This is topic Battlefield Vietnam in forum Computer Game Discussion at Noncompliance.

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Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Comes out this spring looks cool..



Q: Are there plans to make parts of Battlefield Vietnam more like jungle warfare?
A: Absolutely, the game would not be complete without sections of jungle. That said, every level in the game will benefit from the work we’ve done to achieve jungles. Everywhere you look there is lush vegetation and trees. It’s quite beautiful.

Q: How many vehicles will be present in the game?
A: There are over 20 different vehicles in the game.

Q: What types of weapons and weapon emplacements will be used in Battlefield Vietnam?
A: Battlefield Vietnam is a more dynamic game than Battlefield 1942, so there are fewer static weapon emplacements. We kept everything as mobile as possible. As far as weapons are concerned, there are between 30 and 40 different weapons for the player to try out and each one has its own uniqueness and feel.

Q: What kinds of multiplayer modes will be used in the game?
A: Conquest mode, Expanded Conquest mode and Custom Combat mode.
Conquest Mode - This is the same as what's in Battlefield 1942.
Expanded Conquest Mode - We expanded the conquest idea by implementing a mode called evolution. This is where a map begins as it would normally, but at the end of the battle the map’s alternate loads up. The scores, the team, and the player from the previous map are added to the new map and play resumes. Basically a team must ensure a close battle in one map if they hope to win the second. If you get blown away in the first map you'll have a hard hill to climb in order to win the second.
Custom Combat - In this mode the server can set what armies will fight in the selected map, what vehicles will appear and what weapons will be included or excluded from battle. This means that a server can run all maps with the US Army fighting the US Special Forces and they can all be limited to only using their assault rifles if the server wishes it. This is a great option for clans who want to ensure that they have the same setup on each map.
Q: Will there be any improvements made to the AI in the single player portion of the game?
A: Yes. We’ve simplified the radio command system so the bots will listen to your instructions. You can command them to follow you or defend a position, etc. This allows the player to be more in control of the game. It also makes the co-op games more interesting for two players as each can really command their army from the ground level.

Q: What other gameplay additions and improvements from Battlefield 1942 will be found in Battlefield Vietnam?
A: There is a timer for the flag change so the player knows how long it will take. Also, the more teammates you have at the flag the faster it can be taken. The team is immediately informed if a flag is threatened with capture so they can react to it or at the very least be aware of the enemy. We’ve also implemented a 3D map function so the player can more easily identify where control points are or even locate teammates faster.

Q: Are there any graphical improvements to Battlefield Vietnam?
A: Yes. We completely rewrote the rendering engine to be able to support all the features that are expected in modern games.

Q: What is the current status of the game's progress and when will it be released?
A: We are currently entering our Alpha stage and all the content is complete and we are polishing the game and trying to find areas where we can improve it. Unless a catastrophe occurs we should be right on target for our spring release.

Q: Are there plans being made for Battlefield Vietnam expansion packs?
A: Not at the moment, but that doesn't mean no.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
You can preorder this now from a few stores, includes free shipping (xcept for me [Mad] ) and a additional music disk for $39.99.

Mine is ordered, prolly won't get it until about the 20th given I selected the cheapy, slow shipping.

Supposed to be release on the 15th.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Best Buy shows 3/24 but they are often wrong.....
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
They're slacking. BF Vietnam website has a countdown running on it. It's at 6-days.... etc and counting.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well technically it's out. shows it shipping. Locally Best Buy and CompUSA are still showing it as pre-order. CompUSA shows a estimated release date as tomorrow. I will swing by BB at lunch see if they have any.

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe let me know when you get your copy. I just picked mine up at EBgames for $39.

Looks to be very similar to 1942 (go figure). The hardware requirements are higher (1gig with GF3 or higher), I guess the graphics are better. I flipped through the manual at lunch - noteable differences/improvements from 1942:

3D overhead maps

MP3 capability - make a folder inside the game directory and you can load MP3 using an ingame key/menu. I guess there are preloaded MP3 (rock songs) you can play in battle and everyone in your tank etc will hear the same song.

Can hover over tanks etc and attach a cable to move them into battle.

