Time to look back at 2009 (before I post my "most anticipated flicks of 2010" thread).

Going with the same HIT/MISS format. Lots of flicks that unfortunately I wasn't able to see because (get this) having kids takes away from your movie watching time! Oh and that whole World of Warcraft bastard...

Anyway, here we go...


My Best Looking Movies:

March 6

I loved Watchmen, thought it was a very solid movie and had a lot going for it. However, it was looked at as a failure because it didn't make "Spider Man money". I'm saying this is a "HIT" because I think it was one of the more entertaining flicks of the year.

Budget: $130 million
Gross revenue: $185,248,060[2]

May 1
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I wanted so badly to love this movie, because I've enjoyed the 3 X-Men flicks so much. However this was a meandering mess of ADD that George Lucas could've been proud of. Considered a "HIT" because it was one of the biggest movies of the year, made a ton of money and has spawned spinoffs already.

Budget: $150 million
Gross revenue: $373,062,569

May 8
Star Trek

Big "HIT" here, probably the best movie of 2009. Outstanding on all levels, and an excellent reboot for the franchise.

Budget: $150 million
Gross revenue: $385,459,120

May 15
Angels & Demons

Haven't even seen it yet, but it was one of the biggest & most profitable movies of 2009, so this is a "HIT".

Budget: $151 million
Gross revenue: $485,900,330

May 15

Haven't seen it yet, but I've heard mixed reviews. It's a "HIT" because the movie almost made $100 million.

Budget: $42,000,000 (est.)
Gross revenue: $136,933,838

May 22
Terminator Salvation

Finally saw this flick a couple weeks ago and while it wasn't bad, these movies are starting to become embarrassing. This is a "HIT" because the move made a ton of money and was one of the biggest flicks of '09.

Budget: $200 million
Gross revenue: $372,046,055

May 29
Pixar's Up

Big "HIT" here, profited half a billion dollars and was an excellent movie.

Budget: $175,000,000[1]
Gross revenue: $683,004,164

June 5
Land of the Lost

The first "MISS" in my best films group, I heard this movie wasn't that good, and it lost over $30 million.

Budget: $100 million
Gross revenue: $64,815,040

June 26
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Wow. This is a "HIT" because up until Avatar came along it was the biggest movie of 2009 but wow, the 2nd viewing revealed what a crapfest it is.

Budget: $200 million
Gross revenue: $834,969,807

July 1
Public Enemies

Haven't seen this one yet, but I'm excited to. Decent reviews, profited $100 million, "HIT".

Budget: $100 million
Gross revenue: $201,400,000

July 10 (switched to November 11th)

Got bounced to November, and apparently it paid off...wow I had no idea that it made this much money! I haven't seen it yet but I want to...hear it's pretty crazy. "HIT"

Budget: $200 million
Gross revenue: $759,301,075

July 17
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Another huge "HIT", made tons of money but after reading the books I was very disappointed that they left a lot out (especially at the end omg).

Budget: $250 million
Gross revenue: $934,959,401

July 31
Funny People

2nd "MISS" of my "Best Films of 2009". Funny People had all the right stuff (Sandler, Apatow, cast, humor) but wasn't "40 Year Old Virgin" enough. I should've switched "I Love You, Man" and this one around...

Budget: $75 million
Gross revenue: $61 million

August 7
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

Sigh...now we come to this movie. I wanted to like this so bad...and I can't call it a "MISS" because it made tons of money and will spawn sequels. But it just should have been better. "HIT"

Budget: $170 million
Gross revenue: $301,060,793

August 21
Inglourious Basterds

ARGH. This is sitting at my house right now waiting for my wife & I to watch it. I can't wait! Big "HIT", made lots of money and got great reviews.

Budget: $70 million
Gross revenue: $319,131,050

December 18

I don't think I can be called "The Movie Guy" anymore because I haven't seen this! Can't believe it... waiting on finding time with the wife to see it...too damn busy.

#2 most grossing film of all time, has profited over a BILLION dollars...and everyone that has seen it is amazed. I cannot wait. Huge "HIT".

Budget: $237,000,000
Gross revenue: $1,341,694,147

My Worst Looking Movies:

February 27
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience

"It currently ranks as the worst of the year at IMDB and is one of the lowest rated films. But because the film is categorised as documentary, the film cannot enter the bottom 100 IMDB films" I think that classifes this as a "HIT" (meaning it was one of the worst films of 2009)

April 8
Dragonball Evolution

"On Rotten Tomatoes it scored an 13%" and "It was nominated for a 2009 Spike TV Scream Award for "Best Comic Book Movie" made $57,497,699 but as a whole it is considered a bad movie so I'm calling this a "HIT".

