View Full Version : Battlegrounds
05-19-2017, 08:54 AM
A couple of guys from OIL have been playing "Battlegrounds" on Steam and I picked it up last night for $29.
The game is survival on an island with lots of guns. 100 players start each round and you play until there is 1 left. You earn credits for how well you place.
It's a lot like H1Z1 with notable differences. Lots of guns can be found in most buildings. As you play and more time goes on the area you must be inside of shrinks. This forces the game to move along and it's hard to camp because you must move to the area on the map or die.
You start in a plane and decide when to jump out as it flies over the island. If you jump right away you are over a city and it's a race to the ground to get inside a house and get a weapon. I would say 50% of the 100 players jump right away and it's a blood bath. I waited my first game and jumped over the county side. It took quite awhile to find a gun (lots of running) but I made it to 22nd place before I had to run to the zone where players where set up camping. I got 3 kills. The next 4 games I jumped earlier and died at 79th, 60th, and 85th (I suck). Interesting concept and you can join the game solo, coop, or squad (5 players).
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05-19-2017, 03:38 PM
Very enjoyable stream. A solo guy joins a 4 player team server.
05-23-2017, 12:52 PM
My only complaint is still how hard it is to identify targets, just something about the graphics that everything kinda blends in (and it doesn't help I had to crank my settings down just so I dont lag)... I feel like that was a big issue for me in H1N1... But I do like the tension that this level of realism creates, to the point that after one or two matches, i'm spent lol, its too stressful.
06-09-2017, 01:51 PM
Man, incrementally getting better, then I get some guy square in a my sites at 20 feet away and I cant hit shit. Played with some fun characters (DickieGreenLeaf your friendly battlegrounds cab driver lol, he had a thick raspy Bronx accent and talked nonstop, it was hysterical...) last night and 3 of us put up a valiant fight against a larger group that tried to ambush us from behind as we left a group of buildings... I died after finishing off two wounded guys with a shotgun, there were still more in the attacking group that knocked me and a squadmate down from range.. Then they tried to sneak up on our last squadmate and he got them... Fun and tension all rolled into one..
06-12-2017, 12:15 PM
This one made me laugh at the end.
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06-12-2017, 12:46 PM
lol i'm uninstalling
06-13-2017, 10:28 AM
Man, incrementally getting better, then I get some guy square in a my sites at 20 feet away and I cant hit shit. Played with some fun characters (DickieGreenLeaf your friendly battlegrounds cab driver lol, he had a thick raspy Bronx accent and talked nonstop, it was hysterical...) last night and 3 of us put up a valiant fight against a larger group that tried to ambush us from behind as we left a group of buildings... I died after finishing off two wounded guys with a shotgun, there were still more in the attacking group that knocked me and a squadmate down from range.. Then they tried to sneak up on our last squadmate and he got them... Fun and tension all rolled into one..
Funny the last two groups I have joined no one talked. Didn't stay together and we all just died super annoying.
06-13-2017, 01:09 PM
Yeah, same, and it seems most just jump into the bigger towns and cities with everyone else. I mean, I get it, might as well fight early on and just get it over with and die so you can start another game if you dont come out on top, but I hate that pressure of having to find a gun so fast because there are enemies in the next building... When my team does this I make sure I go to the periphery of the city thats our landing zone and try to give myself some space and time.
I'd rather head off to some smaller cluster of buildings, way off the flight path of the drop plane. I didn't know till this weekend that looking straight up while pressing W will take u the farthest when u drop out of the plane, wasn't doing it right at first.
I make it into the top 20 consistently but that's only cause I'm sneaky. Basically I feel like I collect a bunch of awesome stuff for the winner to have at the end... lol
06-15-2017, 01:25 PM
It was funny how long your avatar stayed in that game after you crashed. You were in the sidecar so I pulled into a warehouse to cover you and wait to see if you came back. Then the blue line started closing in again so I had to move.. We were flying across the map until i lost control and crashed, it instantly knocked me down to immobile, so I was going to die, but you basically dismounted into a standing position, but maintained the forward momentum we had on the motorcycle, so you went sliding off into the distance like you were on ice... lol I did a double take thinking you had come back...