The engineer has a wrench to fix and a blow torch to destroy tanks etc.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Yeah, its got some good/bad reviews. Some folks feel its still closer to a MOD then a New Game, and are a bit unhappy with EA. Things that are "new" are stuff thats mostly been around in DC since it started. I think DC has already said they have a mod in the works for this, which could end up being more popular tha BF:V itself. I've read complaints about nerfing the Helo's, supposed to be easier to fly, but less subject to the real physics of how a helo fly's. I would guess I get it by the end of the week, but I'm gonna be real busy this weekend (Race/Course Manager at Tele-Fest at one of our Ski areas)

Crack Smoking Monkeys already has a BF:V server running, so I'll be there once in hand.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I thought the same thing when I first saw it - thought it should be a mod. But for $39 it's priced pretty much the same as a 1942 mod (secret weapons and road to Rome are $40). It is a three cd set so maybe there is a big single player part?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Game is pretty cool. Different than 1942 in some ways but very much the same in alot of ways. They incorporated some things from RTCW:Enemy Territory - such as once you pick your class you get to pick a weapons set. So a soilder can have either a M16 with scope or M16 with Rocket launcher etc. Tanks are ok and the Heli is easier to fly than in DC. But I think the controls are the same just not as touchy - so it's not as bad as you think Joe.

Maps I played are darker and there is more close combat compared to 1942. There is now a graph telling you how long you need to stay near a command point to change it, which helps. The MP3 music stuff is a bit wierd and erie. If you jump in a tank and hit "0" a list of songs comes up. These are all the vietnam songs from all the movies, including my favorite "Flight of the Valkries" from Apocolyse Now (because it scares the shit out of the gooks). If you pick a song it plays inside the tank and anyone near can also hear it. So if you are on foot you will hear a bunch of tanks driving around with music coming out of them.......strange.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Did you find servers with good ping. CSM took theirs down, there is a server bug with a patch schedualed by next week.

Did you notice the ping bug? Guess right now you cant sort the servers by ping.

Did you try long-lining anything below the choppers??? I've only read one review, were the writer said its kinda hard, cause you can never see what your trying to hook up to that good, and the sound for hooking & unhooking is exactly the same.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yes, the first thing I noticed is that servers do not sort by ping. I did get on a couple servers with <40 ping. My FPS is quite low however and I have read that this is common. So I may need to set my graphics to medium until it's fixed.

I just flew a chopper around for a couple minutes and was eventully shot down - didn't try to pick anything up.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe - Get your copy yet?

I am still addicted to this game. The music is starting to get annoying. I can see in a couple weeks I will check the box that says "disable in-game music". You can actually hear any vehicle playing music from quite far away, even enemies. Not really a great idea to turn on loud music while trying to sneak mobile artilery into an enemy base.

Weapons are awesome. There are four classes - soilder, engineer, heavy weapons, sniper. The heavy weapons guy can choose a gernade launcher or LAW rocket launcher. In addition to that weapon he also carries a 50 round SAW machine gun.

One thing I figured out last night - if you can get close enough to an enemy tank, you can climb up on top and drop a gernade into the top......BOOM
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I should get it today..
I'm never gonna pre-order again, I could of bought it in town by now, I think Fred Meyer even had it on sale already.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Who is Fred Meyer??

Condition Zero is out tomorrow.... I was going to preorder (since it is already on everyones computer through Steam), but will probably pick it up Wednesday when it hits stores.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Who is Fred Meyer??

Western Chain, WallyWorlds more expensive competitor.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Wow, just awsome I think. I've only played a few maps, but holy shit, its just huge most the time, and the landscapes just look great. Overall I think the critical reviews are a bit overstated. Mine ran just fine off the bat, no prob with drivers, ect. I think the close combat is much better than 42/dc, and the helo's and planes are a bit diff but not too bad.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yes, I agree that the close combat is much improved over 1942. Seemed like it was an after-thought in 1942 but in BFV it's a big part of the game. I like that most classes have the binoculars so you can spot for yourself. Weapons are more of a focus also - no more spray and prey with whatever gun you have.....
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Man I cant get over how fun this game is.

M60 just rocks, I love that the Anti-Armor/Anti-Air (NVA only [shake] guys arn't just stuck with a pistol, you get a M60 and a LAW or RPG. The NVA engineer has got a pretty good machine gun compared to the M14 for the US Eng. Bouncing Betties and timed dynamite, awsome level of anti-armor for troops thruout the game. I think its a little unfair that the NVA have a heat seaking shoulder fired missle and the U.S. doesn't have anything to shoot at NVA air.

