View Full Version : Star Wars Battlefront
10-09-2015, 10:54 AM
Tried the beta last night and here is my mini review: Battlefield re-skinned.
This is not a bad thing. I love Battlefield. I do like the graphics in this game they are much like BF Hardline. The blasters are great and I do like the one shot sniper rifles. I only played one single player survival mission and about five multiplayer maps last night. I preferred the conquest style map (there are only two available during beta) - you protect random pods that land on the map. I did not like the walker assault map as the Empire always wins with the walkers and that got pretty annoying.
I do miss spotting like BF and I found the radar pretty useless without the ability to mark the other team (unless I missed where that is set up). I couldn't 100% figure out the additional weapons and shields.
10-09-2015, 12:57 PM
Its suggests leveling up a bit to get unlocks before going into walker assault, didn't try that one yet.
In the single player survivor mode (wave after wave) you had 2 choices of load outs, each with 3 items. The primary being either a 3-shot grenade launcher type weapon or a ion torpedo/rpg thing, both worked against the AT-ST but I presume the rpg thing was better, and the grenades worked against both armor and infantry. The second slot was either an Ion bolt, that is basically a one shot different ammo type that loads in whatever blaster you have, and is for going through the personal shields that some of the infantry have. The other loadout has a personal shield in the second spot. When your shield is up, you cant shoot out, so its good for getting across open ground. Third slot was the jetpack for both loadouts, short little burst, but nice to get up high with it. Once you use one of these slots 1st and 3rd slot just take time before they are available again, but the 2nd slot (Ion bolt, Personal shield) looks like it was something you needed more ammo/power for, that you get from one of the pods or a random powerup somewhere in the map. The 4th slots disappear after you place them (turrets)..
In the MP its all unlocks, all I got was the ion grenade and the single shot rifle (which will pierce the personal shields)..
I liked that you got points to spend on unlocks, and then you had choices, (dont remember this from BF), so in theory you might skip some of the early unlocks to save for better mid tier unlocks?
Once you capture a pod to defend, its drops blue floating circles, these are also power-ups that you can place, I saw a Auto-turret that fires rockets (presume this is good against armor), and the tripod mounted heavy blaster (which was cool, but you have to pick your spot well as you only had about 20-degrees of range side to side)... I also couldn't figure out how to "Exit" the heavy blaster once I on it... which sucks when the enemy flanks you.. Even if the enemy captures a pod, you can still pick up any leftover powerup that they leave behind. There were also random powerups floating around the map, some didn't work for me as I assume its cause I didn't have anything unlocks, but there was a health one, etc... I bet some of them may be a quick cool down.
There is a "cool-down" key of some sort (R) I think, that I saw in the key binds, may help to get used to using that.
I noticed the one long heavier blaster avail in the survivor mode actually did much less dmg than the standard E-11, but it had a much higher cool down rate.
I know from reading about it that both Luke and Vader are in the Walker Assault, and they are some kind of powerup that become a player character..
Didn't play Hardline so cant compare but it looks gorgeous on my 2yo gfx card. Cover seems important, and I liked that variability to the map, you could get above people and around behind them, and the pods appeared to drop at random locations so unlike a straight capture/defuse/protect mode, the location of the next point is not known till its on the ground.
10-09-2015, 01:57 PM
10-12-2015, 11:34 AM
I was finally in a game where the rebels won! I was on the empire team uggg.
11-18-2015, 09:28 AM
Tried a few of the game modes last night. I of course prefer the battlefield style hold the points game mode but I liked the drone protection one also. Flying was cool once I hooked up my Xbox 360 usb controller. Unlike my Logitech joystick you can have a gamepad (logitech g13) and the 360 controller hooked up at the same time.
11-18-2015, 12:21 PM
I liked the the other 40 person one, that lacks the AT-AT aspect.. Just a big battle.. The terrain and maps are so impressive imo. Will have to try the droid escort, didn't get around to trying that.
11-18-2015, 07:50 PM
I dont know if this is accurate but..
Quick Tip to rank up fast play in Hero mode..... every time you kill a hero you get like a 1,000+ points, its so easy to unlock everything very quickly just playing this mode for a few hours.
11-18-2015, 07:51 PM
Good tip as I don't have a ton of time to play currently
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11-18-2015, 07:57 PM
Protip: Sprinting marks you on enemy radars (the red pulses). When you spawn on a partner/near a teammate on a wide flank and they aren't sprinting, don't start sprinting immediately. If it looks like they're sneaking around move away from them before sprinting and marking yourself.
Scout trait makes you not be marked when sprinting, best trait if you plan on sneaking around.
(Another guy argues to use the Survivalist trait over the Scout fwiw).
11-18-2015, 08:42 PM
Interesting I didn't know how the radar worked. No spotting like BF that I can see. I assume firing a gun will make you show up.
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11-19-2015, 09:04 AM
I dont know if this is accurate but..
Quick Tip to rank up fast play in Hero mode..... every time you kill a hero you get like a 1,000+ points, its so easy to unlock everything very quickly just playing this mode for a few hours.
This is in fact true BUT you need to be able to kill the hero.... I think I played 4 rounds of Hero mode and got two hero kills. They are worth 1000 but the real points come when you are the hero - you can just mow people down. Especially as Luke. Holy shit can you do damage with a sabre. Anyway I think for points I would stick to the big maps and just find a good place that enemy runs by often.
Luke 7 kills
11-19-2015, 09:56 AM
I play first person but after watching this I will be playing in 3rd.
11-19-2015, 12:34 PM
Interesting... I've always felt "off" playing third person, but I will have to try it.. It definitely looked from the YT clip that you have a wider field of view in 3rd, which alone is clearly a benefit..