06-15-2017, 01:30 PM
I wonder what place I got ;)
06-16-2017, 01:05 PM
There seem to be way to many people that are good at head shots or something, because I've hit people multiple times and they don't go down, then they get one shot off me and I'm down... like 90% of any gunfights I have at range turns out this way...
06-19-2017, 02:57 PM
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06-19-2017, 05:49 PM
Everytime I make it near the end I get trapped in a firefight with someone(s) and even if I end up alive I'm so far behind the circle I just die from zone damage. Finished #3 & #4(me) with a random-group, and our death was from being zoned out so we just gave it to the #1 & #2..
06-20-2017, 01:25 PM
I basically lost that #1 spot because I had the 2x scope equip on the scar and I zoomed in during close quarters firing... Man do I panic and just start clicking buttons when that happens... Should of kept the UMP equipped. I killed the #4 guy when I had him flanked and damaged him, but he fired back and hurt me. I bandaged real quick as he tried to flank around the little knoll we were on, and I stood up and just spray-n-prayed the whole UMP mag right as he attacked me... couldn't even tell what I was shooting at but one bullet hit him and it was enough to kill him lol..
Sniped #3 from a bush and then hurt #1 but didn't get him down. Tried to flank and then flailed the right mouse button when i didn't need it... sooooo close..
06-20-2017, 02:44 PM
Damn that is so close!
06-20-2017, 06:35 PM
I am going to put a big piece of tape across the top of my monitor that says "DON"T JUMP OUT OF CARS NO MATTER HOW SLOW YOU ARE GOING"......
06-20-2017, 07:11 PM
lol ikr
I was driving the boat alone to get to where my squad was and I jumped out as it hit the beach and incapacitated me...
09-08-2017, 08:47 AM
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I am so close! I still have trouble identifying targets. Been watching a couple streams and just trying to see other players.
09-13-2017, 10:01 AM
Two wins last night with zero kills lol. I did down about 4 guys and got several assists. Last week I got killed a couple times shooting guys that were down so I decided to stop shooting at downed guys and look for their teammates. Here is end of the 2nd win where we got lucky and were in the last two circles. Shot several guys swimming across the river and coming up the hill toward us. Last guy was so screwed with 3 v 1.
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09-13-2017, 01:11 PM
Thats probably a good strat. I definitely get "kill fever" and can get too focused during firefights and let people flank me and such. I think two of the best things with squads is to stay relatively close together so you can fight together.. The teams I've done well with would take good house positions so we could ambush people we saw... That and just a little communication keeping everyone informed where we are being attacked from. Thats been the big difference for me on the teams that win.
09-14-2017, 01:16 PM
Mike and I played a couple last night after the patch. Got 2nd place on our last duo game. I tried out and got a kill with the Tommy gun... decent but you can't put an optic on it. The new "fog" map type is interesting and definitely limits snipers.
09-17-2017, 02:10 PM
Newest version of Nvidia drivers allow for the video auto capture stuff within the game to work. Going to test it out.
09-19-2017, 09:51 AM
It's decent but only captures kills and when you die. We won a team game last night and I assumed it would capture the last minute of gameplay (I didn't get the last kill) but it didn't. I like that it auto records but wish like play tv it would record everything.
09-23-2017, 11:36 AM
1 kill win
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
09-25-2017, 01:06 PM
Nice, I hate those fights on the hilltops where its so open, but you can hide just over the horizon. So tough to see people thru the grass when you are crouched/prone.
09-25-2017, 02:15 PM
Nice, I hate those fights on the hilltops where its so open, but you can hide just over the horizon. So tough to see people thru the grass when you are crouched/prone.