Helo's need more power, that's their biggest problem, if you strafe low and fast your gonna clip trees/auger in... helo's don't pull up as fast, and changing directions takes A LOT more time than DC. Only flew the planes once or twice, not as aerodynamically/acrobat capable as the DC planes given first impression... Mig 17 handles a bit wierd I think, doesn't turn if going slow. The physics don't seem "off" tho, I think it handles like I imagine a plane with swept back wings like the Mig17 would handle.
F4 handles fine, doesn't turn very fast, may be an issue trying to use this in dogfights vs the Mig21. Napalm is just awsome.... Sweet dropping all your load and using the front-looking-rear camera to see everything and everybody getting blown out your bomb area. Weapon sounds seem so much better than DC, very unique sounding fire from each weapon. Explosions are the best I've seen yet.

Excellent F$%*ING GAME... GO BUY IT!!!!

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I agree with your take on the air. I find all the planes/helis to be "sluggish". I have crashed many times due to not being able to "pull-up" in time. However, I am glad that the game isn't dominated with air strikes like DC and 1942 can be at times (example a couple good zero pilots can hold several command points on wake with no problem)

I play 70% of the time with M60/LAW. I find mobile artillery and spot for myself. Very effective if done correctly. The other 30% I play as sniper with the single shot bolt action rifle. I go find a hill overlooking a control point and snipe the suckers that stop moving.

Took awhile for me to find any anti-air weapons. Finally found the US tank-AA gun. Wonder why they don't have base AA guns like DC/42?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
In just a breif review of the BFV forums..... The most bitched about thing so far seems to be everyone saying the M60 is just TOO GOOD, and its not fair to have that Uber-gun AND a LAW.
I understand their point. It does shoot amazingly well from a standing or running position, and maintains high accuracy (not likely with the real gun) and it doesn't slow you down to have the M60 vs the M16. Plus having heavy Machine Gun/LAW combo, while fun/cool as hell, is kinda a rambo type thing, and not very realistic. Doesn't particularly inspire team play, as your a one-man show.

It'll be nerfed I bet, and the infintry kits will be shaken up in the future.

It doesn't seem like EA has a good Alpha/Beta team working for them based on the small details they seem to have missed.

Like WTF isn't the Friends/Favorites function on the Multiplayer Server Page?

I do have some weird sounding "echo's" and "boinging-reverb-feedback" type sounds, especially when driving vehicles. It needed to install the DirectX9 drivers to play the game, but I don't know that my setup really supported DirectX9.

I toned down sound/Video settings tho and it was still better graphics than BF42/DC by far. Much smoother looking.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Well this is just stupid.

Dear all,

As I am sure many of you are aware, there have been a number of issues with the DICE/EA full release version of Battlefield:Vietnam.

We are currently undertaking final testing on a patch for the product, which will be released this Friday (3-26), and will include the following fixes that have been suggested by the community :

* Implementation of a GUI voting system similar to that included in the 1.6 patch for Battlefield:1942

* The M60 (US) machine gun will only be useable while the player is prone.

* It has been noted that "vehicle camping" is a problem within the online community for Battlefield:Vietnam. Therefore, in our first patch for the product, players inactive in movement for longer than 15 seconds, within a vehicle spawn radius, will suffer the same health penalty as if leaving the combat zone.

* Fixes to the ATI graphics cards that have suffered problems. Similar graphical fixes shall be given to users of MX/Ti range NVidia graphics cards. Hopefully this will remove the various problems users of these cards have had while playing the product.

* It has become apparent that several of the sound (gunfire/explosions) effects are not to many people's likings. Work has been done on upgrading these sounds and, upon the release of the v1.1 patch, the in game sounds shall be more authentic than at present.

A number of other minor fixes will also be implemented, and we will be releasing another patch in the not too distant future should you inspire us with your ideas.

Keep them coming please, and we can make this game the top game of 2004.

Yours kindly,
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Sounds like a joke to me? Was it an official post?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
No joke, official post as far as I can tell.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Well in that case....

* The M60 (US) machine gun will only be useable while the player is prone.

This should be while prone or crouching.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Gawd most of that sounds just retarded.