April 10
Hannah Montana: The Movie

I can't in good conscience call this one of the "worst" movies of 2009 because it did everything to hit it's target audience. Critics couldn't destroy it because it wasn't all THAT bad, and it made a ton of money. While I wouldn't put this in the best movies category, it can't be called one of the worst. "MISS"

Budget: $35 million
Gross revenue: $155,525,718

July 24

I just can't believe that this movie didn't fail miserably. I can't say it was one of the worst even though it is generally considered "bad". Plus (and this is just blasphemy) it made like 200 million dollars! "MISS"

Budget: $82.5 Million
Gross revenue: $281,220,252

December 25
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel

I still haven't learned my lesson with these "worst" movies...and I certainly should know better now that I have kids. This movie is probably garbage, got terrible reviews, and yet finds a way to make $200 million. "MISS"

Budget: $70 million
Gross revenue: $283,696,751

My Movies that could surprise:

January 16
Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Still haven't seen it but I've heard it was pretty funny. Made tons of money, so it's definitely a "HIT" in this "could surprise" category.

Budget: $70 million
Gross revenue: $283,696,751

February 6

Ouch. Big "MISS" here...

Budget: $8 Million
Gross revenue: $942,401

March 20
I Love You, Man

Very much a surprise of 2009, made $91,411,693, and I thought it was a great movie. "HIT"

March 27
Monsters vs. Aliens

Big "HIT" here, should've put this on my "Best of 2009" list. Dreamworks animation has been pretty solid lately. I've heard the movie isn't THAT great, but if it makes this much money, it's a "HIT".

Budget: $175 million
Gross revenue: $383,466,116

April 3
Fast & Furious

Gigantic surprise here, $300+ million...I guess going back to the original cast did the trick. Mixed reviews, but tons of money so "HIT".

Budget: $85 million
Gross revenue: $407,085,500

June 19
Year One

Not sure if I can call this a hit because it didn't surprise in 2009. It barely made it's money back and I've heard it's just okay. "MISS"

Budget: $60 million
Gross revenue: $60,236,431

August 14
District 9

Wow, this movie was the definition of a "surprise hit". I have District 9 sitting at home waiting for me... I'm so excited! "HIT"

Budget: $30 million
Gross revenue: $204,570,836

September 9

I'm still very excited to see this one, but it's gotten mixed reviews and has barely made any money so I can't call it a surprise hit of 2009! "MISS"

Budget: $30,000,000
Gross revenue: $41,859,395

September 11

I remember putting this on the list thinking "there is no way this movie is going to be any good." And according to the reviews, it isn't. "MISS"

Budget: $35 million
Gross revenue: $12,201,122

September 18
The Informant

I've heard that this is a good movie, but it didn't really blow the doors off the theaters. "MISS"

Budget: $22 million
Gross revenue: $35,424,826

September 25
The Surrogates

Ouch. Looked good, but then people started seeing the trailers for "Avatar" and were like WTF why should i see this ripoff instead? (I know it was a comic, but still). This is kinda like the "Deep Impact" effect...remember that? Armageddon was coming out so a competing studio made a similar meteor movie to be released 3 months before the big meteor movie just to steal some of it's money. Anyway, this movie lost money and apparently was just okay. "MISS"

Budget: $80 million
Gross revenue: $60,556,354

October 16
Where the Wild Things Are

This is a tough one. I've heard that the movie is very original and entertaining, but it's lost money and has gotten mixed reviews. I thought this one was going to be a huge surprise hit ($200+ million) but it wasn't. "MISS"

Budget: $100 million
Gross revenue: $75,623,126

November 6
A Christmas Carol

I don't know how this movie made money. With a budget of almost $200 million, it still found a way to make $100+ million. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm sure it could be good but it didn't really look all that impressive to me. "HIT"

Budget: $175–200 million
Gross revenue: $318,536,788

November 20
Sherlock Holmes

Wow, I've heard it's a helluva movie, sequels already in production and made a ton of money. Yeah, a surprise hit of 2009. "HIT!"

Budget: $90 million
Gross revenue: $296,453,093

The Road

Has received favorable reviews, and I've heard it's quite good but it's definitely a miss because it lost money and apparently nobody went out and saw it! "MISS"

Budget: $20 million
Gross revenue: $7,108,432


So far the scoreboard is as follows:

Best movies of 2009: 14/16
Worst movies of 2009: 2/5
Surprise movies of 2009: 7/15
For a total of: 23/36, 64%