Agreed. We have been playing our squad games in FP mode and that cuts down on the laying in the grass and shooting. You can still lay in the grass but you can't see anyone because you can't swing the camera up like in 3rd person.
10-04-2017, 11:10 AM
Use M16 single fire mode if you can keep over 6 clicks per second.
10-04-2017, 01:04 PM
I'm just below 6.
Is that faster than the actual auto fire. I find myself leaving them on single fire mostly.. My default is to pulse fire my trigger anyway... I will use the burst fire on occasion for close quarters on the guns that have it. But out in the open I feel like I fight the kick to much with auto so I leave it semi-auto.. Especially the AKM on full auto seems a waste.
10-04-2017, 02:40 PM
Yeah I use single fire mostly too. Except inside building then auto fire. Watch these two videos - very informative on the M16 high fire rate and the AK 5 shot burst.
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10-04-2017, 05:43 PM
Thats some good tips. I've trended towards the AKM just cause I'm so shitty with the guns I felt like if I did hit them I wanted the most damage but I may lean M16 now and see if my kills go up.
10-04-2017, 07:50 PM
I have a hard time with the recoil on the AK and usually go for the M4 but I can see how a 5 shot burst with AKM would be a good thing to learn. I usually try for a UPM with all attachments (makes it a laser) and a SKS. That's my favorite. Going to try to mix in the M16 now.
10-05-2017, 12:50 PM
Yeah I like the sks, and def go for the UMP, especially if I find a suppressor, and kinda dig the silenced tommy gun too. Although I feel like I can unload a clip on someone with the UMP and they dont die. I'll also grab the S12K, especially if I can put the ext-QD mag on it.
10-11-2017, 12:48 PM
I am horrible at crouch jumping.... probably because I have my crouch button on a toggle. Maybe I need to set another key up or use the keypad software to do it for me.
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10-24-2017, 01:34 PM
early access – week 31 – patch notes
- blue zone dot (damage over time) increases when characters are farther away from the play zone
- this principle does not apply to the first blue zone
bug fix
- resolved a bug where bullets would sometimes ignore armor
we have received a lot of feedback asking for improvement of the blue zone. We have decided to adjust the blue zone damage to encourage engagement inside of the play zone. From this new update, you will be able to focus more on the immediate, close-ranged skirmishes inside the play zone, instead of dealing with enemies outside of the play zone during the mid to late phases of the game. We would love to hear the responses regarding the changes from all members of our community once you’ve tried it in the test servers.
11-09-2017, 02:55 PM
This shit is ruining the game.
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11-14-2017, 01:12 PM
Watched some test server game play with vaulting and the new bullet drop mechanics.. Interesting to see that assault rifles don't do as much damage at long range.
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11-14-2017, 02:43 PM
Where is the bullet drop video?
11-14-2017, 02:52 PM
I haven't seen one yet but from a preview video I saw it's pretty much anything over 300m (3 grids on minimap) any AR will suffer significant drop and less damage. Scroll wheel now dims the red dot ect when zoomed in and actually zooms the 8x out to 4x which is cool.
11-15-2017, 04:24 PM
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11-22-2017, 08:20 AM
Test servers are back up. I am going to try the new patch.
Reduced the hit damage for hands and feet and increased the hit damage on thighs and arms.
The healing period for bandages has been reduced to 4.5 seconds from 8.5 seconds. The casting time and the amount of health restored are the same as before.
Players can now parachute and land on certain areas that were not previously accessible, including the outskirts of the island
Added markings for zeroing distances on 15x scope reticle texture
Added new 4x reticle for 7.62mm weapons
Added new 4x reticle for sniper and SMG weapons
Added blur effect on the outside of scopes
Bullets now penetrate water based on the velocity of projectile (the faster the velocity, more shallow the penetration)
Lowered camera position when proning in third-person
Decreased firing rate of SKS and Mini-14
Increased sprinting speed while holding DMR in hands (now as fast as assualt rifles)
Decreased recoil for Mk14
8x and 15x scopes cannot be attached to an M16A now
Added 2 new weapons.
