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Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I did a quick search on "The Order" and there are about a bazillion (13 pages) of guilds with the name "The Order" in them.

I suggest something about the military (watch, Shadow will call me a homo) but I suggest something using Battallion, Brigade, Regiment, Platoon, even Squad...

Guild rank could be straight out of the book...Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, etc.

Just thoughts...light em up. [lol]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by BoondockSaint:
(watch, Shadow will call me a homo)

mabey... but I def will



yer gay!

No, no, no, and no [Razz] [Wink]

you can call me the creativity nazi if you want.....
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
And your suggestion is....?
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
My other guild name post got Baleted!

Some fun names I like [Wink]

The Angry Beavers
Apocalyptic PWNIES!
The Riders of Lohan (LOL)
Ding Fries are Done!

Now for some more serious names
I like
Legion of xxxxxxxx (doom, darkness, Light, destruction, might etc.)
Knights of xxxxxxx
Or how about a single word names like
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
Originally posted by Hauserdaddy:
I like
Legion of xxxxxxxx (doom, darkness, Light, destruction, might etc.)
Knights of xxxxxxx
Or how about a single word names like

25 pages of guilds named "Legion of"

17 pages of "Knights of"

I wouldn't mind a one word name, but nothing childish like N00bKillaZ!!!111 or some stupid shit. [lol]

I think we could find a good one from the Magic the Gathering lore...
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I like "Total NonCompliance"
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
Relentless NonCompliance ? (RNC)
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
I thought of some more recently:

Exalted Avengers (i like this one alot)
Knights of Virtue
Virtuous Champions/Guardians/Heros
Sanctus Luminarium (holy light in latin)

I also do like OIL, and we could keep that.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I actually like just plain old "NonCompliance" or NC for short?

the ones I threw up yesterday that are now missing, was a twist to one of Ix's names...
"Corvus Corax" is the genus & species of the Raven. It just happens to be one of my favorite latin names for critters.

I liked the latin theme so found a translator...

Amicitia = friends...

and random others I threw in there..

persevero = to continue or perservier

resiliance came to mind

I think this should be up to some vote in the end, mabey try to include more people for lots of input.. We should just keep OIL for the moment imo.

translator if you want to check it out

[ 12-07-2005, 13:48: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
I dont know about NonCompliance. Thats kinda just "our" thing, and this guild will be including alot of people we dont really know. It would also show that this guild is mostly controlled by us, which isnt what you wanted Joe.

But, if Klauso likes that then i say go for it. I really like Exalted Avengers, or some latin name, like the one joe or i gave.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
I actually like OIL alot more now that i think about it, just because of the shore name "OIL". It seems like that always helps with publicity of a guild if there is a memorable short name, like GoDS, DV, IO, etc...
Posted by Chadwick (Member # 45) on :
I would like oil alot more if it didn't stand for order of inner light... [lol]
Posted by Dyv (Member # 100) on :
We couldn't come up with anything else when we were creating it, so we ripped off a guild that Nightowl was in when we played a mud a long time ago.

I definitely think if we change, it needs to be something that's memorable, or can be shortened into something memorable, like "OIL"
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Was thinking about gathering all these people together, a lot who we know a little, but now may get to know much better... We should def vote AFTER we get some people in, make it a group thing for fun and such [Big Grin]

throwing one more in the hat too

The Founders
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
Here's my latin choice:

Subitus Dolus Ruina = Sudden Guild Destruction
Venatus Absentis Torva = Gamers Gone Wild
Ding! Amicus es Perfectus = Ding! Fries are Done

[ 12-07-2005, 20:07: Message edited by: Crack_Dealer ]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Crack_Dealer:
Ding! Amicus es Perfectus = Ding! Fries are Done

Posted by ProfBooty (Member # 21) on :
That's funny shit but how is there a Latin word for "fries"???
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
Not sure, but the translator made one up...must mean little cut up potatoes deep-fried.
Posted by Kyrillian (Member # 114) on :
OK here are my thoughts on a name. I will precede it with my thoughts on what a name should embody.

A name should command respect and also be somewhat in line with our goals as a guild. It should also provide a sense of pride for its members. It cannot be an "inside joke" or "inside thing", at least not if we want to grow, because people invited to be part of the inside thing always feel like outsiders. A guild name should also represent the kind of members you want inside the guild. For example, if you're guild name is "Thugz 4 Life" don't expect to be recruiting Rhodes Scholar's. So without further ado let me tell you some of my ideas:

1. Rebirth/Reborn: Figure we are the second coming of MGS for the most part, we survived that catastrophe, we should be proud of that.
2. Journey/Path of Kings: Def. commands respect.
3. Funkmaster Klauso & the Whore Birds: I think the name speaks for itself.
4. Onslaught Brigade

[ 12-08-2005, 11:40: Message edited by: Kyrillian ]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
My official suggestion that ive singled out as my favorite of the ones i have thought of is "Vindication". I like the word, the sound of it, and the meaning of the word holds alot of significance in relation to the whole situation.

vin·di·cat·ion -
1)To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof: “Our society permits people to sue for libel so that they may vindicate their reputations” (Irving R. Kaufman).
2)To provide justification or support for: vindicate one's claim.
3)To justify or prove the worth of, especially in light of later developments.
4)To defend, maintain, or insist on the recognition of (one's rights, for example).
5)To exact revenge for; avenge.

