View Full Version : Lost - The Final Season
02-08-2010, 11:03 AM
So what do you guys think of the first episode?
My initial thoughts:
There are two timelines that will at some point come together. The producers are calling the off island stuff "flash sideways". I don't think Desmond was really on the plane. I think Juliet is alive in the other reality and will somehow get to the island etc. My first thought was that you had to die on the island to go to your off island body but who the fuck knows. The Others part with the smoke monster Lock guy I think its too premature to figure out WTF is going on.
One thing is for sure - there are more questions then answers so far this season.
5 Seasons in 5 Minutes
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02-08-2010, 12:47 PM
Question: What is the main reason to watch this show? What will keep me interested?
I've been told for years that I need to be watching this show and I watched the first half of the first season and wasn't too impressed. I need a new show to watch so let me know why I should watch Lost!
02-08-2010, 12:52 PM
My take, and understanding.
It is interesting, there are tons of people who have said there is a religious message, but that’s with everything. The new group of the “Asian” Mongolian tribe thing is now the 4-5th iteration of the “others”. They live in the temple, and it appears that this is when they all returned to the island, is it in the future? Or is it in the past, the island was moved. They have all been moved out of the 70’s and are in the same time. The “flash sideways” is odd, the Desmond is on the plane, etc.
The Locke thing is Locke is dead, he is now the “smoke” monster, last season there was a scene where Jacob and another guy were sitting on the beach and the other guy told Jacob he would find a way to kill him, The island has some forces that make it so he cannot kill him. Is Jacob a deity? Is the other guy an anti deity? AKA Locke, smoke monster.
The first episode of the season, Juliette says that it worked, in reference to the bomb blowing up in the hatch (swan station). So without that the story line of Desmond and the hatch and the plane crashing has been erased. When the plane jostled over the island, and the island was underwater, that is a curious moment, as well as the whole statue thing, but that should become clear. I am guessing that we will indeed see the two times intersect, or merge in the last episode.
02-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Dont miss the bus and be a chumbolone.
02-08-2010, 12:55 PM
Well Season 1 is kinda the big set up for the rest of the series. It starts to get strange toward the end when shit like polar bears start to show up. Season 2 & 3 are probably my favorites. I would give it another chance at least to the end of S2 - you should be hooked by then (if not it's probably best to stop watching). The last two seasons have been really complex but enjoyable. It's just nice to have a show that makes you think about it after it's over. Nothing is explained to you like you are a 5 yr old water head.
02-08-2010, 01:01 PM
Also, there is a pretty decent spoiler light Lost podcast that's pretty decent. You can grab it on iTunes or Zune market place or listen here:
They do two shows a week usually. One right after the show is done and the other a few days later after people have called in with theory's.
02-09-2010, 10:45 PM
So.....Claire is the new Russo.
02-10-2010, 08:40 AM
Possibly, and Saiyd is the new Ben? I don't like the Mr Miagi guy or his fruit loop translater. I did notice that kate cracked "mac" from sunny in the face.
02-10-2010, 11:40 AM
Fruit Loop guy is Seth from Deadwood. It's all recycled actors this season.... Good episode tho.
02-16-2010, 10:01 AM
Joe no comments?
02-17-2010, 08:55 AM
The cave and the names, I am curious as to what the numbers mean? Is it a ranking of the "candidate"? So we have established that; Jacob, and smoke pillar (Locke) were at one point human, and possibly friends, and that after some point they became advisories. We know that Richard doesn’t age, and he follows Jacob. So Jacob, is a “Christ” figure? And the “others” Richard included his disciples? That would leave new Locke (smoke pillar) as an “antichrist”. It has been long though that the island is sort of a limbo, or purgatory, maybe an afterlife? It is interesting to see the timeline, if they didn’t crash, how everyone is connected by circumstance.
I think when new Locke tossed the white stone from the scale into the ocean; it signified that he has all the power now, his main goal is to leave the island. He said he was once human, and felt emotion. Did Jacob kill him? Or did Jacob have him killed? What’s with the temple, and the statue? We saw last season, that smoke guy and Jacob were sitting on a beach next to a fully built statue.
02-19-2010, 09:08 PM
Joe no comments?
Still gestating..
03-05-2010, 11:21 AM
This is good to know...