- Added DP-28. DP-28 will be spawned in world. It has a 47-round pan magazine for 7.62mm. Sights and a 4x scope can be attached. It has low firing rate but a long effective firing range with high damage
- Added AUG A3. The AUG A3 can be obtained from care packages. It's a variant of a bull-pup assault rifle that uses a 5.56mm 30-round magazine as standard and 40 rounds when extended. It has high muzzle velocity, high rate of fire and low vertical recoil.
Kar98k will no longer be included in care packages. World spawn rate of Kar98k will remain the same
Applied a new font for English
Improved designs for in-game HUD, option window, inventory, menu screen, and system message box
Improved Solo/Team Play UI
- Moved health bars of team member(s) from the top left corner to the bottom left corner
- Changed colors and markings in the mini map, world Map, and team list UI
- Added indicators for team members to check their status (vehicle, parachuting, alive/dead, DBNO, connection status, etc.)
Improved interaction HUD
- If there is no more room left in the backpack, the font will turn red to show that items cannot be picked up
Improved the mini map and the world map
- Decreased the saturation of the mini map to further emphasize information of team members
- Adjusted the colors of the world map to increase visibility of markers and other information
- Players can check team members’ FOV direction through the world map and the mini map
- When team members get on the same vehicle, a single indicator will appear
Moved the kill log from the bottom left corner to the top right corner
Modified the design of the health bar to show the point for 75%. The bar will not turn red when health is below 75%
Added killcam feature that can be found in Settings. Now players can check killcams in the result screen
- For Duo and Squad modes, killcam can be checked after all team members have died
Changed the lobby music
Improved vehicle engine sounds
Added a sound that will be played around the edge of the blue zone
Added three different sound effects for the red zone
- Sounds of bombs being released
- Sounds of bombs falling
- Sounds of bombs exploding
Added sounds when character jumps into water. Sound will be different based on the speed
Added four languages: Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico) and Chinese (Traditional)
Bug fixes
Fixed camera jittering for passenger sitting on the back of a motorcycle with sidecar
Fixed the issue where animations are not played when bandages are used consecutively
Removed the pink circle that appeared on certain buildings when parachuting
Fixed the issue where shooting was possible when vaulting
Greatly reduced blurriness of the reticle while in ADS mode
We hope to get a lot of feedback on our second PC 1.0 test build!
12-04-2017, 10:13 AM
I got in a custom 6 player squad Twitch game on Saturday night with my work friend (Murlow) and his friends. We didn't win but we did kill the host (after he sniped me).
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12-08-2017, 11:33 AM
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12-08-2017, 02:07 PM
Looks beautiful... Is it up on test server? Might have some time to play tonight/tomorrow.
12-08-2017, 02:11 PM
Yes it's up. Watched a couple streams this morning. Early reviews - lots of cover inside towns but in the desert you need a long range gun. I won't be around until Sunday to try it. Winchester looks fun but iron sight only. Double barrel sawed off is a pistol....
12-11-2017, 01:02 PM
I think I got three rounds in, only saw a little bit of the map. Certainly less cover moving between structures, but also a little easier to pick out people from the background which I like. I didn't get to try any of the new guns.
12-12-2017, 09:21 AM
I have played about the same amount. I like the desert areas but you are now required to get a sniper rifle or get picked off. The cities are pretty busy with random debris everywhere making it harder to spot people. I see last night they patched to include the old map in the rotation on the test server. Now it's random which map you get.
12-14-2017, 01:00 PM
Watch the first minute of this..... I am going to go out on a limb and say the Xbox version may not be ready for prime time.
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12-14-2017, 01:01 PM
Yeah I read it was pretty glitchy... Sure hope the game makers dont implode from trying to grow to fast and stretch themselves to thin...