[ 12-08-2005, 12:30: Message edited by: Ender ]
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
More thoughts...

Originally posted by Kyrillian:

1. Rebirth/Reborn: Figure we are the second coming of MGS for the most part, we survived that catastrophe, we should be proud of that.

I was thinking same thing over lunch... several people mentioned Phoenix because of the rebirth motif, but 1 guild has it already, and I think its a little unoriginal..

I like Kyrill's quoted above... and in the same vein I thought


just popped into my head...


Originally posted by Kyrillian:

3. Funkmaster Klauso & the Whore Birds: I think the name speaks for itself.

New funniest suggestion [lol] [lol] [lol] dude I'm crying I'm lauging so hard
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
Originally posted by Jomama:
[lol] [lol] [lol] dude I'm crying I'm lauging so hard

Funny thing is he's not lieing....when he starts laughing/giggling he can't stop.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I think I've generally heard that people are a little more interested in a cool name than a silly one.... Here is a quick list of the main suggestions.. There were lots last night in /guildchat, but I didnt track them... so keep posting suggestions if you wish...

Onslaught Brigade
Path of Kings
Subitus Dolus Ruina = Sudden Guild Destruction
Ding! Amicus es Perfectus = Ding! Fries are Done
(The)Founders [with or w/out the "the")
Amicitia = friends
Persevero = to continue or perservier
Infinitas = Infinity
Judicium = Judgement
Infinite Vindication
Valorious Union
The Lost
The Chosen

[ 12-09-2005, 14:57: Message edited by: Jomama ]
Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
I like

Infinite Vindication (or same in latin)

anyone like that one?
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
I will keep updating my post/list with all reasonable suggestions....

so dont bother Hauser [Wink] [Wink] [lol]
Posted by BoondockSaint (Member # 67) on :
I like Infinitus or Vindication.
Posted by PhantomBear (Member # 99) on :
Infinitas or Vindication...for sure
Posted by Hauserdaddy (Member # 50) on :
Infinitas is cool
Posted by Crack_Dealer (Member # 68) on :
I like Vindication
Posted by zaulsiin (Member # 110) on :
Dude... Afterbirth? Are you serious. That's nasty. Who suggested that shit?

Vindication is a solid name. Always loved that word for some reason, and the meaning is definitely fitting. My 2 cents.
Posted by Kyrillian (Member # 114) on :
I could go with Vindication. Afterbirth is a totally cool name, we will be synonomous with Placenta!

Another name I was thinking of was Plan B. So people could say "Hey I didn't get into Nexus so I went with Plan B"
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Another name I was thinking of was Plan B. So people could say "Hey I didn't get into Nexus so I went with Plan B"

I dont like that, because for some (actually alot) of people, this was plan A.

Are we still going to have a vote even though most people seem to like Vindication, including Zaul?
Posted by Kyrillian (Member # 114) on :
I think we should have like 10 choices and then run a poll in like a week from now, once all the ex-mgs get in and get acclimated.

I think they should have a vote in it, since they are pretty much the backbone of what we have now. I know some people including myself didn;t like HIO because we had no choice in the name and we were told we weren't changing it.

[ 12-09-2005, 07:39: Message edited by: Kyrillian ]
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
10 choices is a little much. We can probibly narrow it down to 5-6. Otherwise, considering we only have like 30 players, there wont be a clear descision.

It can be done earlier than in a week. I was thinking we should start the voting now since we have most of the ex-mgs members we want. Maybe close the voting on Sunday night.
Posted by Kyrillian (Member # 114) on :
OK i'd be all for starting the voting. At least once we decide on a name we can start the process of recruiting needed classes.

Hey has anyone heard from Macten/McGuirk? He'd be an awesome addition but I haven't seen him online. We really need a dwarf priest for Ony/Mags.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Originally posted by zaulsiin:
Dude... Afterbirth? Are you serious. That's nasty. Who suggested that shit?

[weep] [weep] [Frown] awww.. zaul didnt like my funny... Just thought it was a slightly humerous twist on the whole "rebirth" theme... [Wink] [lol]
Posted by Klaus (Member # 66) on :
Yeah we could leave the voting open all weekend and that would drive people to the forums.
Posted by Ender (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Klaus:
Yeah we could leave the voting open all weekend and that would drive people to the forums.

First we need to organize the website a little better. No one knows where the REAL forums are because there is no link to them currently. There is a link to these ones, however, from which i thought was going to be our main site.

Once the PHPNuke template is there i can start working on it.
Posted by Dyv (Member # 100) on :
I still like OIL, but since I kinda picked it I guess that doesn't count eh? [lol]
Posted by RockLobster (Member # 45) on :
Vindication gets my vote, time being.
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Alright, I'm gonna par down that list a little and try to put a poll up on the new PHP website (not forums)...

I'll put links in the various forums so no matter where you go you get directed to the poll

I'm gonna pick like 8-10 and see what kinda votes we get, I'm not just going off what I like either, but will pick 8-10 that I've heard others liked too...
Posted by Jomama (Member # 56) on :
Alright.. Please cast your votes HERE: for the new guild name.. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] This will be our permanent website, so register there if you havent...

(sorry about the forums jumping around)

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