Why cant they just make a movement speed penalty and make it inacurate as hell if running and shooting with it. Make it alot more acurate when prone. A bit les acurate when crouching or standing (as if shooting from the hip), and very inacurate when moving and fireing. (so that it is just random spray). [gun1]

And what the hell is with that vehicle spawn point rule. [shake] Thats why we play these games, to fly and drive shit.

I was going to buy this game today but I will wait to see what this first patch does for the game. I am not interested in getting posion damage for waiting for a vehicle. [shake]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I agree Chad, its kinda a simpletons way to fix what may be a "issue" but I don't think its really a problem (talking Vehicle Camping). But it says its gonna only affect people who stand still for 15 secs...... Even if I'm waiting for a vehicle, I don't stand still much, too easy to snipe/sneak up on if your not watching your 6 constantly. So I don't think this will do anything to anyone other than those who leave their guy standing in the kill zone and go to the bathroom....
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Chadwick:

I was going to buy this game today but I will wait to see what this first patch does for the game. I am not interested in getting posion damage for waiting for a vehicle. [shake]

Although it does sound gay, I'd get it if I were you, I think you'll enjoy it a lot. The Pro's of this game still drasticly outweigh the few cons, and it will only get better (granted, they arn't immune to having crappy patches) but this game will do well IMNSHO.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah, Chad go get the game for christ sake.

Remember that the M60 is kind of like a "bonus" for the rocket soldier. In 1942 you pick the rocket soldier and you have the Stinger and a pistol. In BFV you pick the rocket guy and you get a LAW (rocket launcher) or Gernade Launder AND the M60 AND a pistol. So it's still a good deal - lets not get spoiled [Smile]

The regular soldier has some pretty sweet choices also. The M16 (with or without scope or with gernade launcher over-under) AND pistol AND med-pack AND binoculars.
Posted by Mikey (Member # 42) on :
Quit talking about this fucking game and get outside!! It's 65 degrees today!!

Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Good point anyone up for a beer at applebee's tonight?

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Hit me on Nextel I will be picking up Keisha poop [Frown]
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
When is that damn dog going to croak.

Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Joe, any word on the patch you talked about? I played all weekend expecting to not be able to connect...but had no problem.

That heat seeking missle is pretty sweet but the trade off is only a pistol so I rarely pick that when playing VC. I think it's fair tho with all the air the US has.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
No patch yet. I think the NVA's heavy Machine gun is as good as the 60 so I wish they'd leave it for now.

I've been the engineer guy a lot as well and planted the tunnel spawn.
I love running around being sneaky in the jungle

Helo's are still wierd, pretty unresponsive, cept the cobra... [Eek!] that thing is devastating, particularly co-pilot AimableGuns/Heatseaking missle. I've flown a bit and kinda like it, I can own ya w/the migs. Corsair sucks and the F4 is only OK. Cant manuver enough to dog fight, but if you can get behind them, the heatseakers do the work.

I think the shoulder fired heatseakers need a bit more bite.

TIP* Wait to shoot the shoulder heatseakers until the aircraft is past you and moving away or at least hovering broadside. If a helo/plane is facing you the rockets seem to miss trying to get around to the tailpipe of the unit.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
The Acegain Liveupdate software that came w/game is now online, but its telling me to check back for updates shortly.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Are you "sick" today Joe? Seems strange you are checking for updates at like 10am your time [Smile]

Yeah, sneaking around is the best part of this game. Unlike BF and DC the jungle makes it easier to hide in the open. I love finding some trees above a capture point and sniping the guys that show up. The mobile AA gun is also fun to drive into a nook of trees and show the planes as they come over.

I found the same problem with the shoulder fired heat seekers. If a chopper is facing you the missles can't get around behind so it's worthless to even fire. They do have good range though - if I see a chopper in the distance shoot I can usually hit it if it's hovering.

[ 03-29-2004, 15:58: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Are you "sick" today Joe?

Sewards Day. Don't you get that off??? [Razz]

State Holiday. Seward was the Secretary of Interior under President McKinley and really was the key to purchasing Alaska from the Russians.
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I got this game over the weekend but didnt get to play it until yesterday.

Good game overall. Quite fun actually. The music gives it a great "authentic" feal.

The combat is great and i like the idea of destroying towers to prevent the powerful flying stuff from respawning.

We need to hookup and play this some.

The bugs are anoying right now but i think they will fix em up.

The new nvidia drivers 56.64 are total garbage though.
Bad noise pixilation graphics problems when runing 3d games (not just BFV). Maybe a dirrect 3d problem? I updated them and promtly all my 3d games had the blocky pixelatino problem.