LOST - has run out of time, according to the writers and producers, and there is simply no way to wrap up all loose ends and answer all the questions by the end of the series in May. When asked for a comment, one group of hardcore fans yelled unintelligible profanity for almost an hour. (washington post)
03-17-2010, 10:14 AM
Good episode last night. They are starting to explain things a bit. I liked the flash sideways scenes this week - James at least is interesting in his other life.
03-17-2010, 09:26 PM
Next weeks looks like its all about richard, that could be very interesting.
03-18-2010, 04:57 PM
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03-18-2010, 06:24 PM
03-24-2010, 01:50 AM
Um.. Really?
Cork=Purgatory or something?
I would bet $ that the creators were all quoted saying in plain words, it was not a "they're dead, hell or purgatory" scenario several years ago... I will look and see if I can find it.
I mean if thats it, its well done and all, but I think its a bit anticlimactic.:rolleyes:
03-24-2010, 10:36 AM
Yeah, but didn't that theory get reversed by Jacob in the flashback with Richard. Showing him he isn't dead or in hell?
03-24-2010, 11:18 AM
Yeah, but didn't that theory get reversed by Jacob in the flashback with Richard. Showing him he isn't dead or in hell?
Yes, I'm just surprised that they're still adding "twists" when they have so much to wrap up.
03-24-2010, 09:15 PM
its what 7 more episodes, to get the story wraped up. I still don't feel they answerd the darhma crap or the witmore party from the 50's.
03-25-2010, 09:09 AM
Remember they aren't going to wrap everything up.....
03-25-2010, 08:02 PM
I smell spin off.
03-26-2010, 10:09 AM
You would think they could go another season just explaining all the lose ends....
03-26-2010, 04:41 PM
Well with things like Dharma, I don't expect much in answers, as they were really just visitors. They have nothing to do with the island, they are just as they appeared (hokey experiments on things they didn't understand, but really it was about observing the dharma people secretly) and there is no big secret left to be revealed. I thought for sure there would be a connection between the the smoke monster, the islands magnetism, and the polar bears, but now I doubt it... Polar bears were solely part of Dharma, the magnetism and smokey are tied to the island, and he probably needs the people to do things for him to release him, he cant release himself.. (trying to use their corruptibility)..
I read a idea that I think is probably where this is headed... What Jacob told Richard is true, he's not dead and he's not in hell, and then gave him the wine bottle analogy... MiB is evil-incarnate, just as he was referred too.. and the island is his prison/containment, and if he's allowed to leave the island, evil-incarnate will be unleashed on the rest of the world...
So talking about Hell and such is just a way to dumb it down for the humans brought to the island into something they can comprehend, but its really a much bigger concept than that, and is not necessarily "Christian" in nature either, like the rules that Jacob plays by, not being able to grant Alperts first two requests, but immediately giving him the gift of "living forever" when he requests it. He's not omnipotent..
MiB duped Alpert when he appeared as Isabella to him on the wrecked Black Rock, but I think the Isabella talking to Hurley is legit, which makes me think not all the dead people seen are the island where MiB in disguise, some of them where just dead people... Anyway, thats where I think its going..
03-26-2010, 07:47 PM
You mean Isebella was Jacob not MiB right? I like the theory that Jacob was telling Hurley to say he was Isebella but then Alpert was able to hear her so I doubt that one.
03-26-2010, 09:06 PM
You mean Isebella was Jacob not MiB right?
No, when Isabella visited Alpert while he was still chained up in the wrecked Black Rock, that was the MiB (this is just my guess)... And then she left the hold of the ship and you hear the smoke monster and her scream but don't see anything.. I think that was MiB trying to motivate Alpert to do what he wants. And thats why Alpert actually saw her... MiB is a physical manifestation, he can appear as other people obviously... Thats different from the dead people seen by some (see below)...
I like the theory that Jacob was telling Hurley to say he was Isebella but then Alpert was able to hear her so I doubt that one.
No, I don't think Alpert was actually hearing or seeing Isabella at the end with Hurley... I think that was totally "for effect" so Hurley didn't have to literally stand there and translate it all.. And to show the intensity of Alperts longing for her.... I think Hurley was actually talking to the dead Isabella and relaying it to Alpert thru that whole scene but they don't show it.... Alpert believed Hurley (that he was talking to her) so he was just visualizing/imagining her... And thats why he had to ask "is she gone?"...
In the end I think Alperts reward for helping Jacob and playing his part will be death, and his reuniting with Isab. (not the phony MiB version)..