12-15-2017, 02:41 PM
Played a few more rounds. It could be completely random, but one thing that the lessening of trees and long distance cover seems to to encourage, is more combat early on?? Maybe just my experience so far. But on this map so far, as soon as my team has started moving to the first smaller circle, even when we were off from the planes flight path, we've gotten into firefights trying to move to the next town... Easier to see people so easier to set up an ambush earlier... Have been some good firefights, I almost got behind someone using my vault into a window but his buddy got me from behind going in the window.
12-15-2017, 05:14 PM
I think it's true there are more encounters early on in the game. I think it's because people stick to the roads because going offroad is much slower on the new map. I also think you can't just loot through the first circle and expect to make it before the blue comes like on the first map. We have been dropping into the Casino most rounds and that town is a real war zone. If you do make it out you will be well set up to win the game.
12-18-2017, 02:09 PM
I would never make this shot again.
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12-19-2017, 12:55 PM
Wow, killer shot
12-22-2017, 12:34 AM
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01-04-2018, 12:26 PM
I'm finally consistently getting kills.. although a good bob-n-weave and I fall apart.. lol
I'm getting lots of tearing recently on the new map in particular, I really need to upgrade my vid card I think, it sucks cause it will start out fine so I get half way thru a round and my squad is doing good and then it starts and I cant see anything farther out than a few feet..
01-04-2018, 12:32 PM
Heat related?
Get a 1070. I am looking to upgrade my monitor to a 144Hz now that I can get that FPS in most games with my 1080. Problem is bitcoin miners have driven up the prices on all Nvidia cards.
01-04-2018, 01:22 PM
Could be heat, I do probably need to do a case cleaning..
01-08-2018, 10:59 AM
Picked up a Acer Predator 27" 144hz with my Xmas cash and I gotta say 144hz gaming is pretty nice. I don't get over 110 in Pubg but the G Sync monitors adjust the frame rate to match so it's smooth. In Overwatch I can get 200 fps on Ultra so 144 on the monitor and it looks really nice.
I do have some heat issues with my set up. My 1080 runs really hot I might need more case fans. I haven't had any lockups but Pubg crashes once a play session and that might be heat related.
01-08-2018, 07:23 PM
Man when I look at 1070's on Amazon everything is still over $600... WOW...
I don't think I've ever paid over $400 for a vid card..
01-08-2018, 10:17 PM
Yeah damn bitcoin miners love the 1060 and 1070. I paid a bit over $400 for my 1080 but it was before the bitcoin craze. I would watch Craigslist for people selling off 1070/1080 to upgrade to the TI. Or I have see bitcoin miners that sell the 10 cards they have for reasonable amounts. Also prebuilt systems that include one. I think Brad got a 1070/i5 system for $600.
01-09-2018, 06:12 PM
Found a way to turn down the loud noises and bump up the foot steps in game. I always wondered how players are able to hear foot steps two buildings away. This is it.
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01-31-2018, 10:42 PM
A couple weeks ago a thread was posted on reddit about how to improve the desert map by Bluehole. Kinda cool to see they actually are making some of the changes suggested. The biggest one: more flat routes for vehicles. The 2nd biggest - more cover out in the desert. Can't wait to see how they changed the map.
Patch notes from tonight.
Miramar improvements
Added more buildings and cover across the map to improve the engagement experience
Added more off-road routes for easier vehicle navigation
Upgraded the item spawn level of certain areas for loot balancing (some areas will spawn better loot)
The replay system has now been updated to a newer version and past replay files cannot be played anymore
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where heal and boost items could be used underwater
Fixed the issue where characters would get stuck in certain areas on Miramar
Fixed the issue where wall textures on some Miramar buildings were not displaying correctly
Fixed the issue where certain buildings near by Hacienda del Patron were not displaying correctly
Thank you.
The PUBG Development and Community Team
02-01-2018, 02:29 PM
Thats cool, some more cover would be nice. I do find myself seeking out the few offroad paths that do exist on miramar when driving cross country.
