07-23-2004, 09:19: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Holy, that's a big download. At an average of 400Kpbs it has taken me 5 hours. 2 gigs damn.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
I was going to post that exact thing but I figured you would see it soon enough hehe.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Trany, Do you work tonight again?

[ 07-23-2004, 08:52: Message edited by: Hauserdaddy ]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Originally posted by someone other than BoondockSaint:
Boon - can I borrow your Knights of the Old Republic? And do you need season 3 of Sopranos yet?

Sure you can borrow it. I need it back though, because someday if I have an extra 30+ hours laying around I was going to beat it going down the path of the dark side.

I don't need season 3 just yet. Tiffani's starting 6 weeks of 2-10 shifts, so I'll have a lot of time to watch tv, play games, etc etc...I'll need season 3 soon I'm sure. [Wink]

Also, I need to get my shoes and that bag of moldy clothes one of these days. [Big Grin]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Holy, that's a big download. At an average of 400Kpbs it has taken me 5 hours. 2 gigs damn.

Yeah, i just started it before i went to bed and let it D/L overnight, since it takes so long.

Ill probibly be installing and playing later tonight.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I probably won't be able to install and play until Sunday. I have weddings etc tomorrow.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
yes, I work, but should be off before 9pm, is my guess. I can take you on a Krayt dragon hunt. one of nastiest things in the game.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Thanks Trany. Gimme a jingle when you hop on if you don't see me.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Luke is also going to play tonight. You need to set me up with something for my guy to do while I am sleeping [Wink] How about macro up the novice medic to master Doc? I have heard with a friend doing tumbletostand and me healing them, it takes a night or two afk and your there. Is this true?
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
If anyone wants to try it out, post the 14 day free trail period, I have a second account. I am working it to master Combat medic. I also have macros to master Marksman and any ranged combat while you're at work, sleeping what not. I have a macro too to master medic and the healing profs. I have seed money for anyone, but I am not filthy ritch and cant buy you the best shit.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I set up my guy last night and walked around for a bit to try and learn the controls. I did have a hard time getting "inverse mouse" to work. So I gave up and went to bed. Will try again tonight when I have more time. I am a Human Scout.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
There is an inverse mouse option in the options window. Took me a while to find it also. I have had better luck running around and moving with the alternate pointer. Hit the "alt" button and a gold pointer will be displayed instead of the green circle. When you run around, if you use your mouse to slide left or right to the edge of the screen, it will turn your running guy in that direction. Once you have a speeder bike, It will be much easier to get around. A ride to Trany's house takes a minute versus the 5-10 minutes running. I do have an extra speeder bike now because I got one from Trany so Klaus, you can have it. I did get SWG re-downloaded last night after my computer problems this weekend.

Another helpful hint is to use the tilde (`) button. Once you click on or target something, hit the tilde button to bring up the radial menu for that person or monster. Then you can simply hit the 1 or 2 key to do that action. It saves tons of time and clicking. When attacking, don't click on stuff with the mouse, use the tab key to target stuff. I should be on tonight so post up your character names so I can add them to my friends list. My character's name is Ackideo-ymb.
Trany's is Krispin.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Thanks for the tips. I did find the inverse mouse option but it didn't seem to work up and down. I had to go back to the "regular" mouse mode which I can't deal with. Maybe it will work tonight.

Where can I pick up my bike from? And when do I get to shoot shit?
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
You should go to the marksman trainer and train novice marksman. Trany can get you a gun to shoot stuff. What kind of character do you want to play? You can do melee (teras kasi (unarmed), fencer, two handed, one handed), or shoot guns (rifleman, carbineer, pistoleer). There are TONS of different options. The character I am playing is a teras kasi and I am training up skills in medic so I can heal and buff everyone. I will hop on tonight and give you the stuff Trany gave me on my guy. I buddy at work gave me his account that he doesn't play any longer so I actually have some stuff already [Wink] It is kind of slow going until you get through the lower levels of your profession. After that, you get to go kill rancor's Krayt Dragons, and some other nasty mean stuff. Make Trany get on and help you. He was on the first two nights I played and he answered all of my questions and showed me around. He also has some macro's that you could use to get some of the crappy grinding experience done with that you can leave overnight [Wink]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
I played alot over the weekend, and will give my first impressions on the game.

-Great graphics. The character detail, terrain and sky boxes make it really immersive and realistic. The animations of the characters are also very well done.
-Good sound. Sound effects of the blasters, enviornment, driods, etc are all really nice.
-Large continuous worlds. There is so much area to explore between 9 HUGE worlds its rediculous.
-Star wars setting. Pretty self explainitory here, star wars is the shit.