I think it also ties into to all the dead people seen on the island throughout... Some have been the MiB, using their appearance to manipulate, and some have been real dead people... Or maybe just the ones Hurley see's are real dead people (on the side of Jacob)... Hurley is special imo...
I think if the stuff about the candidate isn't just a diversion, and one of them actually takes over for Jacob it will be Hurley... and Jack will be the wildcard (although redemption for him could be just as likely as him to be chaos and continue to do the opposite of w/e is suggested by either MiB & Jacob)
Least thats what I think..
03-28-2010, 09:43 PM
I saw this picture taken from the directors cut of Lost episode 1.
03-29-2010, 07:39 PM
I saw this picture taken from the directors cut of Lost episode 1.
That sir is NSFW, I am glad I mistakely opened that at home. That is not how their plane crashed though, Maybe the second or third one but not the first. If you notice the plane is still intact.
03-31-2010, 09:01 PM
03-31-2010, 09:50 PM
03-31-2010, 11:05 PM
Does it read "Foohy"?
04-01-2010, 12:00 AM
04-06-2010, 09:02 PM
I cant believe they have dropped the recap episodes before the new episodes in favor of fucking Dancing with the Stars... What fucking garbage..:mad:
04-07-2010, 08:30 AM
I agree but that Dancing shit is the number one show currently so I understand.
04-07-2010, 10:19 AM
I wish Reality TV as a whole could collectively catch AIDS and die.
04-07-2010, 11:21 AM
I agree but that Dancing shit is the number one show currently so I understand.
Which is a sad commentary in its own right...
04-14-2010, 05:09 PM _Is_Really_All_About_.html
Without some serious substance added to the last episodes, I think the wheels are coming off.. :(
04-15-2010, 09:27 AM
I liked this weeks episode. Lots of theories out there about Michael being connected to smokie and WTF Desmond is up to on the island. I kinda think that all the dead people are somehow either Jacob or connected to him in some way. Otherwise I have no idea.
04-15-2010, 08:31 PM
Its all about the jews, the side ways story, "alternate" lifes. It took them what 6 seasons to say the wispers were, "dead" people, WTF. I still think Hurly replaces jacob ,and Sayed replaces smoke monster.
04-16-2010, 06:59 AM
Sith Sayed.... And I think it will be Desmond that replaces Jacob. He is already driving around and being all creepy like Jacob in the flash sideways.
04-21-2010, 05:52 PM
Saw this on Twitter:
Dammit, you're right! RT @DonaldJr: Christian CANT be smokey, Christian was in the cabin surrounded by ash since season 3...
05-14-2010, 09:42 PM
I cant believe they put Marsellus Wallace's briefcase in a cave an called it good...
05-15-2010, 10:44 PM
Tick tock, Ther is what, 4 and a half hours left of it? Its amazing, shit just kill every last one off before the end, it makes it simpler, to explain, although Marsellus Wallace's brifecase does explain a lot of it.
05-24-2010, 08:25 AM
Thats it, I call, bull shit. Fucking gay ass ending. I want all six seasons of my life back thanks. bye
05-24-2010, 11:11 AM
I didn't hate it I didn't love it. Definitely, a powerful final episode even if it didn't wrap every question up.
I loved the Jimmy Kimmel alternate endings. The sopranos one had me rolling.
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05-24-2010, 11:16 AM
I will have to youtube the kimmel stuff, as 9:00-10:00 is my bedtime. So everyone is dead, at different times yada yada yada. The flash sideways was the "afterlife?" and tha=ey all met up again. They never explained what the "temple" island deal was, minus the magical cave in the middle and the white/black racial undertones. I just want answers know, WTF, I watched the pre game, and they didn't answer shit either. Fuck them all, Fuck ABC, Fuck the island, and Fuck Lost!!!!!!!!
05-24-2010, 11:55 AM
Lost explained
It’s all over! How will we go on? Is their life after Lost? These are all questions I posed to myself as it hit 7.15am and I crept away from my sofa on this early Monday morning. Firstly i’d like to say thank you Sky One for having the decency of showing the finale at the same time as the US, for this all the spoilers were evaded and internet silence was not needed.
There are many fans out there that’ll be pissed off, confused, or totally messed up how they saw the finale. I’m gonna try and break it down for you very simply in my own way. There are mainly a few huge moments in the 2hr 15mins of the finale. We find out that the alternate timeline was actually the Losties own personal purgatory, when their lives were over on the island in the main timeline, their consciousnesses found this place created where all was good, the alternative timeline. But it was down to them to all come together and only then could they all cross over together.