I'm playing better lately, actually getting some multi kills in and having some cool intense gun fights.. Got another chicken dinner on Sat, my team was kicking ass but I actually won it by throwing a moltov cocktain at some dude hiding behind a tree.. lol oh that was so fullfilling lmao..
02-01-2018, 02:45 PM
Yeah I have had a couple 5+ kill games in the last couple weeks. Solos I get kills. Squads the guys I play with usually get all the kills. Here is a good multi kill I got the other day...
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02-01-2018, 03:07 PM
lol lead that sucker!!
04-27-2018, 10:12 AM
Tried the test server last night with the new stuff on it. Pretty cool. I am glad they are making DMR rifles good again. Using the M4 100% of the time because it was the best at everything was getting boring. Didn't get a chance to find the SLR (SKS like rifle) maybe this weekend.
04-27-2018, 12:53 PM
Yeah I have no prob when they add more nuance to guns and stuff.. The new attachments mix it up a little too.. Interesting optics they added.. I need to map a button to the "Hold Breath" key which I haven't used much since the DC days but it will probably be more important for long range shots now more than ever. Get a few rounds in per week but still like it... The events the last few weekends have been a really nice change of pace. Got in some great firefights with the 8 man teams. Cant wait for the new map.
04-27-2018, 03:43 PM
I would say learning to effectively use the hold breath key is a boost of 20% in skill. It also zooms to 2x magnification on the red dot and halo scopes. I still forget a lot but try to use it every time I take medium and long range shots.
04-30-2018, 06:27 PM
Really good edit.
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05-11-2018, 02:10 PM
I tried the new map last night on the "experimental server" (separate install). It's small! You definitely get in more gun fights and the SMG is the new best weapon. It's a different feel compared to the other maps - it's harder to land away from other players and loot up.
06-22-2018, 09:28 AM
New map is on the live server.
Favorite thing from the patch notes... lol
Weather in Sanhok changes dynamically.
Players can throw apples while waiting to board the plane in the in-game lobby.
06-22-2018, 12:46 PM
Yeah I saw that. Hope to try it this weekend in between getting ready for some camping...
I'm glad they tweaked the spawn rate because I've always panicked when I land with a bunch of other people and have to get equipped fast lol..
06-22-2018, 12:58 PM
There is no issue with spawns on the new map.... It's like 1.5x the normal rate. Stuff everywhere. I like the new gun too. Not sure if I will have enough time to play to make purchasing the event pass worth it but I might.
07-05-2018, 12:08 PM
Yeah its not the finding a gun part that makes me panic, its just the pressure of having to find one, get it equipped and loaded while I know there is a guy in the next room, etc...
I haven't been keeping up. Event Pass?
07-07-2018, 10:03 AM
I haven't been playing much but it appears that the Event Pass is a $9 purchase you need before you can start unlocking the missions (like kill 3 players in one round or use a grenade etc) on the new map. The missions are completed to get clothes and weapon skins.
08-01-2018, 10:41 AM
Pretty big patch today.
This patch features a ton of game changes and quality of life improvements including limb penetration, improvements to item stacking and weapon attachment UI, "Uncapped" FPS setting, dynamic weather on Erangel and Miramar and performance optimizations
08-09-2018, 09:54 AM
Fun Event this week:
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a grenade! In this week's "Dodgebomb" Event Mode, 10-person teams drop into Erangel with 20 frag grenades, a molotov, level 3 gear, and a pan. begins Aug 9, 7PM PST | Aug 10, 4AM CEST / 11AM KST.
09-10-2018, 02:22 PM
Got my first solo win a few days ago. I got an AWM from a drop and got a few kills with it, which was pretty fun.
I'm still up for playing this, so anytime you see me around on steam drop me a message.
09-12-2018, 05:01 PM
Yeah for sure. I try to play at least a couple games a week.
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