-First and foremost are the controls. The way they set up the default controls is the most retarded thing i have EVER seen. First of all, they made is so you cant use ANY letter or number keys themselves since that would just type into the chat window automatically. So, you have to press shift+ for EVERYTHING. Thats retarded. However, i found the option to turn this function off so you have to press a key to activate chat. So, i just use my "t" key to activate chat and can now use my W-S-A-D keys for movement and others for emotes and other things. It took me about 3 hours just to fix the fucking controls alone, but once i was done it was pretty easy to move around.
-Lack of player interaction. Literally half of the people i run into are AFK macroing, which is lame as hell when you need help or something. And the problem is the game completely relies on player interation. If your wounded and need a heal, you need to find a PC doctor. There are no NPC vendors to sell stuff, so basically ALL sales are done by PC's. You need tro go find a PC dancer to wear off your combat fatigue.
-Not much to do. I dont really like the quest system, its too repetitive. I like unique quests that you have to find by talking to a certain NPC. Here, you just pick a quest from the terminal and its the same crap every time.

Anyways, i still plan on playing for a while, since i havnt seen hardly any of what the game has to offer. But so far, im not all that impressed to tell the truth. Maybe ill like it once i get further into it though. Well see.

I should be on some later tonight after poker.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
It takes a bit to get used to. Alt is your friend, it toggles mouse look. My scrolly wheel zooms in and out, from first person to chase. I will be on later tonight ~11pm and I have Tuesday off, so I should be able to get some solid time on in. I will go out and do more shoping I guess.

Luke, to enjoy the game to its fullest you have to master professions. I AFK'ed a bunch and still do, its a time to gain ratio I'm looking at. The elite professions take like 3.6 M xp in the respective areas to master. On a good run buffed I can pull in 200-300k in a 3hr period.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I don't know what type of guy I want - I guess the idea of running around and healing people like the medic in TFC, is not all that appealing. I want to shoot stuff and fly around on a speeder bike. How do I get to Trany's house or shanty or whatever?

Can I mess with other players or will they report me to Darth Vader or something? (I haven't really seen anyone yet except for the training guys in the terminal thing)
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Actually you can do a few missions for vader, maybe even have tea with him. If you want to shoot shit get novice marksman, scout is only good to hunt and harvest, while it does give you TN (terrain negotiation) wich helps you run up hills faster, with the advent of speederbikes it really doesnt matter. Rifleman has the highest damage dealt, with a devestating mind bleed. Pistol has the fastest damage, while carbineers are in between. its your call, I would first suggest that you read the forums here. Then decide.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
my second account is loop; I was just raped twice by a NPC dark adept jedi. I must really suck with my main. Thats like a kick to the nuts.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Trany, What would be more effective for high end content (krayt's, nightsisters etc.)

TKM and Rifleman

TKM and combat medic 4404

TKM and master doc

I was reading up on CM's and they have some nasty poison grenades and area affects that do DOT. I am currently halfway 2240 on medic so I should be able to finish that up and go either CM or Doc with little problem. It just looks like TKM's have no chance of taking out some of the higher end content in the game due to their 80-100% kinetic resist.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
as it sits, rifleman, and master doc are the best template to use. There is a combat ballance comming out in a few publishes and that will address damage issues. The Rifleman have stackable mind bleeds and have a mind hit that can devestate anything in the game, the developers I doubted intended for this.
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
Heres the macro (note the capitol letters this is needed).

/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;

Place it in the first slot of the toolbar and you are good to go. With low level critters and hit ctrl+shift+s and your toon should spin. Shut off your moniter and go to work.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I wish I had a macro for my work [Smile]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
What if the shit your fighting can hurt you enough to kill you? What about your battle fatigue building up? The macro doesnt seem to take those into account.
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
He is using a rifle and his hitting the lowest level mobs right outside of town. They are not even getting to him to hit him and I believe that battle fatigue happens when you take damage more than when you shoot. I could be wrong on this. Were you on last night luke? I played for a couple hours and didnt see you. My in game name is ackideo-ymb so add me to your friends list. I went to dathomir and did rancor missions. it was very cool. Did Trany get you a nice pistol yet? If not I will pick you up one tonight. The wifey works so I will be on around 10PM...
Posted by Trany (Member # 31) on :
no I still have to go weapon shopping. The bf builds up bot not that much, the dessise can build up and mess you up.

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