A few small notes which you may have noticed. Firstly Jack’s son, David, only existed inside the alternative timeline as Jack created him as he always wanted to treat a son better than his father treated him. I think Ben didn’t go inside the church because he wasn’t ready to cross over, of felt that for all his wrong doings he didn’t deserve to join his fellow Losties in their crossing. This along with the non-existent Walt were the only kop-outs for me in the show. Michael Emerson was by far the best actor in the series, but his character ran its course towards the end. I was hoping for more. Mrs. Hawking, (Daniel Faraday’s mum) figured out the entire purgatory situation, but wasn’t ready to lose her son again as she was the one that shot his in the main timeline, hence telling them not to take him. The main reason why we didn’t see Miles, Richard, Lapidus, Anna Lucia, Daniel, Michael, Walt, etc. in the church was because they weren’t ready. They were not essential in the end. It was only for the core characters to learn their fate and take the next step.
Kate and Sawyer, Lapidus, Miles and Mr Guyliner (Richard) got back to the real world in the main timeline. Hurley and Ben go on to protect the island. Obviously their lives have run their course, as Hurley states you were a great no.2 to Ben and visa versa to Hurley. There is no need for further inquest into what happened to the other losties as Christian Shephard told us just how it is. Everything you saw on the Island DID happen. Their escape, their return and the time travel.
The whole show culminates in the main theory that all of our losties who had personal issues in their lives had to learn to ‘Let Go’ to move on to the next life. But the had to do it together. A whole new meaning to live together, die alone. Obviously what the Lost writers are trying to tell us is. No one every really dies all.
So, yes, there will be hundred of unanswered questions. What on earth was the smoke monster? Who actually were Jacob and his brother? What on earth was the man in blacks name? And for fucks sake what had the four toed statue got to do with anything? These are all questions we have to answer in our own stories which in my eyes makes the show live on in a way that no other show can. It was a magical experience that those like me who have watched since the pilot and stuck with have been privileged to experience.
Thank you to the Lost writers, JJ Abrams, Carlton Cuse, Damon Lindeloff, Jay & Jack, The Transmission and all the other lost communities out there for making this experience even better than we can have imagined.
05-24-2010, 04:43 PM
My take, it was ok... IMO the source/justification for leaving all the loose ends seemed to be stated at the beginning of the recap by the writers.
They said something along the lines of "well all along, this show has been about the characters, and the choices they made...."
Really? Do others agree?
I mean, absolutely, the characters and writing were great, and made the show watchable, but if the same cast and backstories were told with all these people in some random neighborhood, just living life like normal... nobody would be watching that...
imo the strength of the characters and the backstories are what allowed a show about time-travel, numbers, fate/free-will, mysticism and all that weird shit to do as well as Lost did... Thats what made it unique.... They wound together something totally different and off the wall, unlike anything that had been on TV before, and it survived because they supported it with good, believable characters... They took it seriously, and it showed...
Honestly, that should be the lesson learned here for other show creators... Good characters and writing can support just about any plot-line.... But at the conclusion the plot deserves some respect too...
I know what they (the writers) are saying, but I think they are underestimating how interesting all the crazy plot points were, and how much people would like more depth to them...
It suffered the same ending as BSG imo... "Everything is not what its seemed to be...." is kinda the trick ending that lets them leave the loose strings... Granted, explaining everything tends to ruin some things.. it takes the mystery out of it...
I think part of the drastic change between seasons 1-3 and 4-6 was the reduced involvement of JJ Abrams... I wouldn't be surprised to read he was responsible for all the wierd shit that went unanswered.
05-24-2010, 05:03 PM
First thing I thought of was BSG. I hated that ending.
I agree with you Joe - I liked the island based mysteries over the human stories. In the end I think there were a ton of questions un-answered having to do with the island. I am really glad it wasn't a "everyone died in the initial crash" ending but more answers about the island would have been nice.
05-25-2010, 12:38 PM
as 9:00-10:00 is my bedtime.
Wow, you don't get much sleep.
05-25-2010, 04:08 PM
nope not really, have a kid sleeping in late is 6 am :)
08-17-2010, 04:51 PM
08-23-2010, 10:52 PM
tor link for the epilogue
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