11-19-2015, 12:41 PM
Yeah I accidental switched to 3rd person while playing Leia in Hero mode and I don't shoot as good but I do think the ability to see around corners and over stuff is worth the trade off.
As for weapons I have only unlocked the fast shooting low damage long range blaster (RT-97C I think). It's garbage too many hits to take down anything. I switched back to the standard blaster and had much better luck.
11-20-2015, 01:02 PM
Yeah I did a little 3p view, I think I started to get the hang of it and got some pretty decent K\D (this game seems far less likely to have 2-3 people always dominating the scoreboard)..
Definitely nice to see around and over things given the amount of cover on the maps.
I actually like that gun, the range and it has a quicker cooldown iirc.. I didn't notice if my kills fall off? I like flanking around the sides and unleashing surprise suppressive fire from a cover position..
I was kicking some ass on the air combat mode, just need to learn to hold the "lock on" button before firing and its pretty easy to rack up the kills.
11-21-2015, 12:51 PM
The last 5 servers I played on were locked to 1P... Finally got on one that allowed 3p this morning. I did better overall.
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11-23-2015, 12:40 PM
I plan on playing this soon and will keep an eye out for you guys online. Probably not this week though because I will be gone for the holiday.
12-02-2015, 10:54 AM
Battlefront December 1 Patch Notes:
General bug fixes for vehicles and physics improvements
Game modes balancing tweaks
HUD UI adjustments
Audio optimizations
General crash and stability fixes
Online traffic performance improvements
Various text fixes for all languages
General bug fixes for both Missions and Multiplayer
Legacy Controls should now work as intended
12-02-2015, 12:35 PM
Just reading that fix list mentioning crashes.... and it dawned on me, this is the first new game I can remember that isn't consistently crashing/freezing on me during its first few weeks......
However, it really sucks to not just have the old school server list or some type of filter system. About 2/3rds of the games it joins me to end up being unplayable for me due to a poor connection (which I can only assume means high ping)...
12-02-2015, 02:35 PM
I miss the server browser too. You can click show all games of each type and pick from a list.
Chad mentioned he couldn't get his joystick to work - wonder if that was fixed.
12-02-2015, 03:32 PM
My joystick works, but none of the buttons work (aside from the trigger), but I moved away from Logitech Joystick to a TM cause I was tired of the games having a problem with two logitech peripherals...
12-28-2015, 01:08 PM
Started playing this over the past week and am really liking the game. I was getting wrecked at first, but once I figured out the power ups and unlocked some of the better cards, I started doing a lot better.
A few gameplay opinions:
- The DL-44 blaster pistol is one of the best weapons. You can 2 shot people with it at close range, and they really have no chance unless they get a lucky headshot, or are using another close range gun. If they have a standard blaster or any other longer range gun, they are toast.
- For long range I like the EE-3 the best. I haven't unlocked this one yet, but used it on a lot of the AI missions.
- Scan pulse is my favorite charge card so far. Seeing where enemy players are before walking into an objective room is a major advantage. Those campers have no chance.
- Pulse rifle is a must on long distance maps. Being able to 1 shot that idiot that jump packed on top of a roof and is picking people off from range is nice.
- Having a grenade is another must. You just get a ton of kills with them. Impact grenade is nice for outdoor maps, but for indoor maps with lots of walls I prefer thermal detonator because you can bounce it off of walls and around corners.
- I read the tip about using 3rd person view, and I did find it to be a great advantage in this game, especially when you get up close to someone or are behind cover. The targeting didn't take long to get used to in 3P. I have also read that aiming down sight (right click) and crouching both offer no accuracy benefit, so 3P hip fire I think is the way to go.
- For experience, I seemed to earn a lot more on the smaller game modes like cargo and drop zone than on supremacy. I haven't tried walker assault yet though. I just found myself dying on the bigger maps too much so that I was less involved in combat and map objectives. I guess if you get a hero or vehicle, I can see how these maps would be better but I can never find them because the "pros" seem to always grab them right away. For now though, I have often been able to earn 10k+ experience per match on the cargo game mode.
12-29-2015, 08:24 AM
I have been running two grenades and I make sure to use them when off cooldown. Kinda spammy but I get a ton of kills that way. I prefer conquest style (supremacy/walker assualt) modes but I have done the droid run a bunch and the hero hunt is awesome for exp if you can be the hero. Otherwise it's just dying over and over.
11-15-2017, 10:33 AM
Have you been following the dumpster fire of a rollout of this game by EA? I wasn't planning to purchase it but I have watched some streamers and it looks much better then the first game. $59 for the game and if you want to play a premium hero like Luke or Darth you need to spend 100 hours of playtime to earn the credits needed (or spend $$ to open crates with no guarantee you will get credits). Following the backlash on reddit EA changed the cost of the heros by -75% BUT conveniently left out the fact they also decreased the amount earned by playing by -75% also..... lol
11-15-2017, 12:50 PM
Yeah read about it, I'm sure I will buy it but I was thinking I might wait a few months till its on sale for $40...
11-15-2017, 03:26 PM
11-15-2017, 04:33 PM
Good review. Won't buy until game is more unlocked and cheaper. This was my main complaint with Battlefield 1 - weapons unlocks took too much play time. I eventually paid the $20 to unlock all weapons and enjoyed it way more (but had to spent $$). The system in this game with cards and power-ups and weapons and heroes is just too much for a casual player.
11-17-2017, 09:13 AM
Yesterday they removed the ability to purchase tokens and loot boxes..... lol
11-17-2017, 01:06 PM
Yeah like hours before launch lol... Appears they are listening... looks like they may have learned at least something from past game launches..
11-17-2017, 03:42 PM
Little more critical review... seems like they took too many cues from the old COD power ups and pew-pew=points system and ignored the dynamics of more recent games success resulting from a game that encourages teamwork (OW, PUBG)
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