Anyone else have this problem with the new drivers? Maybe i had a setting screwed up. I rolled back the drivers and that seemed to fix it.

[ 03-30-2004, 11:24: Message edited by: Chadwick ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by Chadwick:

The combat is great and i like the idea of destroying towers to prevent the powerful flying stuff from respawning.

Hey did you figure out how to do this? I was trying yesterday on one map but was unsuccessfull. I put TNT in the top of the tower, and in the bottom and it didnt do anything. The only other option was to somehow get at the dish on top of the tower. Chute on top??? Bomb it?? I tried strafing it, I know I hit it but didn't destroy it.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I haven't had problems with the newest drivers. I didn't notice any huge increase it fps or anything. I do get "pauses" when I first enter games in BFV. No idea why but sometimes they happen and sometimes they don't.

I can't find a guide for you Chad - but check out: and

The quick and dirty is - it's always a trade off of speed for quality. If you turn anti-aliasing (AA) off you get faster fps but more jaggy edges.

Just go into BFV turn on the FPS display and play with the video settings - if you can't notice and edge tearing or jaggy lines you are probably ok.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I just bought it...

And the wireless logitech joystick...

Prepare to die ya slant eyed bastards!!!
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Great joystick. Remember to calibrate it in windows if it turns left automatically. And the thing turns off after 2 minutes of non-use so get used to reaching over and pulling the trigger as you run up to a plane.......

More info;f=8;t=000121

[ 03-31-2004, 10:01: Message edited by: Klaus ]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
God damn this game is fun.

I still suck at helicoptors, but I kick me some ass in the planes... [Wink]

What server do you guys play on?

Also, what's the deal with the LiveUpdate thing? It says it's not running a DRAMA network? WTF?
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Chad & Eric - I will be playing tonight - get on MSN and I will tell you what server I am on.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I'll be playing tonight too.

I'll call you.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
They don't make it as easy as 1942 to find what the server IP you are playing on is. The console command is:


That should display the ip.

Also the best FPS program I have found is called Fraps and can be downloaded here:
You want 2.1.0 demo

It's a small program that runs in your system tray and displays the FPS in any game.

I get about 50-60 in BFV with all settings maxed out. 70 FPS if I overclock to 5950 Ultra speed.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Here is the server that Eric and I have been playing on:

Wisconsin death trip
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Klaus and I had a fun little adventure last night:

I'm running towards a control point when I hear a Jeep closing in behind me, I turn around and jump in...and Klaus is driving. Hooray.

As we're closing in to the control point we spot a mobile artillery vehicle coming at us. Naturally I jump out to get a better angle at shooting the driver, and Klaus shoots me! Bastard! [Wink]

Actually this is a really good server. Low pings and decent players (but not THAT good...Klaus and I are in the top 5 usually)

"Racists and homophobes will be kicked/banned" though, so Trany you may want to stay away. [Big Grin] [lol]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Actually, it was a really bad gernade throw that bounced off your back that killed you....sorry bout that! [Mad] So after that I turned the jeep around and headed back to the spawn point looking for you - whole time playing flight of the Valkris and hooking the horn.....never did find you but dodged enemy fire until I tried to run an enemy over, who got stuck on the hood and shot me.... fun game.

Wisconsin Death Trip is pretty cool - it's all I play on now. Some of the guys are really good, but there are alot of newbs also. The admins are a bit over controlling but that's not a huge deal.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I pinged over 200 to the Cheesy server, so no joining you there.
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Took me awhile to get that one......

Try joining once tell me your ping. I pinged it the other day at 120 but once I joined it was 35.....
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Well I typically get a lower ping connected then when I ping it from the serverlist screen like you, but I don't even bother if its over 150 from serverlist screen, it will only drop a little, and at this point this game has been unplayable for me above about 120ping.

Filter [4M] with the brackets in your server name list. Should show two servers, one is ususally empty but there is a 40player server thats normally full. They're on the Univ of Washington Network and have a hugh pipe, much like the CSM DC server. I ping 60, and its fun to actually have more than 6-9 people per side.

I've also played on Hellkatz server, not sure where it is but I ping sub 100.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
The original email about the patch was a Hoax [Roll Eyes]

But this was on EA's BF:V website the other day.

Community Update - 4.9.04

Online numbers for BFV were huge the first week it was released and they don't show signs of slowing down. You're all obviously enjoying the the game! Everyone at DICE and EA would like to thank the fans and welcome all the new faces to the world of Battlefield!

Battlefield Vietnam Update
For those of you familiar with Battlefield 1942, you're already aware of the level of support you can expect from the Battlefield team. Battlefield Vietnam is no exception. In the next few months you can expect to see updates which add new features, incorporate community requests and add new content. We're currently working on an update which will incorporate some of your suggestions such as tweaking the M60/LAW combo as well as addressing performance issues experienced by some people. Stay tuned for more information on this in the upcoming weeks.

Server Admins
Be advised, BFV has a higher bandwidth requirement than Battlefield 1942. This is due to the new features added in the game such as overgrowth and airlifting. We are working to optimize these further, but a simple solution includes properly choking your servers to the appropriate setting. We also recommend that you run only one instance of BFV on a server based on your bandwidth pipeline. Some rules of thumb include:
16-player: WinOS or Linux/1.8Ghz processor/256MB RAM/T1 connection
32-player: WinOS or Linux/2.8Ghz processor/512MB RAM/T1 connection
64-player: WinOS or Linux/3+Ghz processor/512MB RAM/T3 connection (You will need at least 4Mbit of bandwidth)
ATI Card Users
We are currently discussing with ATI the issues with BFV and certain high-end ATI cards. As an interim solution, if you turn off Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering you will have a much better playing experience.

That's it for this week, so until we talk next, happy hunting!

EAComMike and the rest of te Battlefield team
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Update today on the BF:V site.

Patch mabey next week sometime

Community Update - 4.30.04

Update 1.01 Info
DICE and EA are pleased to announce that the first Battlefield Vietnam update has entered the home stretch here at EA and should be ready for release in the very near future. We've spent some time gathering and evaluating the feedback on Battlefield Vietnam from the community, community forums and from the Battlefield Vietnam Performance Issues e-mails we solicited back in mid-March. We're happy to report that we have been able to address many of these issues for the update.

While future Battlefield Vietnam updates will include game features that were added to Battlefield 1942 post-ship (such as the Voting GUI), v1.01 is intended to address community related issues. The following is a list of the major items being addressed in v1.01. Of particular note in this list are tweaks to server functionality that should provide a much improved play-experience on servers that are hosting high-player-count games (please note the server hardware requirements posted in the Community Update from April 9, fixes to the internal server browser functionality, and rebalancing of the M60, the RPD and the US Heavy Assault kits.

General optimizations to reduce server lag
CDkey hash added to game.listplayers output
game.listPlayers uses the new format:
#Id: - is remote ip: : hash:
Gamespy port setting fixed
game.gameSpyPort - now working
game.gameSpyLANPort - now working
game.ASEPort - removed (not supported by ASE)
All Seeing Eye updated
Battlefield Vientam games no longer appear in Battlefield 1942 ASE list
Player details should appear correctly in ASE server list

Sort by Ping fixed in Server Browser
Scrollbar fixed in Server Browser
Soldier prediction fixed to remove jerky movements when walking/jumping
M60 removed from the LAW kit and replaced with M14
M60 and RPD min/max bullet deviation increased when standing/moving
M60 and RPD max bullet deviation decreased slightly when prone
Rate of fire and velocity of M60/RPD adjusted
Player movement speeds on Heavy Assault kits reduced slightly
Network overhead of vehicle engines and airlifting significantly reduced
Added minimap warning icon when enemies are within capture radius of an opposing team flag
Keep an eye on this space in the coming weeks for an announcement on the release of 1.01.
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Update is ready:
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Thanks, I installed it last night and played a bit. I can't say that much has changed. I thought they were going to include the buddy system like the last 1942/dc patch had? The M60 is not available with the LAW anymore - they replaced it with some shitty single shot gun.....You can have the gernade launcher and M60 tho.
Posted by Matress (Member # 71) on :
Are you guys still playing this at all? Goat and myself just got the game running a couple days ago. Yes I'm cheap I am using one of his cd's and found a nice cd key somewhere over the rainbow, but has been working flawless for me. I'll go ahead and add Deathtrip to my faves and see if I can find ya
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
I still play a bit of BFV. I have been playing DC lately but not on any particular server.

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